Friday, June 30, 2017

Rachael Mushala Chisulo Dreams, Visions, Warnings and Visitations from Jesus Christ.

Rachael Mushala Chisulo
   Below are Dreams, Visions, Warnings and visitations from Jesus Christ to Rachael Mushala Chisulo from Lusaka, Zambia.The Lord has been warning Christians and humanity at large concerning the entry requirement to the kingdom of God which is Holiness.  Read these accounts prayerfully, testing each with scripture.

DISCLAIMER: I am not Sister Rachael Mushala neither am I Zipporah Mushala . I'm a Brother in Christ who has taken up the responsibility of spreading the warnings that our Lord, Christ Jesus, is now giving to all Heavenly-minded Believers. You can find Sis Zipporah Mushala on facebook as well as her sister Rachael Mushala Chisulo. Their website is Glofire convention.

While reading the testimonies, I'm sure you have come across a few typos. This is because I don't edit these testimonies. They are exactly as they are written by Rachael Mushala. I neither add nor subtract anything. If you feel led to print a few copies of the testimonies and give them out, please don't change a thing. Let us fear The Lord.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


When we hear that someone has died, we never think that we can aIso easily die. This past week, a very dear beloved passed on and that made me realize that this life on earth is totally useless and that all these things we stress over daily are of no use to our real selves, our spiritual man who will vacate this earthly tent we are living in when God says our time to prove our commitment to Him is done.
You and I tend to think we are too special to die and that other people can die but not us. But God is not a respecter of persons. When God makes so many promises about how He will use us, we relax and think we have a long way to go. But you can die even without those promises being fulfilled. You may be praying for God to give you something and after He gives you what you are asking for you can die even two days later. God answering your prayers or making promises about how He is going to use you is not an assurance of a long life. You can die even without those promises being fulfilled. We should always be ready for death just like the rapture. It is not for us to know about where she has gone because we all have our relationship with God . She also had hers and we are not her judge but God is.
This post is meant to wake us up and show us that we are not permanently here in earth and we can leave suddenly. This young Lady was only 28 years old and a new mother of a 3 weeks old baby. Death was not on her budget, she wanted to live a long life like any of us and raise a family. She was a human being just like us and there was nothing different that she did from us to deserve death. On Tuesday 7th March God told someone that there is a spirit of death. The message was prayed against but not seriously, with people saying that Satan could do nothing and she laughed about it including herself that Satan could do nothing . We should never take these messages lightly at all. We even have to fast and destroy the plans of the devil when such a message comes. This message was taken very lightly as most people take visions etc. Thinking it could not materialize. Satan has got no power YES but only when we seriously pray against him. If God knows that Satan cannot harm us, He would not be giving visions to His children to protect us.
On Wednesday 8th March which was Women's day, she woke up like any of us, not knowing she would be in the mortuary before the day ends. She was not at all sick but was normal. In the evening, she started saying that her leg hurt. When she stood up to try and walk, she fell down and collapsed dead as if it was a joke. She was rushed to the hospital and the Doctor said, “The person you have brought here is long gone. You have just brought a body." and He immediately transferred her to the mortuary.
That could have easily been any if us! Who are You and Who am I not to die? How special are we? She had no control over her death and so are we. We can't stop ourselves from dying when the time comes. We were totally in shock and thought that maybe God was just trying to teach us that we should take warnings from Him very seriously when He speaks and that she would wake up. She did not wake up. I said," Surely God, this is not how her life was destined to end. She can't just end like its a joke."
So four of us decided to go to the mortuary on the day of the Burial. We woke up very early before people could come and put her in the coffin. We wanted to pray to God for mercy so that maybe He could raise her from the dead and bring her back to life. The mortuary attendant attended to us and took us to the mortuary and pulled out her tray. I have never seen a dead body first hand and it was so shocking. She was frozen and the ice was even on her face. We started interceding for God to have mercy and to bring back her soul from the dead. It was so shocking because you could see that she was empty. You see that she had no soul and the body was just like an empty container. The person inside was gone. We touched and anointed her whiIe she was in the cold room.
We anointed her head, eyes, ears, etc and prayed to God. We called out her name and commanded her to hear the voice of God and commanded her soul to come back from the dead in the name of Jesus Christ but nothing happened. I reminded God that He is the God that allowed Linda Ngaujah to come back and that He should allow her to come back too. I reminded Him that He brought back Lazarus when he was taken to Bonkee's crusade, but God was quiet. We don't know why God chooses to resurrect certain people but its His divine mercy and that is just for some people whom He chooses. It is not something guaranteed. The Bible says it is appointed ONCE for man to die not twice. We pleaded with God but she did not wake up.
God taught us that we should utilise this chance here on earth. If you still have that lie from the devil in your head that you will do as you Iike and then when you die you will be prayed for and come back to life, get rid of it. Once you are dead, you are gone into the spiritual realm either to Heaven or to Hell. Often times, we have the chance of telling People the word of God but we don't utilize it for example when you are sitting next to someone in a Bus on a journey. But this sudden death and seeing her as she was being lowered in the grave brought the reality of how we can die suddenly. When travelling back from the funeral, I could not just sit next to the person I was sitting without telling then about sin and Hell. Over 90% of the people in the world are not living a Holy life. Thy say they are Christians Yes but are they worthy before God? It would feel so bad to know that you sat next to someone for hours and had the knowledge that would have saved them from Hell but you decided to keep quiet. It was a 7 hour journey and I told him about sin and Hell, about secular music secular Tv etc. All you have to do is tell them. Whether they decide to obey or not is between God and them but it has been recorded in Heaven that you told them .

