Saturday, July 22, 2017


Last evening as my sister
Zipporah and I
prayed,suddenly I saw the
Lord Jesus Christ standing on a
narrow path,He had His hands
stretched forth towards us,urging us to come to where
He was.
The vision ended.
As we continued praying,the
room suddenly filled with the
presence of the Lord,then the Lord Jesus came and He started
talking to us.
He said,"My children,My little
children,the time is now.I
cannot wait any longer.I long
to come and take you.There's no more time,I am coming for
you.Iam coming for you."
Sometimes when we
prayed,demons would attack
us.We would see them with
spiritual eyes and as we prayed they would be
The Lord Jesus Christ said,"I am
the Lord your God and I reign
over all.Do you know why
sometimes I allow demons to attack you when you are
praying?Because I want you to
see that even right in the
enemy's camp,I can still keep
you safe.
When your enemies come,they will find you hiding in Me.They
will look for you,but all in
Zipporah saw demons that
wanted to attack her,then the
Lord said,"she's hidden in Me." The demons had no access to
As we prayed,one demon tried
to enter our house through the
wall,but it couldn't because the
Lord closed the wall with fire. I saw a vision of demons that
were trying to monitor our
prayers,then the Lord Jesus
Christ said,"they will look but
all in vain."
Suddenly I saw them blinded.They were hitting into
each other because they could
not see.
The Lord told us,"No one will
ever love you like I do.My love
is unending.Rely on Me My children.I am willing to give
you all you need.Just trust Me.I
will never fail you."
The Lord Jesus told us,"have
only one eye for Me.I long for
you to walk hand in hand with Me in the heavenly gardens."
The Lord showed me the
beautiful heavenly
gardens.They were so very
beautiful in a way I can't
describe.With flowers so beautiful and bright and
perfect.And the scent was
The Lord said,"the spiritual
realm is real.wether people
like it or not and everyone will have to face it one day.Thats
why people must prepare for
that day because regardless of
what they believe,the truth
remains and they will have to
face it." The Lord showed Zipporah saw
a vision where Me and her
were walking on a red
carpet,but the carpet was
made of the blood of Jesus.As
we walked,she saw satan and two demons wanting to come
after us . immediately wings
appeared and we flew far
from their reach.
The Lord Jesus Christ said,"I
reign over all.All power belongs to Me."
He said,"No one can come to
Me except I call them.Only I can
Let's make Jesus first in our
lives and seek Him.He told us He's willing and will answer all
our prayers.We just have to
seek Him.
In 2011,the Lord had given us a
promise about something.we
held on to the promise so much and as time passed we began
to let it go and forgot about
it.But it didn't please the Lord
that we were forgetting about
His promise. He told us"why
have you forgotten about My promise?why don't you
remember My promise
Whatever promise the Lord has
given you is precious.Hold on
to it.He will still fulfil it. Jesus will come and all the
warnings we keep receiving of
His coming will stop.
Be ready for His coming.Dont
be caught unawares after all
the warning.Jesus loves us all so much and He told us we
must trust Him with
The Lord doesn't want us to
worry about anything.He
wants us to rely on Him and trust Him,to pray about
And the Lord told us time is
very short and Satan has sent a
lot of agents to earth.The Lord
showed me and my sister satanic agents,they were so
many and from all walks of
life.Rich and poor and they all
looked very innocent.Their
work is to capture Christians
and make them fall.But if you stay close to Jesus they have
no power over you.
The Lord also said we must
evangelise to the lost.
Jesus Christ is coming back
September 17, 2015 at 4:18pm

Friday, July 21, 2017


My judgement will fall on all
those comforting my people on
their way to hell,"says the
Lord,"non of them will escape ".
meetings are held through out
the year all over the world but
why is it that hell still keeps
being populated by the same people attending these
conferences and meetings?
Why is it that the people filling
the churches Are the people
filling hell?
Why are so few entering heaven and many still falling
into the eternal fire of hell
right from the church pew?
Jesus keeps weeping for their
souls yet all you do is keep
telling them how God will bless them.You can't tell them to
repent,to fear and love the
Lord and live in righteousness.
How is it that a preacher can
spend the whole year
preaching only about the earthly blessings without ever
telling the people the way of
salvation When those very
people are On their way
running to hell ?
Why don't you take time and listen to the heart of Jesus?
He is weeping for His people
being soothed by sweet words
on their way to hell.
Why do You comfort God's
people on their way to destruction?
Do you know hell is eternal?
The Lord is a devouring fire.It's
a terrible thing to fall into the
hands of the living God.
Do not scatter with the enemy,gather with Jesus.
September 23, 2015 at

