Monday, December 19, 2016


By Zipporah Mushala

Words from Jesus "Tell Christians to claim all the promises in the bible towards them.Let them not just be words in a book but let them become a reality in their lives.If they do this,they will find themselves trusting me more and more and no demon can be able to shake their faith." "When I Jesus said they shall be able to drink poison and not be harmed,I meant it.Yet why am I not seeing my children claiming that kind of power?" "Why is the mighty army of God trembling before the devil when they've got all the weapons? "
"When I said you shall step on snakes and scorpions without being harmed,I meant it.Yet why do you think those verses are only for the early Church Christians like the Apostles? It is for u too!"
Luke 10:19King James Version (KJV)19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
"Demons are terribly afraid of you but take advantage to you because the bible is just theory and not practical." "Tell my Church to stand firm and have faith! Plunder the gates of the enemy for all power has been given to you and all of heaven's army is on your side! Victory is on your side,it was given to you the moment I said it is finished on the cross." "Quit shaking like leaves before the devil because I have not given you the spirit of fear but of boldness,courage and of a sound mind!" "Why do you sit and mourn when you have a problem? What happened to 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me? Why are you the Victims of the devil and not the offenders? "
"Little children,don't you believe when I said I'll always be with you?" "I say it here again.I'll always be with you.Fear nothing for you have been exalted far above the devil."


Visions of hell given to Zipporah and Rachael

~Zipporah ~

Yesterday,the Lord Jesus Christ showed me the activity that is going on in the spiritual realm.Everything seems so calm and normal in the physical realm but this is not the case in the Spiritual realm. Everything I saw was happening so fast! I saw demons communicating with each other.I saw a man who was a demon in human form on earth.I was shocked to see him change into his real demon form and descending into Hell.His Skin was all red and he had wings like a bat.I saw him surveying hell and talking to the other demons tormenting the humans there.It was bringing a report about how it and other fellow demons here in human form were doing their work.It was also checking the number of people who had landed in Hell.The demon looked around and it did not seem satisfied.It said no words but I instantly knew in my spirit that it was going to tell other demons in human form on earth to work harder to ensure that more and more people go to hell.
The demons in Hell were torturing the people vigorously and very fast as though on a tight deadline.It was as if they didn't have enough time to torture them and the demons were panicking,trying to torture as much as they could.I saw blood all the people,on the floor and on the demons themselves.This blood was from people being cruelly tortured.I saw one demon in particular with a strong metallic grater,grater the skin of a person and the tiny pieces of minced meat kept falling down.The person was in unexplainable torment.
Do not fall for thier traps,secular Tv,artificial hair,trousers for women indecent dressing etc.Pray always.

~Rachael ~

Yesterday while in prayer,the Lord Jesus Christ told me He wants us to take praying for the lost souls around us very seriously. I saw a section in hell covered with burning lava,more like the burning lava was smeared all over the walls very thickly. The place was also filled with red hot coals.It seemed somewhat deserted except for a few damned souls.Hopelessness and extreme fear filled the air.The a dark hairy demon that looked like an animal flew over the place.As it flew,it lifted one of the people in that section,carrying the person in the air along with it as it flew.Then suddenly it put the person down and began slicing using a very large knife. The Lord asked me,"is this a place you can just watch your relatives or friends go to?"The Lord Jesus Christ then told me,"you must seriously pray for all those people who are still living in sin.Even fast and pray for their salvation You will always see results of your prayers.Pray for them until you see the answer.With God nothing is impossible ."The Lord reminded me of all the times He was teaching zipporah and I how to pray for the lost.How seriously we must take those prayers.At the time He was teaching us He said He not only wanted the two of us to pray this way for the lost souls still on earth,but that He wanted all His children to pray seriously.One of these times the Lord Jesus Christ made us to pray all night just for mercy on the world and for the perishing souls.The other time He made us pray from morning all day till 3 am,just interceding for the lost souls.At those times the Lord had told us,"This is how seriously I want you to take intercession for the lost."But now the Lord asked me,"why haven't you been praying for the lost like I taught you to?When I was teaching you,I expected you to start praying like that just for people's salvation.To pray all day asking for nothing but people's salvation.To spend all night praying just for people's salvation.Thats what I want from my children.I want you to have that compassion for the lost.Hell is too horrible to just watch anyone go to just like that.Pray and fast for them,intercede,ask God to change their hearts.You will see results."
There's power in prayer.James 5:16 says the prayer of a righteous man avails much.Pray for your children,your parents,your siblings,your friends,people you evangelize to.Pray for everyone you know who's still living worldly.Preach to them then pray for them.Only God touches hearts

