Thursday, February 16, 2017



Today, Jesus told me that the journey to heaven is like climbing a staircase.
God can tell you to let go of something and then you will feel like giving it up. However, the devil will come in and try to discourage you from obeying . He will start reminding you of other things you have still not repented of in order to discourage you from obeying this particular instruction.
He will say to your mind, "But you still have not repented of this and of that. What's the point of obeying this because If you were to die, you'd still go to hell. Then what's the point of obeying this particular one? Just wait, you'll repent of it when you also repent of the other things so that you can be completely ready to go to heaven and you would not have wasted your time. "
To us, that sounds very logical. We know that the devil is a liar and the Father of all lies. This means that he can twist lies in such a way that will seem like complete truth and that will sound very logical to us.
Here's what Jesus told me. He said that going to heaven is like a climbing a staircase. Imagine that you are standing still on one stair step and you are not going up. So God wants to help you go up and he tells you to let go something that you're not doing right in your life .
If you obey, it means you have moved one step higher on the staircase to heaven and you are no longer on the same step you were on.
Now, this is what Satan doesn't want you to know. He wants to make you believe that your obedience will have no impact. He wants to make you believe that you will not achieve anything through your obedience as you still have many other sins you have not stopped and so that stopping this particular one will not benefit you in any way. He is scared that you will go a step higher and you will eventually will reach the top through obedience and get saved. So he wants to keep you stagnant on one step. Apart from that, he will start discouraging you further and will start telling you "Just start doing other things which are sinful since you still have not yet repented of this and that.. what's the use, after all if you were to die today, you would go to hell. You'll repent of everything all at once. "
What he wants is not only for you to remain at one point but also to start climbing down the staircase by doing other things. He wants to keep you from climbing up as much as possible and wants you as further away from the top as possible.
Today, know that each that each time you obey and let go of a sin, you are climbing a step higher. Don't believe the devil who wants you to believe that your obedience is of no use. After that, you will again climb a step higher when you obey regarding something else and you will continuously keep climbing. Also, the higher you climb, the easier you will find it to obey in other things because each step you climb up, you will be drawing closer to God. However, Satan wants you to keep climbing down the stairs by lying to you.
So don't give room to the devil. Resist Him and obey. God will help you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017



... and a thorough expose of demons in human disguise

In a vision, the Lord showed me Satan. He was pretending to be human and walking in a certain street in a place called Kalingalinga in Lusaka here in my country.
There was no physical way of knowing that he was not human as he looked human in every way.
Demons in human disguise live among us PERMANENTLY and even pretend to have jobs and families and they WILL NOT disappear. Their mission is to pretend to be one hundred percent human and they will do everything just as humans do so that they can deceive real humans that they too are human so that they can influence you to sin.
They set trends of life and make sin appear normal. They will also pretend to 'die' but when they 'die', they simply come out of the human like bodies and go back to the spiritual realm to continue their work.
They can even come again in human form and pretend to have been born and they can even change depending on the mission they have come on. For example, if they were 'male' but after they 'die', they need to come back for another mission which requires them to be 'female', then they will be born a 'baby girl' and can even change race or nationality from how they came in human form the first time they came on earth.
There are different missions. Some live PERMANENTLY, while other demons on another mission will just come to earth in human disguise for a particular mission and then go back after they are done. So, the devil also does this. Since he is not omnipresent like God, when he comes to earth pretending to be human, he only comes for the specific time of his mission and then goes back to continue other mission when his mission in human like flesh is done.
But when he comes like that, he will pretend to be a real human being even with a National Registration Card. If you confront him and tell him to show you where he lives, he will show you and you may even find that he has a 'family.' They are demons pretending to be his family.
There is a HUGE network of demons, some whom you have never come close to suspecting because you have grown up with them or known them for years as humans when they are in fact 'humans.' They all work together. Some will even claim to have been in the same class with him, just to make it seem as if he is really human and will even produce 'photos' which they had long ago prepared.
There is GREAT DEEP DECEPTION which only the Lord Jesus Christ is able to reveal and convince you whom He is showing this.
Satan is beyond desperate to catch humans in his net and drag them to hell. Hell is beyond your human mind can comprehend.
So the Lord showed him to me and he was walking on one of the streets. He was looking like a fat drunkard. His eyes were blood shot from drinking and he was dressed like a poor man. One of his shirt buttons was even unbuttoned and he was walking with a beer bottle in his hand and just wearing flip flops. This 'man' looked dirty, like he hadn't bathed in days. You would think it was just a drunkard but it was Satan! He had come on a mission that required his physical presence in human disguise here on earth. I would have been 100% deceived that he was just another drunkard if the Lord had not told me!
The devil and his demons are doing so many activities but want to remain hidden and be in the background when they are actually even living among us pretending to be human. That's why they carry masses to hell because they influence humans directly while pretending to be human themselves!
For biblical reference on this topic please refer to our other post titled THE MYSTERY OF DEMONS IN HUMAN FLESH.
They are only known when the Lord tells you or shows you that they are demons as they leave no physical trace of their demonness. They are more than real humans in number and they promote make up, secular television, secular music, demonic haircuts like Mohawks, dirty talk, living a double life, taking the Lord's name in vain etc. But now the Lord is exposing them.
Real humans are following these trends that they are setting.
The Lord had told us at the beginning that these demons in human disguise are more in number than real human beings but we did not relate until He started showing them to us.
Its a spiritual gift and we can differentiate between a real human being and a demon in human disguise. The Lord has also allowed many people around the world to know them, using different ways.
The Lord allows us to see who they really are and they are in different forms. Huge Serpents, animal like, bird like, crocodile like , fish like, chicken like etc. Scary looking creatures. But Physically, maybe looking like a sweet 6 year old, a teenager, an old man, someone Motherly etc. They even pretend to be kind. They behave exactly like real human beings.
They sell in shops, sell on the street, teach at School, cast news, practice politics, are doctors in hospitals, lawyers,fishermen,farmers, Presidents, maids etc. And from all races. They are actually born among us so they are from the young to the old. They are everything humans are because they are aiming at making humans sin.
They are EVERYWHERE and from all nationalities and races world wide. They are not rare to come across but are EXTREMELY widespread. You encounter them EVERYDAY but you just don't know that they are demons. When you look at them, you will think they are your fellow human beings and will even pretend to be your friends. You work with them, congregate with them, some are among your neighbours, your prayer groups etc.
Personally, some are among my neighbours right now. The Lord shoed them to me. They are among yours too, only that you think they are your fellow humans. They are extremely MANY. Out of a random selection of 10 people, 6 out of 10 are demons in human disguise. They are a good majority on our friend lists on Facebook and literally everywhere.
Even on this same post, some of them will comment against or for depending on what role they are playing. But know that even when pretending to be for God, demons WILL always lead you to sin.
Hell is not a good place. Nothing that you are holding on to right now is worth it. Ask the Lord to baptise you with His Holy Spirit and to help you to overcome. I plead with you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to completely follow Jesus He has wide open arms . I have been shown hell and its a place when you are there that even the existence of earth seems like a mere story. There is untold torment and suffering fit on for the devil and his demons and not for flesh.
Even on this same post, some of them will comment, "Let God expose them! " In a bid to pretend to be human.
Many have sent pictures of people and we have been able to identify those among them who are not human but demons.
When the Lord reveals those who we thought were human but are actually demons, they even come to attack us during prayer or at night! They even laugh sarcastically!!! After one was exposed, it even came in a dream laughing saying and fooling saying, "So you didn't know that am a demon! Why do you think I befriended you!! Hahahahhahahaha! " Meaning that it had befriended me for a mission.
Physically some still try to pretend to be normal while others start behaving as if we had a physical confrontation with them and we are enemies when it is all spiritual! They even start attacking physically using things like Secular music. They will play loud secular music in a bid to defile us. They also start to manifest after prayer and get extremely angry when there had never been a physical confrontation!
They take up different missions and some will even pretend to Pastors but will be in one way or another misleading people.
They even pretend to have dreams about the future, what they want to achieve in life etc , they also pretend to prophesy but its because they are spirits that they do this, others give fake testimonies of how God healed them or answered their prayers or showed them this or that. They even pretend to be scared of death just to pretend to be human, some pretend to enemies but they are spiritually working together.
Those who are 'female' wear seductive clothes, depending on the role they are playing.
When two demons in human form meet on the road, they will even pass each other without talking to each other, pretending to be 'people' who don't know each other just like real humans do.
Nothing that happens happens without the Lord allowing it to happen but the Lord allowed them to exist among us so that our faith can be tested. He wants to fully choose Him personally and not as a forcing matter. Its also written that the Lord will not give us something beyond what we are able to endure.
We need to pray so that we are not deceived by them and so that we do not fall into their traps.
1 Peter 5:8, "Be sober, be vigilant,because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring Lion seeking whom to devour. "

