By Zipporah Mushala
"The Spirit and the bride
say Come!Let everyone who hears say Come! Let him who thirsts Come.
Whoever desires,let him take of the water of life freely,"Revelations
The Lord showed me the devil
sitting on a throne in the great city of New York.He had two heads.One
of a black Rooster and one of a black eagle.He was also wearing a robe
like a King and his throne was in the middle of the streets.
Then I
saw a great crowd of people as many as the sands of the sea.The crowd
was shouting loudly what sounded like praises and hail.It was a great
uproar.They were all running towards his throne and fighting to lift it
up.His throne was lifted high and everyone was fighting to be the one to
lift it.I even saw Children as young as 6 and 10 year olds insulting
each other in effort to get to the throne before the other.People were
pushing each other back with their elbows and there was a great
It was as if they had been infected by a deadly virus and
the only cure was to touch that throne,they were fighting viciously to
get to it.
The Lord said,"That is what they do through their
worldliness,they lift the devil high on his throne.And anyone following
them does the same. "
Then again,the Lord showed me in the streets
of New York a gigantic hand.It started from where the elbow is up to the
fingers.The hand was full of big thorns and it was stretched out,ready
to greet.
Then again I saw a great crowd of people rushing to greet
it.They had desperate looks on their faces.They were all running to
greet it and did not seem to notice the thorns on this hand.
Lord said,"That City is the source of Naked dressing,worldly
music,worldly movies and all evil entertainments of the world.The City
that even claims the blood of innocent Children by selling their souls
to the devil."
"It is the source of blasphemies against God.The
source of worldly fashions and all other evils on the earth. The source
of all that is considered evil and abominable."
"The world has
copied its style and have trampled upon the Holy name of God.That City
will be destroyed all along with those who follow them! They are
destined for doom because they step on the Lord like a door mat and lift
the devil high! They say God is dead and mock his Children.They will
know that the Lord is Holy and is the same Yesterday today and Forever.I
will destroy that City like Sodom and Gomorrah.I am the Lord! Unless
they repent,which they will not,I will not let any stone go untouched by
Fire,2 Peter 3:10,Malachi 4:1.
"Anyone following their filthy ways even now will be humiliated in hell."
"Get ready for the Rapture,the world is greatly polluted.The devil
rules the earth and has filled the earth with his evil.2 Corinthians
4:4,Ephesians 2:2 "It is not a place for my Children.The evil is getting
worse day by day and I can not let my Children stay in a dump any
longer.Tell them am coming now! Am coming! The devil is getting ready to
persecute those who will remain behind in the great tribulation."
"I tell you,you do not even want to see the weapons the devil is
inventing right now to torment those who will remain.Great Technologies
which the eye has never seen nor the ear heard of.Just like I have
prepared great glories for my Children,Satan has prepared great torments
for humanity."
"People will be tormented in such a great way that
they will not believe it.They will think its not even real but just an
imagination.ALL their worst fears will come true and even more.The earth
will be an extension of Hell,a real Hell on earth this time.People will
worship the beast like he is God."
"They will even offer blood
sacrifices of their family members just trying to please him. Those who
give birth after the Rapture will even be ready to pluck out the heart
of their own baby with their hands if they are told to do it.Fear and
Terror will be the Anthem. "
"He will put you through unspeakable
torments if you remain behind.Matthew 24:21 says,"And then there will be
great Tribulation such as has never been since creation and such as
will never be again."
Then the Lord went
and stood at the gates of heaven.There was unspeakable joy and beauty
inside just from the entrance.Jesus stood there waiting for people to
come.But only a few people where coming.He was standing at the gate
waiting eagerly to receive them.The Lord was pacing to and fro and kept
looking out hoping more were coming.
Then an Angel said to
him,"Lord,most people have gone over there." He was pointing and I saw
what he meant. The Angel bowed his face down because the Lord was not
I saw what he was pointing at.I saw people carrying all sorts
of worldliness and evil dressing.They were carrying Tv Remote controls
which they use to watch Secular movies,they were carrying loads of
indecent clothes,they were carrying cosmetics etc.
