Thursday, April 13, 2017


sin belongs to satan, he is the originator.
The struggle with sin is mostly spiritual that's why it cannot be overcome physically
There is a spirit behind every sin and that's why many struggle with certain sinful habits but fail to break free.

Man's strength can do nothing. Only Jesus Christ can set you free from your sin.
If you are living in sin,you need to cry out to Jesus to set you free.
I know a teenage girl who is extremely rebellious and all has been done physically to make her change but she just gets worse.
Till one day,the Lord showed me the solution in a vision.
He showed me that there's an evil spirit behind this girl's rebellious behavior and that I had to command that spirit to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.
There's an evil spirit behind drunkardness,fornication,adultery,masturbation,stealing, drug addiction.
Its there behind every sin and the solution is Jesus Christ.
He alone can set you free from sin.
If you are stuck in sin go on your knees and ask for mercy.Ask Jesus to set you free.
Hell awaits the unrepentant.
Do not tolerate sin just because you think you can never stop,there's no sin you can never stop if you truly want to repent.
The Lord says be holy for I am holy.
I saw a vision of a man whom the enemy possesed with a demon of lust.
In a vision while praying,I saw a young Christian man.
A lady befriended him and eventually seduced him into sexual immorality.
But as he committed that act, an evil spirit entered him and began controlling him from then on!
I saw the lady laughing after successfully seducing him.Her mission was done.
Unknown to him,she was an agent of Satan sent to bring him down.
The man got possessed with the spirit of lust such that he began sleeping with many women and eventually even rapped a woman.
He became a slave to this spirit.
#end of vision
Do not allow yourself to be a slave to any evil spirit.
Accept Jesus Christ and let Him set you free.
Pray without ceasing so you will not fall.

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