Tuesday, February 14, 2017



Making outward holiness clear.

God really takes outward holiness serious and you can't enter heaven without it.
My sister Rachael shared on how the Lord showed her that stretching hair using a blow dryer is just the same like relaxing it with cream and that people who do that are in hell today if they died without repenting. In this post, I'm going to share an experience that I had when after the Lord had told us to stop using artificial hair when He first visited us, I decided to start using cotton wool to braid cornrows in my hair.
Sometimes, the Lord may tell you that something is wrong and you stop doing that thing but you start doing it in another form.
People do such things, even apart from examples like that of hair and you don't know that you're still trapped by the devil. The way is narrow and you have to make sure you're not deceiving yourself. These things may look so trivial to us and yet they can cost us our souls for all eternity. The Lord told me that many people who think they are following holiness are actually deceived and are practicing false holiness.
Am sharing this so that you can check yourself and be warned. The way is extremely narrow. Its not only about hair nor is it just about women, but both males and females from all races do various things thinking they are following holiness not knowing they are deceived.
The following is just an example.
I had plaited cornrows using cotton wool and it was a normal day just like any other, then I went to sleep.
At night, I started seeing demons entering the room. They all surrounded me and started strangling me.
Immediately, I knew that it was about my hair. 1 Timothy 2:9-10, 1 Peter 3:3. In the spiritual realm, you just know some things without anyone even telling you. I was struggling to get out of their grip and fighting to wake up. I was kicking my legs up in the air and moving my hands up and down vigorously trying to wake up, to no avail. This demon that was strangling me was tall and had a thick long tail. Its skin was greenish in appearance and it's flesh had no pores at all but it was just smooth. It was also smelling bad and I kept spitting saliva while struggling to get out of its grip because it was smelling horrible! It was strangling me so hard that its muscles in its arms were even tight. This same demon was looking me straight in the eyes and it screamed, "eeeeeeeeeee!!! " in a freaky voice, celebrating! I knew that if I was to escape, I should wake up, but I found myself coming out of my body instead. I looked and saw behind me, my body lying lifeless .
I was literally dead. I saw my body lying on the bed. The light had been on in my bedroom but when I came out of my body, it was pitch black. I was exactly how I had been in the physical realm, including being barefoot since I had been sleeping and I could feel the cold floor under my feet. Everything that exists physically manifests spiritually. If someone had come into the room, they would not have seen me in the spiritual but would have just seen my physical body lying lifeless on the bed. I was alone with these scary demons! I tried for a long time to fight but couldn't get back in. I kept begging, "Lord Jesus have mercy on me! Please help me! Have mercy on me please! " But there was not even a trace of any sound. I looked to see if He was coming but there was nothing. It was very dark and there was no answer. I was alone with these demons. Nor was there any sign of His presence or assurance or warmth at all!
Then these demons held me by the legs and started dragging me to hell! They were dragging me on a place that had sharp stones and taking me deeper. Other demons in hell came running to come and join in torturing me. They are spirits. No one had to go and tell them but they knew what was happening and came running. I could hear them running hard as they came! and I could see that they were preparing to rape me! One of those which came running had a huge iron private part shaped like an arrow and it wanted to rape me! They were not talking to me but they were making celebrations sounds like, "wooo! wooo! wooo! " and dancing and looking straight at me while dragging me and preparing to start the torture.
Then I screamed, "Lord Jesus, if you help me, I promise I'll unplait my hair tomorrow" and instantly, I opened my eyes and was back in my body. God's mercy. Because of cotton wool, I'd have gone to hell.
This is just one example. After God had said that outward adorning leads people to hell, I had replaced artificial hair braids by plaiting cornrows using cotton wool but to the Lord, they are all attachments. This was false holiness. In the same way, you can stop stretching your hair using relaxer cream and start using a blow dryer to stretch it and to you, you will think you're obeying the Lord but you don't know that you're still doing the same thing, only in another form. You can stop listening to secular music but you're listening to gospel music with worldly beats etc. You're not doing so many other things but you don't know that you've replaced them with other things. To you, it may seem like you're following holiness but you don't know that you're following false holiness.
Luke 11:33
"No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.
I know that many people are doing this and they think they are right in God's eyes. You have to stay as far away from the APPEARANCE of evil as possible. Stop trying to cling to the world and show the world that you're a child of God or else you're just deceiving yourself. Jesus says that He who seeks to save his life will lose it and who loses it for the sake of the gospel will find it.
The way to heaven is narrow and there is only one way. You can't go there while being Lukewarm.

