Sunday, April 30, 2017


On Friday,January 22nd during prayer,suddenly the room filled with brilliant light!
I had been praying in the spirit and the presence of God was so powerful and had led me to move from where I had been kneeling to another place in the room while in worship.
Since my eyes were closed when moving,I had no idea where I was and I began to think that maybe I had moved to a place near an open window and sunlight had started to come in.
But I discovered that it wasn't the case,there were no open windows in the room and it was evening,the sun had gone down.
It was then that I realised it was actually light from heaven!
The light increased and grew very bright.
I was still on my knees worshipping the Lord.
Then Jesus Christ stepped forth from the light walked to where I was kneeling in prayer.He put His hand over my head and I was overtaken by the power of the Holyspirit.
I could only speak in tongues and not English,then He was gone.
At this time I didn't realise that the Lord wanted to show me something.
Some hours after prayer,later that evening I just began to feel very sad,I didn't know why.
I didn't realise it was because I was about to see hell.
I was just feeling very sad and I went to lie down then the Lord began to show me hell.
It was an extremely deep pit and was very wide once you arrive.
Thousands and thousands of people kept falling in.
The walls of hell were rough and reddish,kind of smeared with pieces of flesh and blood from the tormented souls in that place.
The walls of hell seemed to be alive!
I couldn't see the end,it was so very very wide and seemed to be divided into parts.
My attention was drawn to two people falling in hell at that time.
Both of them were totally naked as they arrived in that place.
They landed into a cage made of large red hot coals and the cage locked immediately.
The opening that had led them into the cage just vanished and it was all sealed!No way out.
These two people whom I had noticed to be a man and a woman began to desperately search for a way out.
They frantically turned to all directions but there was no way out.
I could tell that each cared only for their own soul,each wanted a way out only for themselves,they didn't care about the other.When they saw that there was no exit,they both wanted to check if there was an exit through the top of the cage.
The man pulled the woman to the ground and climbed on her trying to see if he could get out through the roof of the cage and the woman desparately struggled to get him off and did the same! Large worms began devouring their flesh as they kept climbing on each other's backs searching for an exit out of hell but I saw that it was totally sealed.
I noticed that they were suffocating in the stench of hell.
The air in hell was too heavy and hot,filled with the smell of burning rotting flesh.
The man was much younger than the woman,he seemed to be around 20 years old and I was shocked when the Lord told me the woman was his mother and they had comitted incest together on earth.
" And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."Leviticus 20:11
Even though these people searched for a way out,they both knew in their hearts that they would never get out.They knew this as soon as they landed in hell.
Yet they kept trying desperately to find a way out.
They were filled with nothing but selfish desire,each cared only for themselves,each only wanted to save themselves from the fires of hell,but this still is hopeless.They will never get out.
"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but fornicators and adulterers God will judge." Hebrews13:4
I saw a lot of teenagers in hell.
I noticed that they were high school students and wore school uniforms.
I was then shown their life on earth.
I saw that these teenagers engaged in acts of fornication,drunk alcohol and cheated in their exams."ye shall not steal,NEITHER DEAL FALSELY, neither lie to one another."Leviticus 19:11
These were the reasons that brought them to this place.
I saw how they had written final high school exams and after that went to party.
I saw how they would even look down on other teenagers who were not doing what they were doing.
I saw that fornication and drunkeness were normal to them and they thought they had a long life ahead of them.
"Flee fornication.Every sin that a man doth is without the body;but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."1 CORINTHIANS 6:18.
"Know ye not that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God?Don't be deceived,neither FORNICATORS,nor idolaters,nor adulterers,nor effimate,nor abusers of themselves with mankind..."1 CORINTHIANS 6 : 9
"Envyings,murderers,DRUNENNESS,recellings and such like: of which I tell you before as I have also told you in the past,that they which do such things shall NOT inherit the Kingdom of God."Galatians 5:21.
They were then involved in an accident after partying and they all died and went to hell.
The pupils I saw were all from one school.
They were in terrible torture and regret.Flames covered and devoured them and they would scream in pain.
The other sin I would like to stress here which took them to hell was that of cheating in exams."let him that stole steal no more,but rather let him labour,working with his hands the thing which is good,that he may have to give to him that needeth."EPHESIANS 4:28.
"He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much,and he that is unjust in little is unjust also in much."LUKE 16:10
If you are involved in these sins,repent right now and ask God for forgiveness.
Turn to Jesus Christ and He will forgive you,then do not return to your sins but rather bear fruits of repentance (luke 3v8).Begin to seek God now.
Hell is a real place.Theres no escape once you are there.Its forever.Theres no rest day or night (revelations 14v11).
"And if thy hand offend thee,cut it off:it is better for thee to enter life maimed than having two hands to go to hell,into the fire that never shall be quenched and the worms do not die Mark 9:43-44.
Dont be deceived by anyone telling you that hell is not real.
It's real but you can escape from that road leading to hell right now.
Jesus died to make a way of escape for you (John 3v16). Repent and make Jesus your Lord.Not just on your lips,but your actions as well.
Jesus is sending you this warning because He loves you and doesn’t want you to end up mindful that there's no sin greater than the other,ALL SIN leads to hell." For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."Romans 6:23.
"See,I have set before thee this day life and good,and death and evil."Deutronomy 30:15
The choice is yours today.
The Lord invites you in His love.Will you come?

Saturday, April 29, 2017


" Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing." Deuteronomy 7:26
Yet how many times do we watch worldly programs that show nothing but fornication,adultery,swearing, blaspheming God's name,dishonesty, and all the things that God totally hates and despises?They are an abomination to the Lord and we are not even supposed to bring those things in our homes even through the TV. 
Worldly entertainment isn't meant for Christians,it's just bait to take people to hell.
The Lord showed me how satan and his demons had a meeting to decide on a fast way to bring more people to hell.
And it was decided on that they would use TV.
They would use all those non christian TV programs,movies,soap operas,cartoons,reality shows etc to bring people to hell.
They are detestable to the Lord.Forsake them and remove them from your home.
They only grieve the Holyspirit and are leading you to hell.
They don't make them just to entertain you,that's a lie.
They make them because they want your soul.
No matter how innocent they may seem this is the truth.
" There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."Proverbs 14:12
I used to love all those things but when I met Jesus I had to let them go.
You can't serve two masters.
You can't keep your garment pure while watching all those non christian movies,soaps and cartoons.
Each person will reap what they sow.
My sister Zipporah was shown the following by the Lord.
"I saw short, dark, tough-skinned, ugly, horned
demons with huge axes. They were axing people in hell who were
running in all directions. The demons ran with all their might axing
the ground as they chased these people. The Lord told me they
were those who watched secular television . Then I asked him if it
was right for some people to be there for that reason because some
did not get the revelation that it was wrong. Then he told me, 'I
have given human beings the ability to choose between what is
good and bad. When most people see that what they are watching
is sinful and does not bring Me glory, they continue as though doing
something that is pleasing me. Secular TV does not have one good
thing. It just portrays violence, promiscuity, drug abuse and a care
free life without me."
Repent,Jesus is coming back but He's only coming for the holy.
Wash your robes in Jesus' blood.
He's not telling us to be separate from all these things because He doesn't want us to be entertained.
He's doing it because He loves us.
We cannot entertain ourselves with abominable things.They only defile us and takes us away from God.
And nothing unholy will enter the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father.
Jesus loves you with unending love.

