Thursday, April 6, 2017


Wether you like it or not,demons in human form exist.
You can't tell by looking,you can only tell if God reveals them to you.
I personally believe its necessary to know who these 'people' are,therefore I think believers should ask God for this gift of knowing these demons pretending to be human.
I,my sister, my husband, my mum,and two sisters from church have PERSONALLY encountered these demons posing as humans,countless times.
Encountering them has even become part of our lives,because they are everywhere.
This is because God has allowed us to see them,how they work,their plans for humanity.
It's an extremely complex thing and a great spiritual mystery that can only be revealed by God.
This is why we understand when people can't get it,and can't believe it.
Unbelief however,doesn't change anything, they are ALWAYS working against you.
Several times,when Gos shows me how these demons have worked and are still working to destroy humanity,I ve told my sister and my husband, "I just wish God never allowed demons to come to earth in human desguise."
The damage is extreme, and it makes me think we don't have much time left to be on earth.
I can't begin to share all the things we ve been through encountering these demons and all God has shown us concerning them.
But what I can tell you is,we are in a serious battle.
Day and night,they are working in collaboration with the demons in the spiritual realm in order to ensure that you end up in hell.
Leave no room for satan.
I have realised that the reason God must have allowed them to operate this way is because we must all be SEVERELY TESTED before entering heaven.
Nothing happens without God's permission.
Even satan can't do anything without God's permission.
There are boundaries set by God for the satanic kingdom.
There are limits that God has set for them, they can't cross these limits.
So for them to come desguised in human flesh, God allowed them to.
And I can tell you that they are countless and they are leading millions to hell.
This is what makes me want to expose them more and more.
They are born,while some just appear.
They live among us and some are even related to us!
If your relative marries a demon incarnate,their child can't be human,their child is another demon incarnate.
They can even resemble your relative's physical features coz they steal human DNA to make them appear human and behave human.
So that child to your relative will be a demon and yet related to you!
They have NO ability to love,or feel pity.
All emotions are pure pretense.
Its just a demon from hell which puts on a human like body and comes to earth,living among humans.
This is why we need to stop pleasing people and start pleasing God.
They ll pretend to be our friends but they are our enemies.
One amazing thing I have noticed, a pastor can even discern what's happening in their lives!
They act better than Hollywood.
Knowing who these demon incarnates are is a gift.
While,the gift of discernment works by revealing what's happening in someone's life,its possible for a servant of God to have the gift of discernment but not have the gift of knowing the demon incarnates.
As I stated earlier,that they act better than Hollywood, these demons go through things in life,but its all set by the satanic kingdom according to their mission.
For example,they can go through childlessness, then pretend to have prayed and received an answer from God.
Or they can go through financial hardship.
A servant of God who doesn't have the gift of seeing the demon incarnates but has the gift of discernment may detect the financial hardship or childlessness that these people are going thru,and tell them about it and they ll confess that its true. And yet they are demons,can you see?
This is because the gift of discernment picks what's happening in someone's life,and these demons also have things happening in their lives,although these things are all just part of a mission.
What am sharing here is what I ve seen.
I ve seen people receive insights about what's going on in their lives,yet those people are just demon incarnates.
Gifts are different.
The gift of discernment will work different from the gift of healing,its the same with knowing them,you can't just know them, God has to reveal to you.
And He's willing to do it if you ask.
My husband for example never used to see anything concerning demon incarnates,one day after ministering at a prayer meeting,a young lady whom I had actually already seen as a demon,approached my husband and explained a lot of things about what she was going thru,asking for prayer.
Later on when I told him God had shown me that woman was a demon in human form,my husband felt so bad.
All the way back to our town he kept asking God to start showing them to him,that he didn't want to be fooled anymore,and that's how he started seeing them,sometimes God would show him people in visions and dreams and tell him they are demons and even their missions.
Its the same with my mum,now God started showing her in dreams.
Even the other sisters from church,God started showing them people in visions or dreams,and tell them who are Satanists and who are demons in human form,and their missions.
God is no respector of persons,He can show anyone.
Just because God hasn't given you the gift to know these demons doesn't mean its not true.