Monday, February 13, 2017



As I prayed, I saw the Lord dispatching Angels of anointing to the earth. The Lord said that there is no limit to the amount of anointing someone can have! It is all dependent on your prayer life. I saw two Angels of anointing in particular and they looked anointed themselves!They were radiating glory and the oil of anointing was glowing on their countenances . This is anointing in every area of life from healing to other spiritual gifts.
The Lord said that he wants his children to experience a great move of the Holy Spirit in this hour. He said he is bringing back a revival like on the day of Pentecost according to Acts chapter 2.All we have to do is seek him.
The Lord showed me a Christian seeking the Lord in fasting and prayer. Then I saw 2 Angels of anointing come to that person. One of the Angels poured a bottle of oil on that Christian's head. The oil stands for anointing. The other Angel kept giving him the bottles and the bottles kept appearing out of nowhere into the Angels hand and never finished! The Lord told me that they kept appearing out of nowhere because they are from him.
A person's prayer life is the one which determines whether the Angels receiving the bottles and keep pouring the oil of anointing. The more sacrifice a person makes in seeking God like fastings or praying all night,the more the oil of anointing is poured into that person's life. The bible does say that signs shall follow those that believe according to Mark 16:17.
The Lord wants us to evangelise and preach to the world with signs following us to prove that we are really from him. He wants to equip his children with great spiritual gifts.
As Christians,we should not be stuck on the same Spiritual level but we should grow. If you want to be part of the great revival,then its time to start seeking God like never before. Intensity your prayer life and know the Holy Spirit as your personal friend.
The Lord said to me "Many people on this earth limit themselves. They think that there is a level when the anointing ends. Go and tell them that deciding where the anointing ends is up to them. I have already said in my word that they shall do greater works. If they do not know,they can be greater than even the Prophets in the bible. Who said they can not?Tell them that I have risen from the dead(Ephesians 4:8, When he ASCENDED on high,he led captivity captive and GAVE GIFTS TO MEN) and all power in heaven and on earth is mine. Now they should be able to do explosive works for with God,all things are possible. The carnal mind thinks that only some things are possible but if they pray they will become spiritual. Then they will understand that I am the God who has no beginning and no End. I AM the Lord."
Ephesians 3:17-19 "That Christ may dwell in your hearts and you,being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend,with all the saints just how wide and how high and how deep his love is for us. That you may know the Love of Christ which surpasses all understanding and be filled with all the fullness of God. "
The Lord showed me a vision of how much he loves all of us individually. He loves each of us individually so so much and we should never believe the lies of the devil to discourage us.
The Lord showed me his love. I saw a person standing outside in an open space. I saw the buildings disappear,I saw the people disappear,I saw the cars disappear and the houses disappear. That person remained standing alone in that wide open space.
Then I looked up and I saw the whole of heaven being emptied of its creation and they just disappeared so that there was nothing existing but that person in all of creation. I saw an opening in the sky and the Lord started talking to that person from the opening. Then the Lord said, "Look,that is how much I love each of you. I love each of you like you are the only thing in existence. I love each of you that much, like you are the only creation that exists ." The Lord is able to love each of us like that individually without depriving another person of the same kind of love! He is God.I was amazed when I saw this and I fell to my knees crying. He loves you with a love that can not be spoken,like there is nothing in heaven and earth and it is only you and him in existence.
Be still and know that I am God-Yeshua