Thursday, July 20, 2017


This is a repost of this message from re-sharing it because it is very important.
On 25th of December, 2015 during prayer the Lord Jesus Christ took over my body and began speaking through Me and He gave us messages which I have written word for word below.
My children, speak the truth. Speak the truth, do not children are perishing day and night. There are no workers in my vine my work, for I am watching over my work in season and out of weather you feel like or you don’t .do my work and you will not regret it I promise you.
I will watch over you, fear the lord your God who rules over all the kingdoms of the earth. I have never failed I never will. I do not not fear the forces of hell, they are nothing to me. Where are they now? I am the lord.
Am never far away, am always my work and do not fail me. I am the lord and time is my work like there’s no more my work now! Not my work like there’s no time now.
For there is no more at all. Can’t you see it? The things I have told you all, have come to pass now. There is no time now, do my work everything you can for my service. You will see your reward. You will see your reward and you will see how gracious I am, you will see that you will not regret it.
Never, never has anyone ever worked for me and regretted careful, watch and pray. The devil is looking at you right now. He has set traps in your not fall. Let my word be a light to guide you, so that you will not fall into the traps.
He will look for every opportunity, therefore, listen to me. Stay with one can save you, only me, only me. Speak everything I have told you! I am the lord your God and I tell you again, speak it! Do not be silent. I am the Lord your God! I am shouting, I the lord your God have shouted it to not be silent, speak it out.
I do not want worldliness in my church!! I will make no exceptions. Nothing worldly will enter my kingdom! I do not change! I am the same as I was yesterday. Speak it with your last breath. I will not accept worldliness, I will not accept those styles from hell! I will not accept hell into my heaven!
Do you expect me to welcome Satan into my kingdom? Do you want me to bring up hell into my heaven? I am a holy God, I am a holy God. I will never accept not fear, do not be intimidated.
For I am with you. Speak that I have told you. Secular T.V, let it stay away from you! From this day, let me never see any of you watch those worldly things again! I never want to see you watch those things again. I am the lord your creator, who greatly, greatly, greatly loves you and I know why I said not conform to the world. Let the world conform to me.
For the world cannot enter heaven. Only me can. The world will never enter heaven, only me. Therefore, let the world conform to me. Time is up. Time is up. Time is no more. Stop running to the world and back to me. Because you will see that you will be closed out.
There is no time at all, how can I make make you understand this? The things that are awaiting you are much more better. Why do you hold on to this filth? Why? Why are you holding on to the filth? When I have so much for you. Why are you holding on to the filth?To the rotting things full of worms.why? Are they so much more attractive than all the treasures I have stored up for you? I know what am talking about because I loved you enough to die for you isn’t that enough to make you trust me?
The world will pass away, but I will forever you want to pass away with the world? Be a shining light unto the world. Make your father proud. Bring joy to your father. The one who loves you so much. The one who is always there. The one who never changes. I have said it, those cartoons are from hell! Stop watching them! Stop entertaining yourselves from hell a place of entertainment? Is that what you want? Is that what you think is the best for you? Are you rejecting heaven and accepting hell? For I give you a choice I do not force. Hell will entertain you today, it will entertain you but it will punish you severely tomorrow and you will cry and weep and gnash but it will be hopeless.
Do you think those people in hell are foolish? They were like you! They were like you! They were like you they knew me! They were running to the world and to me! They were not all completely in the world, they prayed like you! They talked about me like you! Why are they there? Because they were doing what you are doing.
Me one day, the world the next day. Never, it will never work. Death will catch you unexpectedly. I have no favors, I favor no one. My justice forever reigns. Whoever dies in sin, hell awaits you. I don’t care how close you were to me. I don’t care if you used to see me! I don’t care if I used to use you mightily! If you die in sin, sin cannot enter.
Which one do you choose my children? After I have paid the price for the way to be cleared for you, the choice is yours. Don’t be deceived. Everything I have told you is true. Believe me, the lord your God. I love you. I do not lie, everything I have told you is true. I have told you, everything is true. Why are you so forgetful? Why are you so forgetful of what I told you? I told you those cartoons are from you think I lied? Or do you want to wait until those same demons torture you? I told you those secular programs are from hell. Do you think I lied? What would I gain? I am the creator, I have all. I don’t need to lie to gain anything.
But I told you to save your souls and you do not mercy endures forever, but my judgment awaits the stubborn. Which one are you going to be? Are you going to choose the way of righteousness and peace or the road to hell? It’s up to you now. It’s all up to you.
I have thrones for you, for you to reign with me forever more. But why are you rejecting all that? Just for that filthy thing you call entertainment? Blaspheming my name all day? And you call it entertainment? Praising the devil and you call it entertainment? Is that what you are going to choose?
I have spoken to you now, but I tell you the truth, as I speak right now, Satan listened to everything I said. He will send his demons to trick you and you will listen again. You will! Because you are not standing upon my word. Therefore I tell you now. Stand upon my word and you will overcome .didn’t I tell you in my word that without me you are nothing? Therefore why don’t you read my word as if it was the water? Why don’t you read my word as if it was the water you drink every day? Why isn’t it the food that never leaves your mouth? I tell you now, because my word isn’t the food that that leaves your mouth every time, that is the reason why you always listen to the enemy.
I have offered my help. I have given myself for you. I have died for you and I have offered to help you. I have offered to help you. Keep your eyes on me. Let my word never leave your mouth! Read my word morning, evening, night read my word! Live my word and you will prosper now and forever more. Don’t be carried away. Don’t think am delaying in coming. Do not relax and think am not coming. Because then, you will be taken by surprise.
Do you want to know what will happen when that happens? I tell you, you don’t want to be part of it. I do not want anyone to be part of it. Have you ever seen human beings suffering more than animals? I tell you, you don’t want to be part of it .prepare, prepare now! Pray without ceasing. Fast! Fast I say. Pray and fast. Preach my word. Watch and pray. Check your robes every day. It will be worth it. It will be more than worth it I tell you. The reward will be more than worth it I tell you.
Do not look down on yourselves. I am your not condemn yourselves. I know everything am the lord your God. The one who helps you. Obey me now. Take everything into the sea of no remembrance. Let your obedience begin now. For it’s not too late. For the hour is indeed now when I come, I cannot say its tomorrow, no, I say the hour is now. I come, I come, I come ,tell the world that I come!
Tell the world that I Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty who died for them on the cross of Calvary ,tell them I come again, tell them am coming, tell them am expecting righteousness from them. Tell them am expecting righteousness and holiness.
Tell them, fear no one, no, fear no one. I am the Lord God, who is that man whom you will fear if you do not fear your God? Tell them this, tell them Jesus Christ of Nazareth said, stop wearing like prostitutes if you really are my daughters. It breaks my heart to pieces, tiny pieces. For how long is it going to be? Who has bewitched you? Who is it? Tell me now!
Tell them I come, but tell them, I require holiness and righteousness .Tell them, where has the love gone in my church? I will not take a church without love. Have you never read? Have you not read in your bibles? The lord God himself is love.why then do you slander each other in your churches? If it was outside I would tolerate it,but not in my church! Why? Why is there so much bitterness? Why are you fighting for positions? Are you really fighting to serve me? Or are you fighting for fame of men? Let me tell you, you have received your reward and in full! Running over and poured over you! Nothing more shall you receive. And you will not enter my kingdom. You will enter the kingdom of your father the devil. Because I the lord your God I am love.
Why have you turned my church into a club where you just meet and make programs? When am I going to make programs for you? Am I still the owner? Why am I being pushed outside? If I am the owner. No, I do not own you anymore. You have rebelled against me. You have rebelled against me. Therefore, if you do not turn back to me before its too late, I tell you this, only destruction awaits you. So many of you, so few doing My work in genuinety. What is happening? Have you lost sight of your creator?
Well then, He is here calling you again to look back and turn back to Him. His love is unending, have you never heard? Don’t you know He loves you? His love is unending. Unending. Forever.
But why has your love ended? Are you really like your Father? That is why I say, you are no longer My children. You are no longer Mine, unless you return to Me. You keep rejecting My word, you keep rejecting My messages. Why don’t you seek Me and I will tell you. Why? Why don’t you seek Me? What are you afraid of? well tell Me now; what are you afraid of? Are you afraid you are going to find out it’s the truth? Are you afraid you are going to find out it’s the truth? And are you afraid you are going to have to preach the truth and be hated by people? Have you not read a servant is not greater than the master?
Therefore why are you seeking praises everywhere? Praises that lead straight to hell? I tell you, that makes no sense. Nothing at all.Nothing. It makes no sense, no sense to Me your God. Does it make sense to you?To be praised and die?
There’s so much self -righteousness. So much self-exaltation. Where will Jesus be exalted if you are the ones exalted? Humble yourselves before Me and I will exalt you.
I am coming very quickly and My reward is with Me to give to each man according to his work. How will you be rewarded? See now and expect it. See now and expect your reward. Now you can change everything. But when I come it will be too late.
I will accept no reason for anyone who fails to complete their work. No reason I say, No reason.Was the servant who buried his treasure in the ground….were his reasons heard? I tell you,for everything I have given you,I have made the conditions suitable for that. Therefore, I will accept no laziness from My children. Do My work in season and out of season. Put yourselves in My shoes, am watching people fall into hell everyday. Do you know how that feels? No, you don’t know. You do not understand.
It breaks your heart. You want to bring those people back up to heaven, but sin cannot enter My Kingdom, I am a Holy God. Therefore, they must remain where they are.But preach to them. Preach. Day and night, morning, noon, preach the word, talk about My judgement, talk about My holiness, talk about My word, talk about Me. Tell them, tell them, tell them. Speak it out loud. Shout it on the mountain top. Speak speak speak everywhere. Speak, speak don’t be silent. Don’t wait for anything, there’s nothing to wait for.
Time is gone.Speak.You are not alone.Time is gone.Speak,Preach.Do not rest.The time of your rest will come.It’s not now, it’s not yet,no.The harvest is not done.Do not rest.Do not rest.The time of your rest will come.
And I tell you,it will be restful.I tell you it will be worth it.i tell you,I tell you, you will be glad you worked so hard.You will be glad,don’t be tired My children.Dont be tired, No.Do not be tired.Use every opportunity,tell everybody,tell everyone your King is coming.
Tell them all,let them all know am coming.Let them all know am Holy.Let them know am Holy.Let them know without holiness no one will see Me.
Tell them Jesus Christ is a Holy God.Jesus Christ is not a worldly God.Which Jesus do you have?I tell you,I tell you, I am Holy, I say this, this is the truth,am Holy,Holy,Holy,Holy is My name!
I want holiness My children,from your hearts,to your mind,to your speech,to your character,your behavior,your dressing,your conduct,everyth
ing,Holiness.Let holiness clothe you like a robe.I tell you,don’t be deceived,don’t be deceived,I am the Lord your God and I say this;without holiness not one person,not one Pastor,not one Bishop,not one Archbishop,not anybody will see Me.I tell you,wether they prophesy,wether they heal the sick,wether they pray, they fast, without holiness no man will see Me.
Therefore I tell you, preach holiness,tell them holiness is required,before they can prepare in any other way,tell them they just have to be holy, they just have to be like their creator.From the little children,little little little children.Am saying,little, did you hear Me?Do not neglect them.Am telling you,little little children,little little children,am telling you, Am talking about 4 year olds,tell them,holiness,3 year olds,holiness,let them grow knowing holiness is important,is what will get them into My Kingdom.
Tell them, tell the old people,tell everybody,tell the teenagers,tell everybody;holiness,tell them prosperity(prosperity gospel) will get them into hell only.Nowhere else,tell them it will only get them into hell,that’s all.
Tell them it breaks their Father’s heart to see how they keep going every Sunday,all through the week to church,thinking they are going to get into heaven,and I see that they are taught nothing of Me,Nothing,I say Nothing,I tell you,Nothing, I see it, I am the Lord, I see it,I tell you I see it.I see it in many churches,I see it,I tell you,I see only tradition, traditions of men, that’s what I see I tell you.And the people go out, and they think they worshipped God.It breaks My heart,tradition
,religion, recipes for hell only,only,that’s all.
This is the time that Am looking for worshippers who ll worship in truth and in Spirit,who are led by My Spirit. Because,behold,the heavens are ready,the heavens are ready to pour out the Holyspirit,the heavens are ready for that great outpour for anyone who asks.
But I don’t see people asking,I just see people running to man for help.I see people running to man,and I ask;will they ever run to their creator?And I see no,no,no,no,no,no,no,the creator is not even on their minds.i see you run from one man to another,to another,to another,to another, prophet,to another prophet,to another prophet,to another,when will they run to their creator?When will they run to their God?Is God a shop?Am I a shop where you just come and get what you want?and you go back to your life?you just run to a prophet to ask for a blessing?No,I tell you I watch and I do not answer.I do not answer.i will not be used.
Repent for the time is now.Repent,I tell you right now look around you.You think everything is perfect,you think everything is perfect,but I tell you in a split second it will all change, Repent,Repent,I tell you, let this word never leave your lips; repent,wether they are angry,repent,shout it louder,repent for the Kingdom of God is NOW.
Tell them the Master says you will not see Him unless you are holy.The Master says you will not see Him until you remove your idols.Tell them the master say He cares about the outward too,or else I wouldn’t have written it in My word.i do care.How are you going to shine as the light of the world?Is the world going to look in your heart?What do you think I meant when I said you are the light of the world?Is the world going to see your heart and know you are My child?No.The world is going to see your conduct, and the world is going to see your dressing.
Many will regret,I tell you many,but it will be too late,many will regret,I hate to think of the numbers,you don’t know,you don’t know the numbers.There are Millions upon millions upon millions upon millions upon millions who are going to reject this,but who are also going to endup in hell.My heart breaks for them.Why is it?Why is that?My children don’t you know My voice,can’t you tell it is Me,your Father?why do you argue so much?Can’t you tell it is from your Lord?Why do you argue?why is it that you just argue?You argue and you argue and argue and you argue,stop arguing,stop!stop arguing and go on your knees,repent for the time is now.
Iam a holy God.Holy,Holy,do you know Holy?It is not partial,it is not part of your life,it is not your dressing leaving out your character,it is not you praying,leaving your behavior,it is everything.For on that day nothing will be hidden, I will see everything,and I already see everything.The time is now.
Tell the world I love them,I Jesus Christ of Nazareth who died on the cross of calvary for their sins,tell them I ve prepared a place for them,to reign with Me as Kings,sons of the Living God.
Tell them I’ve prepared a way of escape from hell.Tell them I invite them in My love.
Tell them it is I Jesus Christ who sent you.Tell them,tell them if they reject you they reject Me.Tell them you do not come on your own.Tell them it is Jesus Christ who walked on this earth
Tell them I am the One,the Great I am.Tell them it is not another Jesus,it is not another Jesus I tell you the truth.Tell them it is not another Jesus,tell them it is I.It is I the Lord your God who spoke to Moses in a burning bush and now I speak to you.Tell them it is I who parted the red sea who has sent you.Tell them it is I,I who spoke the world into being.Tell them it is Jehovah their God.Tell them it is the Great I am.It is not you,No.Tell them the Great I am has sent you.My sheep will hear My voice.
Peace be unto you My children. I am the Lord your God.I am your creator.I am Jesus Christ,the One who was crucified for you.I am the Son of God, and theres no one else but Me.
I go now,Peace, Peace be unto you.Do My work faithfully.Do My work faithfully.Speak My every word faithfully.And I am with you always