It just means you should ask God to start showing you.
I didn't know just how complex and sophisticated the satanic kingdom really is till God started showing me all these things!
Its extremely sophisticated,you'd never catch them physically.
They are so well connected,and have real fast communication, they'd fool anyone.
They can even be attacking each other physically and be sworn enemies,and yet its all a lie,its all just a play,fooling humans and just fulfilling their part of the act!
I don't even know how to explain it,but what I can tell you is that satan is waging a serious battle against us,let's not sleep,let's be more prayerful than ever.
These demons have no power over you if you are living in obedience and are living a prayerful life.
Start asking God to let you know them.
There are some people who ve written books on heaven,but God showed them to us that they are demons from hell,just lying.
And I feel so bad coz I ve seen some people say,"how come this person saw heaven and hell,yet she wears this and that,or yet she does this and that."
They don't know its just a demon which came pretending to be human!
A personal relationship with God is really important coz the deception is great.
Stop following people,follow God.
Am not saying just because someone is worldly then they are a demon,God has revealed to us even some people who claim to preach holiness!But they are on a mission.
You can't tell physically.
They are mixed;very worldly,religious,those dressing decently,etc.
There are real humans who are preaching or sharing testimonies but they are still worldly,some because they don't know the truth,others because they are being stubborn.
So don't judge just because of how someone is looking,only God can tell you.
In fact I have seen countless of demon incarnates among groups that dont believe in outward holiness,and I have seen countless of demon incarnates among groups that believe in outward holiness, so ONLY GOD CAN TELL YOU.
Lastly, here's a conversation between my sister and a demon incarnate.
This is someone God revealed long ago to be a demon in human desguise and hes even been attacking my sister spiritually countless times.
(Demon incarnates act the same way like witches do,they are able to leave their bodies and attack people.They also leave their bodies and join demons in the spiritual realm.
When they die,they just leave the human like body and go back to the spiritual realm depending on their mission).
This conversation took place physically and personally I believe its just God who commanded this demon incarnate to get careless and speak this way.
By the way,we already knew this information from the Lord Himself.
These are things He's already revealed and my sister just asked this question to this demon incarnate on purpose to just hear what him would say.
We just expected him to pretend as they always do but instead this is how the conversation turned out.
God has absolute power over everything including demons,I believe God must have commanded this one to talk the way he did.
MY SISTER: someone told me that there are some demons that look just like humans.
Yes,its true,they are there.They look exactly human.
MY SISTER: Really?
DEMON INCARNATE: Yes,if you just look at them physically, you can't tell,hahahaha but some people can detect (laughs).
You can only see them by a special anointing.Not with physical eyes,you can never tell!
They are many,yet they look just like human,(laughs again).
Imagine a demon being your best friend,(laughs), having a best friend yet that person is a demon!,(laughs again),anyway,these things happen.Associating with a demon and even smiling for it!socialising with a demon,they are everywhere,and there's no physical way of knowing them,the only way you can know them is by a special anointing.
That's why before getting married,a person should take the person they want to marry to their pastor and ask,"pastor,is this a demon?"(laughs) coz you really can't tell.
Do you know how they make the human like bodies?They use water bodies.......
MY SISTER: what are water bodies?!!
DEMON INCARNATE: Uh,anyway,never mind.
End of conversation

I think God must have commanded this demon to speak,(of things we already knew)
This is someone who was long exposed and has waged several spiritual battles against my sister. Although physically,there's been no physical confrontation and everything seems normal since even after spiritual battles these demons still try to pretend at all costs that everything is okay.
I think that this won't be the case after the rapture.
The spiritual battle is real and it has even been brought into our physical world.
Get close to Jesus,don't follow people,you ll find that you are just following demons. Their mission is to make you sin at all costs.
If its your first time reading about demon incarnates please go to my 2015 and 2016 timeline for more information, you ll even find verses there. Only follow Jesus Christ no matter how 'perfect' a person may seem to be.
Follow the bible not a person.
There's great deception in the church and in the world,such that if not for God's mercy,everyone of us would be deceived.
Trust Jesus,He's your true friend and is all you need.

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