Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Rodolfo testimony of hell part 4

Now the Lord said: “Rodolfo, now I am going to show you the black jails of hell. This is the
extreme punishment of satan to the souls in hell.”
‘No Lord, please! I have already seen horrendous things, take me out of this place. Please…”
The Lord said, “OK, Rodolfo, I am not going to do anything if you don’t permit me. I am going to
take you to heaven now”.
In Heaven We left at a very high speed and we arrived to this place. Two angels stopped me before two
beautiful doors. They were very elegant. These two angels told me: “Rodolfo, with those sinful
clothes, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” So they gave me new garments on which
was written: Holiness.
Pastors, evangelists, preachers and missionaries; please excuse me and listen. God has not called
you to preach abundance of prosperity or prophecy about that. God has called you to preach
holiness and sanctification, because without holiness, nobody will see the lord. Take the word
out, take the word of holiness and preach it out!
The angels then let me in and Jesus was waiting for me and told me: “Rodolfo my son, welcome
to the Kingdom of your God.” When we started to walk, I saw that the streets were of pure gold
and I saw a river like crystal, it is real water! I also saw diamonds as ornaments in the streets, a
thing over which people kill each other on earth! The Lord then took my hand and told me: “now
I am going to show you the temple.” and it was so beautiful. I saw goblets of gold, instruments of
gold and I heard a beautiful song and they were children who were singing. The Lord told me
that those children were the ones that people rejected on earth but they have life in the kingdom
of heaven. Glory to God, hallelujah!
We continued walking through heaven and I saw a beautiful, humongous white dress decorated
in gold and a crown at the top and the Lord told me that it was His church. That it has to be holy
and sanctified. The crown is the crown of life that the lord is going to give to the church. When
we went out of there, I saw a great line of people. I could see many people dressed in white. I
saw two big angels, very elegant countenance and by looking into their eyes, I saw peace, love
tenure. One angel said “welcome to the kingdom of your God.” The other angel applauded. I saw
people were so happy to be there and now I understand what apostle Paul said that the passing
afflictions on earth are nothing compared to the glories awaiting for us in heaven.
The Lord then took me to a place where I saw a long table without end. The table was in gold.
The table cloth covering was of gold, goblets of gold, knives and forks in gold, chairs of gold
etc… Then I saw big and small crowns and the Lord told me that those big crowns are for His
servants, when they come to the wedding of the Lamb. He said “because the wedding of the
Lamb is about to start. I am coming soon for my church. Tell them that I am going to pick up
my church.” Lord I asked, “these small crowns, who are they for?” “Those small crowns are for
the people inside the church who live in holiness but they do nothing for the Kingdom. But I tell
you, don’t settle for a small crown but work hard for a big one. Work hard for God so that He
would give you the reward of life.” The surprising thing was that every chair has a name behind
them and nobody else is going to sit in that chair except for that person.