Young boys and
men had Footballs in their hands.They were walking on a cliff to
hell.People in hell were screaming loudly and there were all sounds of
different animals tormenting them.But I saw that the people walking to
hell were not even hearing any of this.Some of them even had head phones
which was playing worldly music at a high volume!1 John 2:15-17,James
They were all walking to hell with smiling faces.They did not know what awaited them at the end of the cliff.
The Lord said,"Tell my people to get ready before the door is closed! I
am coming,tell them that I will not delay any longer.They will surely
knock with weeping but the door will be closed if they are not
ready.Matthew 25:10-13.
I am a Merciful God,but am also Holy.I have
waited enough for humanity to repent.I have given people many chances
even though time was up a long time ago.The more I show grace,the more
they spit on my face.The more I beg them,the more they step on me."
"They take me for granted like I am some old Grand Father in the
Sky.Tell them that am not their Grand Father and they are not my Grand
Children.I am their Lord and God and I am Holy!"
"What is
humanity?Humans are just like a puff of wind.With just one toe,I can
crush the whole world.I can destroy the world easily.It is just like
blowing dust off a shelf.Yet I beg them day and night because of my
Mercy.It is just like ants in a tiny anthill rebelling against
humans.Its like humans telling ants to repent and they insult him
thinking they are clever.A human being can just step on that anthill
with one foot and it comes crushing down, Isaiah 40:12-31.
humans think I have an end? I am the beginning itself and the end
itself.I was there before time began and I will be there after time
ends.I am eternal.I have always been and always will be.No human mind
can understand this because I am GOD. I have no creator.Tell them to
repent!" Revelations 1:8 says,"I am the Alpha and the Omega,the
Beginning and the End says the Lord, Who is and was and who is to
come,the Almighty."
These are the words of the Lord.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Thursday, March 17, 2016
following account
is a testimony
from sister
Rachael, regarding
what the Lord revealed to her and her sister Zipporah about
demons disguised as humans. She states:
This may be very hard to comprehend. It was hard for us to take in
at first too. Please pray about this if you want personal
confirmations, because these are direct words from the Lord.
The Lord had told my sister and me that sometimes demons come
to earth in human disguise to fulfill satanic missions. When He told
us this, I thought the demons just appear in human disguise and
disappear after completion of the mission.
But now at another time during prayer (after I had traveled home),
the Lord said these demons in human disguise are just like normal
people. In other words, they have houses, jobs, and could even be
people we know! Yet they are not really human, but demons in
human disguise! I know it’s hard to understand and the Lord said
people will think we are crazy because of this.
The Lord began to reveal some of these demons in disguise. Some
were TV stars, newscasters, artists, and even our friends! The
spiritual realm is hard to comprehend. After the Lord told my sister
and me this, these “people” He had revealed to us just kind of
suddenly cut off friendship with us. They would at all costs avoid
contact with us. Even when we meet on the road, they would cross
to the other side like we don't know each other! We had never
mentioned anything to them but their reaction was automatic after
they were exposed to us. They live a normal human life but are here
for a mission. Some of these demons in human disguise were
former classmates, my sister's friends, preachers on TV, etc.
After the
they would
prayer to
block our
prayers or
the normal
role of demons). But they would always have the Lord to contend
with, and would fail and disappear.
When the Lord revealed this, I noticed that many of them were
movie actors, on magazine covers, or other positions that made it
easy to influence many people in their dressing, behavior or simply
promote a demonic agenda. In high school they were the ones who
would put so much pressure on their peers to engage in sinful and
rebellious acts. That’s what I noticed.
The Lord exposed them such that when I come in contact with
some of these demons in disguise, I understand what they are
saying spiritually, even without opening their mouths. I could hear
the words they were saying. My sister experienced this too. Some
would say things like, "I am going to trap men so they’ll lust after
me and end up in hell" etc. And they wouldn’t even open their
mouths, or would just be smiling looking like a normal human.
