Saturday, July 22, 2017


Last evening as my sister
Zipporah and I
prayed,suddenly I saw the
Lord Jesus Christ standing on a
narrow path,He had His hands
stretched forth towards us,urging us to come to where
He was.
The vision ended.
As we continued praying,the
room suddenly filled with the
presence of the Lord,then the Lord Jesus came and He started
talking to us.
He said,"My children,My little
children,the time is now.I
cannot wait any longer.I long
to come and take you.There's no more time,I am coming for
you.Iam coming for you."
Sometimes when we
prayed,demons would attack
us.We would see them with
spiritual eyes and as we prayed they would be
The Lord Jesus Christ said,"I am
the Lord your God and I reign
over all.Do you know why
sometimes I allow demons to attack you when you are
praying?Because I want you to
see that even right in the
enemy's camp,I can still keep
you safe.
When your enemies come,they will find you hiding in Me.They
will look for you,but all in
Zipporah saw demons that
wanted to attack her,then the
Lord said,"she's hidden in Me." The demons had no access to
As we prayed,one demon tried
to enter our house through the
wall,but it couldn't because the
Lord closed the wall with fire. I saw a vision of demons that
were trying to monitor our
prayers,then the Lord Jesus
Christ said,"they will look but
all in vain."
Suddenly I saw them blinded.They were hitting into
each other because they could
not see.
The Lord told us,"No one will
ever love you like I do.My love
is unending.Rely on Me My children.I am willing to give
you all you need.Just trust Me.I
will never fail you."
The Lord Jesus told us,"have
only one eye for Me.I long for
you to walk hand in hand with Me in the heavenly gardens."
The Lord showed me the
beautiful heavenly
gardens.They were so very
beautiful in a way I can't
describe.With flowers so beautiful and bright and
perfect.And the scent was
The Lord said,"the spiritual
realm is real.wether people
like it or not and everyone will have to face it one day.Thats
why people must prepare for
that day because regardless of
what they believe,the truth
remains and they will have to
face it." The Lord showed Zipporah saw
a vision where Me and her
were walking on a red
carpet,but the carpet was
made of the blood of Jesus.As
we walked,she saw satan and two demons wanting to come
after us . immediately wings
appeared and we flew far
from their reach.
The Lord Jesus Christ said,"I
reign over all.All power belongs to Me."
He said,"No one can come to
Me except I call them.Only I can
Let's make Jesus first in our
lives and seek Him.He told us He's willing and will answer all
our prayers.We just have to
seek Him.
In 2011,the Lord had given us a
promise about something.we
held on to the promise so much and as time passed we began
to let it go and forgot about
it.But it didn't please the Lord
that we were forgetting about
His promise. He told us"why
have you forgotten about My promise?why don't you
remember My promise
Whatever promise the Lord has
given you is precious.Hold on
to it.He will still fulfil it. Jesus will come and all the
warnings we keep receiving of
His coming will stop.
Be ready for His coming.Dont
be caught unawares after all
the warning.Jesus loves us all so much and He told us we
must trust Him with
The Lord doesn't want us to
worry about anything.He
wants us to rely on Him and trust Him,to pray about
And the Lord told us time is
very short and Satan has sent a
lot of agents to earth.The Lord
showed me and my sister satanic agents,they were so
many and from all walks of
life.Rich and poor and they all
looked very innocent.Their
work is to capture Christians
and make them fall.But if you stay close to Jesus they have
no power over you.
The Lord also said we must
evangelise to the lost.
Jesus Christ is coming back
September 17, 2015 at 4:18pm


  1. Please I don't understand what you mean by Jesus Christ is coming back September 17, 2015 at 4:18pm

  2. Praise The Lord. That's the exact date this post was written by Rachael Mushala. It doesn't mean that Jesus is coming or was to come on September, 17th 2015. That phrase "Jesus Christ is coming back" is just an exhortation so that we can be ready at his coming. I hope it's clear now. Thank you.