Wednesday, July 19, 2017



I had just come to the Lord and had been in prayer and fasting for
some days seeking the Holyspirit baptism and more of God when I
had my first encounter with Jesus Christ.
It was at this time that the Lord made known to me His plans for my
The responsibility that the Lord has given me is similar to the one
He gave my sister Zipporah,and He gave these words to both of us.
This was on 6th January 2012.
Below are His words of commission to me.
He gave me Ezekiel 33 talking about the watchman.
He said,"Iam going to show you hell and heaven so that you will
warn people to repent and escape from hell.
When I show you,I will require so much more from you because you
have seen with your own eyes.
But do not be afraid because I will help you.
I have set you as a watchman to deliver messages of warning to My
I have so much to show you and so much to tell you,and you must
speak of everything.
Do not fear anyone.Speak of all that i show you.
Many people will hate you,even many of your family members will
hate you.But don't be afraid of losing anyone's love because My
love will makeup for all the love they would have given you.My love
is purer than gold!
Many will rise and oppose you,but don't be afraid.Don't be
Speak what I show you.
Many will oppose you thinking they are doing God a service,they will
even twist bible verses to condemn you, but you must be faithful to
Me,don't ever be silent.
They will call you names,they will call you false prophets,many will
even call you crazy because of the things I will show you.
But you must never be ashamed.Speak everything.Dont ever give
up.I will never leave nor forsake you.If you do not tell the people the
truth,I will require their blood at your hands.
I am going to show you alot of things about the Kingdom of
I will use you to expose satan's kingdom.
And I will show you much more than you even expect.
There will be many persecutions but don't ever give up because
great is your reward.
You must never become proud or I will crush you.
I am with you always,don't ever give up no matter the opposition.
Today is the end of your personal life,from now own you will live for
My glory.
31st August,2015.
"You are a seer and God shows you alot of visions.
God says He will reveal mysteries to you,things not easy to
The revelations God will be giving you will not be easy to
understand and require a key to unlock.
(The Holyspirit is the key . He's the one who makes us understand
hidden things)
The Lord showed me a sealed scroll like the book of revelations that
requires a key to unlock.
Many will not understand you.
God has called you for a new move,one that has never been
seen,It's something different.
God also showed me that you will have a lot of interactions with
angels and they will deliver messages to you.
You will see angels in a way that's so real and people will find it
hard to believe and wonder like,"did she really see an angel?"
You will be an alarm for the church,God will be showing you on the
courses,seasons,and plans of the kingdom of darkness so the
church will know how to pray.
There will be no plan of the Kingdom of darkness that God will not
reveal to you.


17th September 2015.

Last night I was praying with my sister when the Lord revealed some things.
The most amazing thing was that we were both deep in prayer and didn't know that the Lord was showing both of us the same topic.
It's only when we were done with prayer that we discovered that the Lord Jesus Christ was showing both of us the same topic and at the same time!We ve shared both revelations below.
While we prayed,demons and demonic agents came to try to attack us and distract us from prayer.
At one time I saw that they surrounded us then the Lord instructed me to draw a circle around us and they will not be able to cross the line and come close to us.
As we kept praying,the demons became unable to enter our house.
The Lord then showed me how Satan has asigned monitoring spirits on earth.
I saw different types and sizes and all they did was monitor people so that they can know how best to attack Christians and to ensure that people were obeying satan.
The Lord then showed me demons with different types of hair.
They would get hair from these demons and make it into wigs (artificial hair) then bring to earth.
The Lord Jesus Christ also showed me how they make other things in the satanic Kingdom as well.
I saw demons making cars then bringing them to earth and they would look like normal cars.
The Lord told me when demons want to bring down a person,sometimes they do that using demonic food.
If that person's spiritual life is weak,the demonic food will begin to work,weakening that person's prayer and fasting life.
The Lord Jesus Christ showed me a person whom demonic agents wanted to bring down in this way.
He was talking to another person and said,"I want to go to the market."
Monitoring spirits had been watching this person and immediately he talked about going to the market,I saw a demon appear at the same market,desist as a trader.
It looked like an elderly woman and was dressed in the exact way traders at that market were dressed.There was nothing unusual about it.
I also saw that a stand had appeared in that sane market,already set with vegetables,fish,fruit etc.
No one in the market noticed anything strange and they all continued with their business normally.
The Lord then told me that when the person they are targeting reaches the market,if he is a weak christian he would be attracted to that stand and the things he buys there will begin to have effect on him.
But if a christian living right with God buys those things,they will be of no effect to them and would just be like normal food.
The Lord said when we pray for the things we buy,they will be purified.
However He said its not everything that can be purified,that sinful things like indecent clothes,and other things He has forbidden and classified as sinful such as makeup,artificial hair,jewelry, etc will not be purified even if you pray for them because He cannot purify what He has condemned.
I saw a demon with a hand that had nails which were polished.
The nails were of different colours,shapes,sizes and they kept growing every second.
The Lord revealed that artificial nails come from this demon's hands!
He even showed me the same nails,displayed in a shop for sell.
I then saw a girl wearing an ankle bracelet but in the spirit it wasn't a bracelet but a snake!
I saw a satanic agent standing at a cross road.
She was dressed indecently. Near her,I saw an invisible stand with all sorts of jewellery displayed.This stand was spiritual and was invisible to the human eye.
Whenever a man lusted after this girl,some jewellery,for example a neck chain would come from the stand and appear on the man spiritualy and from then on he would get possessed with the spirit of lust.
This would happen in the spirit and could not be seen physically.
I saw a shopping complex.Its made of small bricks and has many stories.But I saw that all the bricks were eyes in the spiritual realm,meant to be monitoring people's lives.
I also saw a small plane hovering the complex with monitoring agents in it.
All this was in the spirit and could not be seen physically.

