Wednesday, July 6, 2016


I am evangelist Rodolfo Acevedo Hernandez. My throat has been affected from sharing this
testimony but we will do it again today even against any opposition. Glory to God! We are here
to preach the word of the Lord Jesus Christ and I’m going to give the testimony that impacted
my life and thousands and thousands of other lives.
Let’s go to Revelation 1:14-15 “His feet were like burnished bronze, when it has been made to
glow in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters. His head and His hair were
white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire”.
Because I didn’t want to remain in the same spiritual condition I was in, I locked myself into my
church for eight days. Eight days of fasting and praying, locked in with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Before I started those eight days with the Lord, He told me through a vision “Rodolfo, it’s time
that you set yourself apart for me,” and I was given a white garment in which was written the
words “HOLINESS TO JEHOVAH”. After that vision, a missionary lady from my church told
me, “Rodolfo, I had a dream about you where the Lord told me to tell you: “separate from the
altar (since I was a preacher); I’m going to show you something big that will impact peoples and
nations around the world.” So I did it and I started my eight day commitment to the Lord.
Around the fourth day into fasting and praying, I was praying at the altar and suddenly, before
me appeared two demons and I saw them like you can normally see two persons face to face.
These demons told me: ‘Rodolfo, we’re not going to permit that you pass our limits’; and they
disappeared immediately. I started feeling much fear because when you see spiritual beings in
their physical appearance, it is terrifying! These two beings were tall and had a sulfur smell as if
they had just come from hell. They were sent to tell me that they were not going to permit me to
pass over their limits. But the devil is the only one that has limits; the Lord Jesus Christ defeated
him at the cross of Calvary. Glory to God hallelujah! When seven days had passed in my
commitment with the Lord, I told him: “Lord, I can’t bear it anymore. My body is weak, I don’t
have much strength. Lord, please help me, I can’t fulfill this commitment. Please forgive me,
give me strength”. Suddenly I felt behind me someone walking towards me and spoke to my ear;
“Rodolfo, don’t abandon this commitment until we show the things you are about to see”. I was
then encouraged, I felt more strength. On the next day, it was Sunday. I felt a little weak in the
morning. At night during the service, there was a powerful message by evangelist Ruben Bells.
When it was finished, I was greeting all my brothers and sisters. I started feeling as if my breath
was escaping from me. I felt suffocation and I could not breathe.
The brothers from my church surrounded me and began to pray. Suddenly, I felt as if through
my nails and fingers somebody was injecting me with many needles. The coldness from the
needles penetrated my body like cold air and I felt that my last breath was gone and that my heart
failed. I fell to the floor and my brothers began to revive me. There were about 12 brothers.
Suddenly, I felt my soul abandon my body and I saw my body from the outside, the body lying
on the floor. My brothers were unaware of what was going on with me. A sister who is a nurse
told them, ‘he just had a heart attack’. I wanted to reach out to them and to my body but I could
not. The Bible says that the human body is spirit, soul and body. The spirit goes back to God and the
soul goes to an established place called heaven or hell. The Bible declares that the body goes to
the dust because that is where it originated.
Suddenly, I felt the lights going off and I started flying higher up at a significant speed.
However, someone interrupted my course of ascension and I began to plummet until I felt
extreme heat. Then, I saw two bad smelling black doors. It was hell and it was horrendous. As
I was about to enter the doors, a large serpent, whose head was full of thorns and whose body
was covered in blades instead of scales proceeded to enter a jail. While I entered those doors, I
saw eyes of all kinds in the walls, looking at me; but those eyes were engraved in the walls.
Suddenly, I saw two eyes coming out from the wall and it was a demon that had a plate on his
chest that read, “I am Vengeance”.
At the same time, more demons began to come out from the wall. The demon called Vengeance
exclaimed with a loud voice, “King Baalzebub, we have one of the big ones that raged war
against us, the kingdom of darkness…..” The Bible says, “For it would have been better for
them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the
holy commandment delivered to them” 2 Peter 2:21. The church that knows the Lord must
continue to be firm and recognize that Jesus is the ONLY hope for the salvation of their souls.
Being there, this demon called Vengeance came close to me and told me, “Rodolfo, I want you
to cast me out, just like you did on earth.” While he said this repeatedly, he was tormenting and
punishing me. And, I saw demons already lined up to torment me! The torment in hell for the
pastors, preachers, and evangelists that depart from the power and the anointing of God is
superior to other souls in hell! Be firm in your walk with God. This is the hour to be a firm
church. The time is now. The time to play church has come to an end. We must have the
courage and overcome the powers of hell in the name of Jesus – He alone is the light.
Suddenly, a demon jumped out of line and threw a javelin at me which passed through my heart.
I felt an indescribable pain. I also felt like it was raining sulfur in hell. I felt my flesh fall off my
bones and worms began to drill into my bones. The Bible says, “where their worm does not die
and the fire is not quenched” Mark 9:48; furthermore, in Isaiah, the Bible says “maggots are laid
as a bed beneath you, and worms are your covers” Isaiah 14:11. Hell is real. Jesus and the Old
Testament talk about hell.

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