Friends, when you die, you will be all alone to explain before Jesus why you did what you did here on earth. The people who were influencing you will not be with you. Everyone will leave you alone at the grave and go back home. There are more demons in human form on this earth than real humans. The Lord has said this many times. Majority of The people you have come to trust and call friends are actually demonic creatures from the pit of hell in human disguise They come to earth and are born in form of humans so that they can influence us and take you and I to hell. They make you laugh at dirty jokes, they pressure you to sin and they are the majority in this world so you feel like you should do what the crowd is doing. It was very hard to understand how there are more demons than humans on earth but as the Lord pointed them out in our daily lives, they were so many that his we no longer ask who is a demon but rather, who is a human. This is hard to fathom but if you ask the Lord in prayer, He will faithfully help you understand. Ask Him to open your eyes friends. Don't think that it is someone far away. They are the 'people' you are found with everyday! They also pretend to pray but they are demons destined for doom. They are doomed and they want you to be doomed along with them. Thy look just like humans and thy do everything humans do! They just want to get you close to you. It is a game of numbers. It looks like everyone is doing this and that but its actually demons setting trends. Don't follow the majority because the majority is going to Hell.

Saturday, June 17, 2017


While in prayer,the Lord Jesus Christ came and took my spirit to Hell. This section the Lord took me to was so huge, wide and deep that I literally looked and felt like a little insect. I could look into the distance and see only as far as my eyes could allow. Yet this was not the whole of Hell but just a section.
Isaiah 5:14 ”Therefore Hell has expanded herself and has opened her mouth beyond measure; Their glory and their multitude and their pomp, And he who is jubilant shall descend into it.”
The Lord made me stand on something up above so that I could see the vastness of this section of the abyss. There was also a huge wind crackling the fire in Hell and this strong wind was hot and filled the whole place so that I continuously felt like this wind would make me fall inside. I kept moving from side to side. It pushed me this side and that side. Only the presence of the Lord kept me still standing. It was forceful. There was also a pulling force such that if not for the Lord, I would have been sucked right into the roaring fire.
Those that fall in this place are pulled in whether they like it or not. It was like magnet that you have no power to fight.
The Lord then made me descend so that we could see the activity in this section. I saw that the walls were black because of the fire. I also saw a woman in what looked like huge round pot (a cauldron). It looked like it was made if stone and it was full of lava boiling like thick porridge. This woman was in this pot and the Lord made me see why she was in this kind of torment.
He brought to my attention that she was wearing trousers, had artificial hair on head, and had on nail polish. She kept disappearing under the lava and up again. When she appeared, she had no body but just bits of flesh and pieces of ripped clothes hanging to her bones. Then she would form again. When I looked at the things that took her to Hell, I was surprised because firstly, the trousers she was wearing was faded due to it being old, her nail polish had even worn off and her wig looked old and worn out.
The Lord is Holy and nothing unholy shall enter His Kingdom. These same things that she clang to on earth, as old as they look landed her in Hell for eternity.
Then the Lord showed me a stage filled with magicians and musicians. I also saw on this stage people who performed at circuses.
Some were clowns, some were magicians and some were writers of magic books. The Lord told me that all magicians and those who get entertained by them are headed to Hell. They call this magic tricks but the Lord said this is evil and not as innocent as they make it seem. He said even anyone reading these magic tricks or trying to perform them is headed to the same place. I also saw those who posed in dressings like ancestral spirits and performed dances at traditional ceremonies (Makishi dancers).
The last time, the Lord showed me Michael Jackson, he was in a cell but this time, he had been moved to this section of Hell. He was on this stage too as well as other musicians from different races and continents and music types.
The stage they were on was filled with different colours of lights and the demons made it like Cinema. They actually sat on chairs in a dark place. They sat to watch and were forcing these people to perform like they used to do on earth. They did not want to do it anymore because they were in torment but the demons would run to the stage and torment them saying ”Entertain us! You can do better that this. This is not how you used to do it on earth!"
The Lord showed me among the musicians, Michael Jackson and as they were forcing him to dance, a huge machine was lowered and it plucked both of his hands off from his shoulders and he started jumping for them. His hands were hanging from this machine and the fingers on the hands kept opening and closing as if they were beckoning him ' get me! get me!' In hell, It is as if your other body parts are still alive even though not connected to the rest of your body. It was such a sorry sight to see his handless body trying to jump for his hands which were hanging up in the air from the machine.
Hell is a real place and that is where you and I are going if we do not live righteously to the end. When we fall, we should always stand up. Remember the story of the prodigal son. Jesus is ever waiting for us with open arms and will never cast anyone away. He loves us and that is why He is warning us about the place Satan wants to deceive you and I into by clinging to the things of this world. Remember to seek the Lord every day in prayer, in worship and in reading the word that we may overcome. Without these, we will not have our armor and will be overcome.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


