Wednesday, March 9, 2016


By Zipporah Mushala
"For we do not war against flesh and blood but against Principalities,against powers,against rulers of darkness of this age,against spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places,"Ephesians 6:12.

Satan said,"For you who are my pastors,make your Church very worldly but for some of you,make it seem like you are not wordly.However when you preach,cast spells on the Church so that people will not be changing.They will not know that you are the one behind it."
"In your Churches teach some strange doctrines and also bring in my teachings in the Church.We will trap those fools who never read the Holy Book.They will not think anything is wrong and continue coming.They will believe everything.We will trap those Christians who are not alert in the Spirit."
"Some of you in your Churches,make it seem like no matter how they live,they will still go to Heaven.You know that the Holy One will never compromise and you will bring them all to Hell! Hahahahahahahaha! Yes,our ways are working even better than we thought.They are all being Harvested to my Kingdom and they'll never escape! Deceive real Pastors to also think like this and to teach the same.We must expand our Kingdom,influence them to teach things that come from us."
"In your preaching,make it seem as if to go to heaven all they have to do is attend Church.For the rest of the week they will be doing whatever they want and will be serving me their Master.Plant Satanic signs in your Churches where they will not be noticed.This will make them not leave your Church no matter how much they hear the truth from somewhere else."
"Those fools are lazy to worship their God in the right way and so I will bring them all to Hell! Every last one of them,I will bring them all to Hell.I Swear that I will not rest until Hell receives them.I will use any tactic,foolish and wise to bring them all! I hate humans but especially those Christians.I hate even more those who are not sure of what they want.They say they belong to the Holy One but they still love our things.When they pray,they call fire on us but their houses are full of our belongings! They will not even go to Heaven,the Holy One can never receive them.Those are mine.I will claim them the minute they die.Even the things they have,the things that belong to us declare them guilty!Even their own minds declare them guilty!
They think life is a Joke,they will trade 30 years,17 years, 80 years of the life on earth for an Eternity of Torture,hahahahahahahahaha! Make our things even sweeter so that we can trap even those who say they are really standing for the Holy One.Once they relax,strike them! Use this and that and bring them down."
"We should always be interceding for one another.The Lord instructed that we should be praying for each other like that person was dying today.The devil and his demons and human agents are always working tirelessly but many Christians are relaxed.The Kingdom of darkness works very hard and have a Passionate hate for humans but Christians like to sit and relax.That time has not come yet.We are in a Battle Front.The strongest team wins and the battle is for your soul.The bible says to put on the Armour of God.The devil has his Armour on all the time."

The devil was instructing his Satanic agents."Be their friends and make them start to compromise little by little.Make them gossip even at Church instead of being Holy and doing Spiritual things as the Holy Book instructs. James 1:26 says,"If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless."
"Also make them to start watching secular movies.Tell them, "Its just a movie,why are you not watching?" Make them feel foolish and start to compromise when they visit you.Soon they will start doing this at their own Homes.They will not even know that you are doing this on purpose. Spread our things.Make them compromise here and there. Soon their Faith will start to shake because our spells from those things will start working in them."
"Start quarrels with them anyhow.Start going out with their wives so that you can divert their attention.Instead of praying about it to the Holy One,they will start to fight with you physically and will lose their Holiness."
"Make your friends feel as if they are feel as if they are missing out 'the life' tell them that they only have one life and so they should live it to the fullest.Make them start smoking,drinking,fornicating,listening to secular music and other things behind their Parent's backs."
"Make them feel as if they will never die and keep them busy with the things of the world.They should not even have time to think of the Holy One or else you are in trouble.Keep them company and be their friends. However,also act like you go to Church so that they will not suspect you.Some of you should go to the Church.Pretend to be very prayerful and to be seeing visions but always make sure to mislead them.Plant immorality in the Choirs and Praise Teams! This is where I'll catch all those who don't pray."
"For you in my industry of production,write pornographic novels.Make them sold on the streets at a very cheap price.Let them read and start sinning.That is why my Kingdom keeps expanding Isaiah 5:14.It could contain the whole world and even more, hahahahahahahaha! They are the Jewels on my Crown,those I have managed to deceive into Hell!"

After the meetings,I saw the devil moving to another room and so did the Lord and I.This room was cold and it had a lot of machines and switches.It was like a Factory.I saw a different types of dogs and they were of different Colours.However right before my eyes,these dogs started growing long hair.It was not dog fur but it was long and smooth and I realised it was artificial hair.
These dogs were actually demons and this hair kept growing on them and went meters and meters on the floor.Some of it was even what they like saying Brazilian Human hair but it came from the demons.It was in many colours and textures.Other demons kept cutting it off for Package. I also saw the devil sitted and he also started growing the same artificial hair on his Private Parts and Arm pits! I was in shock.It comes from many places.Oh my Goodness!!! This is what people put on their heads.
This hair from the Kingdom of darkness.And the devil started laughing and said,"Let us make man in our own image!Let us,put our glory on them and they will be just like us."
The devil knows exactly what God doesn't like and that is what he is giving people.This is in order to take them to Hell.This hair can never be purified in prayer because it is a sin.Sin can never be purified.You can't say,let me pray for this Cigarette so that I can smoke it,never.God hates it and you have to stay away from it.
As these demons cut off the hair from these dogs,they were taking it to a machine which was cutting it in different lengths.I saw a lot of women sitting around this machine and putting the hair in packets for sale.They were not looking like demons and I also noticed that they were not looking up either.They looked sad.
So I asked the Lord and he told me,"Those you see being made to work are people from earth who have been kidnapped in the Spirit.Some people go missing but they are kidnapped by the demons and now,they are being made to work for the devil.Such,you should commit in prayer for their liberation. "
These are not the only humans I saw working.They were being made to do different things according to their skills.They were working fast because they were afraid of the demons.
I also saw demons making wigs for wearing and they were trying them on the big plastic dolls(Mannequins)They were make sure they were levelled using scissors.All this was being done to trap Humans.Do not fall into their traps.
The bible says,"Be Sober,be Vigilant,Your enemy the devil walks about like a roaring Lion seeking whom to DEVOUR,"1 Peter 5:8.
When the Lord warns us,it is not to plant fear but to alert us that we may not sleep in such an intense Battle.The bible says we should pray without Ceasing.That is the weapon to overcome the tactics of the devil.We should always move in the Spirit and pray for those still in darkness.

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