Tuesday, February 7, 2017



Zipporah and I woke up thinking it was going to be a normal day.
We did some cleaning and were getting rid of some things that God
told us He didn't like.
We got rid of the cartoons and worldly movies and were outside the
house burning them when the Lord Jesus Christ instructed us to
start praying there and then.
He told us to pray and destroy all the things that satan had done to
us because of the worldly things we used to use like unholy
clothes,movies etc.
We planned to have breakfast just after praying,the time was 9 in
the morning.
When we were done with the prayer point God had given us,we
thought we could go but the Lord Jesus Christ told us to start
praying for the salvation of our family.
Then He said to pray for the salvation of our friends and people we
By this time we were tired and the sun was coming out very harsh
at the place we were praying from.
We were praying from outside the house and God told us not to
move but to continue praying right were we where.
We began to pray general prayers so that we would finish fast.
We would pray,"Lord please we pray for the salv of all our friends,all
our family,everyone."
And Jesus said,"mention every person's name and pray for them
with all your heart.Pray for each person seriously.Even people you
just see on TV, pray for them,mention names.This is serious,people
are going to hell."
It was a hot summer day and there was no shade where we were
praying from,it was just an open space under the hot sun.We were
getting tired and hungry and thirsty.
Our house was in a wire fence and people passing by Could see us
and wonder when they saw us praying were we where.
But Jesus didn't care about any of these things,He didn't care about
how tired or hungry or thirsty we were.Only one thing moved his
heart;thr cry of perishing souls.That was Hid heart beat,His
desire,for us to fervently intercede for them despite any physical
discomfort,that was more important.
It had just been days after He showed me and Zipporah hell for the
very first time.
And now the Lord said to us,Pray for people.listen......"
Immediately He said that,We could again hear people screaming in
hell,like the sound of mighty ocean waves,the cry of despair.
And we began to pray,mentioning people's names.
Satan didn't like that we were interceding and sent demons to tempt
us to stop by showing us mirages of very cold water and trying to
entice us to just stop and sleep and get some rest.
At one point I felt so exhausted like I couldn't go on any more.
At that very moment,I felt someone touch my back in
encouragement,then I saw that it was Jesus,then He said,"pray a
little more."
Immediately He touched me,I was strong again and continued
The sun went down and the night came,we were still outside
praying,Jesus said we still needed to pray for people.
Jesus was with us,sometimes we could see Him,other times we
Other times He would just be standing near us,watching us,but
what was important to Him was that we had to keep praying for
people's salvation.
Till at 3 The next morning,We asked Jesus if we could go in the
house and rest and he allowed us but he didn't allow us to eat,he
said we would only break our fast in the morning,he had made us to
fast for people's salvation,that's how important it is to Him.
Another day,It was Was an ordinary evening when the Lord Jesus
Christ told us to pray.
Zipporah,my sister Lois,and I all started praying.
The Lord told us He wants christians to learn how to pray very
He told us to pray kneeling,with hands lifted up and we had to pray
for the world and for ourselves and about alot of things.
We ended up not going to bed at all because the Lord made us to
pray all night till morning with hands lifted up.
And He told us that He was showi us an example of how he wants
Christians to be praying.That's how much he wants all of us to be
To carry one another's burdens and fervently intercede for one
That's what the Lord wants.
God's heartbeat is Evangelism and intercession.
If we all do these two things with all our hearts,evangelising and
praying for one another with all our hearts,mentioning names and
declaring the areas where you want the person you are praying for
to overcome etc,the church here on earth would be very
victorius,we wouldn't be easy prey for the enemy.
Today in my prayer time,the Lord reminded me of these two times
and told me this is what He wants,for us to take intercession
seriously,so serious that we even fast and pray for other people,we
even pray all night for each other.
The Lord also told me that right now satan is going to attack
marriages,especially for people who Are in ministry.
Evangelists,Pastors,and everyone preaching the truth,satan hates
you so much and wants to attack your marriages so that you will be
discouraged and fall.
That's what we must pray against.
NB:Any comment not relevant to this post will be deleted.I have
observed that there are people who post comments totally not
related to a post just to distract people's attention from what they
just read so that they start arguing arguing wether something is a
sin or not instead of people thinking about the particular message
the Lord is giving in this post.ALL such posts will be deleted.Stay

1 comment:

  1. I love the way LORD JESUS CHRIST is using you to save his people from continue, no matter what you will face
    am opolot Paul from Kampala Uganda, please in intercend for me for the baptism of the holy spirit and JESUS Christ to reveal him self to me and save my soul
