Wednesday, July 19, 2017


17th September 2015.

Last night I was praying with my sister when the Lord revealed some things.
The most amazing thing was that we were both deep in prayer and didn't know that the Lord was showing both of us the same topic.
It's only when we were done with prayer that we discovered that the Lord Jesus Christ was showing both of us the same topic and at the same time!We ve shared both revelations below.
While we prayed,demons and demonic agents came to try to attack us and distract us from prayer.
At one time I saw that they surrounded us then the Lord instructed me to draw a circle around us and they will not be able to cross the line and come close to us.
As we kept praying,the demons became unable to enter our house.
The Lord then showed me how Satan has asigned monitoring spirits on earth.
I saw different types and sizes and all they did was monitor people so that they can know how best to attack Christians and to ensure that people were obeying satan.
The Lord then showed me demons with different types of hair.
They would get hair from these demons and make it into wigs (artificial hair) then bring to earth.
The Lord Jesus Christ also showed me how they make other things in the satanic Kingdom as well.
I saw demons making cars then bringing them to earth and they would look like normal cars.
The Lord told me when demons want to bring down a person,sometimes they do that using demonic food.
If that person's spiritual life is weak,the demonic food will begin to work,weakening that person's prayer and fasting life.
The Lord Jesus Christ showed me a person whom demonic agents wanted to bring down in this way.
He was talking to another person and said,"I want to go to the market."
Monitoring spirits had been watching this person and immediately he talked about going to the market,I saw a demon appear at the same market,desist as a trader.
It looked like an elderly woman and was dressed in the exact way traders at that market were dressed.There was nothing unusual about it.
I also saw that a stand had appeared in that sane market,already set with vegetables,fish,fruit etc.
No one in the market noticed anything strange and they all continued with their business normally.
The Lord then told me that when the person they are targeting reaches the market,if he is a weak christian he would be attracted to that stand and the things he buys there will begin to have effect on him.
But if a christian living right with God buys those things,they will be of no effect to them and would just be like normal food.
The Lord said when we pray for the things we buy,they will be purified.
However He said its not everything that can be purified,that sinful things like indecent clothes,and other things He has forbidden and classified as sinful such as makeup,artificial hair,jewelry, etc will not be purified even if you pray for them because He cannot purify what He has condemned.
I saw a demon with a hand that had nails which were polished.
The nails were of different colours,shapes,sizes and they kept growing every second.
The Lord revealed that artificial nails come from this demon's hands!
He even showed me the same nails,displayed in a shop for sell.
I then saw a girl wearing an ankle bracelet but in the spirit it wasn't a bracelet but a snake!
I saw a satanic agent standing at a cross road.
She was dressed indecently. Near her,I saw an invisible stand with all sorts of jewellery displayed.This stand was spiritual and was invisible to the human eye.
Whenever a man lusted after this girl,some jewellery,for example a neck chain would come from the stand and appear on the man spiritualy and from then on he would get possessed with the spirit of lust.
This would happen in the spirit and could not be seen physically.
I saw a shopping complex.Its made of small bricks and has many stories.But I saw that all the bricks were eyes in the spiritual realm,meant to be monitoring people's lives.
I also saw a small plane hovering the complex with monitoring agents in it.
All this was in the spirit and could not be seen physically.

I also saw demons making different types of food.When they were done,they lifted it in sacrifice to satan.
I then saw the same food appear in different food outlets.I saw one of the demons I had seen making the food in the spiritual realm now posing as a chef in one of the outlets.
The Lord showed me different scented lotions being manifactured in the satanic Kingdom then brought to earth.
Am not saying it's a sin to use lotions,if you pray for the lotion it will be purified.Unless it's a sinful thing like a skin bleaching lotion,then it won't be purified because it's sinful.
The Lord said sinful things like jewellery and makeup and wigs and indecent clothes will not be purified even if you pray for them.
But normal things such as food and other things that aren't sinful will be purified by prayer.
However if a weak christian eats those things without praying for them,they will have effect on them.
Satan is desperate for control in people's lives because he knows his time is short.The bible says he is like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour.
unless you stay close to Jesus you will be caught in his snare.

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