My sister and I had a physical encounter with them just days after
this revelation. We were coming from seeing a lady we had been
evangelizing to, when we saw a man coming behind us. I then
knew in my spirit it wasn’t a normal human, but a demon in
disguise, and I told this to my sister who said I was right. So we
decided to mind our business and just act like we don’t know. We
were singing "in Christ alone". The man kept very close to us before
directly confronting us "Where do you stay?" He then began
shouting abuses at us. But because we knew what was happening,
we didn’t react. We just said, "I love Jesus. Jesus, I love you." Like
we were just talking to each other, and kept walking, ignoring the
man. This made him very angry and he kept saying abuses about
us, and Christians in general.
I think this had been a planned attack because right in front we
found two other demons in human disguise. The first demon who
had been verbally abusing us began speaking to the other two,
urging them to join in the attack. They looked like normal humans
dressed in jeans, T-shirts, and caps. We weren’t afraid. It was a
Saturday afternoon, and this road we were on was kind of
deserted. We knew we were protected. They couldn’t touch us. We
just started calling the name of Jesus, and all three of them were
visibly angry, and began to walk away from us as fast as possible.
We kept calling His name. The demons were so afraid they would
even run a little, and look back to see how close we were to them.
The first attacker went another way, but the other two went on the
same way we were going. I don't know. This may not have been
spiritually mature, but when we saw they were scared, we were
determined to torment them with the name of Jesus. So we hurried
after the two demons continuing to talk about Jesus and how
demons will soon be cast into the lake of fire. This made the
demons so angry that they hurried away, and finally turned to take a
different road. We let them go and continued on the same road.
We then met another demon disguised as a dog, and it was
stationed to attack us. The Lord told us this. When it opened its
mouth to bite us, we rebuked it in Jesus name, and it immediately
closed its mouth and just stood there until we passed safely.
We met another demon disguised as a young man. Again it may
not have been spiritually mature, but we kept close and started
talking about Jesus saying the world events show that Jesus is
about to come, which means its almost time for satan and his
demons to be cast into the lake of fire. He ignored us at first and
kept walking without turning even once to check who was talking.
We kept talking about Jesus until he couldn’t take it and literally
blocked his ears with his fingers while hurrying away.
Jesus then told us not to be making physical confrontations with
these demons. He said its a spiritual battle. I don’t know why
Jesus allowed us to encounter all this on this day, but I think it was
to prove to us that what He had told us was true; that there are
demons in human disguise.
The Lord told us these demons are stationed everywhere including
schools, neighborhoods, work, etc., and have various missions.
They don’t just appear, but are 'born' and grow up and are just like
humans. This is hard for me to understand, too, but its what the
Lord said. He said we have to be prayerful and be led by the Spirit.
How the Lord Revealed It
This is how the Lord revealed it to us. We were having prayers at
home, and about three brothers and sisters from church were there.
While we were praying, suddenly the Lord began speaking through
my sister and me, telling us about these human demons.
This is a topic that had NEVER EVER crossed our minds and was
very shocking. We had never heard of this before, until the Lord
revealed it to us. That's why it was so hard to understand. We
didn't even know the Lord had revealed this to other people.
He explained most of this in tongues; either me or Zipporah would
say the message in tongues, and the Lord would give the other one
the interpretation immediately. And sometimes He would give both
of us the message and interpretation. The Lord was speaking
through us, and to be honest, we would sometimes be very shocked
at what he said through us. It shocked everyone, but the Lord kept
saying, "Please believe Me. I am telling you the truth. I love you all
too much to lie to you." It was a little depressing for us, because
few could comprehend this, and because they do not understand,
they said a lot of things.
We searched the internet to see if anyone ever had this kind of
revelation, but we couldn't find any. However, the Lord kept
confirming what He had told us. For example, both Zipporah and I
kept encountering these demons, even in magazines, which we later
burnt. Then in another instance, the Lord told me a particular
person is a demon, and I mentioned this to my mother, when
Zipporah wasn't around. Later on Zipporah independently
mentioned the same person to our mother. In ways like these, the
Lord has confirmed this matter to us many times.
