Monday, April 17, 2017


Zipporah and I were really missing Jesus.
We hadn’t seen Him for a long time and hadn’t felt His presence in a strong way.
We were in the bedroom,talking about our relationship with Jesus and how we wished it was.

We were really wishing for Him to come when suddenly His presence filled the entire room!
We smelt Him! He smelt really good but not like any perfume. It was really nice and different. I can only describe it as really soft and pure. And you could tell it was a part of Him! It emitted from His skin.
We saw the Lord Jesus Christ. He stood in midair with an angel by His side.
My sister, Zipporah tried to say something but could only speak in tongues!
The presence of the Lord filled the room and we were filled with so much joy.
The Lord, The Great Judge of all the earth, our Bestfriend had come and we were filled with joy!
We thought we had to pray because maybe the Lord wanted to give us a message, but He said He “was here for a chat.”
The Lord Jesus Christ drew near.
I had really missed Jesus.He drew near and gave me a big hug. It was the best thing on earth.
He also gave my sister a big hug.
He told us He loves us and gave us a kiss on our foreheads.
The Lord chatted with us, danced with us, and joked with us.
I must say The Lord Jesus has a great sense of humour and He really made my sister and happy.
I was so happy being with Jesus this way and I told my sister, ”I feel like I just want to be with Jesus, closed away from everything else in the world because He is the only pure thing.”Jesus smiled.
He showed me the world with my spiritual eyes. It was horrible and polluted with demons that were sent from hell. They filled the streets but people couldn’t see them.
I was describing what I had just seen to my sister and Jesus held her closer like,”awww” in a way like so she wouldn’t be scared.
The Lord told us to ask for anything, and it would be given. We did. An angel stood with a large book, writing down what we were asking The Lord for.
Being with The Lord Jesus like this was the most contenting thing on earth.It felt so peaceful with Jesus and I didn’t want it to end, but I was growing tired because it was so late.
So I told the Lord,”please don’t go even when we sleep,” and Jesus said,”Am not going anywhere, I promise.”
I fell asleep talking to the Lord, and in the ,morning, His presence was still powerful. He was still there.

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