Thursday, July 6, 2017



While at work on Saturday22nd September,2018,I started feeling unwell.
When I went home,I noticed I had a cough and had flu.
On Sunday,I was still sick with flu and cough,but in the evening I also developed a high fever.
On Monday morning,I wokeup feeling so sick I couldn’t even go for work.
But when I went to the hospital,the doctor said it was just flu and would go away in a matter of days.
He gave me a pain killer and some cough medicine.
But I ve had flu several times before and this didn’t feel like it was just flu.
I was experiencing variations of high fever and extreme cold,loss of appetite,severe body aches,weakness, and general unwellness. I couldn’t really eat starting Saturday night, and I was just forcing myself to eat a little cause I felt weak.
But then on Tuesday morning, I wokeup feeling dramatically better.
I felt strong,my appetite was back, and I was convinced I was almost completely healed.
It was a dramatic change because by Monday evening I was still very ill and still lacked appetite.
My husband had gone out, and I was home with my younger sister, Lois and another relative.
After showering, I had my breakfast without struggle as I felt fine and my appetite was back.
I then laid down on a couch, watching TV.
The time was around 10 AM.
Shortly afterwards, I noticed my phone battery was low, so I stood up to put it on the charger.
When I stood up, before taking any step, I noticed that I was extremely weak and dizzy.
I could also hear a very loud ringing in my ears, ding ding ding!
I immediately sat back on the couch and decided to rest till I felt better.
As I laid down on the couch, I couldn’t really tell the moment it happened; I just discovered that I had blacked out and was in the process of dying!
I couldn’t see anything,I lost consciousness of everything around me, and I could feel my soul separating from my body at great speed!
I didn’t think I was dying,I KNEW I was dying.
The whole sensation of your soul leaving your body is never a good one. It is a scary experience.
I just found myself lifting up my hand with great desperation and shouting at the top of my voice,”JESUS!”
Immediately, I gained consciousness, I could see everything around me,but my heart was racing,I was sweating, and I was shaking uncontrollably.
I was suddenly extremely sick, and I knew that I was still dying.
My soul was still fighting to leave my body and I totally had no control over it.
I was desperate and I thought,”Maybe if I hold on to a physical thing,I tried holding on to the couch,I could see that my soul just passed right through it and it was just my physical body that held on.”
All this time I was extremely sick and I thought at any moment I would just collapse and die.
My whole body was just shaking and I couldn’t make sense of anything.
In these moments the realization that life is a personal journey hit me.
I was praying,and I was so dizzy and weak.
I thought that maybe if I stood up,I’d feel more alive.
But even when I stoodup,my soul was still fighting to leave my body.I was declaring life and healing.
When I stoodup, my whole body was still shaking extremely, and the only thought I had was for me to go to the bedroom to get the anointing oil and anoint myself while declaring healing.
(James 5:14)
The living room where I was is just next to the bedroom,but when I stood,I knew I wouldn’t make it to the bedroom,I knew was just going to collapse and die.
I absolutely had no power over my life.
I saw my sister making her breakfast, and I knew she couldn’t help me.I knew no one could help me.
My sister had not realized what was happening,as she was in the kitchen.
I started to call her,”Lois!Lois!Lois!”
When she saw me,I saw that she panicked.
She began asking me,”What’s wrong?!”
She ran to where I was and she held me,all I could tell her was,”am dying!am dying!”
I was shaking so much,that when my sister held me,I shook her too.
I just told her,”am extremely sick!am dying!”
And I knew she couldn’t help me.
My sister later told me that she got so scared she thought I would literally die in her arms.
I knew I couldn’t keep myself alive and that my sister couldn’t keep me alive even if she wanted to.
Thoughts crossed my mind of how much more loyal to Jesus we should be than to any other person because everyone else remains behind and you go on to meet Jesus alone.
At this point I didn’t know whether I would go to heaven or to hell.I was just blank.
All I knew was that I would die.
I told my sister to call my husband,She just came over on Saturday and didn’t know how I had saved him in my phone and she was busy asking me,”wait,what is he saved as?” I was just like ,”call him,call him”
But I knew that even my husband couldn’t help me.
I couldn’t really make sense of anything happening around me,I could just hear Lois telling my husband,’Rachael is really really really really really sick………….”
I couldn’t hear how the whole conversation went, it was as if I was drifting into unconsciousness.
I thought that maybe if I drank water it would make me feel alive,but when I got a bottle of water to drink,I was shaking so much it almost spilled and even after drinking it,I was fighting so hard to leave my body, and I was extremely sick,weak and still shaking.
