Wednesday, March 1, 2017


During prayer yesterday,
The Lord told me not to rise up from where I was kneeling in prayer till He told me to.
It is a way that the Lord has been using to train my obedience to Him and also to teach me to pray more.
So the Lord has been doing this to both Zipporah and I,one day He told us not to rise up from the prayer place at 9 am and He only let us go at 3 am the next day.
It's never easy especially after some hours but the Lord said He wants to train our obedience so that we can only do something when He tells us to regardless of what the flesh wants.
So I was in such a session again yesterday when the Lord showed me these visions. Yesterday's session however, only lasted for some hours.
During this time, satan and his demons tried by all means to distract me and make me get up before Jesus allows me to,they just wanted to make me disobey but victory was won through Jesus Christ.
I saw a woman burning in hell.
She was in deep regret for having wasted her life on earth.
She was there for adultery and drunkenness. she kept wishing for just one second to go back to earth so she could repent.
Despite all the pain and torment she underwent in hell,she kept wishing for her best friend whom she used to party with not to go to hell.
She was so concerned about her and kept saying,"All those things were useless. Let my friend realise it fast before her time is up. Oh let her realise."
She was then allowed to see her friend who was still on earth and I could hear her thoughts. She was thinking ,"I really want to be in your place right now. I want to be in your place so that I can repent. I won't chase after the world anymore. Just one second on earth."
As she said this,her skin kept burning in the huge flames of hell. The place was in total darkness. I noticed that her clothes had also burnt off and only bits clung to her body.
(It must be understood however that these are not physical clothes. hell is a spiritual place)
Her face and her whole body were gray.
I also noticed that her hair was burnt up,
She was in severe torment.
Her skin had deep cuts and blood oozed from them and she kept burning.
The Lord drew my attention to the woman's friend who was on earth.
I saw that she had continued in the lifestyle she once shared with her late friend.
But as I watched I saw that she was only remaining with very little time on earth.
I could see the time she was remaining with but she wasn't aware of it.
She kept on drinking and partying and living a godless life.
I saw how she kept running after worldly things as though they were her everything.
Her life was so occupied by them and suddenly I saw her time on earth wrapping up so quickly and she suddenly died too and went to hell. My heart sank.
"But fornication and all uncleanliness ,or covetousness,let it not be named amongst you as becometh saints."EPHESIANS 5:3
"Nor thieves,nor covetous, nor drunkards,nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God."1 CORINTHIANS 6:10
I saw a vision were I was talking to some children about the Lord.
I told them about salvation and repentance and living a holy life.
Then the vision skipped to years later when these kids had grown and were now teenagers.
I saw them walking on a broad road,individually, not as a group.
As they walked,they met youths who were their age engaging in sinful things.
The sin that my attention was particularly drawn to was that of having boyfriends and girlfriends and engaging in fornication.
Other youths were on this road and engaged in immoral acts.
But I saw that as these teenagers whom I had preached to neared where these immoral youths were,they did not join in and copy and do the same.
They found it disgusting and covered their eyes with their hands so they wouldn't see the immoral acts their mates were doing,and instead of going straight ahead in the same road,they turned to the right where there was a narrow path.
All of them did the same thing when they reached this point.
The Lord Jesus Christ then told me," They are set apart and consecrated to Me because of My Word which they heard when they were still young."
The bible says," train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old,he will not depart from it."PROVERBS 22:6
The Lord has spoken to me about the need to teach little children about His word and about repentance.
He said,"From the little,little little children,don't neglect them. Am talking about 3 year olds,tell them,'holiness', 4year olds,'holiness' Tell them about holiness,let them grow knowing holiness is important,its what will get them into heaven.
"Follow peace with all men,and HOLINESS,without which no man shall see the Lord."HEBREWS 12:14
The Lord wants even the children to be saved. Sometimes we neglect them even when they are going in the wrong way saying,"it doesn't matter,she's a child."
When a child is old enough to know right from wrong,they become accountable to God.
Teach them the word of God,teach them how to pray,and also pray for them to grow up in the way of the Lord. The Lord is very concerned about the children,they should not be neglected both at home and at church.
They should be taught the word of God from a young age.
Parents are accountable to God for how they raise their children.
If your children go in the wrong way because you did not teach them,you are accountable to God for that.
But if you taught your children the way of God but they later rebelled on their own,then only them ll be held accountable,but you ll be free because you did your part.
In the book of Samuel,God punished Eli the Priest for his children's behaviour.
"Wherefore kick ye at my offering,which I have commanded in My habitation;and HONOUREST THY SONS ABOVE ME,to make yourselves fat with the chiefest of all the offerings of Israel My people?" 1 SAMUEL 2:29
The Lord said again in 1 Samuel 3:13" For I have told him(Eli) that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he known;because his sons made themselves vile,AND HE RESTRAINED THEM NOT."
So when you have children,know that God has entrusted you with a responsibility to raise them in the fear of the Lord.
The other visions were personal but the Lord also spoke about the need to be yielded vessels.To just give ourselves for His service.
And also the need to shun pride and envy.
Jesus is coming soon,Will you be ready?

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