I also saw demons making different types of food.When they were done,they lifted it in sacrifice to satan.
I then saw the same food appear in different food outlets.I saw one of the demons I had seen making the food in the spiritual realm now posing as a chef in one of the outlets.
The Lord showed me different scented lotions being manifactured in the satanic Kingdom then brought to earth.
Am not saying it's a sin to use lotions,if you pray for the lotion it will be purified.Unless it's a sinful thing like a skin bleaching lotion,then it won't be purified because it's sinful.
The Lord said sinful things like jewellery and makeup and wigs and indecent clothes will not be purified even if you pray for them.
But normal things such as food and other things that aren't sinful will be purified by prayer.
However if a weak christian eats those things without praying for them,they will have effect on them.
Satan is desperate for control in people's lives because he knows his time is short.The bible says he is like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour.
unless you stay close to Jesus you will be caught in his snare.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


25th January,2015


The Lord had told me that He has called me to tell of the reality of hell as well as heaven and warn people so that they repent.
This morning,the Lord Jesus Christ visited me to show me something in hell.
We descended into the dark abyss and I saw so many people burning in the enormous flames of hell.
I saw a man in the flames, he was all burnt out.
The man was screaming in a way I cannot exactly describe.
It sounded like a cry of extreme deep pain and regret.
His clothes had long burnt off,all of his flesh had been eaten by worms and burnt off.
He completely had no flesh left on him!
It had all fallen off and only bones smeared with blood from his flesh remained.
He was just a skeleton and yet he was alive!
I could only tell he was a man because of his voice as he screamed.
He had no eyes,they had rotted and burnt off,only eye sockets remained yet I noticed that he could see because he turned to look at the Lord Jesus and I.
He had no ears,or nose,everything had been burnt in the fire of that terrible place.
Yet he could still hear and smell!
I noticed that even his tongue was gone yet he could still talk!
It was a horrible sight to behold.
I was terrified,I moved closer to Jesus.
Even though this man had completely burnt off remaining only a skeleton,
He could not die. He kept on burning and screaming in great agony.
He could still feel the pain the same way those with flesh were feeling.
Jesus and I moved closer to the man.
He was in horrible pain.
Huge flames of fire covered him and he cried out loudly in pain.
He lifted up his hands to his face,screaming in pain but there was no relief. This fulfils the word of the lord in job 11:20 (amplified) " But the eyes of the wicked shall look [for relief] in vain, and they shall not escape [the justice of God]; and their hope shall be to give up the ghost.
I then asked the Lord Jesus Christ who this man was.
The Lord told me,"this is Lot from the bible."
I was shocked. Strength left me.
Ever since I first heard of lot until this very moment,I had always assumed he's in heaven.
God had rescued him and his family from soddom because he was a righteous man. I have never had reasons to ever imagine him in hell. I was in utter shock to see him in that terrible place going through unimaginable torment!
Tears were coming out of my eyes,I looked at Jesus and I asked,"but Lord how can he be here?You saved him from soddom."
I saw that Jesus was in great pain watching this man suffering.
When he spoke,his voice sounded shaky (as a person would sound when he's in pain).
He said,"I saved him and his family from soddom. But towards the end of his life, he turned away from Me. He abandoned My ways. Go and tell My people to be faithful till the very end. Tell them to be faithful until the very end of their earthly lives. Hold on to Me faithfully because if you are not careful I can save you today but you can lose your salvation tomorrow. Look at him,i saved him from the fire of soddom and gommorah but he abandoned Me and still ended up here. Tell My people to be faithful to Me until the end. Tell them to be faithful till the end. Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life "Revelations 2v10 (kjv)
I was still in absolute shock at what I was seeing and what the Lord was telling me . Jesus was in so much pain,he couldn’t look at Lot anymore,he turned to face away.
When I looked at Lot,the flames that had gone down to his waist came right back up covering his whole body in a fiery explosion.
I covered my face with my hands,It was too much to take.
I began to think of how easily we could lose our souls if we become careless with sin. This man escaped the fire of Soddom and Gommorah,yet he failed to escape the fires of hell. I saw the absolute need of staying close to the Lord every single minute of our lives . He's the only one who can help us.
My joints felt weak.
Jesus then led me away from there.
On our way out,the Lord showed me two women who were also burning in hell and he told me,"look,those are his daughters."
They were in hell too.
As we left that place the Lord emphasised to me,"Tell My people to be faithful until the very end,until the very end."We then left the place.
The bible talks of lot being a righteous man and that's why he was saved from soddom.
For that righteous man(Lot) dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds) 2 Peter 2:8
This is in reference to the state of his life while in soddom,he was a righteous man.
The bible however is silent on what happened to him after Genesis 19 when his daughters made him drunk.
His life is no longer discussed from then on.
But the Lord told me the reason he was in hell was because he turned his back on God. He turned to the world later in his life. That's what Jesus told me.
The bible says," But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned:(shall not be remembered) in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die. "Ezekiel 18v24 (KJV)
Even though you are righteous today but you later turn back to sin and die in sin,the bible says your righteous deeds shall not be remembered.
This is why Jesus is emphasising on being faithful until the very end. That's the only way you will gain the crown of life.
Once saved is not always saved. You have to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.(philipians 2:12).
This simply means holding on to Jesus,living a holy life until the very end of your earthly life.
It's carrying your cross every single day of your life. Luke 9:23 "And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross DAILY, and follow me.(Kjv)
Don't put down your cross to rest,it's not time yet,now we are still in battle and must overcome the enemy.
"And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?
And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible."Mark 10:26-27
Remember that without Jesus you cannot live a holy life,stay joined to Him always.
Be faithful until the end and you will get the crown of life. (Revelations 2:10).
Some hours later,I prayed and read the bible.
I was listening to worship music when the Lord showed me a section in hell for those who were greedy on earth.
This time around I was in the company of an angel.
The angel explained to me that people who go to this section are those who loved money more than God.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Exodus20:3
Money was their god. They were greedy with money and would do anything just to get their hands on more money.
They wouldn't care whom they hurt,and would even steal and do anything just to get money.
"And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of all kinds of greed for a man's life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses ."Luke 12:15
In this section,I saw what looked like an expensive purse drop to the floor. It seemed to have dropped out of no where.
Immediately this purse dropped,all the people in this section ran to the purse.
All of them wanted it. They were so many and they began fighting for the purse.
They fought and abused each other in an attempt to get it to themselves.
They did this for a very long time,I noticed that they were extremely tired but they continued fighting and raining abuses at each other!
This surprised me because I expected at least even one of them to give up considering how tired they looked but not one of them stopped.
The angel explained,"on earth,they fought so hard and wouldn't stop for anything to get money. Money was their god . Because they fought so hard for money,they must continue fighting for it even here . Nothing can make them stop fighting until they just collapse out of exhaustion but even then when they get up they continue to fight again. Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. kjv

As I watched,the people all kept fighting until like the angel had said,they all collapsed to the ground one by one.
The bible says you cannot serve two masters at once. You can't serve both God and money at the same time.(Luke 16:13) God wants to be first in your life,whatever you put ahead of Him is an idol.
" Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
You cannot see Him unless you rid yourself of idols.
Repent of every sin and make Jesus your Lord.
"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:" Hebrews 12:14
He loves you and sends this warning in love.
He doesn’t want you to perish in that place but He wants you to come to him now so that you will have everlasting life." JOHN 3:16
All these people in hell cannot come back to earth to repent,but you can repent while you are still on earth. God bless you beloved brothers and sisters.

