Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Rodolfo testimony of hell part 3

We went to a place where there was what looked like black gels. I started seeing many children
in hell. I asked the Lord, “why are there children in hell?” But the Lord told me that they were
not children, that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the children and you have to be born again to
enter the kingdom of heaven. “So, Lord what about these children?” I asked. The Lord told me
again, “Rodolfo, they are not children”, but He asked me to listen to the order that satan wasgiving to them. When they turned around I saw that they were not children but demons and they
were playing with a game called Nintendo. I started seeing all kinds of satanic programming and
games making signals and movements with their hands, all with satanic purposes. When the
Lord ordered them to turn around, I could see their forms were grotesque, horrible and
disgusting. Satan gave them the order, “my sons, go steal, kill and destroy.” He was right
because the Bible says that satan comes to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus came to give life and
give it more abundantly (John 10:10).
Meanwhile, these little demons entered the earth and the Lord told me that this is why the
children on earth are killing themselves, in the meantime, scientists and children psychologists
do not understand why children take up their lives by suicide. A few months ago, a twelve year
old boy killed his mother with a knife, another hung himself and in the U.S.A, a seven year old
boy killed his mother, his little brothers and himself with a pistol he found. Another boy threw
himself from a second floor killing himself. The letters and notes left behind by these children
say that life is worthless and many other things. This happens because demons enter into their
bodies and possess their being and they lead them to kill themselves. Be careful fathers and
mothers what your children are watching on television. What your children are watching on the
internet and what your children are listening to on the radio matter. The demons infiltrate
through television, radio, music and satanic comics. Glory to God, Hallelujah, for awakening
Then, the Lord told me for this reason so many marriages are destroyed because some parents
blame the children and think that because of that child they must divorce. But the child is not the
problem. The problem is the demonic attack against the union of the marriage and family. Call
upon the Lord Jesus Christ! Call the church! Ask for prayer so you can have a home free from
demonic attacks! “Now Rodolfo” said the Lord, “it is time to get out of this place.” When we left
that place, I saw a woman totally engulfed by fire, this woman was lamenting and crying saying
‘die, die, die! Take me out of here!’ What I saw is that this woman had a picture in her hands of
the “Sacred Holy heart of Jesus”. According to the Catholic tradition. Lord, who is this woman?
The Lord told me, “Rodolfo, that woman is your grandmother.” The Bible says the idolaters will
not enter the kingdom of heaven. The Lord showed me the life of my grandmother on earth and
I could see that she was an idolater. I said, “Lord, please help her!” The Lord told me, “Rodolfo,
I can’t do anything! Judgment has been set for her!” Now the Lord told me, “I am going to
show you what is going to cause you persecution on earth. Many will not believe what you are
about to see but, don’t worry, I will be with you.”
Celia Cruz in Hell
Suddenly, we saw a woman with her feet being crushed by knives that even reached to her knees
and at the same time, this woman was being punished by many demons. I looked and saw that
this woman was Celia Cruz!
The Lord showed me a video of Celia Cruz doing satanic pacts in Hollywood with blood and I
saw her doing many satanic things. The Lord said, “she was a Satanist. She was an idolater. She
was a witch having satanic pacts with blood. So her music got a hit of success, same as her
group of musicians.” And the Lord let me hear one of her songs called ‘Yemaya’, which is a very
popular song in the Spanish world. But when you sing that song and repeating that name what it means is this: ‘King satan, come and reign over me!’ And the Lord told me, “Judgment has been
set for Celia Cruz.”
Founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses Charles T Russell in Hell
We continued walking and the Lord showed me a white man whose hands were stretched out and
the surprising thing about this man is that he had a very fine sword inside his tongue and this
sword crossed through his head and was coming out of his body. His feet were grabbed by chains
and his back was full of blades set in different positions in a way that no matter how he moved,
he would be cut. When I saw this man in this condition, I told Jesus, “Lord, please help him. Do
something Lord Jesus. Look at the horrendous pain that this man is going through.” The Lord
asked me- “You don’t know who this man is? “No, Lord”, I said. I saw how the knives got
through his skin and then through the bones and how they came out of his body. The man only
screamed in agony.
The Lord told me, “judgment against this man has been established. Now I am going to tell you
the identity of this man.” Because of that revelation, the Lord said ‘You will have to run from city
to city because this will cause you a great persecution but I will be with you.” He went on to say
“Rodolfo, this man is Charles T. Russell”. I said “Lord, who is he?” The Lord said that this man
was the founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I pleaded “Lord, please help him” and the Lord
said: “No, Rodolfo”. And as the Lord moved his hands, immediately I saw that many souls were
falling into hell in every way possible: they were falling head first, feet first, stomach first etc.
“Rodolfo, for that cursed man, all these souls are entering into hell. This man taught that God
was only a God of love. The Bible says that God is a consuming fire. This man Charles Russell
took the word hell from the Bible and he took out all the words sheol and Abadon. Also, he
denied the deity of Jesus Christ and also denied the deity of the Holy Spirit and he put only the
Word Jehovah in the Bible. He took out Jesus and the Holy Spirit. For this cursed man, all these
souls are falling into hell.” (Revelation 22:18-19”.
Then the Lord said: “I curse that man”.
Please Jehovah Witness that is listening to me at this moment, I don’t want to offend you. Get
out of that sect and come to Jesus quickly. I don’t hate you and I don’t hate your religion either
but you are in a farce. Come to Jesus. He is waiting for you with open hands. Charles Russell is
in hell because he taught lies. Don’t follow his lies. When we left this place, these prison doors
closed and caught fire and this man Charles Russell cried and screamed and cursed Jesus
repeatedly because Jesus said “The judgment has been set for this man”.

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