Friday, April 28, 2017


The regrets of my friend in hell........
" For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia." 2 Timothy 4:10
As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him
and knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what
shall I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him,
“Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God
alone. You know the commandments, ‘DO NOT MURDER,
FATHER AND MOTHER.’” And he said to Him, “Teacher, I
have kept all these things from my youth up.” Looking at
him, Jesus felt a love for him and said to him, “One thing you
lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and
you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”
But at these words he was saddened, and he went
away grieving, for he was one who owned much property.
And Jesus, looking around, *said to His disciples, “How
hard it will be for those who are wealthy to enter the
kingdom of God!”
so my question now is where are the things of the world that demas in the first text loved so much that he even deserted God's work for?
Is he still enjoying them or have they passed away?
What about the wealth of the young ruler?
Is it still there?
Without a doubt,the answers to both questions would be " No."
All those things have passed away and now these people are facing eternity.
The time we have on earth is a gift to prepare us for the next life.
Every moment is precious because everything on earth will VERY SOON pass away.
you wake up,go about your business,retire to bed,wake up again.
And it seems as though it will be that way forever.
But soon the curtains will close,your life here on earth being like just a play being played out for a few minutes and then it's over.
What next?
I recount one of the times Jesus Christ has shown me hell.
I saw my childhood friend in that dreadful place.
I still recall the sense of loneliness that I was aware of in that place.
she was all bony and gray.
Her regrets were obvious,and her wishes loud.
She was just wishing to be in my place,alive with a chance to be right with God.
I could hear all the things she was thinking she would be doing if she was in my place,"I wouldn't even spend time going to eating places and enjoying myself.Every minute,I would spend it evangelising and praying.I would spend all my time on God.Everything else is useless.oh how I wasted my life.If I could just have another chance."
Those were her wishes.The wishes of someone who has crossed over into eternity and can clearly see how everything we do here on earth is useless when brought in comparison to serving God.
Don't waste your time of repentance by running away from God.
Someone in hell is wishing for that but they ll never have it.

