Tuesday, June 20, 2017


When we hear that someone has died, we never think that we can aIso easily die. This past week, a very dear beloved passed on and that made me realize that this life on earth is totally useless and that all these things we stress over daily are of no use to our real selves, our spiritual man who will vacate this earthly tent we are living in when God says our time to prove our commitment to Him is done.
You and I tend to think we are too special to die and that other people can die but not us. But God is not a respecter of persons. When God makes so many promises about how He will use us, we relax and think we have a long way to go. But you can die even without those promises being fulfilled. You may be praying for God to give you something and after He gives you what you are asking for you can die even two days later. God answering your prayers or making promises about how He is going to use you is not an assurance of a long life. You can die even without those promises being fulfilled. We should always be ready for death just like the rapture. It is not for us to know about where she has gone because we all have our relationship with God . She also had hers and we are not her judge but God is.
This post is meant to wake us up and show us that we are not permanently here in earth and we can leave suddenly. This young Lady was only 28 years old and a new mother of a 3 weeks old baby. Death was not on her budget, she wanted to live a long life like any of us and raise a family. She was a human being just like us and there was nothing different that she did from us to deserve death. On Tuesday 7th March God told someone that there is a spirit of death. The message was prayed against but not seriously, with people saying that Satan could do nothing and she laughed about it including herself that Satan could do nothing . We should never take these messages lightly at all. We even have to fast and destroy the plans of the devil when such a message comes. This message was taken very lightly as most people take visions etc. Thinking it could not materialize. Satan has got no power YES but only when we seriously pray against him. If God knows that Satan cannot harm us, He would not be giving visions to His children to protect us.
On Wednesday 8th March which was Women's day, she woke up like any of us, not knowing she would be in the mortuary before the day ends. She was not at all sick but was normal. In the evening, she started saying that her leg hurt. When she stood up to try and walk, she fell down and collapsed dead as if it was a joke. She was rushed to the hospital and the Doctor said, “The person you have brought here is long gone. You have just brought a body." and He immediately transferred her to the mortuary.
That could have easily been any if us! Who are You and Who am I not to die? How special are we? She had no control over her death and so are we. We can't stop ourselves from dying when the time comes. We were totally in shock and thought that maybe God was just trying to teach us that we should take warnings from Him very seriously when He speaks and that she would wake up. She did not wake up. I said," Surely God, this is not how her life was destined to end. She can't just end like its a joke."
So four of us decided to go to the mortuary on the day of the Burial. We woke up very early before people could come and put her in the coffin. We wanted to pray to God for mercy so that maybe He could raise her from the dead and bring her back to life. The mortuary attendant attended to us and took us to the mortuary and pulled out her tray. I have never seen a dead body first hand and it was so shocking. She was frozen and the ice was even on her face. We started interceding for God to have mercy and to bring back her soul from the dead. It was so shocking because you could see that she was empty. You see that she had no soul and the body was just like an empty container. The person inside was gone. We touched and anointed her whiIe she was in the cold room.
We anointed her head, eyes, ears, etc and prayed to God. We called out her name and commanded her to hear the voice of God and commanded her soul to come back from the dead in the name of Jesus Christ but nothing happened. I reminded God that He is the God that allowed Linda Ngaujah to come back and that He should allow her to come back too. I reminded Him that He brought back Lazarus when he was taken to Bonkee's crusade, but God was quiet. We don't know why God chooses to resurrect certain people but its His divine mercy and that is just for some people whom He chooses. It is not something guaranteed. The Bible says it is appointed ONCE for man to die not twice. We pleaded with God but she did not wake up.
God taught us that we should utilise this chance here on earth. If you still have that lie from the devil in your head that you will do as you Iike and then when you die you will be prayed for and come back to life, get rid of it. Once you are dead, you are gone into the spiritual realm either to Heaven or to Hell. Often times, we have the chance of telling People the word of God but we don't utilize it for example when you are sitting next to someone in a Bus on a journey. But this sudden death and seeing her as she was being lowered in the grave brought the reality of how we can die suddenly. When travelling back from the funeral, I could not just sit next to the person I was sitting without telling then about sin and Hell. Over 90% of the people in the world are not living a Holy life. Thy say they are Christians Yes but are they worthy before God? It would feel so bad to know that you sat next to someone for hours and had the knowledge that would have saved them from Hell but you decided to keep quiet. It was a 7 hour journey and I told him about sin and Hell, about secular music secular Tv etc. All you have to do is tell them. Whether they decide to obey or not is between God and them but it has been recorded in Heaven that you told them .

Friends, when you die, you will be all alone to explain before Jesus why you did what you did here on earth. The people who were influencing you will not be with you. Everyone will leave you alone at the grave and go back home. There are more demons in human form on this earth than real humans. The Lord has said this many times. Majority of The people you have come to trust and call friends are actually demonic creatures from the pit of hell in human disguise They come to earth and are born in form of humans so that they can influence us and take you and I to hell. They make you laugh at dirty jokes, they pressure you to sin and they are the majority in this world so you feel like you should do what the crowd is doing. It was very hard to understand how there are more demons than humans on earth but as the Lord pointed them out in our daily lives, they were so many that his we no longer ask who is a demon but rather, who is a human. This is hard to fathom but if you ask the Lord in prayer, He will faithfully help you understand. Ask Him to open your eyes friends. Don't think that it is someone far away. They are the 'people' you are found with everyday! They also pretend to pray but they are demons destined for doom. They are doomed and they want you to be doomed along with them. Thy look just like humans and thy do everything humans do! They just want to get you close to you. It is a game of numbers. It looks like everyone is doing this and that but its actually demons setting trends. Don't follow the majority because the majority is going to Hell.

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