The Lord showed me how some people will miss the great banquet because of false doctrines and the friends they are associating with.
In a vision of the night, I saw that there were people gathered at an event (I understood that it represents a Church). After this event was done,all who were present were invited for some refreshments at a certain place where there was a great banquet.
Everyone would have loved to go there because I saw that this place was very very huge and had a variety of foods,some which they had never even seen. They were also to sit as invited guests and food was to be served to them as if they were royalty. The only problem was that this banquet was very far and the road was bumpy and had a lot of dust. It was not a tarred highway but a gravel road with many potholes.
I understood this as trials,tribulations,persecutions and temptations.
I saw that everyone who was at that event had prepared many ways of how to get to that banquet. Some had cars,some were on buses and some were on foot etc. They all believed they would get there. This means different beliefs. Yet the Bible tells us that there is only one way. Only the Holy Spirit can help you find this way because He is the One who shows the way. And Jesus is the way. Only those who are truly baptised by the Holy Spirit are in the right way. It is not about being in a certain Church.
Some were even in buses and cars with other people which means they thought they could move at the pace other people were moving. Don't look at your friends because it is a personal journey.
I saw someone who was waiting for her friend so that they should go together to the banquet using a certain car. She was patiently waiting,trusting that her friend will carry her along but she tricked her. What she did not know was that her friend was a demon in human form and had made her stand on the roadside thinking she will be picked up just so that she could miss the banquet. She made it seem as if they will be going together but she was going nowhere because she was a demon in human form.
This means that she influenced her while also posing as if she is a Christian and is going to Heaven yet doing worldly things. The standing on the roadside means she paused in the spirit. She stood instead of moving forward. The Bible says light and darkness can not move together and it also says that what friendship is there between God and Satan? Wrong friendships will make you fall. Don't hang on to them. Are they more precious than Jesus?
Personally I have had to give up majority of my friendships. Even with people I thought were my prayer partners but where wolves in sheep's clothing and the Lord said they had been sent to bring me down. I am not just telling you excluding myself. Hell is real and that is where they want you to go. You can only be able to let go of these friendships when you ask God to help you in prayer consistently.
God in the Bible does tell us to evangelise to the lost but evangelism and friendship are two different things. Friendship means you have things in common and that is what your friendship is built upon. As it is said, 'birds of a feather flock together.'
And in this case this is a demon and not even a human remember? I am saying this for those who like to discredit testimonies for the purpose of misleading the children of God. Posing as Angels of light and yet are the demons themselves in human cover firing arrows to take people to Hell.
I saw that she stood there for a long time and then, she saw her friend. She was crying and saying, "You promised that we would go together but now you have made me miss the banquet!"
Her 'friend' pointed and said but there is another banquet near by. It was nearby which meant that it is easy to go there and I understood it as Hell. The Bible says the way is broad and easy to walk in.
I also saw many people walking in the streets. They looked relaxed and were walking lazily about. I saw that this street was filled with demons that looked like humans and these were selling food on the street. The people were buying and eating.
I also saw that they were aware that there was great banquet somewhere but they thought it was too far and so they decided to buy common food. These have been deceived by the devil to think that Holiness is something that can not be followed and that is why they think the banquet is too far for them. Food stands for the word of God and so I understood it as false teachings and doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1-4).
These are the teachings for example, you are saved by grace and so you can do anything you want. But Romans 6: 1-2 tells us, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that Grace may abound? Certainty not! How can we who died to sin live any longer in it?'
Those who also love to excuse sin by saying that God looks at the heart and not on the outside. There is no way you can say I am holy in my heart but dress like a harlot on the outside. There is no way you can say you love someone in your heart but then slander them on the outside. No, what is inside is what comes to be seen on the outside and faith without works is dead.
These are going to the banquet of the devil and all those following these teachings. We need to evangelise to them and pray that they may see the light. Really doing the action of evangelising and praying. The Bible says be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

God has prepared for us a banquet in His Kingdom. A banquet of glory and riches and eternal life. But Satan has also prepared a banquet. A banquet of fire and sulphur and brimstone. Where will you dine?

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


In this post I want to share some things about demons in human form which the Lord has been showing me. If we do not know how they work,then we can not know how to pray against them. That's why the Lord is enlightening us that we may not be overcome He has also been showing these things so that we know that demons in human form are real and they are not human at all but just demons with a human like body so that they can work their mission. If He didn't want us to know about them, then He would not have revealed that they exist in human form. Therefore,they must be exposed.
These are just a few among others.
1. The Lord showed me something very shocking. He showed me demons in human form changing their body parts. It was like they had an expiry date! He showed me a prominent person here in my country (name withheld) and she was supposed to talk in public at a certain event. I saw other demons which were in their real form and not in human form all around this demon. They were changing its body parts! They removed its inside parts, intestines and changed them. They also removed its ribs and put new ones. I heard them saying, "Especially the ribs, the ribs! If we don't change them, very soon they'll start to smell and they will notice that we are not human." I saw them handing the body parts to each other Some were passing on the body parts and some putting.
2. The Lord showed me a waterfall but at this waterfall, I saw something shocking. I looked and standing in the water were men in suits! They were dressed very smartly as though from work. They were playing in the water and pushing the water with their hands laughing in a playful way. The atmosphere had an evil feel and there were cricket like sounds and a thick forest like arrangement around the place. It was haunting. The Lord told me those actually exist in real life and are pretending to be human. He had allowed me to see them in their suits like that so that I know that in this world, they pretend to be normal people who even work but this is what they really are instead. Creepy demons.
3. I was between sleep and wakefulness and the Lord showed me a close family relative. However, He also showed us that she had joined witchcraft. We have reached out many times to her but she has rejected the word of God. So as I was between sleep and wakefulness, I saw that she died. The Lord was showing me that the time of her death is near. When I saw her, I could even tell that her soul was not in her body and she looked like an empty container. When I saw her, I also knew she had gone to Hell.
Then I saw someone I know. The Lord had earlier already shown me that he is a demon in human form.
The way the devil is, he will use you to destroy people and then mock you and torture you in Hell. The devil has got no friend.
This 'person' came and stood near my bed with his hands in his pocket. He said, "She has died? Am so sorry, let me help you pray so that none of you may be like her " He was meaning us the family members not being like her as in joining witchcraft,dying and going to Hell.
However, even when he said, "am sorry," you could tell it was fake and he was mocking because he had a smile on his face. He was jubilating at her death because they had won her soul.
Then he began to pray, " I pray that all of you become like her!" As he was praying he was also making movements with his hands as if sprinkling something in the room although what he was sprinkling was invisible.
The Lord was showing me that when demons pretend to pray for the sake of looking human, to someone who is listening, it may sound like they are genuinely praying but in reality in the spirit, they are saying words opposite of what you are hearing. So he allowed me to really hear what this demon was saying. He had told me "Let me help you pray so that none of you become like her" but he actually prayed the opposite and sprinkled some evil things in the room. So even in church when demons in human form are pretending to pray for the sake of looking human, they are actually saying the opposite and chanting.
A few days later I met this demon in real life after that encounter in the spirit. Though he usually talks to me in order to pretend to be human, this time he did not pretend but outrightly ignored me and has never spoken a word in real life to me upto this day. The Lord allowed him to behave that way so that I can really see that he is not human.
The other time, the Lord showed me another demon in human form sleeping on a bed and as I looked, it lifted both its legs and hands to touch the ceiling board with them. They could reach the ceiling board which is so high while it slept on the bed. They are not human at all but are demons with supernatural powers.
Brethren, we are really in a spiritual war and we need to put on the WHOLE armour of God as written in Ephesians 6:10-18. Demons are fighting for our souls and we need to make sure that we hold tightly to our saviour Jesus because He is our only hope for salvation. Never follow anyone but follow Jesus only. He is the way the truth and the life.