The Now Condition of the Church
“Now Rodolfo, I am going to show you the real condition of the church right now”. I saw a little
fish praising and worshipping Jesus because the Bible says: Let all that has breath, praise the
So the Lord showed me the earth where I had to return to preach what I saw. But I had the
impression that I had no remembrance of the earth and the Lord gave me the understanding that
everyone who enters into heaven forgets everything that happened to them on earth! Not so however in hell; everyone who enters there has memories of everything they did on earth, their
families, that that they don’t want them to go to hell! That is another torment added to their
sufferings. But the one who enters heaven has their mentality changed to a heavenly mind.
Praise the Lord! For that reason, not Peter nor Mary nor Stephen, nor Elisha or John have a
memory of what they did on earth; after their earthly lives, they simply don’t know what is
happening here. Peter cannot even imagine that the catholic religion adore him or any other saint
for that matter. And Jesus said, “there is no other name under heaven by which we can be
saved.” That is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. And Mary said in the Canaan wedding
“Do whatever He tells you.”
And the first worshippers of satan are in the Vatican; they hide all the sinful ways of priests
sleeping with nuns; and priests being accused of child molestation and also here in the
Dominican Republic, Nicolas Lopez de Jesus Rodriguez is another satanist, that I can prove you
with scriptures. And the Catholics continue to believe in those lies.
Now the Lord started crying when He started to show me the condition of the church. Suddenly I
saw a pastor on earth carrying a big suitcase and it was full of money. The Lord told me, ‘These
are preachers and evangelists that are getting rich with the offerings because they are preaching
lies to my people and letting my people get lost.” I tell you preachers and evangelists, preach
Jesus even if you don’t receive tithes and offerings. Sanctify the church.
Suddenly I saw that the money in the suitcase disappeared. I asked the Lord and He told me that
“in that same manner his money disappeared, so will he disappear together with the antichrist.
But still I have a remnant of my people who are not contaminated.”
I see today how many preachers, pastors, evangelists … are rich and millionaires. However, the
members of their church are falling into pieces in poverty, needing food to eat and the pastor is
in opulence, not helping them! So many evangelists, multi-millionaires even billionaires in super
luxury cars. Where is the Good Samaritan? And I saw many pastors ministering at the altar but I
then saw this one pastor finishing ministering that day and leaving his home where his wife was
and he left her to meet his lover with whom he lives too!… and she was also a member of his
I also saw an evangelist leaving his church and a few blocks away, he went down and saw a
prostitute. The same evangelist who was ministering at the altar! Oh, Lord! Please have mercy
on us!
After that the Lord showed me a group of youths of a church that when they leave the church,
they went to a dark place because they think that the Lord is not seeing them and they got into
that place and they start masturbating and fornicating against their own bodies. And after that,
they would go and minister at the altar! Presidents of youths, leaders of the church!
Now the Lord showed me a disco and a church and the Lord told me: “observe well” and I
looked and saw that the church just looked like the disco! There was no difference! They had the
same sound systems, same music, same equipment that is entering from the world into the
church! The world should convert to Christianity but not the other way around. We are bringing
the world into the church! Also I have to tell you this: We cannot praise and worship God with a
reggaeton, with a bachaton or rock. Even today there are Christians songs that are being sung to God and then to the world, using the very same words! They don’t mention God but only
mention the word ‘love’.
I also saw rap music and perreo in the church and that is unacceptable. The Bible says that we
must worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Now who invented the Rock? It was Anton
Lavey, this man is the founder of the satanic church. He made and wrote the satanic Bible and
introduced rock inside Hollywood. And if he invented the Rock, that was to glorify satan not
God. In other words, what they are giving to the devil they are also offering to God?! That is
impossible and unacceptable to God. Rock is satanic and it was invented in hell.
Pastors and evangelists, please get out that cursed music from the churches! The rap was
invented by a man called Selassie. Who was this man? This man was the one whose favorite title
for himself was ‘I am the King of kings and the Lord of lords”. And the church today is using
that music while the Bible says that the only king of Kings and the only Lord of lords is called
Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. The other is an apostate. The Lord then showed me the
musicians that are so perverted. They are singing in the church on one hand, then they make
contracts to sing even in restaurants as private musicians; they go to church to praise the Lord!
Let me tell you: that music the Lord doesn’t accepts and please excuse me I must tell you the
truth. What is from God is holy and separated for God and God alone. And what those musicians
do today, they go, sing at the church, then they disappear from the service, because they look like
they are playing to God as a contract, so they think they don’t need to be there for the rest of the
service, they leave early.
At that moment, the Lord told me “unfortunately, that type of church will not enter into the
kingdom of heaven.” After that the Lord presented me a group of people, thousands and
thousands of people guarding themselves in holiness. I saw for example a sister telling another:
“did you eat today? I have a piece of bread in my home.” I saw another carrying a set of shoes to
someone that did not have any. I saw Others giving strength to those who needed strength. Other
knowing the problem of the other, caring and praying for their needs without letting anybody
else know. But today, in many churches, there is a lot of gossip because they don’t know how to
shut up or be silent about others.
Repent. Today, Jesus Christ wants to give you deliverance and salvation. He can give you the
gift of repentance.
Glory to God. Praise and worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord!
His mercy endures forever.
Rodolfo Acevedo.


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