Monday, July 17, 2017



#1. My husband and I were invited to attend a church service by a pastor friend of ours who was opening a church.
We hadn't seen him for a very long time.
But when we got to the church,the Lord opened my eyes and I could see the wife to this pastor friend of ours.
I was shocked coz God showed me she's a demon incarnate.
Its an individual choice whether to believe or not that these demons in human flesh really exist.
And whether you believe it or not,there are many currently working on missions against you.
That's why you cannot afford to walk in the flesh at this late hour.
The Lord has revealed to us so much about them that its been extremely shocking.
There ve been times I've told the Lord that I don't want to be on earth any longer....its just so creepy and corrupt.
At the beginning of our ministry, Jesus told my sister Zipporah and myself,"There are many things I have to show you.They will be so shocking that many will not believe you and many will even think that you are crazy.Yes,they will think you are crazy,but if I tell you to say them then you must say them."
Since that time,the Lord has shown us extremely shocking things,some of which we don't even share because they'd be hard for most people to comprehend.
But the truth is that this world isn't as peaceful as you may think.
There are just too many spiritual things going on while we are blinded to believe all is well.
The battle is extremely intense.
However,whatever the Lord has said we must share,that we DO share.
Back to that church we visited,after Jesus opened my eyes to see that woman,I told my husband about it.
That night when we went to sleep,she just appeared in my room together with two other demon incarnates who said they were from Facebook, one of them from Nigeria.
She mentioned a place in Nigeria called oweri saying thats where shes from,and when I later asked a brother from Nigeria about that place,he said it exists.
They tried to attack me because they were so angry about God exposing their existence (demons in human desguise).
But I began to pray and they fled.They were defeated in the name of Jesus Christ.
#2. The Lord Jesus Christ has always been showing me supernatural things since my first encounter with Him but at the end of 2015,the Lord through a certain pastor here who is a prophet specified that He wanted to show me more about the plans and operations of the kingdom of darkness.
The Lord specified that there's no plan the kingdom of darkness will have against us that He ll not reveal.
And He said this is so that we as His church should know how to pray,(against their plans).
And the Lord has kept true to this promise.
My husband and I moved to a new place.
We soon got to know a few of our neighbors,especially some who were super friendly to us.
This family who lived next door were so nice.
They came over to introduce themselves and just for a brief chat.
But when they left,I felt a very strange sensation, like there was an invisible blanket covering me!
When I tried to pray,it was so hard,I couldn't pray.
And the more I tried to pray,I'd feel as though this invisible blanket was getting tighter to prevent me from praying!
I later told my husband about it,he prayed for me and this evil feeling vanished, I was okay n able to pray.
Later on when I went to pray,the Lord began to show me more about our 'very nice neighbors'.
The Lord showed me they are demons just in human disguise!
All of them I.e the mom,and kids,and the dad the maid are human but in witchcraft.
I ve noticed that when someone marries a demon incarnate,they are very likely to initiate them into satanism.
(However this doesn't mean that they reveal who they really are to these people whom they initiate.
They ll just pretend to also just be satanists,when in fact they are demons.But they ll successfully initiate them very easily especially if the people don't have the Holy Spirit).
The youngest of the kids was less than 2 years and the oldest about 11 years old.
The Lord would show me many things that this family would do,casting spells of laziness to pray,doing incarnations etc including the 'little children'.
They would all do that.
And they'd all do that despite looking like little children.
One day as I prayed,the Lord told me to pray against the spirit of madness because they were trying to cast spirits of madness on me.
Our prayers really disturb them in the spirit and Jesus told me that satan and his agents have been trying to cast spells of madness as a way of discrediting all that the Lord has been showing me.
He told me,"they want you to be mad so that everyone will say,all that she used to say God was showing her wasn't true"
But they will never ever get victory and it will never happen coz the Lord has assured me He is with me.
This is just one plan of satan which has already failed and is powerless.
Last year I was involved in a terrible road accident and I would have died but I escaped without a scratch,the Lord protected me.
This is just to show you Jesus Christ is able to protect us from demon incarnates,from demons in the spiritual realm and from all the forces of hell.Nothing can harm us.
So Jesus told me to pray against the spells they were casting. And I commanded them to backfire in the name of Jesus Christ.
The next day,I heard a knock at my door.
It was the maid and she looked very desperate.
She said,"I want to ask for a favor because I usually hear you praying.
I have a prayer request.I want you to pray for my son because he's run mad."
I immediately knew it was the spells she was casting that the Lord had told me about.(by the way,I don't know her son and don't know whether or not she initiated him in satanism as well).
So I asked her when it happened and she said,"he's always been fine and just started running mad yesterday. Please pray for him."
I later asked the Lord if He wanted me to pray for Him but He didn't tell me to.
I just personally thought the Lord was giving them a warning about fighting His children.
From that time,the whole family stopped the friendliness they had previously shown and didn't want to speak to us at all.
#3 The Lord began to reveal about demon incarnates to another sister from church.
He would also show her who they are in visions and dreams.
She was shocked.We hadnt told her about demon incarnates before.
But sometime after she began engaging in intense prayer,she shared with us,"I was shocked with the dreams the Lord has been giving me. He's been showing me people, telling me they are not human but demons in desguise!I was shocked coz they look human.Some men and some women,some of the women were even pregnant! But God told,"do you see all these?They are demons not people."
God began showing her many whom He had already shown us to be demons.
There's this family from church that Jesus had told Zipporah and I that they are demons.
We only shared with mum and no one else.
Months later,this sister from church shared with us how God revealed to her that this family are demons.
Later they began attacking her even in visions and dreams!
This sister has a son about 10 years old.
One day mum and Zipporah visited the sister.
As they were there,her son became extremely ill.
He fell down.
Mum,Zipporah,this sister and her mum began praying for this boy.He looked like he'd die,like he was in some kind of trance.As though he was seeing something spiritual that no one could see.
The little boy began screaming,"please,am begging you,have pity on me.I thought you are my sister (in Christ)and that you love me.Now I know that you don't love me.Please am begging you,have pity on me."
They prayed for the boy till he got better.
After prayer they asked him,"what were you seing?whom were you talking to?
The boy said,"some sisters from church"
They asked him,"who are they"
And he mentioned the names of people from this same family that God had revealed to be demons.He mentioned the names of the mother and her daughter.
And this boy doesn't know about demon incarnates,or anything spiritual like that.
By the way this family of demon incarnates even have a baby of about 2years old.
One day God gave this sister a vision where these demons were about to attack her.She was standing outside her house,then she heard a voice from heaven telling her,run!Run right now.She kept standing but the voice repeated saying, right now run to where the children of God are.It was a warning coz she was about to be attacked.
And so she began running.
She ran till she reached a place where my mum,my younger sister Lois,and some other people were.
Immediately she arrived,the demon incarnate family arrived as well.
The 2 year old was even the first to start the attack!
She knelt down and began enchanting!
Then the older ones joined in!
But they were all defeated.
#4 Zipporah,my husband and I were invited to a church.
When we got there,the Lord opened our eyes,we saw many demon incarnates in that church.
Spiritually they were busy casting spells,making people to feel lazy to pray,to not want to sing,to doze.
One of the demon incarnates was leading worship.
He was too creepy and so evil.We began to silently pray against him in tongues.
He became uneasy.He had his back towards us but he began looking back at us uneasily continuously.
Jesus had earlier told me to look at the pastor's wife and see that she's a demon.
She used to pretend to like me so much.
But when she was around there was this strange hatred that I'd sense.
I had even planned to tell my husband about it.
But just before I told him,he was like"this pastors wife gave me a msg for you.she said she loves you so much and she always feels like telling you she loves you but feels shy."
That was very strange and confused me.
But the night before we visited their church,I was just doing my own things when I suddenly heard The Lord's voice.He said,"she tells you she loves you as a way of distracting you. Because she doesn't want you to see that she's a demon."
I was shocked!
But now in church the Lord opened my eyes and I saw its true.
After church,she did everything to avoid contact with us but eventually it was inevitable coz its her and her husband who had invited us.
But even when we were with her,she was doing a lot of activities in the spirit,even turning inside her body to face her back,while physically she just faced the front! and look at us,Zipporah and I were standing behind her.
She insisted on having lunch at her house but we didn't go,we turned her down.
All the kids were also demons and even the husband!
Later we were home,only to be shocked that they were outside our house 'to visit'.
But they just came for an attack.
They said they wanted to know all that God had shown us about demon incarnates because its a shocking topic.
Of course we didn't tell them.
But I noticed that they had an even bigger mission.
I noticed that the lady would look at a particular point and a demon would appear there in the spirit.She kept doing that and I was shocked!
We couldn't confront them physically because they'd take advantage of it and use it against us like we r bad people and not Christians..coz other people wouldn't understand that these are demons not human.
So after they left,we noticed there were so many demons in the house!
We had to pray and cast them out.
We have had numerous of such encounters and I only shared a few here to help you understand that they are real and are at work.
We have to pray coz the battle is intense.
Our battle is fought in the spirit.

Sunday, July 16, 2017



While in prayer, God showed me a vision of a huge demon with many plates in its hand. It wore rags, and was so huge; it appeared to be struggling to move.
The plates looked like they had contained food but were now empty, and they were piled up on top of each other in its hand.
The Lord Jesus Christ then told me that this evil spirit I was seeing is a demon specifically assigned to stop people from tithing.
And that the empty plates it held represented the tithe which had been withheld from God by Christians.
While seeing this vision,I realized satan has been trapping people into hell by trivializing withholding of tithe, and I was just thinking to myself,”I need to share on tithing.”
Immediately I thought of this,the vision changed,I found myself in a trance and I saw a huge serpent,extremely long and giagantic,it started circling me,then stood on its tail,with its head facing me.
This serpent then said,”yes,it’s true the money(tithe) belongs to God,I agree.But now,considering that God is your Father,let’s say you have a huge problem that really needs money,what if you get the money(tithe) and say,’God,am giving this money to you’, and then you say,’but I have this problem that needs money,can I please use this money which I have given you to solve my problem?’
The serpent then continued,”Now after telling God that,don’t you think He can excuse you when you use that money?Considering that He’s your Father and you have told Him you have a problem,can’t He let you use His money?Am just saying as a Father,as a Father,as a Father, can’t He let you?can’t He let you use it.”
As this serpent spoke,I could feel spells coming from it,as if it could play with your mind to make you believe what it was saying using its spells.
But then,I realized this was satan,the old serpent.
And at that moment I said,”be gone satan!i rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ.” And the serpent vanished!
The Lord then told me,”Do you see how satan uses all types of lies to deceive My people into thinking it is okay for them not to tithe and that it isn’t serious enough to take them to hell?Many do not tithe because they have believed the lies of satan and they take it lightly.But satan is trapping many by making them withhold their tithes using lies that may seem convincing to the carnal mind.”
We need to obey God in all areas including tithes and offerings.The 10 perecnt belongs to God and using it for any other thing is stealing,because you are using money that isn’t yours.
That money is meant for the work of God and God will hold you accountable if you keep withholding . It is stealing from God and thieves will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Malachi 3:8-10 “will a man rob God?yet ye have robbed Me.But ye said,wherein have we robbed thee?in TITHES and OFFERINGS.
Ye are cursed with a curse:for ye have robbed me,even this whole nation.
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse,that there may be meat in mine house,and prove Me now herewith,saith the Lord of Hosts,if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you a blessing,that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
1 corinthians 6:9-10 “know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven?be not deceived:neither fornicators,nor idolaters,nor adulterers,nor effeminate ,nor abusers of themselves with mankind,nor THIEVES,nor coveteous,nor revilers,nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

Thursday, July 13, 2017


In a vision,I was shown a family.

