Wednesday, February 8, 2017


The Lord showed me a pastor who is a general overseer (name with held) of a mega international church.
In the vision,the Lord showed me this pastor as human but Jesus Christ showed me that his wife is a demon incarnate.
The Lord also showed me that this pastor doesn't know this.
The Lord showed me how the wife to this pastor has been working against God's truth in that church.
He showed me she has been discouraging holiness and encouraging people to live in sin.
Jesus showed me that this woman pretends to be a prophetess and has lured many to go deeper in their sin.
In the vision,I saw this woman sitting,there was a queue of people who wanted to receive 'prophetic' words 'from the Lord' through her.
A woman who was dressed in a very indecent manner and adorned with all sorts of jewelry approached her for prophecy.
I then saw great delight on this woman's face at the thought that this lady who had approached was a candidate of hell.She almost smiled but caught herself.
She decided to comfort the lady so that she keeps living in sin.
She said,"do you know what the Lord is showing me right now?am seeing the blood of Jesus covering you.You are dressed in white.That's what I see."
This lady was excited to receive this so called prophetic word and went away still in her sins,thinking God approved of her.
This woman kept doing this to all the people she saw were living in sin,both men and women.
Then a lady who was genuinely living holy approached her.
The woman was angry to see this lady who was genuinely living a Christian life.
She then gave her a fake negative prophecy to discourage her walk with God but this lady was able to discern that this lady was lying coz God opened her spiritual eyes to see who this woman really was.
She then confronted the woman about her fake prophecy and the woman failed to justify it.she appeared to have been embarassed .
I saw that because of all these things and also because of the bad example this woman set for people in this church,her husband has never been able to preach the truth.Its as though he's tied down.
#end of vision
The battle is more intense coz these are the closing moments.
The trumpet ll soon sound and the Lord is coming for his own.
I shared this so you know you shouldn't rely on a human being.
Cultivate a real relationship with Jesus.
Involve Him in all you do and pray,pray,pray.
Now is the time to really pray.
If you don't pray,you won't overcome.
Keep watch and pray.
#Jesus is coming back any moment
 faithful till the end

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