Monday, December 5, 2016


By Zipporah Mushala

I saw a perfectly normal day and the place Jesus showed me was morning.The sun was coming out and the streets were deserted,a slight wind was blowing and people were going about their daily business. some were in class,some watching TV,some selling,some sleeping etc.Everything seemed peaceful and then suddenly,the Rapture happened unexpectedly.It was so so soon! Even some holiness preachers remained because they had sin they considered small and thought they would take care of it later.But Jesus came sooner than that later.
I saw a big golden book.On it was written in huge letters,"THE RAPTURE HAS HAPPENED" then it flipped all the pages and finally closed from behind. ◄ 1 Thessalonians 5:2
for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
Then just after that,I saw an Angel shouting loudly "Woe to the earth,Woe to the people who have remained for Terror awaits them." His voice was so strong and loud and it made the whole world shake as if the whole world was experiencing an earth tremor.
Then hell appeared in the physical and all sorts of demons began exiting hell for the earth in celebration. I saw one with a spear even longer than the demon and it said "so this is how it feels to be King!"The demons surveyed the earth with their eyes in unbelief that the whole world was theirs and at their mercy.
I saw some women walking in the road and when they just saw that the Rapture had happened,they immediately turned into demons and started laughing and mocking the people who had remained.These had been demons pretending to be human but were not human at all.They were laughing sarcastically and even touching the ground out of joy.I saw that they had encouraged people to sin and use artificial things like hair and make up yet they were demons.
It was very terrible for human beings.Not everyone in the world is a human being,some are demons and want to make you sin.That is why we should follow and obey Jesus only and not a human being.We may think that person is a human but is just a demon who wants to mislead us.
Then the Lord showed me Water taps being locked so that the people were unable to receive water into their homes.Only those who received the mark of the beast could have water.They also cut off electricity lines and only allowed those with the mark of the beast to have electricity.I saw multitudes upon multitudes of demons guarding rivers,lakes and all other sources of water.
Demons had the power to make people suffer the sufferings of hell so that they could give up and receive the mark of the beast.That time the world will be in the devil's hands and he will do whatsoever it takes to make people receive the mark of the beast so that he can make them doomed.There is no turning back after receiving this mark.Rev 14:11.The devil and his demons had power to torture people as they pleased,even throwing them to hell and back and then asking if they are ready to receive the mark of the beast. ◄ Matthew 24:21
For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now and never to be equaled again.Many people gave up and blasphemed the name of God.The same people who used to say they love God.
Live a Holy life today and ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.Escape the Great Tribulation.
The bible says ◄
While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.1 Thess 5:3.

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