Sunday, June 11, 2017


In a vision of the night, the Lord showed me a Christian woman. She was on the road and as she was walking, she met a certain young man and she told him, "Follow me." But the young man just gave her a glance and walked in the opposite direction, to go about his own business.
From this I understood that by her telling him 'follow me' she meant to heaven where she was going but the young man didn't seem to care about the things of God or put them to heart as something important and just lived his life without considering God.
We need to live a life with eternity in view and not just focusing on earthly things that will soon pass away. The scripture says that what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul.
Then I also saw that there was a Leopard which was terrifying people around this area where the woman was. It was always roaming and hiding in strategic places so that it could pounce on people. It didn't seem to be like other normal animals which eat and are satisfied for some time but as soon as it killed one,it looked for another. It also didn't look like a normal Leopard but when you looked, you could tell it was a Leopard. Its mouth was covered with blood.
I understood this as the beast of Revelations 13: 2 for it says, " Now the beast I saw was like a LEOPARD, his feet were like the feet of a bear,and his mouth like the mouth of a lion..."
I saw that everybody was terrified of this Leopard and many people had gathered in one big house to hide away from it. They also put a huge and thick door to prevent it from entering. I heard one of them saying,"You really don't know this Leopard !Even if you put this huge door, his claws will pierce through the wood." This means that it had great strength.
2 Thessalonians tells us that " The mystery of lawlessness is ALREADY at work and only He who restrains it will do so until He is taken out of the way"
The bible tells us that the devil is already secretly at work and is waiting for the time when he can fully manifest that is after Jesus has taken His saints from the earth.
Then the scene changed and I saw a house surrounded by a fence that looked like it was made from the material used in making wedding veils (The purity of the bride,undefiled from the world.)
At that house, I saw a man washing clothes. There were two people with him talking as he washed. Then I saw the Leopard again. It hid around corner of the house so that these people should not see it. Then someone shouted, a Leopard, a Leopard! The person kept shouting ( Servant of God warning people).
Then I saw that those two who were talking to the man washing heeded the warning and ran with all their might and climbed up the fence and held on tight to the veil ( This means that they were warned about the tribulation and were kept safe from the Leopard because they listened and held on the veil that is, they kept themselves undefiled from the things of the world).
Then I heard a sound like the cooing of a dove (The Holy Spirit). He was cooing "Coo-coo-coo, let the groom prepare to take His bride!"
Revelations 22:17 also shows us that the Holy Spirit wants Jesus to come back and take His bride.
It says, "And the Spirit and the bride say Come! and let everyone who hears say Come!..."
The rapture will happen on an ordinary day according to the bible. You will be doing your daily activities and suddenly, the rapture will happen and you will be left behind if you are still taking the things of the Lord as a joke.
I also looked and I saw that the man who had been washing had frozen. He had frozen like a statue and could not move. I understood that this man represented those who hear the warnings of God and do nothing about it. He was left behind with the Leopard.
And I heard someone saying, "The Leopard doesn't need reason to kill. All he wants is blood."
The great tribulation is waiting for you and I if we don't run the race with all our might. We need to only focus on Jesus and heed His warnings.
The Lord also showed me people who are going to Hell right now, with smiles on their faces. They don't know they are a few minutes from death and falling into Hell. They have smiles on their faces because they don't know that their life is not pleasing to God and will be in Hell in a few minutes.
The Lord looked like He was in great agony and was crying like one greatly pained. He said, "Please, pleassseee evangelise. Tell EVERYONE to evangelise. Go and knock on people's doors and evangelise, go in the streets and evangelise."
"Are you ashamed of me? Are Satan's servants ashamed to do his work? Go and evangelise. Your reward will be more than worth it. I tell you that you won't regret it because your reward will be more than you expect."
"Would you rather you are comfortable sitting at home in your chairs holding the truth with you when someone else will never know rest for all eternity? Go and evangelise. If you love me, go and evangelise because this is my desire."
John 14:15 says, “If you love Me, keep my commandments."
He then showed me a family. They looked like really nice people. I saw the children watching secular Tv cartoons and the Father was sleeping on a chair in a drunken posture. The Mother was sitting in kitchen and chatting with a friend. They were talking about which artificial hair type is better than the other.
I felt so sorry to see this site. They didn't know God as He should be known and worshipped that is, in holiness.
The Lord told me, you see, these people no matter how nice they are are going to Hell. They need to know me. Tell my people to evangelise morning,day and night. Satan never stops working so why should you?
People go to church but go back and live worldly lives. They are deceiving themselves. Go and tell them the truth! Tell my children that this is my greatest desire. I want to see them evangelising and not just saying that they will evangelise. I want them to have a passion for souls to be saved.

