Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Isaiah 49:25-26"For I will fight with whoever fights against you.I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh and they will be drunk with their own blood as sweet wine.All flesh shall know that I the Lord am your Saviour,the Mighty One of Jacob."
When the Lord called Rachael and I to him and gave us messages for the world,he told us that after he starts to use us we will face many battles from the Satanic Kingdom.
However he said even if someone accuses us,we should keep silent just as he did before his accusers.
At first,we did not understand why but now I see it was because he would fight the battles himself.
The Lord told me," When I send you somewhere,you will open your mouth but it is I who will speak. So whoever will speak against you will be speaking directly against me because it is me speaking. I am just using your body as a vessel to speak to the world."
So the Lord sent me to a remote place of the country to deliver his messages of holiness. He told me"Go because I want my children to be saved."
He sent me to a particular Church. I obeyed the Lord and went but some of the people at that place were very hostile towards the messages.
Seeing that the Lord had instructed me to go there,I expected a very warm attitude towards the messages. After the first day of delivering the messages,there was a great division among the people.
Some said that while I was speaking,they saw Jesus standing in my place while some said I had been sent by the devil. I felt bad about the division but I heard the Holy Spirit saying,"I came not to bring peace but a sword" He also reminded me that Apostle Paul also used to experience division among the people after he had spoken,so I felt encouraged. There always has to be a separation of the sheep from the goats.
When I slept at night,I felt demons attacking me tremendously. They were telling me to shut up,leave the people and just go back home. I felt totally discouraged and I felt sick.
So I even said "I think the people have heard enough. Let me just keep quiet." However, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit saying to me,"Do you want these people to go to Hell? There are some of my children here." I had to speak. When I started speaking,the Lord made me so bold and I totally told them to repent and stop lusting after the pleasures of the flesh.
I felt that it was the Holy Spirit speaking because as I was there,I automatically began to speak revelations which the Lord had never even given me before.I began to reveal things about the Kingdom of darkness and exposing the devil."
Then again,there was a division. Some got convinced of holiness while some continued to attack saying that I had been sent by the devil.
There were three people who were in the forefront saying that I was false.One of them,a leader for the intercession group came and said he had a message from the Lord saying that whatever I say should be ignored as I had been sent by the devil.
So I said,"Tell me at least just one thing that I have said which is false." They had no answer.
Then I again I said,"Can the devil want you to escape the fires of Hell and be saved? Can the devil tell you to stay away from sin and keep the Temple of God Holy? "
They had no answer but just continued saying that I am false. It was a shock to me.
I just kept silent and did not even expect anything to happen. That same afternoon one of the three people got bashed and was instantly admitted to hospital. It may have just seemed like a coincidence.
Later on that same day,the other one was also bashed and a Motor bike which he has borrowed was totally spoiled. Apart from getting healed from the injuries,he also had to deal with paying back the bike owner.It may have just seemed like a coincidence.
The next day,the intercessor leader went to drop an application at a University and was denied entrance for no particular reason.Three people facing misfortune can't be a mere coincidence. It was certainly a punishment from God! Then after I saw this, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit again saying,"They will know that I mean my word when I say touch not my anointed and do my Prophets no harm."
Even here on Face book, I would like to tell everyone who does not like what Rachael and I write to avoid our posts. We are going to continue posting what our Lord tells us no matter who opposes. Pleasing our Lord is more important to us than pleasing a human being or perhaps even a demon in human form or a devil agent.
Writing what we post is not easy. Some people may be thinking all we have to do is write a Revelation and post. That is not the case. Sometimes it is so hard delivering these messages that the Lord has to tell us to post and shows us how people are getting doomed as a result of us keeping quiet.
Here on Facebook if you do not understand a Revelation,pray and ask God about it.Do not be quick to speak because you may end up fighting God while thinking you are serving him by speaking against a message.
The bible even says in speaking about things they do not understand,some have blasphemed against heavenly beings.Only if the Lord has said a message is not from him can you disqualify it.Do not be quick to judge with your carnal mind otherwise,your own tongue may be dragging you to the Fires of Hell.You may think you are serving God.Just like they crucified Jesus thinking they were serving God and destroying evil.
Hebrews 10:31, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

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