Thursday, April 27, 2017


How deception works.........
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness,
but rather expose them."EPHESIANS 5:11
Some time early last year,the Lord Jesus Christ told me satan knew that many people were repenting because of heaven and hell testimonies and so he sent his agents to flood the earth with alot of fake heaven and hell testimonies that are aimed at discouraging people's walk with God.
Jesus told me these testimonies would include some holiness aspects because they were aimed at destroying the true holiness revelations.
The Lord told me the reason they would include holiness aspects is because satan wants people to completely do away with any holiness revelations.
They will think,since this fake testimony also talked about the need for outward holiness,any testimony talking about outward holiness is also fake.Thats what satan wanted.
It was also meant to trap those who believe in outward holiness as being important.Since the fake revelations also talked about outward holiness,these people who already believed in it wouldn't question such a testimony despite all the lies added.
Let me make it clear that deception isn't 100%lies.
It's some truth mixed with lies.The truth is meant to blind you so you believe even the lies.
These fake revelations from the pit of hell are meant to discourage people from giving heed to what God is really saying.
It's also meant to lead people into believing a lie.
Fake revelations are in two forms.
There are some where even the person sharing the revelation is themselves deceived by a fake vision.
2 TIMOTHY 3:13 "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,
This happens when people have their spiritual eyes open but are not living a holy life,they are entertaining sin in their lives,this opens them to deception by satan.
satan can also do this is to people who don't study the word of God . Because of their ignorance about God's word satan can deceive such people with fake visions or dreams because he knows they won't compare them with what the bible says.
Each revelation must be weighed by the word of God.
When I had my first encounter with Jesus Christ,He showed me a sword and said,"you will conquer the enemy using this sword."
The sword is the word of God.
"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God."EPHESIANS 6:17
The only way we can know wether something is true or not is by checking with the word of God.
If some of the things are biblical while others are not.Then that revelation isn't from God.A revelation from God will not contradict the bible in any single way.
But when there's truth mixed with lies,know that the truths are meant to make you believe the lies.
It is also important to ask the Holyspirit if something is true or not.But before doing this you must make sure you have the Holyspirit and be willing to listen to anything He says.
The second type of deception is where the person sharing a revelation is aware of what they are doing.When the person is an agent of darkness who has been sent to come and deceive people with a fake revelation.
Such a person is consciously serving satan by sharing such a revelation and the kingdom of darkness have already planed how that revelation should impact the church and what it's meant to achieve.
This type of fake revelations are also very common and satan instructs such people who come with this mission everything they should do.
Many times its extremely hard to tell this type of fake revelations unless we judge them by the word of God and also ask the Holyspirit.
The Lord told me and Zipporah,"Iam going to use you to expose the kingdom of darkness and since that time,Jesus has showed us so much about how the kingdom of darkness operates and how they fulfil their deception.
I am sharing some of the things so that you will not be caught unaware.
Before someone is sent on such a mission,they are prepared for that mission even for years if necessary.They first have to convince the people near them before they can convince the whole world.
For example,such a person can pretend to be a demon possessed person and may manifest in a prayer meeting and pretend that the demons have left.This is why discernment is important.
Once this happens, this person may even begin to dress and act like a child of God just to convince those around them.
They are taught by demons and some are demons in human flesh,demons have been around for centuries and they have studied all the ways of convincing humans that something is true.Thats why I say it's not about how someone looks or sounds,it's about the word of God and also the Holyspirit.
After the person has managed to earn people's trust,they will begin to share the demonic fake visions that satan sent them to share.
Because they had first managed to convince those people around them it ll be easy to convince any other christian who doesn't know the word of God because other People will confirm that they know them and they are children of God.
The only proof we have is the Holyspirit and the word of God.
Mostly their first revelation will be mostly biblical though in some cases may even include a few demonic lies but most of it will be truth.
This is meant to earn people's trust.
When that trust is earned,they will continue coming with other revelations containing some truth but mixed with the lies that satan wants to use to fight the church.
Because of those few truths,the indiscerning christian will believe even the lies and slowly find themselves bound by satan's lies.
They will for example tell you not to paint and use artificial hair or wear trousers if you are a woman,this is the part of truth that they know will convince you.Then they will add the lie that you should not eat pork because if you do you ll go to hell.
COLOSSIANS 2:16 " So don't let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink or for not celebrating certain holy days......"
Or they will say don't wear short things but they will add lies saying don't wear anything made of jeans.That if a woman wears a jean skirt even though it's decent she will go to hell.Or that if a man wears jean trousers though decent they will go to hell.Some will add things like it's a sin to shave or to wear bras etc.
All of this is satan's way of making people think serving God is a prison.
God wants us holy,Not that He wants us miserable and sad.
He wants Holiness.
And satan knows if he brings all these teachings from hell,in the end you ll be discouraged from serving God and could even give up on God all together.
But despite the lie added to these fake revelations,people who don't judge revelations by the bible will believe and even stop eating pork,wearing jeans etc fearing they ll go to hell.satan has achieved his mission of getting them in bondage of lies and he will keep increasing the lies till those people eventually give up on salvation all together or till they go deeper into deception.
Again let me say,the Holyspirit and the bible are our sword to devour the enemy.He has successfully transformed himself in a way that he appears like an angel of light.
Such people will even pretend to be holy.They will even not use artificial things and preach against them.But all this is just saw that they can get to the children of God.
They will creep in demonic doctrines and also instead of encouraging you to have fellowship with God,they will do anything to make God seem distant and unpleasable.Their mission is also to make you think it's impossible to get saved.
That's why am telling you to seek God or you ll be deceived.
The bible says the way leading to heaven is narrow,it doesn't say it's impossible.
Let's follow the word of God n ot demonic doctrines.
Another method of deception that these people use is;When the fake revelator shares their fake revelation.satan sends other people to work with them.
These people will pretend to just be ordinary people and will pretend to have repented because of that revelation.If it's at a meeting they ll even cry and share with others how t he revelation has changed them . online they will comment things like,"Oh thank You Jesus for this warning." But satan sends them to do this so that when other people see this they will say,"this must be true,even other people believe it."
Let me be clear that am not saying wherever this happens I. e people talking about a revelation or commenting then they are agents and that revelation is from satan.
What am saying is,satan has seen how this is effective and so when he sends a fake revealation he does this as one of his deception techniques.
So don't believe a testimony just because of people's comments about it. Check the bible and ask the Holyspirit.
Another way that is used for deception is;after the person has shared their fake revelation.They will tell you."If you want,pray about it."
This is done as a psychological way of deception because they know that that very statement will make the majority of people not to even pray about it.
People will think,"if it was a lie he wouldn't tell us to pray about it so it's true."
But am telling you you should really be praying about ALL revelations and check with the bible.
Again am not saying just cz someone says pray about it then they are doing this trick,even I encourage people to pray about it.What am saying is that agents of satan also say this to blind you.
So never take that statement as proof but rather really go to the Lord in prayer.
Let me emphasise usually there's never physical proof of these agents of darkness as they really come like sheep but are wolves,read the bible and judge everything by the bible.
God is perfect and all His revelations align with His word.
These people will even arrange things in a way that shows as if they are suffering for Christ.
They will even makeup situations in the kingdom of darkness that makes it seem as though they are undergoing persecution,just to validate the lies satan sent them with.So non of this is proof that someone is true.
Each and every word should not contradict God's word.
Another type of deceivers satan sends don't even hide in holiness messages.
Their mission is for those who don't believe in outward holiness as being as important as inward and also to discourage those who believe in outward holiness from believing it.
These will be sent by satan to claim to have seen heaven or hell and met Jesus yet they will be very worldly in their dressing and even actions sometimes.
They will talk about some aspects of holiness such as stealing,adultery but ll dress in a worldly way because they know people will copy and they know that as long as holiness isn't complete,You are still a candidate of hell.
This deception is meant to lure people into the same sin as they will say,"this person saw Jesus and heaven but dresses this way so it's okay.if it wasn't okay Jesus would have told them."
In some cases satan will even instruct these people to say Jesus told them dressing that way is okay.
They lure those who don't know God's word and are just looking for that person who ll validate their sinful act.
Do not follow a person.
Again the only way we can defeat the enemy who comes this way is through the sword of the spirit,the word of God.
These deceivers will also use the deception tactics that I have listed above that are also used by those sent into the holiness ministry with deception.
Again am not saying every person doing this is consciously serving satan.Some are while others have simply been deceived with fake visions because of not standing upon the word of God.
When people aren't willing to listen to God,God can send them a deceptive spirit to deceive them so that they believe lies even more . Because they were not willing to let go of their sin.
An example of this is also the story of Ahab. (1 kings 22:10-37).
2 THESSALONIANS 2 : 10-12 "and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who
are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the
truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a
powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so
that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth
but have delighted in wickedness."
Let the bible and the word of God be our guide.
If you have noticed I have emphasised on using the word and the Holyspirit.
The reason is because only the Holyspirit can interpret the scripture to us.
"He has made us competent as ministers of a new
covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter
kills, but the Spirit gives life."2 CORINTHIANS 3:6
The deceivers will use the bible but they will twist scripture to validate their lies.We need the Holyspirit and we need to know the word of God.
Another tactic that they use is,satan sends more than one of them at a time.
He releases one with a demonic revelation,then sends another with the same lie.He can even make sure they are in different countries.People will think,"how come even this other person is saying this?It should be true."despite it contradicting the bible.Not knowing that they are all serving one master and they are just fooling you.
In all the time God was teaching me about deception,I have had encounters with all these different types of deceivers.
Some were people whom I even trusted and looked genuine till God opened my spiritual eyes to see who they really are and their mission.
In all this time,I have come to know that the deception of the kingdom of darkness is very advanced such that without the Holyspirit anyone can be deceived.
The Lord allows me to see demons in human desguise.
In my encounters with them,it's when I have learned just how advanced satan's deception is.You can't catch him without the Holyspirit.
They plan everything so very well and so very convincing.Taking several years just laying the ground for that one moment.They will invest so much just for that one moment.Because they know what they want to achieve.
I will give you a personal example.
In 2006,I didn't even care about God or even know Him.i was just in the world.
This person befriended a member of my family and became very close to my family.
He became so close to us that he would even spend nights at our home because he was a friend to one of my brothers.
He was always talking about God and even earned my mum's trust.Mum would always say,"that young man is a true child of God."
Years went by and he kept close contact with us till in 2011 he asked for my hand in marriage and I turned him down because I wasn't in love with him.
He still kept contact with my family till I got saved in 2011 and began encountering Jesus.
When he heard about my encounters with Jesus,he showed excitement and seemed interested to hear what the Lord was telling us.
I later moved to another town.Coincidentally he had moved to that same town a few years before.
Because I was new in town,and because he had become close to my family,he suggested I visit the church he was attending.
Zipporah and I went there.The pastor was a real man of God filled with the Holyspirit.And I noticed that he was extremely close to the pastor.
Most people in church looked up to him and gave him as an example of a true christian.
Till one day God opened my eyes and I saw this man was actually a demon in human desguise!
I was shocked!
But then God opened Zipporah's eyes and she saw him too!
We were really shocked!
God then told me satan sent this demon so that it marries me then makes my life miserable and destroys me!
This was someone I knew long before I even knew God's call on my life!
So in all this time,even before I knew it,the kingdom of darkness had seen God's call on my life and before I had even answered it they had already prepared someone to extinguish that call!
All those years before I even knew Jesus,He was already doing ground work,earning our trust.
It's possible for satan to see your call before you even realise it.
A person's call exists right from birth and can be seen by people who can see in the spirit and even by the enemy.Satan doesn’t completely understand a person's call but he's able to see signs of it.
If we used physical reasoning we would doubt because he wasn't someone I knew after I was in ministry.So we are to use spiritual eyes for spiritual things.
My pastor could see in the spirit but he couldn’t see this person is a demon.Not everyone can see the demons in desguise,it's God who can show you.
So that's how much their deception is.They don't usually leave physical evidence.But I know it's God who protected me.And He's able to protect all of you too from deception.
So don't use physical reasoning but just use the Holyspirit.
There is a fine line between true teachers and the fake ones . That's why the bible says if it were possible they would deceive the very elect.Mark 13:22
Again I say;THE BIBLE and the HOLY SPIRIT.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