Saturday, June 10, 2017


October 2015
As I slept at night,an Angel of the Lord,Angel Gabriel appeared to me.He was very tall,very huge and very muscular.He said, “Peace Child of the Most high.” Immediately,I came out of my body and stood next to him.I thought we were going somewhere in the Spirit but we remained right there in my room. He said, “I want to show you something” then he touched my window. Names appeared and there were other words under the names. He said “These are true Christians according to the will of the Father but look what will happen” As I looked at one of the names,I began to see this person.
As I looked,this person was overcome by fornication.I was very shocked. Then he said, “Look at this other one” I looked at another name and I began to see. I saw that this girl did not want to fall into fornication but she did! I screamed and said “Sir why are this people falling so easily yet they are Christians?” I noticed that he allowed me to touch him just as the Lord Jesus does.He said “Look!” Under the people’s names,I saw names of their boyfriends/girlfriends and also the sins they were likely to commit because of them. He said,”Such relationships do not please the Father.
Many people date without intentions of marriage or when they are not even ready for marriage.That is how fornication comes about.” He said, “Some people even start compromising on the word of God and even holiness because of these relationships. That is disgusting to the Father.They engage in acts of fornication hoping they will find a husband. Don’t they know that all the good things come from the Lord according to James 1:17? For they should seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness first and all these things that they desire will be given to them.”Matthew 6:33 He said “Because of their impatience, many people are regretting now and some have even married Agents of the devil who will do anything to bring them down and take them to hell! Many people say ‘this guy is crazy about me!’ But they are not crazy about you.They are crazy about silencing the call of God on your life and taking u to hell!”
He touched me on my shoulder and said,”The Lord is offering humanity a deal.Let them see the goodness of the Lord and if they do not like it, they can go back to their ways for the Lord does not force anyone ” Immediately, a scroll appeared in his hand. It was was so long that I couldn’t even see where it ended. Gabriel said,”These are places in heaven that have never been visited before. The Father is willing to show them to anyone who will ask”Matthew 7:7.”Many people think that these revelations are not for them but the Father is eagerly waiting to show them. Go and tell them to ask.” Joel 2:28.I saw that his face was full of the glory of God yet I could see his eyes. They were full of tenderness. His face was full of love I don’t know how a face can be full of love but it was! “Tell the Children of the most high that he is ever looking out for them.Let them fear nothing not even the little demons and the devil.

On my way here,they tried to attack me but the Lord has given us his servants and you his children power over them.Fear not!” He touched me on my shoulder and said,”Daughter of the Most high,peace be with you ” but before I could say anything, he vanished.These are the words of the Lord according to Angel Gabriel.He who has an ear,let him hear.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


