Sunday, March 5, 2017


7th October,2015
Zipporah and I have been asking the Lord to help us understand who we are in Christ and today during prayer the Lord Jesus Christ gave us this revelation. It applies to every child of God.We have used the direct words given by the Lord.
“You are a dangerous weapon in the hand of God.”
Suddenly I felt like am a fire ball,I saw like I was a huge flame of fire burning so hot and at the same time a multi purpose weapon that can be used to destroy ALL works of satan here on earth.
The Lord said, “you can undo any work of satan.You can open any door and it shall be opened, and no man will be able to close it and you can close any door and it shall be closed and no man will be able to open it.
There is no work of satan that you can’t undo. “
When you step out, the gates of hell will tremble.”
Suddenly before my eyes,I saw the gates of hell greatly shake.
I then saw myself walk towards what looked like a shrine .As I approached,I saw the statue like idols literally fall to the ground and crumble.
“Because you are a child of the Living God, when you go near them, idols will be brought to their knees crumbling, idol worshippers will be brought to their knees, kneeling before the true King.Demons will fall to their knees.”
“you are a child of God,you will step on snakes and scorpions and they will not harm you.(Luke 10:19) You will be thrown into the hot fire and wont be burnt,infact you will sleep in the fire peacefully,because you are the apple of My eye.
You will be thrown into an ocean and not drown.You will even be able to sleep in the middle of an ocean.”
”you are a child of the Lion of Judah,therefore you will fear nothing because you are as bold as a lion.You will not be shaken by anything, you are a lion.”
I saw myself walking and I was surrounded by so many angels,they surrounded me as I walked.
“When the life of God fills you to the fullest, satan has nothing on you.sin has no power over you.(John 14:30).”
When the Lord was making me understand the above statement, suddenly I felt like I was so filled with Jesus that I nolonger existed, like it was just Jesus living in my body.
The Lord said that’s how it will be when we are totally filled with the life of God.
“You will become proofed from all harm. They will chant incantations but they will not come near you.”
Suddenly I saw myself surrounded by so much bright light and I saw demonic incantations coming towards me like arrows but they couldn’t get close, they simply bounced off.
“You are a manifestation of the will of God here on earth.You manifest the will God; bringing life, healing, deliverance and much more.You have the power to change what is not right.”
I saw myself at something like a market place.Then I saw a demon possessed woman at a distance.The moment she looked at me,she began manifesting and was delivered.
The Lord said”You should not worry about a single thing because you are a child of the Most High God,Creator of all that exists.My eyes are always on you,watching over you for good.
As we were worshipping the Lord, I saw our praises going up,they kept going higher and Jesus was enthroned on them.
I also saw the 24 elders bowing down and worshipping the Lord.
THE Lord said to me,”realize who you are in me.You are a flame of fire.A dangerous weapon.No sickness will survive on you.When sickness comes,it will realize it has landed on the wrong body and immediately leave.”
I saw some skin fungi attempting to attack but immediately it fell off!
“They cannot inflict God and you are my child therefore they cannot inflict you.”
“Many people say they are God’s children but do not really know who they are.
What I can do,you can do.I can create and because you are My child,you will command things into existence.You will live within My heart and relay the feelings of My heart to the people.
You will speak My mind.Out of your mouth shall come a double edged sword to separate light and darkness through My word.(Hebrews 4:12).
You will feel what I feel for the people ,their pain and sorrows.You will heal them,restore hope to them, and lead them to salvation.””
He said, “I am the Lion of Judah and since you are My child,you are a lion.i have given you the spirit of boldness,courage and a sound mind. Meditate on that,realize how deep that statement is and realize the power.”
“You will pray for those with asthma and they will breathe because I the Lord breathed life into Adam.Revelations of My word will begin to multiply like a passing wind ,they will be too many.”
“You will not meet anyone in bondage who will go away still in bondage.When a demon possessed person steps in your foot prints,they be set free.You will be humble in the face of all this because God is a God of humility and you are His child.”
“While you are still miles away,demons will begin to manifest and the lame will begin to walk!You will trample the gates of hell.
Though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death,no demon shall touch you.”
I saw the devil in much tyremblig with his demons.They could do nothing to us.I saw him sitting down in humiliation because he was defeated.
The Lord told me,”all the waters of the earth are like a drop in a bucket,I can measure all the sands of earth on a scale.I have all this power and you are My child,so imagine what you can do. For you are gods (psalms 82:6,John 10:34)
You will trample on demons and fear no evil.You will walk the floors of hell and all the demons will tremble and will not touch you.”
The Lord said,”Now you know who you are as My child.The kingdom of darkness has never shaken as it has today.”
I saw demons in the underworld,holding onto poles,trembling.I saw the queen of the coast sitting down,mourning.”
The Lord said,”these demons that you see are nothing but a puff of wind.I can make hell disappear in just a snap of a finger.Thats how powerful I am.”
We shared this with you so you will know who you are as a child of God.The authority given to you.A king who doesn’t know he’s a king will be trampled on even by slaves.
Exercise that power and walk in knowledge.

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