Sunday, April 2, 2017


I was in prayer when suddenly I saw a vision of so many demons
being sent to Facebook to discredit revelations and posts that turn
people from their sins.
In the vision I saw that satan sent countless demons to Facebook
discourage people from believing revelations about Holiness and
living a godly life.
I saw that they posted these comments in a way that seemed
innocent but then I saw that hundreds of people were closed out
just because of these comments.
I saw that these comments contained spells that made hundreds of
people disbelieve what the servants of God were sharing and
who immediately began posting comments that are meant to
instead caused them to be comfortable in their sins and because of
this they were closed out.
I saw that it prevented them from crossing over to salvation.
While in prayer again today,the Lord told me,"when the Jews were
in captivity in babylon,alot of false prophets arose among the people
who were only telling the people what they wanted to hear.These
false prophets were ruled by a demon.Immediately,the Lord showed
me the evil spirit that ruled over the false prophets of old.
But then the Lord told me something else.
He said to me,"that same demon is back on earth and is ruling the
false prophets of today again."
Read Jeremaiah 27, 28 and 29.These are the passages the Lord was
referring to.
Do not be deceived by satan.
Now is when to seek God like never before.
Repent of your sins then follow Jesus.Dont look to a human being
but to Jesus because there's a lot of deception going on.
Run the race to the end,don't lose your crown

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