John 3:18,"He who believes in Him will not be condemned.But he who does not believe has been condemned already,for he did not believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
I saw a street Hustler in the pit of Hell.He was one of the young men who move around finding passengers for Buses and also selling a few things on the streets.However,he was dead and in the pit of hell. The Lord showed me that he was in that section of hell for intimidating others.
Anyone can go to Hell even street vendors! The devil is interested in the souls of all humanity.
Ephesians 4:29 says"Let NO CORRUPTING TALK come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."
His Character on earth had not been godly as the bible instructs us to be. Instead,he was always breaking out into fights with his friends and also other people. He was always insulting and cheating people out of their money. He was Physically strong and so he used that to step down on others. Then he died and went to Hell.
I saw him tied down on a table and he was facing up. Then demons began torturing him.I saw demons holding a Saw. They wrapped his whole face in barbed wire and then began to saw it away! Another demon started Sawing him from the feet all the way up. As soon as they Sawed his whole body away,it would reappear and they would do this all over again.In Hell,he was no longer Strong but Weak.He was trying with all his might to get away but the demons kept pushing him down and laughing.
They would also pluck out his whole eyeball and then show it to him using his other eye. Blood was oozing from his eye.They were also plucking out his teeth with a Pliers and also make a lot of Cuts on his body.
Those cuts were because he had gone to a Witchdoctor on earth who made traditional tattoos on his body. Those are evil and demonic,repent of that if you are guilty! No amount of tradition can protect you,only Jesus can,run to him!
He also used to wear earrings and they were also cutting him for that.1 Peter 3:3 tells us to stay away from outward adornments.
He was in unimaginable torments all at once in Hell. They also cut off his Private parts and stuffed them in his mouth. But they were full of worms with sharp teeth! This is because he committed fornication with a lot of girls in his area.
His whole body was rotting and flies from Hell buzzed all over it.When they landed on him,they would pierce him with their sharp teeth and he would scream.He was like a rotten body yet alive!
I saw him remembering how he had lived his life on earth.He was remembering all the years and in great detail including the words he had spoken.The bible says we will be accountable for every idle word spoken.His memory became Sharp in Hell.
I saw his life as he remembered. I saw him quarreling loudly with one person after the other.I saw him stepping down on his quieter friends and stealing their customers.He thought being tough was the life.
Now in Hell,life on earth seemed like a story someone was telling him.He found it impossible to believe that he was in that kind of a place forever and ever.Life on earth was gone in just the snap of a finger. Luke 16:19-31.
The Lord showed me the day the man had died.There had been a man in a suit with a bible sitting at that same place.He looked like he had been evangelising and was having some rest.The Co-boy had just shot him a glance and did not even pay any attention to him.He was too busy calling passengers to get into the bus. When he saw the man with a bible,he thought in his mind,'these babblers.'
Now I saw him wishing he had gone over to him.I saw him thinking that maybe then,he would not have been in that place of torment.I saw him wishing that the man was the only person he had talked to that day. This was because the man carried the most important thing(Salvation).I saw him wishing he had let the passengers be and listened to the word of God.Now it was too late.
As he was busy calling the passengers,a big Bus ran into him.I saw that he was still wearing the same clothes he had worn on that day.
When he died,a multitude of demons dragged him all at once and threw him into Hell.It was like they had been waiting for him to die.The Same way God wants us to be saved with all of his heart,the devil also wants us to be doomed with all of his heart.Whoever wins is up to you.
Recently,my friend died.She was like all of us and even had plans for the future.She never even thought she would die this year but she did.Our life is not in our own hands but in the hands of God.She knew about our Revelations from God but never put much thought in them.She put on hair attachments,make up etc despite knowing the truth.She died suddenly in a road accident.I know that she is not in a good place.She is no different from you and I.She had also made a plan for her life but God suddenly said time was up.What is life on earth compared to eternity? Deuteronomy 30:19 says,"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now CHOOSE LIFE so that you and your children may live."
God has not promised us tomorrow.He has only promised us today.The bible says today is the day of Salvation.Please do not harden your heart.Soon it may be too late.Ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I was caught up in a vision of the Lord and I saw Jesus standing on a high cliff. The sky around him was red as if at sunset and the verse in Zachariah 14:7 flashed in my head,"At the evening time,there shall be light."Jesus is the light in this dark hour and he wants us to be the the same. Even as the bible says that a city on a Hill can not be hidden. When I saw the Lord I suddenly knew as if for the first time that he is God! Many times we think of the risen Christ as being a person like us but when I saw him,I knew there was not one inch of humanity in the risen Christ. He is totally God!Even as the bible says that Flesh and blood can not inherit the Kingdom of God. All humanity died with him on the cross. When I saw him there,I just knew that he is all powerful and great!
It,was as if something was being communicated to me but no words were being used. I knew he had come to tell me about prayer and that is why his mighty power had been brought to my attention. I was standing a distance from him in the spiritual realm and I cried out to him,"You must increase and I must decrease!" After I said that,I felt the power of God 3 times like jolts of lightening in my body and the Lord said,"The more time you spend in prayer,the more I increase."
The Lord said he wants to be the centre in all of our lives. He wants to overflow so much in our lives even as John 7:38 says,"He that believes in me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." That living water is the Holy Spirit. The Lord wants to overflow in your life if you develop a strong prayer life with him.
When your prayer life is intensified,you experience the power of God on a whole different level that can not be understood by the carnal man and the devil's lies are silenced.
The Lord said he wants us to stop living on earth. We can be on earth physically but he doesn't want us to be on earth spiritually. He wants us to go high up in the Spirit. Here physically but sitted in heavenly places with Christ spiritually because of our prayer life which is on fire. All this can happen if we pray. The Lord should become our addiction.
We should be hungry for his presence like he is the last food we have in a raging war. We can ask him to make us so for it is humanly impossible.
The Lord is able to fill our lives so much that he is no longer a part of us but we become a part of him. The more you pray,the more Christ increases such that we will only be a small element inside him. That is why Paul the Apostle was able to say,"It is no longer I that lives but Christ" When people look at you,they will not see you but Jesus,when the enemy tries to find you,you will be hidden in Christ and he will not be able to find you. We will be a part of him even as he desired by saying,"Father,I pray that I may be one with you and they may be one with me" The more time we spend in prayer,reading his word and doing his work,the more this becomes a reality. Jesus Christ wants a relationship with his children where he is more real to them than anything they see with their physical eyes."
Then something happened that I have never seen happen before. As I looked,the Lord became transparent and I could see inside of him!He was so full of light and I saw something that in my explanation resembled large gift boxes inside of him. As I was about to ask him what these were,I saw an explanation. I saw the explanation literally and it flew towards me like a bird. The explanation was white in colour. The things of the Spirit are so amazing and the Lord is so wonderful and interesting!
When it reached me,it hit me on my head softly and faded like a puff of smoke. Then I knew the meaning. What I was seeing in the Lord were mercy, loving kindness,Holiness,marvelous ,greatness etc. All these things are the elements of the Lord. They looked tangible. It was as if you could touch the mercy,you could touch loving the kindness. This is because I could literally see them in him! That is the personality of our God.
As I looked,the loving kindness burst and began to flow out of him like pure white sparkly milk. The Lord is a mystery and we learn him everyday. The loving kindness began to flow to the earth and I saw it flooding cities,the streets,cars,building and wherever there were people. I immediately knew that he was showing me how he feels towards humanity. The Lord does not hate one human being nor does he wish for any single person to perish. He wants them to repent and get to know him. He wants them to go to heaven when they die or to be raptured should he come now. The bible says,"I know the thoughts I have for you,thoughts of peace and not of evil"
The devil is the one who makes people think that God wants to destroy them and that God is looking for an opportunity to harm them or throw them to Hell. God is ever looking for a chance to save and not to harm. That is why he wants us to pray for the lost. To intercede daily like it is our own child,or Father or Mother who is perishing. He instructs us in the bible to love even as he has loved us.
Then I also saw mercy burst and start to overflow out of the Lord. I saw a young girl sitting in a living room. The mercy was flowing straight to her and when it touched her feet,he leaped up and started praising the Lord shouting,"Am saved! Am saved!" People had been interceding for her to get saved. We should never stop praying for others because the Lord answers prayer. It is by his mercy that we are saved. For us to be saved now,someone around the world was interceding for the lost to be saved. Let us do the same.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017