This family lived on a very large and beautiful estate.
They seemed to live a very luxurious life.
They had very beautiful buildings, with beautiful gardens filled with flowers,paths on the property all had beautiful flowers growing on the sides and countless servants maintained the property and attended to the owners and their children.
They seemed to live a life of royalty.
I then saw the family sunbathing on beautiful swings.
Their children seemed to be teenagers.
All of them had their eyes glued to their tablets the whole time.
I saw that they were watching worldly soaps n movies and streaming videos from the internet on their tablets while enjoying the sun.
Then I heard a voice saying,"if this is how you spend your life,what will you say on that day when God asks you how you spent your life?"
The vision ended.
This is the most important question you can ask yourself.How will you tell God you spent your life?
If its chasing after the things of this world,be guaranteed you ll be so ashamed because you ll realise all those things were so useless.
At this point,this may sound so unreal but we need to live for God.
We cannot be too busy for God.
All those worldly things are just meant to distract our walk with God.
We need to exercise discipline, determination to serve God even if no one else around us does,and true dependence on Jesus Christ.
There's no time to relax and start chasing after the world.
Your life could end this very minute,can you tell God you lived for Him?
A relationship with God is worth much more than anything this world can offer you.
All those soap operas and movies that the world is busy chasing are bait for your soul.
Satan wants your soul,so he produces very enticing and appealing movies which just portray people living a carefree life without Jesus Christ, using God's name in vain,drinking,dressing immorally and promoting all sorts of things God so much hates and despises.
God told me all those ungodly movies,soaps,cartoons are Satan's bait for human souls.
Is it worth it to exchange your soul for a movie?
Nothing on earth can buy the human soul.
It took Jesus Christ to pay for it with a sacrifice of His own life.His blood.
No one can give you life except Jesus.
He died that you may live but you must forsake all those abominable things,take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.
I have no doubt that if God could open our eyes to see exactly what He has in store for us in heaven, we wouldn't hesitate to give up all earthly things that separate us from God.The Bible says eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for those who love Him.
Everything thats been revealed about heaven,including what John saw is just a glimpse of what its really like.
God has great surprises in store for us all,if only we make it.
The price has been paid to make a way for us.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Yesterday, on 6th January 2018, I woke up for prayer at midnight with my sister.
When we were done with prayer, I went back to bed but as soon as I laid down my head on the pillow, I found myself standing in hell.
I was watching a scene in hell and I saw a deep pit in hell with someone being tormented in this pit.
Hell itself is a pit but inside hell there are smaller pits were some people are tormented depending on the punishment they are receiving.
The pit was deeper than the person’s height so i could not see who was in this pit.
But as I stood, I then saw a hand emerge from the pit, frantically trying to hold on to the edges to support themselves and come out of the pit.
It was at this point that I noticed it was a woman.
She held on to the edge of the pit with one hand and then lifted up the other hand so as to pull herself out.
I then recognized this woman.
It was someone who was very dear to me, a friend who had died sometime ago!
At this point I was so horrified to see it was her who was in hell being tortured.
I really loved this woman and she had been a servant of the Lord here on earth.
When she was alive, she had a prophetic gift and she could clearly hear from God in visions and dreams and several times God had even used her to warn me about certain things I was tolerating in my life which He wanted me to get rid of.
She was very prayerful, fasted a lot and worked so hard for the Kingdom of God for many years.
When she died, I thought she went to heaven, till this time I stood in hell watching her being tormented!
I was completely horrified and began screaming, tears were just falling down my face and I didn’t want to watch this, it was unbelievable.
As this woman lifted up her second hand to pull herself out of this pit of torment, I could see she was suffocating; she couldn’t breathe and was so desperately trying to get out.
I can compare her struggle to the way a person can struggle to get out if they are alive and you put them in a coffin and try to bury them alive, the way they would try to fight to try to get out and avoid being buried alive, that’s how she was struggling to get out of that pit, with all her strength.
But just as she was trying to pull herself out, a demon which was nearby torturing someone else saw that she was trying to get out of the pit.
This demon was short, and very fat.
It was colorless, completely transparent, very ugly with protruding features on the face.
Its eyes were red and looked very evil.
In its hand it held a very long spear. The spear could have been about four times its height.
I also noticed that the spear was sharp and hooked at the edges so that when it pierces someone when pulling it out, the hooked edges would stick to a person’s body and tear out their flesh!
So as this woman tried to get out of the pit, the demon noticed she was trying to get out and ran to her, the fingers of her other hand were still upright as she grappled for where to hold.
The demon jumped on her, stepping on her hand with all its might, crushing her fingers.
Another demon which was exactly like the first one also came to join and soon other demons joined them.
They stamped her back into the pit, stamping her head and every part which tried to get out of the pit.
They still held their spears and where cruelly saying,”You fool! You thought you could deceive God!”
I then noticed a small board on which was written, ”Children below 5
àGod, AdultsàThey must face God’s judgment.”
After I read this, the demons told the woman,”As for the little children, when they die they go straight to God, But adults must face God’s judgment, did you think you could deceive God!”
The bible says “Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap, for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. But he that soweth to his spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Galatians 6:7-8
I am not setting this as a doctrine that five is the age at which a child can go to hell, am just saying what I saw, children mature differently but earlier the Lord Jesus Christ had told me that when a child reaches an age where they know right from wrong, that child can go to hell if they do not repent.
I was so broken and kept crying,seeing someone I loved suffer like this.
God then told me that the reason this woman was in hell was because of using makeup, jewelry, artificial hair, and because of worldliness.
On earth despite her being a servant of God and God using her greatly, she failed to recognize these things as sin.
She still used artificial hair, makeup, jewelry, trousers, paint her nails, and watch worldly movies.
Even after hearing about outward holiness being as important as inward holiness, she kept doing these things to the hour of her death.
She didn’t think it was necessary for entering heaven and her obedience was just in other areas excluding these.
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. "1 John 2:15
"9 in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing," 1 Timothy 2:9
"Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;" 1 peter 3:3
James 4:4" Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."
God was still using her greatly despite this and she prayed a lot, even when she realized she was dying, she prayed.
And this is why I was surprised to see her in hell, because she prayed just before death.
But in hell the demons were mocking her about having thought her death prayer could save her, despite her not being willing to repent and let go of these worldly things when she still had time on earth. This is why they were telling her, ” You fool! you thought you could deceive God!”
The bible says in Hebrews 3:7”Wherefore as the Holy Ghost says, today if you hear His voice, harden not your hearts…….”
She looked so helpless at the hands of these ruthless creatures and I just kept crying because I didn’t want to see anymore of this.
I kept screaming and crying as I helplessly watched.
God told me, ”She knew but didn’t want to obey.”

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


As i prayed with my sister Zipporah, satan kept attacking us and doing everything possible to distract us.
He would do all sorts of things just to distract us and we could see him with our spiritual eyes.
He would go around the house,come into the house and divide himself such that he looked like four 'people', then change into a little girl of about 10,then change into a small dog......
He just kept doing weird things and wanted to take our attention from our prayer,but we rebuked him.
When he was gone,I saw a vision where the Lord Jesus Christ told me,"When one child of God prays,that prayer is very powerful. But when children of God meet and pray as a group,(i.e 2 or more) that prayer is even more powerful and satan really hates such prayer.He hates group prayer and does everything to destroy its effect.He can cause distractions and sometimes he causes divisions and resentments just to destroy prayer groups.He will make the members have disagreements with each other or to resent each other for certain reasons but all he wants is for them to stop praying together because he knows the impact of prayer prayed in unity."
Matthew 18:20
Personal prayer is very important in growing our relationship with Jesus.
Group prayer cannot replace personal prayer as personal prayer is the time for personal intimacy with Jesus.
What the Lord was talking about is that we must not take times of group prayer lightly and allow satan to divide us,there's power in unity.
Let's not allow arguments disagreements or resentments as they are all tools of satan meant to destroy our group prayer.
The Lord also showed me another vision.
I saw a tree with green leaves.
Suddenly a strong wind blew,bending the tree over.
It was so powerful such that I thought it could break the tree.