Sunday, February 12, 2017



By Zipporah Mushala

6th April 2017

Today as I was in prayer, a lot of demons came to attack me. They were trying to inflict fear in me and were coming so close to me.
I could feel thier evil prescence and developed goose bumps. Demons hate worship and so I began to worship the Lord and declaring His greatness.
Suddenly, I felt a warm heat fill up the room and all the demonic prescences vanished. The Lord Jesus Christ appeared in the room with His angels. I was caught up to heaven to hear the praises of the angels.
The Lord took me to heaven and showed me the bride entering into heaven on the day of the rapture.
The bible does say that those who loved God and died will rise first and be caught up with Christ in the air when He comes and then we who are alive will meet them up in the air.
Then we will all go to heaven with Him (1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 ).
I saw a very beautiful bride entering heaven. I did not see a lot of people but only one woman. She was exceedingly beautuful beyond description.
I at first expected to see all the saints of Christ entering heaven but when I saw this woman, I knew it was all the children of God put together into one beautiful bride.
She wore a veil to represent her purity. She is unspotted from the world.
I saw the bride of Christ entering the pearly gates of heaven with Jesus dressed in red and white with a crown and as they entered, every creature in heaven burst in a song.
I saw the angels of heaven lined up on either sides of the streets of gold and Jesus and the bride passed on the middle of the angels entering heaven in great joy and happiness.
Everything in heaven sang including the creation itself,that is; the flowers, the streets of gold and every angel of every order including Angel Michael.
All were singing and celebrating the entrance of the bride. All the angels were standing on either side of the streets and when Jesus reached were they were, they bowed while those in front were He had not yet reached remained standing. When He reached were they were, they also bowed but those who were where He had already passed remained bowing. They were singing;
"Holy is the Lamb and Holy is the Bride.
Holy is the King and Holy is the Queen.
Holy are you Lamb and Holy are you Bride.
Holy are you King and Holy are you Queen.
You are Holy. You are Holy. Ho-Ho-Ho- Ho-Hoooooo."
It was a gloroius sight and there are some things which I have left out because I can not explain them in words.
Perhaps actions would be easier to use to demonstare what was happening up there as the angels sang.
I knew right away that Jesus was taking the Bride before the Father to show her off and to tell the Father that He had brought her safely to heaven unspotted from the world. She was Holy.
In heaven I also heard another song. There was a time in the bible when He was saying that it is easier f or a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Then His disciples asked Him 'Who then can be saved?' But Jesus told them that with man, some things are impossible but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:23-26).
In heaven, I found a song in reference to that verse and the title of the song is YOU ARE ABLE. The angels kept singing 'You are Able'. Jesus is able to take you and I to heaven and to keep us from sin.
Then while I was in the prescence of the Lord and worshipping , I was singing a song that we sing here on earth. The song is entilted 'There is none like you'. As I was singing that song, I reached the part which says 'suffering children are safe in your arms.'
Then I saw a lot of aborted children. I do not know what the writer of that song meant but the Holy Spirit revealed to me the actual meaning of that sentence,it refers to how God rescues aborted children and takes them up to heaven.
The Holy Spirit can inspire a singer with words and sometimes even they cannot know the actual meaning but this is what i saw.
The Lord also told me that there is no need for us to fear and listen to the lies of the devil. When you repent, Jesus forgives you of all your sin but the devil keeps reminding you of your sin and telling you you are such a sinner. He is the accuser of the bretheren.
The Lord told me that all those are lies and that every Christian who is living a Holy life has no need to fear but is just awaiting to be raptured. He said we should never think of ourselves as unworthy.
I then saw Jesus dying on the cross and shedding his blood. I saw the nails in His hands and His pierced side. When I saw this,Jesus said, "With every drop, I was saying that I love you. With every drop I was saying that there is no need for you to be sick. With every drop I was saying there is no need for you to go to Hell."
At that point,while I was still in heaven,I saw Hell far far below and a demon held a man by one ear and threw him to hell. Hell was so full of coals of fire, flames and worms. I saw many people still even still faithfullly walking there as some were being thrown in Hell. The Lord told me that if you are not faithfully walking to heaven, then you are faithfully walking to hell. Then my concentration was quickly taken back to heaven.
I saw that the Father cares for each of us and I saw that when a Christian on earth is crying and praying for God to intervene in their lives,the tears are poured into the heart of God and He feels the same pain the Christian is feeling. I saw that He keeps His children safe, hidden in His heart.
I also saw that God has us in the palm of His hand. I saw a very huge hand and God was holding a person in his palm. There was also water in the hand and when the christian was about to fall into the water, the Father lifted that person that they may not fall in the water.
That stands for the times of testing. God will never allow you to drown. The bible says God will never allow us to go through something we can not overcome and while we are in the time of testing.
He will provide a way out of tht trial. He will lift you up. Both you and the water are in His hands. He has easured out what amount of water will not drown you and He is controlling it both and you. He will never allow the water to drown you and He will never allow you to fall.
I also saw that every Christian has a book in heaven. In this book was written prayers they had prayed to God.
I saw Jesus with a book of a Christian Lady I know here on earth and He opened the book before the Father. I saw a lot of prayers written and if the prayers were answered,the words turned to gold.
I saw Jesus pointing to a prayer that the Father had not yet answered and continously pleaded with Him to answer that prayer. The Father loves us and that is why He sent His son to die so that we might live. Let us not after hearing about what joy awaits us in heaven turn away the spirit of the living God and go in our own ways.