Angels Referred to As Men
While it might be hard for you to believe that demons can appear as
humans, you should search the Word to see if it is true. Indeed, the
word "man" is used in both Is 14:16 and Eze. 28:2,9,12,21 to refer
to Lucifer before he fell. In fact, the word "man" is used to refer to
angels all throughout Scripture, and these passages are no
exception to that pattern.
When the Lord appeared to Abraham with two angels, the text
refers to them as three men (Gen 18:2). When two angels went to
Sodom to rescue Lot, before they destroyed the city, they were
referred to four times as men (Gen 19:1-12). When the angel of the
Lord appeared to Manoah, he and his wife referred to the angel as a
man (Jdg 13:6,8,10). When angels appeared to Daniel, he referred
to them as men (Dan 10:5; 12:6-7). In fact, he even referred to one
of them as having human appearance, resembling a human being
(Dan 10:16,18). When Ezekiel saw six angels with weapons of
destruction in their hands and one with a writing kit at his loins, he
referred to them as men (Ez 9:2,11; 10:2,6-7). Immediately after the
resurrection of Christ, the angel that appeared to the women at the
empty tomb was described in Mark's gospel as a young man
wearing a white robe (Mk 16:5), and in Luke's gospel as two men in
dazzling clothing (Lk 24:4), while John's gospel described them as
two angels in white (Joh 20:12). Immediately after the ascension of
Christ, the angels that appeared and spoke to the disciples were
referred to as two men in white clothing (Ac 1:10).
Angels can and do appear as men today, just as they did in the
accounts recorded in Scripture. In fact, the writer of Hebrews said,
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some
have entertained angels without knowing it." (Heb 13:2). Just as
both Abraham and Lot entertained angels without knowing it, the
same thing can happen today, according to the Word of God.
Therefore, when someone says that a demon (evil spirit) can appear
as a man, it is consistent with the Scriptures.
Putting it All Together
I have given the accounts of four people -- Rachael Mushala,
Zipporah Mushala, Samuel Oghenetega, and Eudoxia Varga, to
whom the Lord has revealed that there are demons disguised as
humans. And the Lord has shown these people that, in some cases,
these demons are living on earth at this time. This should not
surprise us, since demons are fallen angels. They were created by
God as supernatural beings, and they can appear in different forms.
Just as angels can and do sometimes appear as humans, so can
Let me caution you that there is normally no way to know by sight.
You cannot know by looking at someone if they are a demon. So
DO NOT attempt to guess if someone might be a demon, and don't
go around suspecting people of being demons, even if they are the
vilest sinner or persecutor of Christians. It is only through
discerning of spirits that you will know, by the revelation of the Holy
Spirit to your spirit. We need to be strong in the Lord, and put on
the full armor of God. "For our struggle is not against flesh and
blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world
forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in
the heavenly places." (Eph 6:12). No one knows until the last day if
someone will ultimately repent. Plenty of former Christian
persecutors have turned to the Lord, whom no one expected to do
so, including Saul of Tarsus, later called the apostle Paul.
Dear reader, we are living in the last days. Great deception has gone
out into the world. False prophets have been sent from hell. "Be
alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a
roaring lion looking for someone to devour ." (1 Pe 5:8). Beware of
demons disguised as humans!
following account
is a testimony
from sister
Rachael, regarding
what the Lord revealed to her and her sister Zipporah about
demons disguised as humans. She states:
This may be very hard to comprehend. It was hard for us to take in
at first too. Please pray about this if you want personal
confirmations, because these are direct words from the Lord.
The Lord had told my sister and me that sometimes demons come
to earth in human disguise to fulfill satanic missions. When He told
us this, I thought the demons just appear in human disguise and
disappear after completion of the mission.
But now at another time during prayer (after I had traveled home),
the Lord said these demons in human disguise are just like normal
people. In other words, they have houses, jobs, and could even be
people we know! Yet they are not really human, but demons in
human disguise! I know it’s hard to understand and the Lord said
people will think we are crazy because of this.