The greatest attack that satan has made against the church is sending demons in human form to live among us.
This is something that's very serious.
Some of the people we think are people are actually demons which have come to earth in human desguise.
its a very serious attack on the church and the whole world at large because these demons are so many.
They aren't a few,they are so many and there's absolutely no way of ever telling they are not human but demons.
They look and act human 100 percent.
You can never catch them.
You can only ever know them when the Holyspirit reveals them to you.
Since the Lord first told Zipporah and I about this,He's given us the ability to know them when we see them . It's through spiritual revelation that He takes down their cover.
And I can tell you,they are so many.
Even on Facebook I see many of them through their pictures and they act very human and some act like children of God but they are the demons sent to earth to destroy children of God.
They are everywhere and some can even be people we are related to,our friends,some are pastors,people known as prophets,musicians,actors,poor people,rich people etc.
They have managed to infiltrate among us,as tired we can never tell except the Spirit of God reveals them.
I ll give an example of how they find themselves in our families.
If a demon in desguise marries a normal human being.They can never have a real child.
The child they ll have would only be another demon sent to earth in human desguise.
So for example if you are related to the person who married this demon incarnate,you would think you have a nephew or niece when in actual fact it's just a demon.
It's in ways like this that they infiltrate into our families.
This attack of the enemy is very serious.
These demons in human form are exactly like those demons in hell torturing human souls.
They are just hiding in a body that looks human but it's all fake.They are just here on a mission.
I see them everywhere,sometimes it really frustrates me because I can see them for who they are but other people think they are just human and even look up to them and allow themselves to be influenced by these demons thinking they are their friends!
They are 100 percent demons and when they pretend to have died they simply go back to their other missions that satan sends them too.
They all hate humans with a great passion.
They pretend to love us and even do things for us but in the spirit it's all different.
For example one day I saw a woman who was actually a demon in desguise,in the physical,she was hugging this man who was a real human being.
The Lord opened my eyes to see she was actually a demon,she could see that I could see her and she was mocking the man in the spirit and she said to me,"even though you can see me,this man will never know anything.He thinks am a lady and he ll never know.hahahaha"
I felt sorry for the man who was oblivious to all that was happening in the spiritual realm.
Satan sends them to earth to pretend to be human in order to perform a particular mission like bring down children of God,make sin look normal,discourage people from serving God,and many other things.But while on earth in human desguise they are still able to perform the normal role of demons like monitoring people,casting spells etc.
The origin of demons living among humans is the Nephilim in Genesis 6.The giants who were offspring of the fallen angels and human women were in actual sense demons.
But now when demons come to live on earth,they are no longer giants but look exactly human.
I see them everywhere everyday living normal lives but it's all fake.
After the rapture,they ll no longer need to hide.
This attack has brought down a lot of people who like to follow others instead of God.
This is the time to really pray and to fast.
It's time to seek God like never before.
If you are not on your knees you ll not escape this attack.
This is so real.These demons are even born and grow up just like normal people but everything is fake.
I have seen families were the whole family I. e mum,dad and kids are all just demons pretending.
I used to wonder how they manage to look so human but the Lord showed me its all so fake.
He showed me a demon incarnate that I had seen in real life.But when I saw her in the vision,Jesus allowed me to see what was really inside,it was all fake,it wasn't a real human body but just something made up with what looked like wires and some other material but it looked really human,with blood,flesh,even pretending to get sick etc.its all fake.Its just like how angels would come to earth in human desguise and looked so human people would never know they are angels till they reveal themselves.
demons are fallen angels and had this ability in their angelic form.
When the fallen angels were cast out of heaven their abilities were not taken from them.Thats why satan who was in charge of music can still sing even now.
Here's a vision the Lord gave me one time showing me about the demon incarnates.
In the vision,myself,Zipporah,Conrad,and another pastor went to visit a certain family.
When we got there I was shocked to find that the whole family are just demons in human desguise!
I could see them but the other people thought they are just human.
They served food on the table.
One if the children,who looked like a boy of 11 was setting the table and he got a spoon and began wiping it.
But I could see that in reality what he was doing was just putting spells on it!
I tried to grab the spoon from him but he held on to it.Then I got up and told him,"you are just wasting your time cz we won't eat this food!We already know who you are!"
we then stood up from the table and didn't eat anything.
I went to the kitchen were I found the 'mother' to that boy and I saw she too was a demon.
so I decided to trap her by talking to her in a heavenly language,one that they spoke in heaven long before satan and his demons were cast out.In the vision God gave me ability to speak it.
So I asked her a question in that language and she answered using the same heavenly language!I then turned to her and confronted her in English,"how did you know that language?!How come you understood what I said?you are a demon!A fallen demon cz you are not even an angel."
She turned to me and said,"yes,am a demon."
I was surprised she admitted so I called my sister telling her,"come and see.This demon here has admitted it's a demon."
Zipporah came and I told the woman,"tell her what you just told me."
She stubbornly and defiantly turned and told Zipporah,"am a demon!"
That made me angry and I began to hit it in the name of Jesus.
end of vision.
This is the time to be on our knees seeking God and looking only to Him.
Don't follow after people,don't try to please people cz in the end you ll find that you were disobeying God just to please demons.
They are so many and some even pretend to be evangelists,preachers and people follow blindly.
I have seen some who even dress holy and are found among people who believe in holiness but they are just demons pretending and all the holy dressing is a lie.some would even comment positively on posts about God and repentance but they are demons and are just pretending.They even join in fasting,all night prayers will never tell them physically.Only by revelation.
Pray without ceasing because your adversary the devil has come full force against you.
This post isn't meant to scare you but to open your eyes to how much you need to stay close to God.
God ll keep you till the last day if you remain in Him.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