My sister was panicking, and telling me,”let’s call mum,she's on prayers today”
But my mum didn’t pick the call because she happened to be praying at the time.
My Sister was trying to reassure me that I wouldn’t die,that I’d be okay,but I knew that was going to die any moment.
I thought that maybe I should declare scripture and when I managed to open a bible,it was as if the letters were glittering!
I realized that THE WORD OF GOD IS ALIVE!
I could see that each and every word in the bible was sooo prescious.
And because I knew I would die any moment,I envied those who would still be able to read the word of God because I wished I had read it much more than I did.
I realised THE WORD OF GOD IS MUCH MORE PRESCIOUS THAN GOLD and that to have the chance to read it is such a huge priviledge.
I was so weak,I couldn’t read even a single verse,but I saw light shining on each and every word!
It seemed like a refreshing spring!
Children of God,let us spend much time reading the bible,it is a very precious gift from God.
On the day you die,you will realize just how precious it is but you will not be able to read more of it.
I very much envied my sister and the other relative who were not dying and could still read it,but I realized that they too did not yet understand just how precious the word of God is.
I wished for a second chance just so that I could obsessively read the bible.
Even though I couldn’t read anything,just seeing the words on the page where my bible was opened,I felt a great warmth of the Holy Spirit in my heart,as if my heart leaped for joy, at seeing the word of God!
I was still declaring healing.But I was so weak most of my declarations were just whispers and mumbles,”Jesus please help me.I will live,I will not die.”
I began to feel better, when my husband arrived, he found me sitting up.
He couldn’t believe it because I seemed fine. It was as if my sister had just lied when she told him I was really really really sick.
Days before I got sick,my husband had seen a vision of an ancient army coming from a place between the east and south.
In the vision,the coming of the ancient army was like a déjà vu.
It was as if he had seen the destruction this army could do before.
He saw that this ancient demonic army has been there through the ages,even in the time of David.
He saw that wherever it passes,it leaves total destruction and death.
And in the vision,he knew that it was coming to our home.
On Sunday night when I got very sick,God reminded my husband of this vision and told him to anoint our house for a “PASS OVER”.
So he anointed the door posts and windows like the Israelites did during pass over.
So after experiencing what I experienced, almost dying,I knew that it was the same attack God had showed to my husband just days before but God had already gone ahead of the enemy and our home would be passed over.
That very day in the afternoon,as I slept (I was still kind of sick),God spoke to me in a dream. He just told me,”It's about Calvary”.
Immediately I knew He was talking about my healing being paid for on calvary.
And at that very moment even while still in sleep I knew that I was healed.
I was reminded of the centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant by just saying the word and the servant was healed at the very hour Jesus spoke the word!
(Luke 7:1-10)
Jesus told me that He had allowed this to show me that He is the only One who has power over my life.
It is only Him who can take my life and it is only Him who can give me life.
Sometimes we can get carried away with life to a point that death seems like a story, like it can’t happen to you, but am here to tell you that death is very real. And it can come so suddenly.
All may be well, but in an instant, you could be breathing your last.
Do not be ashamed of living your life for God no matter how many people are going the other way.
You are on a personal journey.
On that day no one will be able to help you but Jesus.
It is better to look foolish today, for Christ’s sake, because on that day you will be the wisest.
Don’t engage in gossip,even if doing that may offend that ‘friend’ of yours who loves to gossip so much.They will not accompany you to the judgement seat.
Don’t compromise to make people who still love the world to be “comfortable “around you.They will remain here,on the day you die and you will meet your sin in the afterlife.
Depart from all iniquity and save your soul.
Prioritize JESUS no matter the situation,even if you endup looking foolish to the world,don’t mind the world’s opinion of you,they will remain behind when your time to die comes.
I have been in situations where I have chosen to look foolish according to wordly standards,just because I didn’t want to disappoint Jesus.
Start regarding life as a personal journey.
Do not feel lazy to pray and fast just because your prayer partner is feeling lazy.It is about you and Jesus.
The word of God is MORE PRESCIOUS THAN GOLD,it will never pass away.Read the bible,fight the spirit of laziness in reading the bible.
Make use of the time you have on earth and serve God to the best of your ability.
On that it,it will be worth it.
The world may have regarded you as foolish,or backward,but worldly smartness is actually the real backwardness.
Think of someone who in 1970 stole money just to enable them buy the latest clothes in fashion at the time and the person died and went to hell for stealing.
If you were to be shown the kind of clothes that made them steal, now they would look so backward, yet at the time they seemed so precious to that person. They have passed away.
Everything will pass away, only the word of God will remain.
Treasure the word of God.

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