Saturday, February 11, 2017



During prayer, the Lord told me some very shocking things. God is so Holy and nothing that defiles will ever enter those gates of the Kingdom of Heaven.
He told me that many people who are following Holiness but still have things they call 'little' and 'unimportant' will be shocked when they remain in the rapture. Our God wants us to be COMPLETELY holy and not partially holy.
He told me that:
People will remain in the rapture for the way they talk to their servants (maids etc). That is, using degrading and insulting words.
For the way they talk to their subordinates at work and show partiality.
They will remain for the way they secretly give their parents names.
For the way they talk to their husband or wife. Don't think calling your husband or wife names is not a sin. The bible says, Let no unholy word proceed out of your mouth.
For slandering their spouses.
Your husband or wife may be doing something wrong but you don't have to paint them black to other people. There is a difference between talking to someone about your problems in order to get help and talking to someone about your spouse without any intention of getting help but just in order to talk bad about them.
He said they will remain for deciding to compromise just for that one day. The day you are compromising may be the day He is coming.
Are you also in bad terms with someone and you haven't talked to them for some time, maybe even years? Talk to them and reconcile. No amount of pride is worth going to Hell for.
The bible tells us to "Love your neighbor as you love yourself"
Which means that before you do anything ask yourself, "If someone did this to me, would I be happy or would I be displeased? " Not everyone will react to your kindness the same way, some will give you a cold shoulder in response. But you have done your part and its written in heaven.
The Lord told me that as children of God, we should also not make distinctions among people. He said that He does not want partially in His children.
For example, if someone who we think has not made it in life comes to visit, there will be no real fuss about their visit. However when one who we think has made it in life comes to visit, we get busy with arranging the room they will sleep in, cooking all sorts of food just to please them.
Or if someone stops by our house to ask for a drink of water, we judge from their appearance and if their appearance pleases us, we give them cold water in a glass cup but If their appearance does not please us, we give them water in the cup we despise the most and we just draw water for them from the tap and not give them water from the refrigerator to drink.
This partially even extends to Language or race. Racism is not only from whites towards blacks but it can also be from blacks towards whites. You may hate them for how they treat you. That is also racism. Racism is also among other races and not just the two I have mentioned. Hating someone because of race will land you in hell! You can NEVER behold the the face of our Holy God if you are racist. Treat everyone the same.
James chapter 2 talks about this in detail and says that if we do this, we have become judges with evil thoughts.
Jesus said "Treat all men the same and do not despise anyone that you may truly be my children. "
This is not for our condemnation but for our correction. We need to ask for His help to help us get rid of all these things inside of us.
The Lord is telling us this because He loves us. He wants us to repent and change our ways so that we can spend eternity with Him . Psalms 50:23 says "... And to him who orders his conduct aright I will show the salvation of God. "
Jesus said "Please don't be religious! Ask for my Holy Spirit to show you the way to salvation "
There are so many things in our lives which are sin. Some in our hidden inner man, maybe like favouring one type of people whom we consider 'superior' over those we may consider poor. We may not even notice this in ourselves. But It is the Holy Spirit who searches our hearts to show us our sin so that we can repent.
We may also find ourselves laughing at someone's accent or laughing at them that they don't know how to speak English, or imitating the way they talk or walk because we think they talk or walk funny. We may even laugh at someone who is lame and we don't see anything wrong with that. But the Lord told me that He doesn't like it when we do that. When we do that, we are not treating others the way we would want to be treated. We are hurting them.
Intimidating others and trying to belittle them, no matter for what reason or who they may be will land you in Hell.
I tell you, there are many traps to Hell.
Without the Holy Spirit, you CANNOT make it to Heaven. That's because you would not know how to enter into those Holy gates. It's not by power nor by might but By My SPIRIT says the Lord.....
The Holy Spirit searches us, to show us our wrongs so that we can correct them. To receive the Holy Spirit, we must ask in prayer until we receive Him. He is our only helper and guide to our eternal home. None of us is perfect. The only difference is that some ask for God's help to change while some hear and do nothing about it.

Friday, February 10, 2017


By Zipporah


Hell is a place of terrible suffering. When you think about sharing with someone about how horrible and miserable Hell is, the devil makes you feel like what you are about to do is an extremely foolish thing. You start hearing him say to your mind "Why would you even want to do that you?! That is an extremely foolish thing. "
He makes you feel like you should be extremely ashamed of sharing and like you should just talk about things of this life with them and even gives you thoughts like, "If I share this with them, our friendship will be spoiled and he or she may just cut me short while sharing and tell me that they don't want to hear such stuff. "
Satan will make you think, "Just what is the point of sharing? That person will think you see them as a sinner if you share that! "
But the truth is that Satan is terribly scared that they will hear the truth and repent. None of those things in your mind are true but its Satan whispering them to you. Hell is extremely horrible.
Satan wants everyone there at all costs.
There was a revelation which the Lord had given and I felt like sharing it with someone. However, all the thoughts that I have written above were running in my mind. I took days debating whether to share or not to share and finally, I thought of how horrible Hell is and I decided that if this person was going to tell me they are not interested in hearing about such things, it was better. Rather than never giving that person a chance to know about how terrible Hell is here on earth where they have a chance to repent.
So I decided to share. To my surprise, the person was very interested and extremely shocked at what I was describing. They had never in their wildest imaginations pictured Hell in that way . When I was explaining, this person exclaimed in complete shock and horror.
The way this person exclaimed made my heart literally break. I felt like It had split in two and was breaking off in chunks. My heart was hurt. I thought, "What? I judged this person and thought they would reject this message and yet this is the reaction? What if I let what I thought block me from sharing and then this person found themselves in Hell and then got shocked at the kind of suffering there but then it was too late for them to repent? "
We should just tell people and never think they will reject.
Jesus said, "Don't judge anyone, thinking that they can not repent. Just tell them the truth and leave to make a choice. "
Many people here on earth do not really know how Hell is. When we see this earth, it seems as if there is nothing beyond this life and people find it hard to believe that there is a real heaven and a real hell. Its our duty to tell them what we know. Even If it it may be just a little.
I was so shocked at the response. This person was even contributing to what I was sharing and was agreeing. It was nothing like what was in my mind. Afterwards this person even behaved very normal towards me and was not even angry. The communication is still very normal and nothing has changed to become bad.
Satan is a liar.
God has got a way of convicting people. Our part is to share.
If you truly truly truly wholeheartedly love someone, you will tell them about Hell and how to avoid going there. If you don't tell them because you're scared that they will hate you and then they die without you telling them and they end up in Hell, they will see you as EXTREMELY CRUEL AND THEY WILL CURSE YOU.
Jesus wants us to share.