On Friday,January 22nd during prayer,suddenly the room filled with
brilliant light!
I had been praying in the spirit and the presence of God was so
powerful and had led me to move from where I had been kneeling to
another place in the room while in worship.
Since my eyes were closed when moving,I had no idea where I was
and I began to think that maybe I had moved to a place near an
open window and sunlight had started to come in.
But I discovered that it wasn't the case,there were no open windows
in the room and it was evening,the sun had gone down.
It was then that I realised it was actually light from heaven!
The light increased and grew very bright.
I was still on my knees worshipping the Lord.
Then Jesus Christ stepped forth from the light walked to where I
was kneeling in prayer.He put His hand over my head and I was
overtaken by the power of the Holyspirit.
I could only speak in tongues and not English,then He was gone.
At this time I didn't realise that the Lord wanted to show me
Some hours after prayer,later that evening I just began to feel very
sad,I didn't know why.
I didn't realise it was because I was about to see hell.
I was just feeling very sad and I went to lie down then the Lord
began to show me hell.
It was an extremely deep pit and was very wide once you arrive.
Thousands and thousands of people kept falling in.
The walls of hell were rough and reddish,kind of smeared with
pieces of flesh and blood from the tormented souls in that place.
The walls of hell seemed to be alive!
I couldn't see the end,it was so very very wide and seemed to be
divided into parts.
I saw a lot of teenagers in hell.
I noticed that they were high school students and wore school
I was then shown their life on earth.
I saw that these teenagers engaged in acts of fornication,drunk
alcohol and cheated in their exams."ye shall not steal,NEITHER
DEAL FALSELY, neither lie to one another."Leviticus 19:11
These were the reasons that brought them to this place.
I saw how they had written final high school exams and cheated and after that
went to party.
I saw how they would even look down on other teenagers who were
not doing what they were doing.
I saw that fornication and drunkeness were normal to them and they
thought they had a long life ahead of them.
"Flee fornication.Every sin that a man doth is without the body;but
he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."1
"Know ye not that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of
God?Don't be deceived,neither FORNICATORS,nor idolaters,nor
adulterers,nor effimate,nor abusers of themselves with mankind..."1
"Envyings,murderers,DRUNKENESS,revellings and such like: of
which I tell you before as I have also told you in the past,that they
which do such things shall NOT inherit the Kingdom of
God."Galatians 5:21.
They were then involved in an accident after partying and they all
died and went to hell.
The pupils I saw were all from one school.
They were in terrible torture and regret.Flames covered and
devoured them and they would scream in pain.
The other sin I would like to stress here which took them to hell was
that of cheating in exams.
Do not engage in any form of exam mal practice.Dont share answers with your friends in an exam and don't copy.Thats a sin against God because it's dishonesty.
Some people even use charms for passing exams.Thats witchcraft and dishonesty and it's a sin against God.
Study and be honest in your exams.You can ask God to help you pass but don't get answers from your friends or cheat in any way in the exam.
"let him that stole steal no more,but
rather let him labour,working with his hands the thing which is
good,that he may have to give to him that needeth."EPHESIANS
"He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much,and
he that is unjust in little is unjust also in much."LUKE 16:10
If you are involved in these sins,repent right now and ask God for
My attention was drawn to two people falling in hell at that time.
Both of them were totally naked as they arrived in that place.
They landed into a cage made of large red hot coals and the cage
locked immediately.
The opening that had led them into the cage just vanished and it
was all sealed!No way out.
These two people whom I had noticed to be a man and a woman
began to desperately search for a way out.
They frantically turned to all directions but there was no way out.
I could tell that each cared only for their own soul,each wanted a
way out only for themselves,they didn't care about the other.When
they saw that there was no exit,they both wanted to check if there
was an exit through the top of the cage.
The man pulled the woman to the ground and climbed on her trying
to see if he could get out through the roof of the cage and the
woman desparately struggled to get him off and did the same!
Large worms began devouring their flesh as they kept climbing on
each other's backs searching for an exit out of hell but I saw that it
was totally sealed.
I noticed that they were suffocating in the stench of hell.
The air in hell was too heavy and hot,filled with the smell of burning
rotting flesh.
The man was much younger than the woman,he seemed to be
around 20 years old and I was shocked when the Lord told me the
woman was his mother and they had comitted incest together on
" And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his
father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their
blood shall be upon them."Leviticus 20:11
Even though these people searched for a way out,they both knew in
their hearts that they would never get out.They knew this as soon as
they landed in hell.
Yet they kept trying desperately to find a way out.
They were filled with nothing but selfish desire,each cared only for
themselves,each only wanted to save themselves from the fires of
hell,but this still is hopeless.They will never get out.
"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but fornicators
and adulterers God will judge." Hebrews13:4
Turn to Jesus Christ and He will forgive you,then do not return to
your sins but rather bear fruits of repentance (luke 3v8).Begin to
seek God now.
Hell is a real place.Theres no escape once you are there.Its
forever.Theres no rest day or night (revelations 14v11).
"And if thy hand offend thee,cut it off:it is better for thee to enter
life maimed than having two hands to go to hell,into the fire that
never shall be quenched and the worms do not die Mark 9:43-44.
Dont be deceived by anyone telling you that hell is not real.
It's real but you can escape from that road leading to hell right now.
Jesus died to make a way of escape for you (John 3v16). Repent
and make Jesus your Lord.Not just on your lips,but your actions as
Jesus is sending you this warning because He loves you and
doesn’t want you to end up mindful that there's no sin
greater than the other,ALL SIN leads to hell." For the wages of sin is
death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord."Romans 6:23.
"See,I have set before thee this day life and good,and death and
evil."Deutronomy 30:15
The choice is yours today.
The Lord invites you in His love.Will you come?

Monday, April 24, 2017


In a vision I was shown a christian lady who lived a holy life and had an active prayer life.
This lady used to evangelise the lost but had stopped evangelising although she still lived a holy life and prayed alot.
I saw her wearing a pure white robe.

But then satan came and accusingly asked her,"who stole your shoes?"
Then I looked at the lady's feet and saw that she was barefoot,she had no shoes!
when satan accused her,she knew it was true and she began crying to God for mercy.
The vision ended.
The bible talks about us putting on the full armour of God.
It speaks of us putting on the shoes of the gospel of peace;evangelism.
This lady had stopped evangelising that is why spiritually she had no shoes on.
Ephesians 6:11-17
"Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to
stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that
ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done
all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,
and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be
able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the
Spirit, which is the word of God"
We cannot ignore evangelism,it's an important part of our armour.
We are required to put on the whole armour not just part of the armour.
The bible refers to satan as the accuser (Revelations 12:10).
He's always looking for faults in children of God and that's why he was accusing this lady in the vision.For example in job 2:1-5 satan tried to accuse job before God.
We must be obedient to God and leave no room for any of his accusations.The accusations shouldn't be true,we should live in total obedience.We should give no room to the devil.
The great commission is for every christian.
The Lord has shown me before a section in hell for those who don't evangelise.
Are you a christian who used to evangelise but have stopped?You are barefoot spiritually.Cry out to God in repentance and begin evangelising again.Its not yet time for rest.
Are you a christian who has never at any time been evangelising?you too are barefoot.
Put on the shoes of peace by sharing the gospel.shalom

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Thus saith the Lord God.
Creator of heaven and earth,"There are no blessings for the disobedient.
No matter how much you claim your blessings,they will not come for the heavens are shut until you obey."
When the Lord said this He showed me the closed heavens that He was talking about.
They were completely sealed,not even the smallest thing could pass through them.
I can best describe it like a person trying to pass through a wall!
If you want the blessings of God,the shortcut is obedience.
His ears ll be open to your prayers and His eyes ll be on you.
Jesus Christ told me that if only the women could obey even in the area of dressing decently and not wearing trousers or using makeup and artificial hair,He said if their obedience included even these areas,they wouldn't even have to pray and fast just to get married or have that job or get those blessings they want from Him.
He said they would just come to them easily.
This is just an example Jesus used but the obedience in this is for men as well.
Don't obey God in part,obey Him fully if you want to see His blessing both here on earth and in the life to come.
satan knows that the secret to your blessings is obedience and that's why he fights so hard to keep you in disobedience to God.
If only you would obey God fully even in tithes and offerings,you would live under open heaven.
The blessings of God lie only in obedience.
"Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."Matthew 6:31-33
" And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God. Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field..........Deutronomy 28 (Read the whole chapter).
" I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, BLESSING and CURSING : therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: "Deuteronomy 30:19
The opposite of a blessing is a curse. All the blessings of God come as a result of obedience,when there's disobedience, you get the opposite. that's why if you read the whole chapter in deutronomy 28,it further mentions curses which follow disobedience which are the exact opposite of blessings.
This message was received during a series of teachings from the Lord on obedience.
The Lord said,"Why do you want Me to do what you ask Me to do but you don't want to obey Me (to do what I want you to do)?
The above sentence was said in a tone of rebuke by the Lord.
"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." James 1:22
"But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, THIS MAN SHALL BE BLESSED IN ALL HIS DEEDS ."James 1:25