The Lord Jesus told me,"this is the intensity with which satan is fighting brotherly love in my church.he is fighting to completely erase it from my church just like the wind you saw which was so intense it almost broke the tree.
But I want brotherly love in my church.
I want my children to show kindness to one another and to love one another."

Monday, July 10, 2017


The Lord Jesus Christ has shown Zipporah and i alot of things exposing the schemes of satan.
This is part of it.
In a vision,I found myself entering a supermarket (name withheld),I was hungry and wanted to buy fries so I went to the deli section.
They had food displayed behind glass;fries,chicken,sausage,baked potatoes,beef,Tbone etc.
As I drew closer so that I could order,I was surprised to see that their food was extremely gross.
It was covered in this slimy stuff and was extremely disgusting.
Other people however didn't seem to notice and they were ordering this disgusting food just as though it was normal food!
I left that place and decided to go to another eating place.
When I entered this place,I found many people ordering chicken,and I thought I'd also buy chicken. I told the person selling to give me two pieces of chicken,but the person kept ignoring me and kept attending to other customers.
I got offended that he was ignoring me but attending to people who came after me.
When I told him my order,this time he got mad then went to get my order of two pieces of chicken.
I had ordered a take away,and he came with my takeaway pack but as he handed it to me,I realised that it wasn't chicken!
There,staring at me from the takeaway pack were two creatures that looked like chameleons!
And they were alive!
The vision ended.
The Lord was showing me that some things in eating places arent as they seem.
Their owners are agents of the devil and deliberately they feed people demonic food,which if God could open our eyes,we would be shocked to see what it really looked like.Completely disgusting. The Lord had told me when He showed me about demonic food that's sold that the agents of the devil sell this "food" in order to gain control over people.
To gain control over people's desire for prayer,to plant desire for sin,and to weaken people's prayer lives.
There is a serious battle for your soul our there and satan is using all means possible to ensure you end up in hell.
Jesus showed me they purposely feed people these demonic things to gain control over them and if you are someone who doesn't have a close relationship with God or are not prayerful,they will extinguish even that little fire you have through this demonic food and you will find yourself deeper and deeper in sin. It is important to pray for the food we eat so that it may be sanctified and made pure by Jesus Christ.
This is what the Lord told me.He said pray for the food you buy,because most of it is defiled by Satan and meant to gain control over you.
But still am repeating what Jesus told me,He said, "pray for everything you buy."
I saw this vision I just shared sometime ago.
But yesterday the Lord showed me another vision.
There is another fast food outlet here in my country that's very popular.
They have outlets all over Zambia but God had told us that they don't sell real food. God had shown my sister how this fast food outlet sells demonic food and spiritually they even have a morgue at their backyard!
And she saw alot of babies in the mortuary!
This was what they were making to appear like chicken and selling to people! Their chicken was actually the flesh of dead babies but physically it looked just like chicken,and you couldn't tell!
I personally loved chicken from this place till one day my husband and I ordered chicken from there,it was takeaway and we planned to eat from home.
While in the eating place we could pick a very offensive smell and we wondered what it was because no one else seemed to smell it and people were just ordering their food and eating normally.
When we reached home and wanted to eat,we were surprised to find the chicken gross.
We couldn't understand because it looked like normal fried chicken but it was extremely disgusting we failed to eat it,we just threw it away.
Just a few weeks later,my sister shared with us how God had shown her that this place has a mortuary at the backyard spiritually and that it was filled with bodies of babies which they would make to appear like chicken in the physical!
Yesterday I saw a vision where I was at a mall with this lady whom God just revealed as an agent of darkness and she kept insisting that I should buy food from this same fast food place,in the vision I remembered what God had revealed about it and I didn't want to buy their food so I decided to check for another eating place but the nearest one I saw was the one God had earlier shown me that their food is covered in slimy disgusting stuff...
So I failed to buy there and I went to a small eating place,not even fancy,just small and ordinary.
They had food displayed behind glass but when I looked at it I realised it was extremely gross and weird.
Then I saw the people selling there and they were demon incarnates.
They were really angry when they saw me.
God showed me this to confirm the previous visions he had shown me about these eating places and also to show me that its not just the popular ones but even the seemingly ordinary not so high class places.
Satan wants to have access to all people,rich or poor and we must be prayerful to overcome.
It is because of traps like these that some people just find that their desire to pursue God is gone and the world seems so attractive. The kingdom of darkness is really determined and satan has laid many traps to get people into bondage.
The Lord had shown me this vision where he wanted me to see how determined satan is to get human souls.
In the vision,I saw a throne with someone seated on it.
This person was surrounded by what looked like angelic beings but when I looked closer I realised they were not angels but demons!
They had huge wings and were standing around the throne.
I realised it was satan on that throne and he looked extremely proud.
When he saw me,he began boasting about how loyal his subjects were and how committed they were to working for his kingdom.
I realised this place where he was was a high place and we could see the whole world from there.
In a very proud way, he said,"look at how busy they are working for my kingdom. "
When I looked down I saw countless people,so so many on earth and they were all running back and forth as though there was an emergency.
They were working so hard to win souls for Satan.
So I shared this so you may know how serious this battle really is.
Don't think Satan is taking the fight for your soul casually,he is extremely determined to win your soul and has put countless traps in your way.
Its actually much deeper than I have shared and the only way you will overcome Satan is if you are with Jesus Christ.
You can't overcome him by your own might and power.
Do not take your relationship with God casually, don't think you will overcome while being lazy in prayer.
The bible says satan is like a lion always seeking whom to devour and if you are weak you will be easy prey.
Be close to Jesus and you will overcome.
Without Jesus you won't be able to overcome and you ll fall into one of the numerous traps set for you.

In the spiritual realm there is a real battle going on for your soul
And only Jesus can save you,if you ignore him unfortunately you will be easy prey for satan.

