Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Proverbs 22:6" bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not
depart from it."
The Lord Jesus Christ told me to pass the following message to the world. He said that there is a GREAT need to teach children prayer from a very early age so that they can grow up with a prayer life.
The Lord said that secular cartoons and TV addiction should not be part of their lives but their lives should be filled with prayer and the word of God.
The devil is using cartoons to teach children evil ways so that when they are grown, they will not depart from those ways.
In cartoons of these days,they teach children sex and witchcraft. They make things to do with witchcraft seem so colourful, innocent and they make them seem harmless and like witchcraft powers are something to be desired.
You will find cartoons encouraging the use of magic wands and even in barbie doll kits sold in shops, a witchcraft wand is also included. It all seems colourful and harmless yet children are being taught witchcraft at an early age! They want children to be associated with spirits other than the Holy Spirit and they make it seem like some evil spirits are good while others are bad.Yet the only good spirit is the Holy Spirit and any other spirit that comes from the devil is evil and is from the pit of Hell!
When these children grow older, it will not be hard to initiate them into satanism and witchcraft because they would have grown up seeing those things on their Televisions as normal. This is the reason why there are so many Satanic agents,so much demonic pollution and that is why almost the whole world is heading to everlasting damnation in the pit of Hell!
The Lord said that children are also being taught how they should dress and behave through these cartoons. Cartoons like Barbie teach girls to wear make up, to wear trousers, to wear short skirts and they make it seem like that is how things should be. Hence after watching these secular cartoons, children want to dress exactly like them. Try to make them wear something else and they will not accept.
The same Barbie doll tool kits sold in shops even have a make up kit so that the child can help the Barbie doll bought to wear make up. To add up,that Barbie doll will have painted nails, a very short skirt or a pair of trousers. This teaches children to walk in the way of the world and away from God.
He said,"All these things in the world are useless. The devil knows how glorious Heaven is and so he wants to make sure that none of you ever make it. That is why he is using things of thus world to distract you from me so that you will never enter. The things that the devil uses is like deceiving a young prince with candy and making him believe that it is the best thing on earth, while hiding from him that he has a Kingdom and a Palace, just in order to keep him from going to his Palace. Heaven is far much more than anyone could ever describe. Even the scripture says that no eye has seen and no ear has heard what the Lord has prepared for those who love him."
The Lord also showed me a certain type of demons.
I saw demons that looked like humans but these were in the Spiritual realm and not in the physical realm. These demons looked like Humans but they had very huge bodies and very small heads. Then I remembered that I had seen cartoons that look like that! The cartoon will either have a very big head and a very small body or vice versa. Then it struck me that they draw those cartoons in the image of these demons! These types of cartoons are actually playing on TV stations even now.
The Lord has been warning about non Christian Television(secular Tv), football, hair attachments, smoking drinking, sagging, worldly fashions etc. You may think you are enjoying what you are doing that the devil is giving you a pleasurable ride to Hell. How you get there doesn't matter as long as you are his for all eternity. We should ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit in prayer and live Holy lives.

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