Saturday, April 22, 2017



In December 2011, the Lord brought my siblings and I back to Him. Although our dad is a pastor, all of us had backslidden and turned away from the Lord. We would pretend before our parents and at church, but lived a sinful life at school and when they were not around. We would lie and do as we pleased. But God worked a miracle and two of my sisters, a brother, and I repented and recommitted to God. When we recommitted to God, we decided to seek him in fervent prayer. We wanted to experience his power. We were convinced that if we truly seek of Him, He would answer and speak to us, too. We really wanted the baptism of the Holy Spirit .
One day as we prayed, my younger sister Lois, who was 10 by then, said she was seeing angels! The presence of the Holy Spirit filled the room and my other younger sister Zipporah began speaking in tongues! It was amazing but I felt left out because though we had been asking, my brother and I didn’t get baptized by the Holy Spirit that night. It was as though God was silent on us. I cried out to God, asking him not to pass me by. He then gave my sister Zipporah a message saying, “Tell Inonge (which is my other name) I can hear her prayers. Tell her to continue praying and not be discouraged.”
Baptized with the Holy Spirit
Later we decided to go on a five-day fast and seek God. During that time, we read the Bible, sang praise and worship, and prayed together, the four of us. I read all the verses I could find that spoke of God answering when we pray. I read all the verses talking about the
baptism of the Holy Spirit . I would ask God for the Holy Spirit. My heart was always crying out to Him for it. But He was silent. I didn’t get it. It was not until the fifth day of our fast that it happened. At around 3 pm, we had given up, and thought God had refused to answer, even though we initially planned to break our fast at 4pm that day. We finished praying together, but afterwards I still felt like praying, so I went into another room to continue praying. As I prayed and asked God to fill me with praise for him, I began to speak in tongues! I couldn’t believe it! He had answered. I continued praising him in tongues for a long time and we broke our fast some minutes after 4 pm.
Separate from the World
Later that night, I went in to pray alone and I was praying in tongues when the Lord started speaking to me. He said we have to stay away from any kind of addiction, including TV addiction, because He wants to be the First One in our lives. He then said any time we truly call out to Him, He hears. I went to give my siblings that message (my parents were out of town at that time). We then began to pray together and the Lord started giving us more messages. He began speaking to both my sister Zipporah and I. He said, “I am coming soon, and My coming will be like a thief in the night, so I will know who is truly Mine. People no longer pay attention when someone tells them that I am coming, because I have taken long. My coming will no longer be delayed. I am coming sooner than you think, but the question is, will you be ready? Because I am only coming for a holy people, and if you live holy lives I will take you with Me. I am only coming for those living a holy life. Many Christians will not be ready when I come, and they will be left behind.”
He said, “Right now the door is open but it will soon be closed. Enter before the door is closed. I am waiting for you (humanity) with open loving arms.”
He said, “I gave my life for you, for humanity because of My love for you. You do not know just how glorious heaven is. Your human minds are too small to comprehend it. But I gave up glorious heaven to walk on this filthy sinful earth just to save you, to die for you. You don't know how much I suffered for you. It was worse than you see on TV -- worse than they show it in any movie. That’s how much I love you. I gave up everything for you. Do you love Me that much, too? Are you willing to sacrifice everything for Me? Because that’s how great My love for you is. I gave up everything for you. You don’t know how much pain you cause Me when you walk away from Me. If you did, you wouldn’t do it.”
You could tell there was this pain He felt in his heart when He said this, and I could feel Jesus’ pain.
The Lord told us there were things we had to give up for His sake. He told us we had to give up the world and live for His glory . He said, “You have to be separate, because you are the light of the world. How can light be called light, if it is like the darkness? You have to be different in order to be a light to the world.”
Apostasy and False Prophets
The Lord Jesus said, “Apostasy has gone out into the world. Many false prophets have gone out into the world teaching doctrines from hell and leading many souls to hell. You must be careful and not follow miracles. Didn’t I warn you in My Word that these false prophets would come? And now they are here, preaching only about prosperity and never condemning sin. All preachers talk about now is prosperity and money, but what is money if your soul burns in hell? Didn’t I say to sell all you have and give the money to the poor and then follow Me? Money is the root of all evil. Don’t be allured by it. It is what has allured many preachers. All they care about is filling their pockets and filling their churches, but they never preach repentance. I know that while you are on earth you are going to need money, and I will provide you with just enough. The rest of your treasures will be in heaven, safe. All the riches you long for will be stored up in heaven where moths cannot destroy. This earth is going to be destroyed with fire, and nothing will be left standing.”
He said, “My heart aches at all the souls being led to hell by false prophets. They are the majority; very few pastors preach My Word. Very few preach repentance. It doesn’t matter if they have many followers or they perform miracles. Even satan can perform miracles. Do not follow miracles. That is why I said in My Word that many will come to Me on the last day and say, "We performed miracles in Your name," but I will reply, “I do not know you.”
God Hears Your Prayers
Jesus also told us never to be afraid of asking, because nothing is too big to ask from God. He told us to be confident that whenever we pray the Lord hears. Sometimes when we pray, satan will come with all sorts of lies saying, “God isn’t hearing you. God isn’t listening to your prayers.” But don’t listen to him. Sometimes God may be silent, but He hears when you pray.
He told us, “When you pray, sometimes the answer may come immediately, but other times it may take some time, because God wants me to be patient and trust Him. The answer will always come, because it is My promise that whoever asks receives.”
Danger of Idolatry
The Lord told us the danger of idolatry.
My younger brother was at a Catholic school. It is one of the best schools in my country, but they were forced to commit idolatry. They all had to celebrate mass and bow down to statues. Jesus instructed us that my brother had to leave that school and repent of idolatry.
If you commit idolatry in any way, please repent. If you don’t, it will take you to hell. Do not love or give your devotion to anything more than God. It becomes an idol. The Lord wants to be first in your life.
He also told us that the anti-Christ will soon be here and will deceive many. Jesus said the anti-christ will do many blasphemous things, but the Lord will crush him. He said, “The anti-christ is already here, and many people are already following him. They don’t know he is the anti-christ, and millions are following him blindly. He will arise very soon, but I am also coming very soon.”
Evangelize the Lost
The Lord then said it is the duty of every Christian to evangelize to the lost. He said many are lost and are going to eternal damnation and destruction in hell, and it is our duty to warn them and let them make their own choice of where they want to go.
The Lord Jesus Christ said we should never judge anyone and say they would never repent even if we shared the gospel with them. He said, “How do you know they cannot repent? It’s not your duty to judge.”
Jesus told us, “You must warn people to repent and not be afraid of warning anyone because you are afraid that they will hate you. Many will hate you, even many of your family members will hate you, but you must warn them. Do not be afraid of losing anyone’s love, because My love will make up for all the love they would have given you. My love is purer than gold."
“Hell is a terrible place, and if you really love someone you will prefer for them to be hurt now by your warning and escape from hell. Do not judge anyone. I am the only judge. But you must warn everyone, so they can make their own decision. Tell them the truth. Warn them, those who believe will come to Me while for those who don’t believe, it will be for their own judgment, a moment they will regret in hell forever.”
Warn Mankind about Hell
The Lord then told us that He was the One who showed Angelica Zambrano heaven and hell and that her testimony is true. He said, “Many people say there is no hell because the Lord is a merciful God. It is true that God is merciful, but He punishes those who turn away from Him. How can they talk about My judgments, when they don’t even know Me? When they’ve never even known My power? There is a real hell and you have to warn mankind. Let them make their own choice."
