Thursday, March 16, 2017


The Lord gave me a dream of the rapture and in the dream, it happened now around this same time. I saw 3 holiness preachers who were left behind but the attention was on one. The Lord did not tell me why other two remained. It happened so fast and the demons also took action so fast as if they were already prepared.
Immediately it happened, there appeared on earth various types of demons, some wearing ancient war armour like that of the Philistines. The skin of some of the other demons which came were made from hard leather and they looked strange. I also saw those that were demons in human form laughing at the people who were left behind. When I saw these new strange demons that had just come to the earth, the demons that exist now looked inferior and weak. It was as if these demons had been kept for this particular time.
The Lord revealed to me that the reason one of these holiness preachers had been left behind was because of lack of evangelism. The great commission.
Jesus said in His word to go out into the world and make disciples of all men. It is a commandment. If we do not go out and evangelise, then it means we are just like Satan who is taking pleasure in people landing in hell.
If we know something and yet do not say it to someone, we are burying our one talent just like in the parable of the talents. (Matthew 25: 14-30) Whatever little we know, we must share it.
She was pleading with God to forgive her for not evangelising and to take her with Him. I tell you, when you are left behind, you will know why you have been left behind just like those who who to Hell know exactly why they are in Hell.
Jesus was looking sadly down at her. He was not angry. He looked at her pitifully and said, ”But why didn't you evangelise when I gave you the chance?”
This holiness preacher had been evangelising but not consistently, that is, after intervals of time and the Lord did not consider that as constant evangelism.
If you evangelise once this week, let a month go by and then evangelise again,know that you will be left behind. That is what the Lord told me.
When I woke up, I was surprised that someone could get left behind for not Evangelising consistently and the Lord gave me this verse.
Ephesians 5:15-17 ”See then that you walk circumspectly,not as fools but as wise,redeeming the time,because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise,but understand what the will if the Lord is.”
This means that we have to redeem the time or in other words, to make use of every opportunity that we have. Every chance that we have, we should share the word of God with others. Staying periods of time and then back to evangelism again is definitely not redeeming the time. Evangelism is our shoes of peace in the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). If we are not consistent with our evangelism, it means that God will find us with incomplete armor and we will be left behind.

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