I was in the presence of the Lord when my eyes opened in the spirit. Spiritual things always happen so fast and there is no way of understanding them. Except by the spirit of God. One minute,everything is normal and natural and the next minute,its all spiritual.
It was around 2 am this morning when I was reading the word that I saw the Lord. He wanted to show me Hell again as a reminder to the world.
I saw the Lord but he did not go with me inside Hell. He touched my shoulder and said to me,"Go" and immediately,I found myself standing in Hell. However,I saw three Angels with me but they did not say anything and remained in mid- air. Everything that I saw shook me and was more real than ever. I saw the centre of Hell itself. This is where people who knew the Lord and turned away from him gait was so intense,so vigorous and so severe. The lava was boiling severely and exploding.
The devil is lying to so many people so that they can sleep spiritually. But the Lord keeps reminding us even as Peter said,"You already know all this but I will not cease to remind you and to stir you up" If the people needed to be stirred up,then that means they became like stagnant water. Things in the physical world we live in,the jobs and the activities we do daily have a habit of making us stop moving spiritually.
At times,people become like stagnant water spiritually and so,they need to be stirred up that they may awake! We need to watch and pray that lest we fall into temptation.
I saw in the flames,a 19 year old girl. She was Spanish but American of Nationality. She was screaming so horribly and she had worms in her mouth. She kept touching her face and saying they can't harm her face because she is full of the Glory of God! The demons were laughing and mocking her and I saw a demon in form of a snake slide across her face enter through her mouth and out of her nose.
The snake had two heads and each head came out of each nostril. It did this to prove that they could do anything they wanted to Her. When this girl saw me,she started screaming out my name so that I could help her. I don't know how she knew my name but in the spirit,you just know some things.
She said,"I was an Evangelist but I wanted to be Holy and yet please the world at the same time and not be looked down on. I wanted to be 'cool' among my friends even at School. So I made sure that all my dresses were knee length exactly and did not go not even slightly longer below my knees. So when I walk or sit,I was still not decent because I kept exposing my body and making men lust after me. I thought I could please God and yet also please my friends at the same time. But now that I am here,I know that the Lord is Holy and does not want people to play games with his word. He knew the motives of my heart and they were evil. He wants true holiness from the heart. Not people who can not decide if they want to be Holy or not.
The Lord also gave prophetic messages about how he would use me. So I felt as if I was special and took him for granted. I thought I had a lot of time and if he told me to fix my life,I always said,I'll do it later,I still have a lot of time because of all the prophetic messages over my life. But death found me. Tell the people on earth that no one is special they can die anytime! Repent!!!
After she had spoken,I saw a huge snake which looked like a Python wrap itself around her stomach and pull her into the flames.I also noticed that her stomach was sunken and she looked terribly hungry.
People in Hell are hungry but they can not have food. They are thirsty but can not have water. They are tired but can not sleep or even rest.
I also saw another man in the centre of Hell and smoke was coming out of his body. He was also calling my name asking for Help. I felt so sorry for all these people. They are human beings like anyone else but they made the wrong decisions on earth. I saw that this man called himself a Pentecoastal Prophet when he was on earth.
He was in his early twenties but I saw that he slept with girls in his Church and out of his Church. He did not fear the Lord and even stood in front of the people Prophesying and justifying himself as though he was righteous but doing secret deeds. He also developed pride because of his spiritual gift and liked to receive attention from men.
Everyone in the centre of Hell was screaming and mourning terribly such that it was deafening. They all seemed to cry out with one voice,screaming the exact same thing,at the same second. The screams I heard were like that of a lot of Nations. There was also a huge wind fanning the fire in Hell and it sounded like a rushing waterfall. Some of them kept being picked up by this wind in the air like leaves but they were still on fire. Others were stuck in pits of lava and so on. This wind was making sure that the fire burnt more and more. The wind was also terribly hot. Hell is never full and eagerly keeps expanding itself according to Isaiah. The people were in billions,from all ages past till today.
It was too frightening and yet still more people are willing to end up there,all for the love of this temporary world. They were too great a number and they were all deeply regretting,wishing for a second chance but it was too late.
After I saw all this,one of the Angels spoke to me. He said,"Now that you have seen all this,sound the trumpet day and night. He who hears will be saved and he who rejects will have their portion with the sinners in Hell" He gave me a golden trumpet and it was sparkling and polished. It looked small in his hands but when he gave it to me,I had to hold it with both hands. It was in the
spirit and so in the physical realm,it simply means that I have to warn all people about Hell.
We have to be Holy at all times. Denying Jesus is not just saying with your lips that you are not a Christian. Its also about how we live. The word says that these people profess me with their lips but by their works,they deny me. Even if you claim to believe in holiness but your life does not reflect that,you are denying Jesus and he will also deny you before the Father and the Holy Angels. The bible says we are written epistles,read by all men.
Does your life reflect the bible or does it reflect the world? We should beware of the Wrath of God. He is loving but he is also righteous and Holy. The Lord does not show us Hell to scare us but shows us hell to show us how much love he has for us. He has prepared so many wonderful things for us in Heaven. He shows us what the devil wants for us and what He wants for us so that we can appreciate his mercy and choose life. When you hear his voice today,do not harden your heart. Today is the day of salvation. May none of us ever be one of those voices crying out for mercy .Let us be one of those voices shouting glory and Honour to the King of Kings.


Monday, June 5, 2017


In a vision of the night, the Lord showed me demons in Human form. They were out on the streets and they were angry.
I saw a tall building with Christians inside and the demons on the streets kept throwing stones at the building. They were so angry that they started a riot and started breaking water pipes so that the water was running on the streets.
They were angry about God's true children,angry about what God was revealing to his children and angry that they had been exposed.
Some of them on the streets had even changed to their real demonic appearance while some remained disguised as Humans.
In that building, there were a lot of different types of Christians including fake ones but I saw that the demons were only attacking particular people and leaving the others. I understood that these were attacks from demons in various areas of the life of true Christians as well as persecutions.
The devil only persecutes those whom he knows do not belong to him already. Then a demon which looked like its whole body was made out of metal started attacking a certain woman from the building. The demons had now started climbing up the building. It caught her and kept hitting her repeatedly on the back but she was feeling no pain. When it saw that she was feeling no pain,it dragged her on the floor but she ran and hid in a small room.
Then, I saw lot of Policemen looking in different rooms looking for Christians because they had hidden. They barged into the room she was in and they found her in her hiding place.
They were men and women and they all had green uniforms with badges and extreme hatred was written on their faces. These were demons but they looked like human beings. One of them had a book where he was writing names and he asked her, "what is your name?" Immediately she told him her name, he said he said, "Christian" with a twisted mouth as if he was disgusted.
It was as if they had a list of true Christians and he could tell just by her telling him her name that she was a true Christian.
He said, "Take her into that room. All of them have to be shot today!"