The Lord began to reveal some of these demons in disguise. Some
were TV stars, newscasters, artists, and even our friends! The
spiritual realm is hard to comprehend. After the Lord told my sister
and me this, these “people” He had revealed to us just kind of
suddenly cut off friendship with us. They would at all costs avoid
contact with us. Even when we meet on the road, they would cross
to the other side like we don't know each other! We had never
mentioned anything to them but their reaction was automatic after
they were exposed to us. They live a normal human life but are here
for a mission. Some of these demons in human disguise were
former classmates, my sister's friends, preachers on TV, etc.
After the
they would
prayer to
block our
prayers or
the normal
role of demons). But they would always have the Lord to contend
with, and would fail and disappear.
When the Lord revealed this, I noticed that many of them were
movie actors, on magazine covers, or other positions that made it
easy to influence many people in their dressing, behavior or simply
promote a demonic agenda. In high school they were the ones who
would put so much pressure on their peers to engage in sinful and
rebellious acts. That’s what I noticed.
The Lord exposed them such that when I come in contact with
some of these demons in disguise, I understand what they are
saying spiritually, even without opening their mouths. I could hear
the words they were saying. My sister experienced this too. Some
would say things like, "I am going to trap men so they’ll lust after
me and end up in hell" etc. And they wouldn’t even open their
mouths, or would just be smiling looking like a normal human.
My sister and I had a physical encounter with them just days after
this revelation. We were coming from seeing a lady we had been
evangelizing to, when we saw a man coming behind us. I then
knew in my spirit it wasn’t a normal human, but a demon in
disguise, and I told this to my sister who said I was right. So we
decided to mind our business and just act like we don’t know. We
were singing "in Christ alone". The man kept very close to us before
directly confronting us "Where do you stay?" He then began
shouting abuses at us. But because we knew what was happening,
we didn’t react. We just said, "I love Jesus. Jesus, I love you." Like
we were just talking to each other, and kept walking, ignoring the
man. This made him very angry and he kept saying abuses about
us, and Christians in general.
I think this had been a planned attack because right in front we
found two other demons in human disguise. The first demon who
had been verbally abusing us began speaking to the other two,
urging them to join in the attack. They looked like normal humans
dressed in jeans, T-shirts, and caps. We weren’t afraid. It was a
Saturday afternoon, and this road we were on was kind of
deserted. We knew we were protected. They couldn’t touch us. We
just started calling the name of Jesus, and all three of them were
visibly angry, and began to walk away from us as fast as possible.
We kept calling His name. The demons were so afraid they would
even run a little, and look back to see how close we were to them.
The first attacker went another way, but the other two went on the
same way we were going. I don't know. This may not have been
spiritually mature, but when we saw they were scared, we were
determined to torment them with the name of Jesus. So we hurried
after the two demons continuing to talk about Jesus and how
demons will soon be cast into the lake of fire. This made the
demons so angry that they hurried away, and finally turned to take a
different road. We let them go and continued on the same road.
We then met another demon disguised as a dog, and it was
stationed to attack us. The Lord told us this. When it opened its
mouth to bite us, we rebuked it in Jesus name, and it immediately
closed its mouth and just stood there until we passed safely.
We met another demon disguised as a young man. Again it may
not have been spiritually mature, but we kept close and started
talking about Jesus saying the world events show that Jesus is
about to come, which means its almost time for satan and his
demons to be cast into the lake of fire. He ignored us at first and
kept walking without turning even once to check who was talking.
We kept talking about Jesus until he couldn’t take it and literally
blocked his ears with his fingers while hurrying away.
Jesus then told us not to be making physical confrontations with
these demons. He said its a spiritual battle. I don’t know why
Jesus allowed us to encounter all this on this day, but I think it was
to prove to us that what He had told us was true; that there are
demons in human disguise.
The Lord told us these demons are stationed everywhere including
schools, neighborhoods, work, etc., and have various missions.
They don’t just appear, but are 'born' and grow up and are just like
humans. This is hard for me to understand, too, but its what the
Lord said. He said we have to be prayerful and be led by the Spirit.