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Exposing who they really are - demons from the pit of Hell!!!
By Zipporah Mushala and Rachael Mushala Chisulo
This post is to fully expose demons in human form as the Lord has exposed them to us. We had no intent of writing this post but it was a direct instruction from the Lord Jesus Christ and He is the One who gave us the title of this post and how it should be written, as we have done above.
The Lord told us, “Write another post to expose demons in human disguise. Expose them some more!”
Some of the things are going to be hard to believe but that doesn’t stop them from being true. Just like not believing that Hell doesn’t exist doesn’t stop it from existing.
The Lord told us, “Demons in human disguise have always been living among you even before I revealed it to you and they have always been working against you. Just because you didn’t know that they existed among you in human form doesn’t mean they were not there and were not working against you. Me revealing them to you is not what has made them demons. They have always been demons.”
Living life with false imaginations that demons do not live among us while pretending to also be human, does not help because you will not know how to fight spiritually and you will be overcome. The scripture says, “My people perish, for lack of knowledge.”
These are just a few of the countless encounters we have had with demons in human form.
When I (Zipporah) was at school, the Lord showed me a vision was I was with a group of my classmates discussing school work. We were standing on a grass loan outside. So, I wanted to talk to one of them and I called her name “Salome ….” (Not real name) I didn’t finish my sentence because as soon as I called her name, she disappeared! The place she had been standing was empty and there was nothing but grass there.
Then I turned to talk another one and I called her, “Molly….” (Not real name) but she too disappeared! The place she had been standing also remained empty! There was only grass there.
The Lord was showing me that these two are demons in human form. I was calling the name Salome and Molly, but there was no Salome or Molly there. That is why they had disappeared. There was no human named Salome or Molly standing there. They didn’t exist.
That is why the place became empty and there was nothing but grass there. There were only demons, which had put on human-like flesh in order to deceive people that they were human and had acquired the name Salome and Molly.
When I looked at the place where they had been standing, I noticed that the grass had completely flattened and become dry like it had been ironed! Someone looking would see as if the grass was normal, unless if they could see in the spirit. The Lord is showing us that these are not human at all and that we should never think of them that way just because they are hiding in a body that looks like ours.
The Lord had also revealed to me that a certain ‘girl’ whom I know was actually not human but a demon from the pit of hell in human disguise.
After ‘She’ saw that She was now exposed, She came to openly attack me at night. I was between sleep and wakefulness and I could see her coming to attack me.
When I looked at the floor, I saw that She was leaving foot prints on the solid floor as if it was a fresh floor! But the Lord helped me during the attack. He wanted to show me that these are spirits, real demons no matter how human they may look.
Demons in human disguise are not far way from you nor do you just encounter them once in a while. You encounter them EVERYDAY but you just don’t know they are demons because there is no physical way of knowing them except the Lord reveals to you.
They are your classmates, colleagues at work, church mates, neighbors, friends and even relatives for example, cousins, nieces and nephews! When your brother or sister marries a demon, their offspring will be demons and these will be your nieces and nephews.
They do not accidently become demons nor are they born and then they discover that they are demons. Not at all. These are the same demons who were cast out of heaven with the devil.
They willfully come to earth to fulfill a mission and in order to fulfill that mission, they need a body that looks human so that they can convince others that they are also human.
When a woman is pregnant, a human-like body in form of a baby will be forming inside her body.
But in order for that baby –like form to have life and be active, another demon from the pit of hell will come inside this baby- like form to stay inside it and will go through all the baby growth stages in the womb and will even be kicking. You won’t even know it’s a demon.
It will be born on earth and everyone will think that it’s a baby but it’s a demon and it will be growing like any other normal child and will go through all the stages of life, from baby class all the way to tertiary education and will start work and even get married.
Human beings can only be produced when two humans marry each other but when you marry a demon, you have demons which come from hell but will pretend to have been born like we explained above.
They come in human disguise so that they can influence humans to sin. Their whole lives here on earth with a human-like body, they are working their mission of making people sin. They also pretend to die and when they do that, they just come out of that fake body and go back to hell, until they have another mission on earth that requires their physical presence.
Their punishment is the Lake of fire together with the devil as it is written in Revelations. They are already doomed and can never can saved.
They come in all forms, like Pastors, like beggars, like the rich, like the poor, like the deaf, dumb, blind etc. You name it. Some pretend to be Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and even Atheists.
They pretend to be everything humans are so that they can associate with people from all walks of life, races and class. They mix with humans so that they can influence them and make them sin in various ways e.g, dirty jokes, secular tv, artificial hair, making women wear trousers etc.
They set trends of life to make sin appear normal. They do all these things to make them look like the normal and humans start imitating them and doing these things as well. They make it seem like it’s alright to live a double life and like God doesn’t mind that.
The Lord had also told us that Satan writes movie stories and demons, along with human Satanic agents act them out. Majority of those who act movies are working for Satan even though physically, it may seem like they are working in order to make ends meet.
Even if demons come to earth and pretend to be a Pastor, their doom is already set and nothing they do can make them go to heaven.
God can be telling you to stop a certain sin but you will say, “Even this Pastor or that Pastor dresses like this or does this or that and so I will not stop. For them to be doing it, it means it’s not a sin.”
Going to heaven is a personal journey. That Pastor you are trying to imitate may be a demon in human disguise working its mission of dressing in an indecent way while pretending to be a Pastor so that it can influence humans to dress the same.
You have a chance of going to heaven while it is already doomed and it is trying to make you doomed with it.
Just like you have a soul inside you and when your soul leaves your body you die, the same for these demons. When the demon leaves that fake body, it becomes lifeless. They are not in any single way human.
They pretend to be human in every way and will even talk about God and may even pretend to have been sick and have received a healing from God and give ‘testimonies’ of their healing. To you, it will look real but it’s all fake.
The Lord told me (Rachael) that demon incarnates really hate to be exposed. He told me that they wish they had remained hidden forever and they really hate the revelation of demons in human form.
They are demons from the pit of hell whom satan sends to come to earth to pretend to be human, they come in a human like body and look, talk, act like humans but they are demons, here on a mission.
Some even pretend like they don’t know each other, when they are here on earth in a human like body. Sometimes, they will even pretend to hate each other but they are all working together.
The Lord told me, ”These demons in human form are the very demons from the pits of hell, they look human when hiding in a human like body, but look at who they really are!”
Then I saw a very huge demon, so big and scary! It’s foot was about the size of a double bed!
And yet this very demon was in a human like body, and living among humans and nobody even knew this was what it really looked like.
Ever since God started exposing them to my sister Zipporah and I, we have encountered numerous of these demons.
Their existence isn’t something we could deny even if we wanted to, because even when we don’t want to see them, we still see them everywhere we go!
God still shows them to us. He’s given us a gift to see them and we too wish they did not exist, BUT THEY DO EXIST.
They are here to take you to hell. This is their major mission.
They work exactly like demons which are in the spiritual realm, infact they are the same demons.
You can never know them unless by revelation.
There is so much darkness on earth and without being close to Jesus, you will not overcome.
You do not necessarily have to have the gift of seeing these demons in order to overcome them. Seeing them is good because you will know whom exactly you are dealing with.
But the most important thing is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and have a very close relationship with Jesus Christ, this is the only way you will overcome them. Only Jesus will help you overcome their traps.
Jesus told me that these demons work best in ignorance and they are so desperate to keep their cover such that if a ‘couple’ are both demons, and one of them gets exposed as a demon in human disguise, the one who has not yet been exposed will do ANYTHING to avoid being exposed like their partner.
Jesus told me that they will even be ready to divorce their partner, all in an attempt to keep their disguise just so that they can work properly.
They will pretend to be horrified and be ready to divorce, just to keep their own cover.
Note that everything they do is simply a mission including marriage.
They don’t even love each other and have simply been instructed to live and act as husband and wife.
Even their friendship to you is a mission and they constantly give updates about how they are progressing in their mission against you to the satanic kingdom.
They are demons who are just wearing a human like cover to fit in and work properly and every human emotion is simply an act!
There is a woman whom God had revealed as a demon in human disguise, I first met this woman in a bank, when I didn’t even know who she was.
She was just a random person, but when I saw her, I could see with my spiritual eyes that she was a demon!
She was extremely creepy, and as I looked at her, I kept thinking to myself,”they really know how to pretend to be human!”
A few days later, someone I know introduced this same lady to me.
Coincidentally, she knew someone I know! Then I remembered her as the lady I met in the bank.
She knew I knew who she was but she still pretended.
Later, I heard a knock at my door, when I went to check who was at the door, it was this same ‘lady’ with her daughter, a girl of about 7 years old.
They were both smiling at me, still pretending to be human though they knew I was seeing who they really were!
Later that night, God showed me what had really been happening.
I saw a vision of this lady and her daughter knocking at my door, and when I opened, standing right there in front of me were two ape like creatures, standing upright, with big red ugly eyes, they were both growling at me!
Yet in the physical, while hiding in their human likes bodies they had been smiling at me in a very friendly way.
God had showed my husband why these demons keep pretending to be human even to the people who God had exposed them to as demons!
God said because these demons have been in existence for centuries, they see all humans as babies!
For example, there’s someone whom God exposed to my husband as a demon in human disguise.
Physically you can never suspect him and even my husband was shocked when God showed him this person was a demon!
God showed him that this person was a demon and that he was there even in Ahab’s time and also that even at that time he even knew about electricity!
We were shocked because people then didn’t know electricity but God said this ‘person’ knew about electricity in great detail even then!
The satanic kingdom are more advanced in technology than human beings, that is the truth.
But when they come to earth they pretend to just know as little as humans know about everything.
They pretend technology is new to them too, and all these technological devices which are being invented on earth are new to them too, yet they have had them for years in the demonic kingdom.
These demons have been in existence for centuries, when they come to earth in a body which looks like a baby, you will think it is a baby who is innocent and knows nothing.
They will cry like a baby, reason like a baby, and do everything babyish, yet it is all an act.
They are much older than you! They have been alive for centuries and are just hiding in a small body.
They already know so much, but will pretend to just know as much as humans are expected to know!
But because they are spirits and have been around much longer than us and know so much more than us, they see us as babies and easy to deceive!
They know how humans act, how humans reason, they have been tricking humans for centuries, therefore they see us as easy prey.
That is why you cannot defeat them physically.
They are much more complicated because while we are physical beings, they are spirits and can only be fought in the spirit.
Yes, even those that look like babies are much more complicated than you are because while you are a physical being, and you are physically much older than them, in reality they are way older than you, they know much more than you know and in their eyes you are the one who is a baby and because they see you as a baby, God said that is why they do not give up trying to deceive you.
Even when you know who they are, they will use every opportunity to try to make you doubt what God showed you!
That is why they can only be fought spiritually because with the Holy Spirit you are much wiser than them!
You will overcome them with the Holy Spirit.
God wants you to know these demons exist among us so that you understand how dark the world is and know that Jesus is your only hope and know that do not follow people because some are actually not people.
You cannot tell who they are physically. It is not about how someone behaves, dresses, talks, that is not how you tell a demon.
We have seen MANY who look holy on the outside and talk as if they are holy but God had exposed them to us as demons who are just pretending and also in their own way, and also working just the same way l the demons who are working indecently are working!
They too are just the very demons in the pits of hell and they do everything the other demons do i.e casting spells to make you do different things, attacking your prayer life, or teaching false doctrines etc.
They are just acting and dressing according to their mission.
So only God can reveal them to you.
If you are not close to God you will be easy prey for satan and his schemes.
This is the time to be really close to the Lord, and depend on Jesus completely.
Pray and have a personal relationship with Jesus and look only to Jesus Christ.
Please read our other article with biblical explanation of these demons at this link