“I have taken many people to heaven and hell to come back and testify, but why does humanity not believe? Why do you doubt their testimonies? Hell is a terrible place and it is not My wish that anyone should end up there.”
When The Lord said this, I felt his pain, I felt his aching heart for the world being deceived, his compassion on His people who are being deceived by false prophets only talking about prosperity .
One of my friends had passed on some months earlier and the Lord told me she’s in hell. She lived a sinful life and I never bothered to share the gospel with her. It hurt me so much to hear that, and I just cried to Jesus to forgive me for not warning her of her sinful lifestyle. The Lord said “You must never be afraid of warning anyone.”
If you have a loved one living in sin, I tell you it’s better for you to tell them the truth and have them hate you for it. You would have given them the opportunity to make their own decision. Do it in a loving, compassionate way that will draw them to God.
Willing and Obedient Vessels Wanted
The Lord told us He doesn’t care about how big or small a church is because the only thing He respects is His Word, He only cares about obedience to his Word. He said, ”I can use anyone, even a stone. All I want is a willing heart.”
He told us, “I promised in My Word that those who believe in Me will do even greater things than I did. My Word does not change. I am looking for vessels to use. All I want is a willing heart and I will use it.”
He also cautioned us about pride. “When I begin to use anyone, that person must never think of themselves as special. Everyone is the same to Me and I use any willing vessel. You must never become proud or I will crush you.”
The Lord told us satan is powerless before him, nothing more than a flea. That is why we should never be afraid of Him. The only power that He has is only what has been given to Him. He has been allowed to test you so the Lord will know who are truly His.
The Lord then showed me a sword and He said we will conquer the enemy using this sword.
Revelation of Hell
At that time, these were the messages He gave us for the world, but later in September of 2012 when we had prayers, the Lord manifested Himself in our presence again. We were having prayers at home with a few brothers and sisters from church and had been crying out to God all day. We prayed till midnight. My sister Zipporah and I were on our knees next to each other, just praying with all our hearts when suddenly a very bright light came down from heaven. Most of the people in the room saw it. Immediately this light came down and reached were my sister and I were kneeling. It was as though the lid of hell opened!
Suddenly, we heard voices screaming, billions and billions of voices screaming in agony! Everyone in the room could hear the voices. We were horrified because we knew they were voices from hell. I don’t know how we knew that, but in the spiritual realm, you just become aware of things that you were unaware of…you just know it.
We began praying to God, asking for mercy. When I opened my mouth I began to speak in tongues. The Lord then began to speak to my sister and I, giving us messages to give to everyone else in the room, to His Church and the world.
By this time, only my sister and I could hear the screams and groans. There were billions and billions…countless. They were crying out in so much agony. Some sounded like they were being strangled. Others were shouting, “Fire! Fire!”
The Lord said, “Many of these people now in hell were Christians while on earth. They sang, worshiped, prayed, but ended up in hell because they did not truly repent. They went to church but still lived a sinful life at home. Many will end up in this place. Pray for mercy for the world.”
We just began crying for mercy, interceding for the world, praying with all our hearts. Then Jesus told us how satan has put many traps just to trap people to hell. He said, “Hell is never satisfied. Satan wants to trap as many people as possible to hell.”
Widespread Demonic Pollution in the World
Jesus told us there are many things used on earth that are actually made in the satanic kingdom and meant to cause demonic possession and control. He told us there are so many things, including food, drinks, clothes, (satan has infiltrated everywhere. That is why Christians should now rise up in prayer) have demons assigned to possess people and influence them to sin. That is why it is important to pray and commit whatever we buy into the hands of God, and destroy the satanic powers it may come with.
He told us that television is one of his biggest baits to trap people to hell. The Lord said, “Those programs shown on TV are not meant to entertain you, but to take you to hell. Many are in hell because of TV. Many movies are written by satan and acted by his agents, just to trap people to hell. It breaks My heart to see how humanity falls for it. Do not watch secular TV. It will take you to hell.” He said, “It's satan’s bait to lead you to sin, to destroy your soul. You have to crucify the flesh. Do not obey the desires of your flesh. Obey the Holy Spirit.”
The Lord showed us demons that looked like cartoon characters; some even looked like characters from some Christian cartoons! This shocked us but the Lord told us it’s not all “Christian” programs that are really Christian. Many are just a disguise and the “Christian” label is meant to just trap Christians into watching them when they are actually meant to promote sin and lead people to hell.
The Lord showed us many movies, books, and even children’s cartoons that are written by satan and brought to earth by his agents. The names of demonic cartoons and dolls that He revealed to us are Mudpit, Barbie®, Scooby Doo®, Ben 10®, Avatar, Pixel pinkie®, and the Walt Disney® versions of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and the Little Mermaid. The Lord said all these cartoons have demons assigned to possess children. Jesus said to me, "Can you see how cruel satan is? He wants to trap even children to hell." I also saw a demon that looked like a character from a Christian cartoon about Moses produced by Nest Entertainment® (see Author's footnote). The demon looked like the baby Moses from this animated movie, and it was laughing, saying it had deceived Christians! I also saw a demon that looked like Aang from the Avatar cartoon! We had many of these cartoons at home and Jesus instructed us to burn them.
Jesus said all the cartoons I have listed here were drawn in demons’ images (i.e., there are demons that look exactly like them), but I want to clarify that Jesus only showed me some and not all of them. Aside from the cartoon demons I saw, which I have mentioned specifically, Jesus didn’t show me the other cartoons. He only mentioned them, saying they are demonic.
I’d also like to mention that I not only saw the demons that look like Barbie® cartoons, but I also saw Barbie® dolls. In fact, I saw the Barbie® dolls in many visions at different times. In one vision, I saw a several things displayed for sale on a stand, including Barbie® dolls. One of the dolls turned to face me, and began saying mockingly that they (demons) have deceived humanity. And the next moment it just froze and looked like a normal plastic doll!
Jesus said even some children's books have demons assigned to them. He mentioned a specific children's book called "Rattlesnake." We have never seen or read this particular book Jesus was talking about, but He said this children's book is from hell. This is true of even some so-called Christian books. Jesus revealed to us that even the "Watchtower and Awake” magazines, produced by Jehovah's Witnesses, are demonic and He doesn’t want His children reading them. The Lord revealed some secular magazines to avoid, as well. Some of them are "Drum” magazine,” “You” magazine, and “People” magazine.
Jesus told us that these all have a mission of taking people to hell, not entertaining them. He said, "The world has become a dark place and that’s why I want you to be led by the spirit in everything you do." He told us, “These books, movies, soap operas, and cartoons are not meant to entertain you, but to take you to hell. They are satan’s bait. Do not fall for it."
The Lord told us satan even assigns demons to children's stickers, as well. These are cartoon and other stickers like Hannah Montana and Barbie® stickers.
He told us secular music will also lead you to hell, and it’s also a trap from satan.
Get Rid of Artificial Things
He told us He doesn’t want Christian women to be artificial in any way; He said He doesn’t want them to use artificial hair, jewelry (ear rings, bracelets etc.), artificial eyelashes, artificial nails, paint nails, lipstick, eyebrow pencil, or use any of that makeup.
He wants them to remain the way they were created. Be proud of how He created you. That’s what pleases him.
When He said this, there was anger in His voice, He said, “Why are you trying to change what I have created? I don’t want those things on My children. If you want those things, why don’t you make your own humans that you are going to put those things on. Don’t change what I’ve made!
