Wednesday, February 1, 2017



In 2006,I didn't even care about God or even know Him.i was just in the world.
This person befriended a member of my family and became very close to my family.
He became so close to us that he would even spend nights at our home because he was a friend to one of my brothers.
He was always talking about God and even earned my mum's trust.Mum would always say,"that young man is a true child of God."
Years went by and he kept close contact with us till in 2011 he asked for my hand in marriage and I turned him down because I wasn't in love with him.
He still kept contact with my family till I got saved in 2011 and began encountering Jesus.
When he heard about my encounters with Jesus,he showed excitement and seemed interested to hear what the Lord was telling us.
I later moved to another town.Coincidentally he had moved to that same town a few years before.
Because I was new in town,and because he had become close to my family,he suggested I visit the church he was attending.
Zipporah and I went there.The pastor was a real man of God filled with the Holyspirit.And I noticed that he was extremely close to the pastor.
Most people in church looked up to him and gave him as an example of a true christian.
Till one day God opened my eyes and I saw this man was actually a demon in human desguise!
I was shocked!
But then God opened Zipporah's eyes and she saw him too!
We were really shocked!
God then told me satan sent this demon so that it marries me then makes my life miserable and destroys me!
This was someone I knew long before I even knew God's call on my life!
So in all this time,even before I knew it,the kingdom of darkness had seen God's call on my life and before I had even answered it they had already prepared someone to extinguish that call!
All those years before I even knew Jesus,He was already doing ground work,earning our trust.
It's possible for satan to see your call before you even realise it.
A person's call exists right from birth and can be seen by people who can see in the spirit and even by the enemy.Satan doesn’t completely understand a person's call but he's able to see signs of it.
If we used physical reasoning we would doubt because he wasn't someone I knew after I was in ministry.So we are to use spiritual eyes for spiritual things.
My pastor could see in the spirit but he couldn’t see this person is a demon.Not everyone can see the demons in desguise,it's God who can show you.
So that's how much their deception is.They don't usually leave physical evidence.But I know it's God who protected me.And He's able to protect all of you too from deception.
So don't use physical reasoning but just use the Holyspirit.
There is a fine line between true teachers and the fake ones . That's why the bible says if it were possible they would deceive the very elect.Mark 13:22
Again I say;THE BIBLE and the HOLY SPIRIT.

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