Thursday, February 9, 2017



The Lord told me that we human beings don't know how God really is. We don't know His true nature.
The Lord said that what we know about Him is just what we hear about Him.
To really know someone, you must spend time with that person. For example, you can be hearing from others about how a certain person is so bad but when you spend time with that person, you get to know them and then you realise that what you heard about them was actually a lie!
You realise that, "People have got wrong perceptions about this person and if only they were this person's friend, they would get to know them and see that all the impressions they have that this person is bad are actually so wrong! "
Its the same with God. The bible says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. " To know God, we must seek Him in prayer, reading His word, fastings etc and He will draw near to us. We get to know Him and He gets to know us. Its a personal relationship with Him.
The devil lies to us and gives us false impressions about God. He lies to us that God is ever watching, waiting for us to commit a sin so that He can throw us to hell. But that is not true. The Lord is ever looking for a chance to save us.
God wants to save us so much that His desire for us to be saved is even more than we actually desire to be saved ourselves. Think about that.
He is ever looking for a speck of hope for our salvation. When God looks at a sinner, He looks for any small indication of the sinner's interest in Him so that He can nurture that interest to grow, so that the person can receive Christ and be saved. This is the opposite of what Satan makes us believe that when God looks at a sinner, He says, "Aha! I've caught you sinning, now I'll cast you to hell! "
However,God can't force you to be saved. He is not a dictator. You have to be willing to receive Him. When you show interest in knowing Him, then He will help you and you will grow spiritually.
The Lord showed me how willing He is to save us. The Lord reminded me of something that happened in real life as an example of how much He wants to save us.
We had a water problem that day. The water went in the morning and by evening, it was not yet back and we wanted it to come back so bad. There was water in a dish at the bathroom and our cat was drinking it. When we heard the sound of water moving, we thought it was water from the tap and I quickly went to check if the water was back. We were disappointed when we discovered that it was not the water that was back but actually the cat drinking water.
The Lord reminded me of this and gave this as an example that "Just as you were eagerly waiting for the water and listening so Keenly for its sound and even heard the cat lap the water, that's how keenly I wait, looking for any interest that someone shows in me so that I can make that interest grow. You heard the cat lap the water because you were eagerly waiting for the water and you would not even have heard that sound had you not been keenly anticipating the water. "
" I keenly wait so that should there be any speck of interest in me, I should not miss it, so that I can make that interest grow so that that person can be saved. "
That's how desperately He wants to save humanity.
He told me that its just like when you are eagerly waiting for a visitor and you can't wait for this visitor to come home. You will be constantly going to the road to check if there was any sign of them. You wouldn't just seat but you would be constantly going to check " Have they reached? Are they here yet? "
He told me that that's how desperately He is ever checking to see if a sinner is developing and interest in getting to know Him.
We have to show the willingness ourselves. The bible says, "He who comes to me, I will by no means cast out. "
The Lord also showed me how much He wants us to go to Heaven. He showed me that He wants everyone here on earth to have a mansion in heaven and come home when they die.
The building materials for our mansions in heaven are provided by the work we do here for God. Any work for example evangelism, fasting, reading the word etc. Any LITTLE action we do here for God on earth, even as little as telling someone that "Jesus loves you " counts a great deal to God.
It may seem little to us, but its not little to Him. Any work we do for His Kingdom will be rewarded. Our work provides building materials.
But the foundation for some people's houses has not even started being built because they are not working for God. So the Lord told me that He looks out for any good work we do so that our house can start being built.
I saw that the Lord was even worried about those who had no foundation for their houses and was observing keenly what people were doing, even sinners, to see if they were doing even any littlest thing
that could actually provide material for the Angels to start building the house and when He noticed something, He would exclaim in excitement, "This person did this today, begin the building! "
He was happy when any material, no matter how little, was provided for a mansion. He would smile, like someone greatly anticipating their arrival.
The Lord wants you and I to be saved.
1 John 2:1 tells us that Jesus is our advocate.
I saw a woman and this person was dressed in a short skirt. She was walking with a man and they were drinking beer as they walked. She looked wasted.
I saw that that same day was supposed to be the day of her death. She was going to be run over by a car the same day and then land in hell!
I saw Jesus pleading before the throne of the Father that she should not die but live. I heard Him say, "Maybe she will change. Be merciful to her Father. Just give her another chance to change. Please don't let her go to hell! "
The Lord was in great pain and sobbing bitterly like one in uncontrollable pain.
The way I saw the Lord cry reminded me of a Hen that had chicks but a wolf keeps devouring them, one after another. The desperation of the Mother Hen to protect another one that was about to be devoured was how I saw the Lord cry. The Hen would fight, even if the wolf Injured it, it wouldn't mind. It would fight to the death to protect its chicks.
1 John 2:1 tells us that Jesus is our advocate. An advocate is a lawyer. If a lawyer was arguing a case for you, they would do all research, just to make sure you win that case.
The Lord was desperately trying to think. He was trying to think of any thing He could use to try to plead for her.
He remembered one time and quickly said, "Remember that time She was talking about stopping to drink and live a new life? Maybe if you give her more time She will change. "
He was so desperate!
The Father doesn't want you in Hell either. He wants you to repent so that you can be saved.
I saw the Lord's hands starting to bleed. His feet too! The blood of Jesus. Many people have rejected the blood of Jesus and prefer to live in their sin but His blood will cover us when we accept Him and repent.
The Father doesn't want you in Hell either. He wants you to repent so that you can be saved.
Jesus begging the Father and trying to plead the case of that woman doesn't mean that the Father wants you in Hell. He is the same God. Its all One God who is just performing different duties.
Here, Jesus was showing me His role as our advocate.
Because God is so so great that we as humans cannot relate with Him due to His greatness, He comes in a bodily form as Jesus so that we can relate with Him just like do with another person. That doesn't make Him two Gods.
He is One God but just takes up different forms to perform different duties, like He was doing now. Jesus was performing His role as our advocate.
God doesn't want you in Hell. He wants you in Heaven. All you have to do is accept Him, forsake your ways and follow the leading of His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes when we ask for Him in prayer and He even teaches us how to overcome the flesh. He is our helper on our heavenly journey. He will lead us and if we follow His leading, we will safely reach home.
God's love is evident. Never listen to the lies of the devil.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Zipporah Mushala