Sunday, December 18, 2016


By Zipporah Mushala

1 John 2:15-17 "Do not love the world nor the things in the world.If anyone loves the world,the love of the Father is not in him.For all that is in the world the world,the lust of the flesh,the lust of the eyes,and the pride of life are not of the Father but of the world.And the world is passing away,and the lust of it;but he who does the will of God abides forever."
The Lord Jesus Christ came to me and said,"Why are my children failing to completely let go of the world? What is so hard about completely letting go? Are they not decided that it is me they want? How much longer should I wait before I know if they really belong to me?"
He said "Come let me show you why my people keep going back to their old ways."
He said,"The first step to falling is through lust of the eyes.When people come across something they used to do when they were in the world,they are attracted and say, 'I am not going to do it,am just looking! Before they know it,they end up going back to that thing because of lust of the eyes.They go back to their filth." 2 Peter 2:22"But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: “A dog returns to his own vomit,and a sow,having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.”
"If someone used to wear adornments of jewelry and they see a latest one,I see them looking and saying,'let me just see what it looks like' but they end up buying it and they start walking on the road to Hell again."
"If someone loved secular Tv so much and they see someone watching a new movie,they will ask the person watching, 'what is the movie about?' And they will forward the movie to see what it is about and say,'Am just taking a look.I won't watch."
He said,"Now let me tell you.What people do not know is that as they are doing that,the spells from that movie or those jewels are being cast on them by demons.They are disobeying me and so I will not protect them from the spells in those things." 1 Samuel 15:21-22 "Does the Lord delight have great delight in sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold,Obedience is better than sacrifice and to heed than the fat of rams.For rebellion is the same as the sin of witchcraft,and stubbornness is the same as iniquity and worshiping Idols.
He said," After these spells have worked on them due to their lust of their eyes, before they know it,they would have finished watching the whole movie.Those spells will capture them as they are still looking."
Then they will also watch the next secular movie in the name of just seeing and then the next.Soon,they would have been captured by the devil.They would then start relaxing in sin and the spells will make them think there is nothing wrong with what they are doing.They will start to justify sin and that is how compromise starts.Stay away from sin!"
"Many demons eagerly wait for a chance when God's children will look at their things in admiration so that they can cast a lot of spells to make that person fall."
"If my children keep looking back to your past life,they will become like the wife of Lot who kept looking back at her past life.She turned into a pillar of salt."
"I am saying to the world again, leave Sodom and Gomorrah and don't look back no matter what you do! This time,the consequences are not turning into a pillar of salt but eternal damnation in the fires of Hell! Decide now who you want to love.Either me or the world.You can't love both and be saved."
The bible says we should resist the devil and he will flee.If we tolerate the devil,he will have no reason to flee but instead,will overcome us.Let us stay away from anything that appears evil even as the Bible instructs.

