Tuesday, April 18, 2017



"On Friday, August 1, 2014, around 4:00 am, I was up because of a dream I had. It was a dream where the Lord showed me what the enemy was planning against me, and how he was planning to send his agents to attack me today."
"I had stopped evangelizing, because I had gotten too busy with work, and doing my own things that I didn’t even evangelize any more. As I was up I got caught in a vision where there was a huge demon with muscles that held me, and no matter how much I struggled, I couldn’t free myself from its grasp. It was so strong."
"I was aware that my body was lying on the bed and it was my spirit going through this. I saw that the demon that held me was grey and a little transparent; it was so strong and looked like an animal. I can’t describe, it also had a very cruel looking face."
"I then began calling on the Lord Jesus Christ to help me, and I knew the Lord had allowed this to happen because I had stopped evangelizing. The Lord Jesus immediately appeared. He wore a white robe and was surrounded by light. The light that surrounded Him was actually part of Him. He was light itself. He was made of light. The light illuminating was part of Him! He also had two angels on His sides. As soon as the Lord appeared, this evil spirit disappeared! It happened so fast that I didn’t even notice when it let me go."
"The Lord was looking at me with so much love and compassion, I found myself on my knees saying, 'Lord please forgive me, I will repent, I repent right now, I am going to warn your people.'”
"And the Lord said to me, 'There is a place in hell for those who do not evangelize.'”
"The vision ended and I was back on my bed again."
"I was still very shaken by this when I was caught up in the spirit again and I found myself in hell. It was hot and dark. There were demons everywhere working busily. And in this section that the Lord showed me, the demons were tormenting people by roasting them on frying pans!"
"There were so many people, and the demons here were so happy roasting people. They would even toss them up in the pan like they were pancakes! It was so depressing!"
"The Lord also showed me a section with something that looked like huge grills with red hot coal underneath. The demons were cutting people in pieces and putting them on the grill! It was horrific! I saw one demon carrying the leg of one of the souls in that place and putting it on the grill!"
"It then approached me and wanted to do the same to me. All this time, I was aware of the Lord’s presence with me in hell, although I couldn’t see Him. And when this evil spirit approached me, I said, 'The Lord Jesus brought me here because He is showing me what this place is like.' Then I was back on my bed, and the vision ended."
"The Lord told me many are going to that place, and that’s why its important to warn them. Evangelism is for every child of God. Please don’t take it lightly."
Only What's Done for Christ Will Last
"I also wish to add something the Lord made me experience at a different time than this. I want to state that when a person dies, they immediately realize that every second spent away from God was wasted time. The Lord made me feel this. I was alone in my room, and the Lord Jesus Christ made my spirit to come out. As He did this, He let my spirit feel the regret of every moment spent doing anything else! He allowed me to see moments from my life pass before me, and they all seemed very vague and meaningless. All the struggles, the education, and the words spoken felt so wasted and as though they had not been worth it. I am not just referring to sinful words or acts, but am referring to every single moment not spent with Him seeming wasted. This whole life seemed to have been unreal and just something like a story that came to an end because the spirit world became more real even than this life we know. When Jesus made me feel this, all I wanted was to go back and rewrite my whole life, so I would put Him first in everything. This is why I now say this: nothing except what's done for the Lord truly matters. We must include the Lord in all we do, and put His work first, because everything else perishes, but He remains forever. "

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