Revelation 13:16-18 "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
The Lord showed me in a vision, a small part of the tribulation.What I saw shocked me.I saw people who were refusing to take the mark of the beast being tortured in the most horribly unimaginable and inhumane ways.But what shocked me most was what the demons were doing.
They despise human beings so much to the core and all they have is 100% hatred for the human race.To show an example to those who were still alive and were refusing to take the mark of the beast,the demons were getting the dead bodies of those who had died without taking the mark of the beast.They knew they had been saved and so were trying to be cruel even to their dead bodies.I saw them getting their dead bodies and using them as manure in large farms they had cultivated.
They were showing even those who were still alive but did not want to take the mark of the beast that they despised them all and they meant nothing to them.I was shocked at such acts.
I saw a lot of farms with different kinds of crops all guarded and cultivated by the demons.They were in charge and could be physically seen by human eyes after the Rapture.From those farms,they got the food which they put under strict supervision.Even other services in the world were under the control of the beast.Only if you accept the mark of the beast will you access them.Previously in one of my posts,the Lord had even said that right now,the devil is creating weapons and instruments for torture. He said that he is making Instruments that people have never even imagined before. Are you willing to go through such sufferings if you are not right with the Lord? Do not be deceived for God is not mocked.What a man sows,that he will reap.
Pray everyday without ceasing.Life on earth is serious business and it should never be taken lightly.Our souls are more important than our earthly bodies made out of clay.We should be putting more into the bank of heaven by seeking the face of the Lord. Invest into your eternity by obeying the whole counsel of God and save your precious soul!


25th November,2018

By Rachael Chisulo


In a vision early this morning, the Lord showed me how satan has sent agents of darkness among so called “celebrities” and influencial people to mind control people’s minds and lead them to hell.
Often,people think it is only actors and musicians from Hollywood who are sent by satan but in realitysatan has sent actors,musicians, and other entertainers from every nation on earth who are working their mission among all those who follow them.
For example,Nigerian movies have in the recent years been popular in many countries around Africa,and even there satan has so many people who are directly working for him there.
In my vision I was shown a Nigerian actress named Genevieve Nnnaji.
She was on a TV talk show and the show was dirty because they were talking about sex.
while in the vision,i didnt realise it was a vision at this point,i thought it was actually happening and i remember my spirit was so grieved from hearing this show,i thought that i had to ask God to forgive me for seing such a show.Then after the vision ended,i realised i had seen a vision and the contents of the show was conpletely erased from my memory and i only remembered that it was unholy talk n unpleasing to God)
In the vision, Genevieve was talking about how she slept with a certain man in the past whom she was in a relationship with, it was like she was giving it as an example relevant to the topic they were discussing.
And I noticed she talked about it so casually, and even laughed like it was funny.
The host of the show then came on the screen, and they were all just laughing about premarital sex as though it was a normal thing to do.
After that, I could still hear the host talking in the background, but on the screen, they showed pictures of Genevieve at different places, and taken at different occasions.
Then I heard the Voice of The Lord Jesus Christ in the vision and He told me,”when she leaves this show,she is going to be paid.”
I was then shown how just by doing what she was doing and talking about dirty things on TV she was actually on a serious satanic mission!
I then saw satan sitting in underworld satanic kingdom with so much money,he had the money ready to pay her for her work.
Satan was surrounded by darkness and had a smile of satisfaction on his face.
I saw a girl and I could hear her thoughts,and she was thinking to herself,”I want to do makeup like her,”
Then I heard another lady thinking,”I want to wear what she is wearing,…”(In the picture which was being shown on the screen at the time thins lady was thinking this,she wore a very tight satin dress,peach in color,a dn it was strapless,with some black lace near the waist.”
I then realized that she was working for satan by what she wore and what she said.
One may think,oh maybe she’s just wearing the makeup because to her it is normal to wear makeup,but what God showed me was that it was on purpose and satan had specifically sent her to do this.She was working though physically one may think she is just living her life,no,God showed me that she was working for the satanic kingdom and casting spells on people watching her on TV and satan was waiting for her when she was done,with her reward.
God showed me that she was casting spells for people to feel inspired by her,and she was also casting spells of lust and sexual immorality.
I saw men after they watched her show,she had cast spirits of lust on them and they got phones and began watching pornography,others idolized her and just felt like watching her pictures over and over on the internet!
God told me this is how satan is mind controlling the human population into hell using the so called celebreties.
This mind control is very real and many are in bondage because of it.
We need to break the chains in prayer,we need to set the captives free in prayer by the blood of Jesus Christ.
This is the reason why sin has become normal.
I remember some weeks ago,I attended a workshop at work, and I remember I felt so disturbed because the presenters didn’t seem to have any other jokes to crack during their presentations,all their jokes centred around sex.The human population has been brainwashed by the satanic media into becoming sex slaves,they cannot think about anything to say unless it is sexual in nature,songs,movies, and even children’s cartoons,they are all about sex!Why?But in this vision,God told me that this is how satan has managed to do this;
He has done introduced it using satanic celebrities, and using demons which have come among us in human disguise,as well as Satanists.
He has sent them to completely corrupt the human population, and turn them into satan’s slaves.
Cursing has become normal,dirty jokes have become normal,and these people know exactly what they are doing.
Satan has sent them and they know that if they brainwash you,and manipulate your thinking into accepting such a dirty lifestyle,you are headed for hell.Yes,all the musicians who have been sent to do this know exactly what they are doing.That is why they are being paid for doing it,they know if you are listening to their music or watching their movies,you are headed for hell.
I am reminded of a vision my sister,Zipporah saw some time ago where she saw threeyoung ladies all dressed up in trousers and miniskirts,with artificial hair, and makeup.
They were at a mall here in Zambia and they seemed to be minding their business,as though they were just walking and chatting among themselves,but then God showed her what they were really doing spiritually.
Satan had sent them and they had demonic spells emanating from their bodies,they cast spells all around them for people of want to dress like them,and to want to do makeup like them,and to want to use artificial hair like them.
When they came in contact with someone dressed decently,they would cast spells to make the person feel inferior and insecure,as though they look bad and to look good they needed to dress like these ladies!
Yet,physically,you could not tell they were doing all this activity.Physically,you would just see three ladies minding their business.
Satan is so desperate to take people to hell and he knows the quickest way id for sin to seem normal among the human population because in the end people will not see the need to be holy,sin will be normal to them.
He has done this through demons in human disguise, and many humans have also fallen into the trap and do these very things also because sin has become normal to them.
I do not think there are human words that can correctly represent satan’s desperation for just one human soul.
We went to a rural area with my sister, and there we met an elderly lady who lived in very poor conditions,her house was made of mud bricks, and even the community where she lived was not nice in way,they were just poor,and she herself was poor.
We were shocked when God told us both that she too is a demon in human disguise!
She is willing to come and live in such poor conditions just because of the human souls she could capture among this poor population!
And God showed us sevral more around the same community!
Satan hasn’t just sent agents among rich people,no!
The Satanists are not all rich,the demons too are not all rich.
They are sent among all classes;the rich,the poor,the middle class,in Africa,in Europe,in America,in Asia;everywhere.
If it was up to him,he wants to drag the entire world to hell,and he has sent his agents who are working tirelessly to try to achieve this.
You cannot fight them physically,they may look like physical beings,but they are spiritual beings.
They are in constant communication with the satanic kingdom,updating them on their missions,and are constanly working to make people sin.Some are demons,others are Satanists, and some are just being used by satan to influence you into sin,but if your hand causes you to sin,you must cut it off!
If you are in friendship with a worldly person and they are constantly making you sin,you must preach to them so that they repent,but if they do not want to repent and are dragging you into sin,they are dragging you to hell,you need to disconnect yourself,your soul is too precious.
Agents of satan cannot be fought physically,you need to fight them in prayer,resist the devil in prayer,resist that satanic bondage to porography in prayer,resist that spirit of anti fasting in prayer.
You need to fast,you need to seek God,because He will be found by all who seek Him diligently.
Let me conclude by saying that unless you are born again,you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
God has not called us to follow the standards of this world,God has not changed,he is still as holy as he when preachers still talked about the need to be righteous.
Do not conform to the world,Holiness must start from your heart, and if your heart is truly trabsformed even the outside will show,even your speech will show.
There have been a lot of arguments regarding the importance of outward holiness,but let me tell you this;outward holiness (i.e dressing decently,not wearing makeup and jewelry,artificial hair and perming and blowing)ALONE it will not save anyone and does not make anyone holy,but is IS NECESSARY FOR EVERY PERSON WHO IS BORNE AGAIN,Inshort you cannot downplay it as unimportant,it is a result of a heart that is willing to obey God completely and to honor Him even with our bodies.
So outward holiness is not what will save you,but outward holiness IS A MUST TO ENTER HEAVEN.
You repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus,but that faith you have put in Jesus will result in you bearing fruit,part of that fruit is the change in your character, and even dressing!
You have been called to live for Christ.
So,After you are born again,your heart will change,and even your outside will change to represent Christ.
It is important,and that is the reason why I keep preaching about it because people think you should be holy in your heart only,draw near to Jesus and you will soon reaslise that even the outside must represent him.
He cares about the inside,but He told me to tell you that He cares about the outside too.
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.Resist the devil and he will flee.