Saturday, December 17, 2016


By Zipporah Mushala

During prayer this morning,the Lord opened my eyes and I saw in the Spirit,a vision. I saw a man standing and an evil Spirit which emerged from a rubbish dump came and possessed him. It was like a transparent black fog but it had the figure of a creature and I was wondering why it had emerged from the rubbish dump. I heard the voice of the Lord saying it is a spirit of madness .I saw this man desiring to wear ripped jeans and to lock his hair in dreads after possession from this Spirit. He was being influenced by this Spirit of madness.
I heard the voice of the Lord saying to me,"Do you see this?Why should someone in their right senses wear ripped clothes?Only mad people wear such clothes. Tell my children not to engage in such acts. Look at his hair,it is not different than that of a mad man. Humans were not created with entangled hair but liberated,why are they putting it in bondage like mad people?Tell them to liberate it and be freed from the Spirit of madness!Tell my children to be free."
The Lord said,"When you look at the people in the world,do not just be thankful that you are no longer one of them. Pray for them because many demons are making them behave the way they do. I want you to know that there is a demon behind everything. The demon of beer,the demon of sexual immorality,the demon of nakedness which makes people walk almost with nothing on,the demon of clubbing,the demon of insults. These demons have ropes and they are dragging these people to Hell. Pray for their salvation my children! This is not normal behaviour. This is not how I intended for my children to be. I want you to know and pray for them to be free. Intercede for the salvation of their souls. They do not know it but after they have been bound,they have been blinded and are going to hell with blind folds. Smiling as they approach the tunnels of damnation,never to return. This is because they do not know what awaits them for eternity."
I saw another vision in the Spirit. Last time,the Lord had shown me some secret rooms in hell but I only saw inside 3 of them.This time,I saw a door open in a vision and I saw inside this other secret room in Hell. I saw different music instruments from drums and violins to flutes. It looked like some people were practicing inside but I immediately knew they were demons in human form.I knew this because these rooms are were demons prepare things in order to deceive humanity into Hell.I saw two music bands,one a Christian Rock band and the other,a boy band for Love songs.The Lord was informing me that these two groups are actually demons in human form and play their music in order to take people to Hell.Only the Lord can deliver us from all this demonic pollution and he will do so any minute through the Rapture.
The Lord has time and again warned about secular music and Christian songs that have worldly beats like Rock,Rap etc.If we do not obey,we will swept away by the devil who has deceived the world.Isaiah 14:11 says,"Your pride is brought down to Hell,and the sound of your stringed instruments.Worms shall cover you and worms shall be your bed." Not everyone who plays this music is a demon in Human form but others are being ruled by the devil too.We will soon reap what we sow.
The Lord also wanted to show me how fake the demons in human form are and that even their bodies are so fake! There are two types of demons in human form,others are born and live among humans while others acquire a body for a particular mission and then go back in the Spiritual realm.I saw a metallic looking machine.As I looked with my eyes,a female body of about 25 years old had been made.It already had make up and weaved hair but it looked lifeless.I saw a demon enter into this body and when it came on earth,it looked like any ordinary human being,even moving about but it was a demon! I saw this 'lady' even wearing a bum short and standing in a corner.I understood that it had come on a particular mission to destroy the souls of men through sexual immorality.She was posing as a Prostitite and I even saw her flagging down cars.This demon would go back in the Spiritual realm after its mission.
The Lord also opened my eyes to something very shocking in the Spirit realm.He showed me demons in human form that live among us changing their body parts!It was as if there was expiry date.I saw a Minister whom I will not mention because the Lord has not told me to.I saw that this Minister is a demon in Human form and She had a very important meeting.They went to the Spirit realm and other demons were removing its intestines and other inside parts to change them!They removed the ribs and put new ones.I heard them saying,"If we do not change them,they will start to smell and will be discovered." Praise be to Jesus who keeps revealing new mysteries everyday,what a shocker!To think that they even change their body parts.Walk with Spiritual eyes wide open to overcome these evil beings.
Finally,the Lord told me to tell his children not to engage in gossip,slander and self righteousness. He said many of his children are self righteous and gossip about those in the world,saying how lost they are!He said,"Will you save them by talking about them or by talking to them about the word of God?" He said we should not forget to love them even as he did us. The Lord said he ate with tax collectors and sinners and did not condemn them. He said we should never judge anyone thinking they will reject the word but to tell them and leave him to be their judge. The Lord Loves us and let us love as he has loved us.
Knowing all these things does us not benefit if we just sit and do nothing about them. We need to act in prayer and share with the world! Spiritual things are only understood by the Spiritual minded. Even as 1 Corinthians 2:14 says,"The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit and sees them as foolishness and he can not understand them because they are only discerned by the Spirit of God ."
If we pray and seek the Lord,he will open our eyes to these things and show how serious this is.Only with literal prayer can there be a difference.We need to pray and walk in the Spirit in order to overcome because it is a Spiritual battle,known only to the Spiritual man and we are fighting for a Spiritual eternal rest for our Souls.

Friday, December 16, 2016


By Zipporah Mushala

The Lord Jesus Christ showed me the wickedness that is in the world. He said, "Whatever I tell you, tell it to my children so that they can know how much wickedness is in this world. They need to know that there is no safety in this world but only in the cross. I want them to be determined to come to me in Heaven. That is why I am revealing all this wickedness that is in the world." So I looked and saw a group of mourners moving in a Vehicle with a trailer. There were some men and women in the trailer mourning a dead person. There was a coffin in the middle of the trailer and they were taking a body for burial. So the Lord said to me, "Do you see these? They are actually not even mourning anyone." "There is no dead body they are carrying. All these are a group Satanic agents who have come together to perform rituals. They are actually planning on killing someone and as part of their rituals,they are parading around with a coffin and mourning as if the person is already dead." "They are almost killing the person and so,they are even holding the funeral in advance due to their wickedness. Tell my children to always remain strong in prayer because the devil is constantly planning their downfall." Then I saw the Lord stretch out his hand towards the vehicle and it suddenly came upon a hump and overturned. We were in the spiritual realm and what we were seeing was happening in the physical realm. Those in the vehicle did not even know that their accident was being caused by the Lord himself. The Lord was heavily grieved and looked away from the truck as it overturned. He was heavily grieved by the wickedness of these Satanic agents. We should never take the journey to Heaven lightly but should always fill our lives with so much prayer even as the bibIe say, Submit to God,resist the deviI and he wiII fIee from you.