Monday, June 5, 2017


In a vision of the night, the Lord showed me demons in Human form. They were out on the streets and they were angry.
I saw a tall building with Christians inside and the demons on the streets kept throwing stones at the building. They were so angry that they started a riot and started breaking water pipes so that the water was running on the streets.
They were angry about God's true children,angry about what God was revealing to his children and angry that they had been exposed.
Some of them on the streets had even changed to their real demonic appearance while some remained disguised as Humans.
In that building, there were a lot of different types of Christians including fake ones but I saw that the demons were only attacking particular people and leaving the others. I understood that these were attacks from demons in various areas of the life of true Christians as well as persecutions.
The devil only persecutes those whom he knows do not belong to him already. Then a demon which looked like its whole body was made out of metal started attacking a certain woman from the building. The demons had now started climbing up the building. It caught her and kept hitting her repeatedly on the back but she was feeling no pain. When it saw that she was feeling no pain,it dragged her on the floor but she ran and hid in a small room.
Then, I saw lot of Policemen looking in different rooms looking for Christians because they had hidden. They barged into the room she was in and they found her in her hiding place.
They were men and women and they all had green uniforms with badges and extreme hatred was written on their faces. These were demons but they looked like human beings. One of them had a book where he was writing names and he asked her, "what is your name?" Immediately she told him her name, he said he said, "Christian" with a twisted mouth as if he was disgusted.
It was as if they had a list of true Christians and he could tell just by her telling him her name that she was a true Christian.
He said, "Take her into that room. All of them have to be shot today!"

The Lord is showing us what kind of intense war we are in. Demons will do anything to make us give up on our journey to Heaven. They are even out to kill us in this physical life we live in in order to stop our prayers.
Demons in Human form are very real and are more in number than real Human beings. Defeat begins once you refuse to acknowledge this because they will work against you.
Strife is one major weapon they use against the children of God. They will try to make you enter in strife with them in one way or another or to create a certain enmity. All they want is for you to harbour hatred and anger in your heart so that you will not be Holy. The word says he who dies not forgive will also not be forgiven. Demons know all these verses very well and they try to make you sin. The battle is fierce and they are angry as seen in the dream.
The Lord earlier said that the devil releases thousands of demons just to bring one true Christian down. Another tactic demons in Human form use is to try marry true Christians in order to make them back slide and they succeed 99% of the time. No wonder the bible says commit your plans to the Lord and they will prosper. But if someone does not commit their plans to the Lord, the Lord will leave them to marry demons.
If you are fasting, they will make sure to talk about food and eat in your presence so that you can be tempted to give up. They also pretend to have a happy life while sinning and make things of this life like they are the ideal thing so that real human beings can follow in their footsteps. But nothing can compare to the Glory of Heaven and everything on this earth will pass. What matters is eternity. Do you want to go to a place of eternal joy or a place of eternal torment?
The things that demons in human form do are so so many that one can not possibly even list half of them. What we just all need is the baptism of the Holy Spirit so that we can escape the tempters snare. The Lord will help us escape every tactic and every trap they put in our way. I tell you truly, many of the people you think love you and are your close friends are actually demons in human form fighting against your soul.
They make you sin in one way or another while pretending to love you. It can be that they make you lie, they make you do illegal things,they make you listen to dirty jokes,show you sinful pictures,they make you watch dirty videos in the name of the video being funny etc.
They can even make you fail to pray by bringing up programs that will make you busy. Sometimes you can be fasting especially in places like School or work but they will make sure to distract you so that you spend that time away from the presence of God. They can even buy you the food you like just to make you stop fasting! The bad thing is that they also talk about God sometimes about how horrible the devil just in order to deceive you and to keep their hold on you. Sometimes, another demon in human form will do something wrong just in order for you to gossip about them. They know gossip will land you in Hell.
The important thing is to mind your own business even as Paul says to live a quiet life in the Bible. They are out on a mission against humanity.
Always please God and not man because you might just be trying to please a demon. Don't laugh at dirty jokes and don't tolerate someone when they are trying to show you something that you know the Lord doesn't like.
This world is so polluted but the key is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and prayer. Hell is real and it is eternal. Escape from it!

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