The Lord is showing us what kind of intense war we are in. Demons will do anything to make us give up on our journey to Heaven. They are even out to kill us in this physical life we live in in order to stop our prayers.
Demons in Human form are very real and are more in number than real Human beings. Defeat begins once you refuse to acknowledge this because they will work against you.
Strife is one major weapon they use against the children of God. They will try to make you enter in strife with them in one way or another or to create a certain enmity. All they want is for you to harbour hatred and anger in your heart so that you will not be Holy. The word says he who dies not forgive will also not be forgiven. Demons know all these verses very well and they try to make you sin. The battle is fierce and they are angry as seen in the dream.
The Lord earlier said that the devil releases thousands of demons just to bring one true Christian down. Another tactic demons in Human form use is to try marry true Christians in order to make them back slide and they succeed 99% of the time. No wonder the bible says commit your plans to the Lord and they will prosper. But if someone does not commit their plans to the Lord, the Lord will leave them to marry demons.
If you are fasting, they will make sure to talk about food and eat in your presence so that you can be tempted to give up. They also pretend to have a happy life while sinning and make things of this life like they are the ideal thing so that real human beings can follow in their footsteps. But nothing can compare to the Glory of Heaven and everything on this earth will pass. What matters is eternity. Do you want to go to a place of eternal joy or a place of eternal torment?
The things that demons in human form do are so so many that one can not possibly even list half of them. What we just all need is the baptism of the Holy Spirit so that we can escape the tempters snare. The Lord will help us escape every tactic and every trap they put in our way. I tell you truly, many of the people you think love you and are your close friends are actually demons in human form fighting against your soul.
They make you sin in one way or another while pretending to love you. It can be that they make you lie, they make you do illegal things,they make you listen to dirty jokes,show you sinful pictures,they make you watch dirty videos in the name of the video being funny etc.
They can even make you fail to pray by bringing up programs that will make you busy. Sometimes you can be fasting especially in places like School or work but they will make sure to distract you so that you spend that time away from the presence of God. They can even buy you the food you like just to make you stop fasting! The bad thing is that they also talk about God sometimes about how horrible the devil just in order to deceive you and to keep their hold on you. Sometimes, another demon in human form will do something wrong just in order for you to gossip about them. They know gossip will land you in Hell.
The important thing is to mind your own business even as Paul says to live a quiet life in the Bible. They are out on a mission against humanity.
Always please God and not man because you might just be trying to please a demon. Don't laugh at dirty jokes and don't tolerate someone when they are trying to show you something that you know the Lord doesn't like.
This world is so polluted but the key is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and prayer. Hell is real and it is eternal. Escape from it!

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Mark 2:16-17 "When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?
On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
The Lord showed me people going to Hell because people who knew the truth preferred not to preach to them. Rather they went and preached to those who already knew the truth and constantly gave them as an example of sinners but never preached to them.
The Lord showed me the roads leading to Heaven and Hell. One went this way,the other went that way. The road to hell was highly populated but I saw the road to Heaven empty. The time the Lord showed me this,no one was going to Heaven but a lot of people were walking to Hell in a mass. The road to heaven appeared so small and rocky but I saw that it was illuminated with white light but it was empty. The light of the gospel.
On the road to Hell,there was also a sound like that of music and the people were laughing,dancing,drinking and making merry while walking to Hell. I saw a large furnace ahead of them and it was releasing thick black smoke but no one seemed to notice. They were too busy celebrating.
I saw two big fat demons standing blocking the way leading to Heaven. They were blocking the way to make sure that no one would see it but only see the road leading to Hell. One of the two fat demons was holding a cross in its hand. Then I realised that these demons had deceived the people while they were alive on earth. These demons had deceived the people to believe that they were right in what they were doing.
They convinced them that they could sin in all sorts of ways and still be saved by going to Church once in a while. That is why it was holding that cross. The people were also deceived and they thought they were going to Heaven. That is why they were celebrating and unaware.
They were convinced with all their hearts that were going to Heaven. They did not know that Hell awaited them and what they did on Earth,they must continue to do in Hell. All their drunkenness,all their worldly dances etc. They were dancing to worldly music while on Earth and in Hell,they will continue to do so in torment.
The truth was not preached to these people in their Churches. No one ever told them to turn from those wicked ways. People take it for granted that all these things are obvious sins and so no one talks about them. People who are supposed to show them the light judge them,look down upon them and call them sinners. Instead of telling them about their sin,they laugh at how they are deceived and under the rule of the devil. People talk about how glad they are that they no longer partake in the evil of the world but do they preach to others still trapped?
The so called Evangelists of God insist on preaching the word to those who already know the Lord and neglect those in need. But Jesus said he who is not sick has no need of a doctor.He came to save those who are in sin. Brethren,we need to change our approach in Evangelism and doing the work of the Lord that we may not be found partial.
We should know that the most important thing to God is Evangelism in truth and in love. Not out of being forced to do so. We may give money to those in need but if we don't preach Jesus to them,that help is of no effect because it is temporal. It is no use give a 100 dollars to a beggar if he is going to burn in hell for all eternity.
He may be satisfied today but he will hunger for eternity in Hell. It is no use spending time chatting about things of this life with our friends,if we do not tell them the word of God because hey will hate us for eternity when they are in Hell,for we knew the truth but did not tell them.
It is no use to bath and dress up now and be without Christ,because they will rot and stink for eternity in Hell. Christ first,then everything will follow. Let us pray that the Lord will give us a heart like his that aches for souls. Let us think in terms of eternity and not in terms of this perishable life we have here. Let us walk by Faith and not by what we see. Let us see eternity and not this passing world.
For like a flower that blossoms and then withers in the evening,so can our lives end at any minute. Hell is a very serious matter,even this second,some more are landing there,never to know peace or rest. Let us Evangelise with sincere zeal from the Lord.
A life lived without Christ was worth nothing at all.