How the Lord Revealed It
This is how the Lord revealed it to us. We were having prayers at
home, and about three brothers and sisters from church were there.
While we were praying, suddenly the Lord began speaking through
my sister and me, telling us about these human demons.
This is a topic that had NEVER EVER crossed our minds and was
very shocking. We had never heard of this before, until the Lord
revealed it to us. That's why it was so hard to understand. We
didn't even know the Lord had revealed this to other people.
He explained most of this in tongues; either me or Zipporah would
say the message in tongues, and the Lord would give the other one
the interpretation immediately. And sometimes He would give both
of us the message and interpretation. The Lord was speaking
through us, and to be honest, we would sometimes be very shocked
at what he said through us. It shocked everyone, but the Lord kept
saying, "Please believe Me. I am telling you the truth. I love you all
too much to lie to you." It was a little depressing for us, because
few could comprehend this, and because they do not understand,
they said a lot of things.
We searched the internet to see if anyone ever had this kind of
revelation, but we couldn't find any. However, the Lord kept
confirming what He had told us. For example, both Zipporah and I
kept encountering these demons, even in magazines, which we later
burnt. Then in another instance, the Lord told me a particular
person is a demon, and I mentioned this to my mother, when
Zipporah wasn't around. Later on Zipporah independently
mentioned the same person to our mother. In ways like these, the
Lord has confirmed this matter to us many times.
Angels Referred to As Men
While it might be hard for you to believe that demons can appear as
humans, you should search the Word to see if it is true. Indeed, the
word "man" is used in both Is 14:16 and Eze. 28:2,9,12,21 to refer
to Lucifer before he fell. In fact, the word "man" is used to refer to
angels all throughout Scripture, and these passages are no
exception to that pattern.
When the Lord appeared to Abraham with two angels, the text
refers to them as three men (Gen 18:2). When two angels went to
Sodom to rescue Lot, before they destroyed the city, they were
referred to four times as men (Gen 19:1-12). When the angel of the
Lord appeared to Manoah, he and his wife referred to the angel as a
man (Jdg 13:6,8,10). When angels appeared to Daniel, he referred
to them as men (Dan 10:5; 12:6-7). In fact, he even referred to one
of them as having human appearance, resembling a human being
(Dan 10:16,18). When Ezekiel saw six angels with weapons of
destruction in their hands and one with a writing kit at his loins, he
referred to them as men (Ez 9:2,11; 10:2,6-7). Immediately after the
resurrection of Christ, the angel that appeared to the women at the
empty tomb was described in Mark's gospel as a young man
wearing a white robe (Mk 16:5), and in Luke's gospel as two men in
dazzling clothing (Lk 24:4), while John's gospel described them as
two angels in white (Joh 20:12). Immediately after the ascension of
Christ, the angels that appeared and spoke to the disciples were
referred to as two men in white clothing (Ac 1:10).
Angels can and do appear as men today, just as they did in the
accounts recorded in Scripture. In fact, the writer of Hebrews said,
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some
have entertained angels without knowing it." (Heb 13:2). Just as
both Abraham and Lot entertained angels without knowing it, the
same thing can happen today, according to the Word of God.
Therefore, when someone says that a demon (evil spirit) can appear
as a man, it is consistent with the Scriptures.
Putting it All Together
I have given the accounts of four people -- Rachael Mushala,
Zipporah Mushala, Samuel Oghenetega, and Eudoxia Varga, to
whom the Lord has revealed that there are demons disguised as
humans. And the Lord has shown these people that, in some cases,
these demons are living on earth at this time. This should not
surprise us, since demons are fallen angels. They were created by
God as supernatural beings, and they can appear in different forms.
Just as angels can and do sometimes appear as humans, so can
Let me caution you that there is normally no way to know by sight.
You cannot know by looking at someone if they are a demon. So
DO NOT attempt to guess if someone might be a demon, and don't
go around suspecting people of being demons, even if they are the
vilest sinner or persecutor of Christians. It is only through
discerning of spirits that you will know, by the revelation of the Holy
Spirit to your spirit. We need to be strong in the Lord, and put on
the full armor of God. "For our struggle is not against flesh and
blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world
forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in
the heavenly places." (Eph 6:12). No one knows until the last day if
someone will ultimately repent. Plenty of former Christian
persecutors have turned to the Lord, whom no one expected to do
so, including Saul of Tarsus, later called the apostle Paul.