“All these artificial things are from satan. I don’t want them on my children,” Jesus doesn’t want them. Get rid of them and repent. They will lead you to hell.
The Lord showed me something very shocking; I saw a demon in form of a woman and it was wearing all that stuff: artificial eyelashes, lipstick, and tight clothing. It was only then that I realized where these things originate; from satan himself. He told us how these things are from hell and satan has brought them to earth to deceive humanity.
I am not exaggerating. I am saying it as the Lord said it. It’s my responsibility to warn you about this, because we are all going to face God one day.
I am telling you the truth. Jesus doesn’t like those things. He is pleased when we remain the way He created us; this is what He told us.
Modesty and Holiness
He also told us He doesn’t want Christian women to wear trousers or jewelry. The Lord allowed my sister to hear satan giving instructions to his demons. He was saying, "Make sure they write 'LADIES TROUSERS' (on the label) so that women will wear them and come to hell.”
The Lord also showed me a demon in the form of a naked woman, standing on a high wall. Though totally naked and on a high wall, this demon kept trying to hide its nakedness by just covering itself in bits, using its hands and squatting. But it wouldn’t put on any clothes! Jesus told me, "This is the demon of nudity that controls women in the world, and that is why they go out in public naked and only cover their bodies in bits." Jesus also told me something else. He said, "This demon of nudity has entered many churches."
Jesus told me satan knows that many Christian women will no longer wear jewelry like bracelets, so he has changed the design of the jewelry to trap them. I don’t know if these watches are everywhere, but in my country there are these bracelet-watches. They are designed exactly like a bracelet, but have got a small thing in the middle where you can see the time. But Jesus told me its only a trick from satan so women will say, "It's only a watch." I also saw spirits of snakes in these bracelet-watches.
He said He wants complete holiness and we must obey the whole Bible. The Lord said, "Follow My Word."
He also said, “The world has entered My church. People in church now dress like those of the world. They’ve brought satanic music into the church; rock, hip hop. Have you ever heard the angels rapping? How can you rap and say you are singing for God?” When the Lord said this, there was anger in His voice.
The Lord also allowed my sister and I to hear the angels in heaven giving praise and honor to our Lord. They were singing, “Hosanna, Hosanna to God in the highest,” and it was so beautiful, nothing like I have ever heard here on earth.
A few weeks ago Jesus said to me, "Tell my people, ‘Time is very short and the hour is closing. You don't want to be left behind when I come to collect My Bride. My hand of restraint will be lifted off, and untold suffering will soon befall the earth. Prepare, for My coming will be glorious!’"
The Watchman Must Warn Them
The first time I ever heard God speak to me was in 2010. I really wanted to hear from God and had been asking Him to speak to me. I heard The Lord’s voice and He just said “Ezekiel 33:6-7”. When I read it, it said, “But if the watchman sees the sword come and blows not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand. “So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shall hear the word at My mouth and warn them from Me.”
When The Lord gave me this verse, I didn’t understand what it was supposed to mean to me, but now the Lord said He was setting my sister and I as watchmen. He said, “I gave you that verse because I knew the work I wanted to use you for. Wherever I tell you to go, you will go, wherever I tell you not to go, you will not go. This is the end of your private lives and from now on you will live for Me. I will use you to bring many from the darkness into the light. You must speak the truth and not be afraid of anyone. If I tell you to warn someone and you don’t warn them because you are afraid, their blood will be poured over you, I will give you courage and you will not fail Me.”
“Many will rise against you, even many of your family members will rise against you. Many will oppose you and even use verses to oppose you. They will call you names. Some will even call you demon-possessed, but don’t ever be discouraged. Don’t ever give up because I am with you. I will never leave nor forsake you. You must speak the truth as it is and not fear anyone, because I am with you. Many will condemn you and think they are doing God a service, but you must be bold and courageous and speak out.
“There will be many persecutions, but don’t ever give up because great is your reward and great is the reward of anyone who does God’s work.”
Some months later while my sister and I prayed, the Lord showed me a vision of people at a music concert. It was a secular music concert and most of the people I saw there were youths. They were all excited, but as I looked, I saw that right above them there was a huge hand covering them all. The Lord revealed to me that this was the hand of satan. It was so huge that it covered them all but they all seemed so unaware of it. The hand produced some sort of jelly which it left on everyone there. And the Lord told me this is what happens at music concerts. satan’s hand covers everyone at these concerts and leaves something on them.
He also gave us a warning for Christians. “Even just gossip can lead you to hell. Do not talk about your brothers and sisters in the lord. Don’t talk about anyone. Mind your own business. If you see someone in the wrong, talk to them about it and pray for them.” The Lord said “Don’t make the same mistake many people in hell made of looking down on the vessel God is using because of age or any other reasons. God can use anything and anyone He wants to use.”
Two weeks ago, I was home praying. Immediately I closed my eyes to begin to pray. The Lord showed me a very deep dark pit. It was so very deep, deeper than any depth I have seen before and extremely dark. When I opened my eyes I couldn’t see anything, but when I closed them I could see the pit again. At the bottom of the pit, I saw liquid fire, the kind you see in a volcano. It was red hot. I knew it was hell. The vision ended.
Heed the Warnings and Enter Through the Narrow Gate
The next day at night I was in bed just talking to Jesus when somewhere between wakefulness and dreams I saw Jesus and He told me He wants to draw me to Himself. I then found myself in hell, alone (I didn’t see Jesus with me in hell). It was a very dark place though full of flames and extremely hot. I could feel the searing heat from the flames and the sound you hear when near a big fire. I then saw a man; he was completely naked and seemed to be in so much agony.
Suddenly I could hear his agonizing screams,” Help! Help! I was a Muslim on earth and now I regret it so much. Help!”
It hurt so much to see this man and hear his screams that I just wanted to get out of that place. I tried to wake up, but couldn’t. After a while I was able to wake up, and I found myself back on my bed. For a moment I could still feel the heat on my skin, and then it was gone.
Later I had another vision separately, not during the same period of time we received these revelations that I have just testified about, but which I wish to add to them. I was in my room one night when The Lord showed me a section in hell for those who masturbate. This section was dreary and desolate. I saw a woman on a chair. She was chained with large chains to the chair on which she was sitting, and she couldn't move at all! This woman was burnt beyond recognition. All that had remained of her body looked like ash. She was completely gray, charred, and seemed to be in great agony. I then was made to understand she was there for masturbating during her life on earth. I believe the Lord showed me that, because He wants to use it to reach those who are caught in this sin.
Listen to God’s Word. Don’t despise any vessel God is speaking to you through. Instead, repent and come to God. I urge you now to repent and come to Jesus. Don’t put your faith in a man. Put your faith in God. Repent of your sins and strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many will try to enter but will not be able to.
Jesus is showing us how to enter that gate through these warnings He is giving us in these end times. "Strive to live a holy life, for without holiness no one will see the Lord." Jesus Himself told us these words; He said He is only coming back for a holy people.
The Bible says do not harden your heart when you hear His voice; seek God while He may be found because tomorrow may be too late. None of us know when we will die, and once we leave this earth, it will be too late to really give your life to Christ and cross from death to life.
Revelation 21:8. “But the fearful, and unbelieving, the abominable, murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
1 Corinthians 6:9-11. “Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”