The Lord showed me a pastor who is a general overseer (name with held) of a mega international church.
In the vision,the Lord showed me this pastor as human but Jesus Christ showed me that his wife is a demon incarnate.
The Lord also showed me that this pastor doesn't know this.
The Lord showed me how the wife to this pastor has been working against God's truth in that church.
He showed me she has been discouraging holiness and encouraging people to live in sin.
Jesus showed me that this woman pretends to be a prophetess and has lured many to go deeper in their sin.
In the vision,I saw this woman sitting,there was a queue of people who wanted to receive 'prophetic' words 'from the Lord' through her.
A woman who was dressed in a very indecent manner and adorned with all sorts of jewelry approached her for prophecy.
I then saw great delight on this woman's face at the thought that this lady who had approached was a candidate of hell.She almost smiled but caught herself.
She decided to comfort the lady so that she keeps living in sin.
She said,"do you know what the Lord is showing me right now?am seeing the blood of Jesus covering you.You are dressed in white.That's what I see."
This lady was excited to receive this so called prophetic word and went away still in her sins,thinking God approved of her.
This woman kept doing this to all the people she saw were living in sin,both men and women.
Then a lady who was genuinely living holy approached her.
The woman was angry to see this lady who was genuinely living a Christian life.
She then gave her a fake negative prophecy to discourage her walk with God but this lady was able to discern that this lady was lying coz God opened her spiritual eyes to see who this woman really was.
She then confronted the woman about her fake prophecy and the woman failed to justify it.she appeared to have been embarassed .
I saw that because of all these things and also because of the bad example this woman set for people in this church,her husband has never been able to preach the truth.Its as though he's tied down.
#end of vision
The battle is more intense coz these are the closing moments.
The trumpet ll soon sound and the Lord is coming for his own.
I shared this so you know you shouldn't rely on a human being.
Cultivate a real relationship with Jesus.
Involve Him in all you do and pray,pray,pray.
Now is the time to really pray.
If you don't pray,you won't overcome.
Keep watch and pray.
#Jesus is coming back any moment
 faithful till the end