Dear reader, we are living in the last days. Great deception has gone
out into the world. False prophets have been sent from hell. "Be
alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a
roaring lion looking for someone to devour ." (1 Pe 5:8). Beware of
demons disguised as humans!
body Bible,
Racheal and Zipporah Mushala
The Lord Jesus Christ revealed to my sister and I that demons come to earth in human form and live among humans pretending to be human themselves.
The Lord revealed to us that these human demons don't just appear on earth then disappear but rather,they are born and grow up among humans but in reality they are demons in a desguise of human flesh.
Their mission is to influence people into sin,to advance satan's kingdom on earth.
Physically you can even trace their 'families';parents,siblings,grandparents etc but in reality it's just all demons sent by satan to come to earth and pretend to be human in order to do his work on earth.
There is no physical way of identifying them,they can only be known by revelation.
Since the Lord first revealed this in 2012,He has been showing both Zipporah and myself more on the subject.
The Lord by His grace has allowed us to see these human demons for who they really are so many times and many have even turned out to be 'pastors','prophets',church leaders,ordinary church members in different churches,etc.
Others are found in different places like schools,public places,residential areas,etc.
In short they are everywhere and from all walks of life;rich,poor,young,old etc.
But in reality everything is pretense,they are just demons fulfilling a mission that requires their physical presence here on earth.
They advocate for things that are abominable to God through their actions and people blindly follow after them.
There have been times when the Lord has taken down the cover of some of the demon incarnates and some have even been 'people' who were so called evangelists,musicians both gospel and sercular,and just different positions.
Some of the human demons are even on Facebook sent by satan to discourage any Godly messages and plant the spirit of lukewarmness and unbelief in people through their comments.
Some are 'pastors' and other positions that people look up to spiritualy,their mission is to ensure the people who look up to them are candidates of hell.
They make sure the people are kept from believing the truth at any cost.
Satan sends them to churches to behave and dress in sinful ways but be committed at church and pray alot so the people under them will think it's okay to live their lives in the same way not knowing they are following demons.
Some times people will be like,"I can do this coz my pastor's wife does the same,or coz my pastor does the sane,or coz this sister or brother in Christ does the same.
After the rapture you will be shocked to discover that some of the 'people' you were following were actually demons.
They even know how to pretend to be holy if their mission requires that.
Stop following people,follow Jesus Christ and you won't be disappointed.
What I have shared here is very real and these demons are everywhere and are countless in number.
The Lord has given me and Zipporah the grace to identify them,He takes down their cover and I can tell you they are so many and you can't suspect them physically.
We are living in the end times.
This is the time to look to Jesus Christ and His word,not man.
The Lord showed my sister a vision of the rapture.
After the rapture,the demons in human desguise came out in the open,mocking people for following them.It was terrible.
Seek God in truth and Spirit.
The devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour.He has so many tactics and the Lord wants me to expose this tactic of satan.It's not that everyone who does what i ve written above are demons,but some are.
Genesis 6:1-2 "And it came to pass,when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them.
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose"
One of the abilities of angels is to chang in many forms including human form.
That's why the bible says be caref to entertain strangers for in this way some have entertained angels without knowing" Hebrews 13:2
For them not to know,it means these angels came in human form.
In Genesis,the angels came in human form as well to marry the women.
If the women knew that these were not human they wouldn't have given themselves to them.
Angels came to Abraham in human form and he even prepared food for them and they ate.GENESIS 18:1-8
These angels proceeded to sodom and people thought they were 100% human and they even started lusting after them.GENESIS 19:1-5
In Judges 13:3-21,Manoah and his wife were visited by an angel,whom they were calling "a man of God" because he came in form of a human being.
It was only in verse 21 that they realised he was an angel
"But the angel of the Lord did no more appear to Manoah and to His wife.Then Manoah knew he was an angel of the Lord."
So we have seen have seen from the scriptures that angels have this ability to come in human form.
When the fallen angels were cast out of heaven,their abilities were not taken from them.
That's how come satan can still sing upto now because in heaven he was in charge of music.
So even the ability to come in human flesh was not taken from them and they have manipulated it for evil just like they have manipulated everything else.
These demons are born and grow and live among humans but if the mission simply requires them just appearing and disappearing after,they do so.
Many of them are at top positions of things like acting,music,world leaders etc.
They are in positions of influence.
But they are also in very low positions in society such as very poor,or just middle class etc.
They have been put at all levels of society.
Zipporah had an encounter with one who looked like a very poor person and he began saying in the spirit,"I don't care where I am,even if I have to live in a rural area as long as I can fulfil my mission."
I have had encounters where the Lord revealed some to me who in the physical were children but in reality they are just demons.
They marry humans to fulfill their missions sometimes.
They marry Christians,Pastors,and even non believers.
In short they are just like normal humans.
When the Lord started revealing this to Zipporah and I,He wanted to prove it to us by having an encounter with them.
We were coming from evangelism and we're going home when we saw a man coming behind us.
The Lord revealed to me that it was actually a demon pretending to be human.
He told my sister the same thing and He told us that it would even come and try to harass us.
We were singing "in Christ Alone" and we're walking home.
The demon incarnate came up to us and was very upset that we were singing for the Lord and tried to harass us just like the Lord said.
But the Lord didn't allow it to touch us,He just wanted us to see how real this is.
We ignored it and kept talking about Jesus.
Then as we went on we saw 2 teenage boys.
They looked every bit human but we saw beyond their desguise and saw that they were demons!
As we approached,they began running away,standing at a distance to see if we were catching up with them and then continue running till they diverted to another road.
They knew the same had exposed them.
As we went on we saw so many along the way and we walked behind one in particular.
He looked around 22, and looked like a normal human being.
But when we looked at him the Lord showed us it was actually a demon!
My sister and I began talking about how the rapture is going to happen very soon and how demons will soon be cast into the lake of fire.
We began talking about how terrible the lake of fire is and about how terrible it is to facet Gods wrath and how demons will soon face that.
He literally covered his ears with his hands and ran away.
Then the Lord told us not to take it physical,cz it's a spiritual battle.That we shouldn't engage in physical confrontations with demons.
We have encountered so many even after this.
So what the Lord told us is very real.
Do not follow people,you will be disappointed.Follow only God.
Pray before getting married and make the bible your standard.
These demons are demons 100%.They are the same demons torturing people in hell,only that they come to earth in a human body to fulfill a mission of taking more people to hell.
Again I say you can't tell using the physical eye,only by revelation.
The Lord Jesus Christ revealed to my sister and I that demons come to earth in human form and live among humans pretending to be human themselves.
The Lord revealed to us that these human demons don't just appear on earth then disappear but rather,they are born and grow up among humans but in reality they are demons in a desguise of human flesh.
Their mission is to influence people into sin,to advance satan's kingdom on earth.
Physically you can even trace their 'families';parents,siblings,grandparents etc but in reality it's just all demons sent by satan to come to earth and pretend to be human in order to do his work on earth.
There is no physical way of identifying them,they can only be known by revelation.
Since the Lord first revealed this in 2012,He has been showing both Zipporah and myself more on the subject.
The Lord by His grace has allowed us to see these human demons for who they really are so many times and many have even turned out to be 'pastors','prophets',church leaders,ordinary church members in different churches,etc.
Others are found in different places like schools,public places,residential areas,etc.
In short they are everywhere and from all walks of life;rich,poor,young,old etc.
But in reality everything is pretense,they are just demons fulfilling a mission that requires their physical presence here on earth.
They advocate for things that are abominable to God through their actions and people blindly follow after them.
There have been times when the Lord has taken down the cover of some of the demon incarnates and some have even been 'people' who were so called evangelists,musicians both gospel and sercular,and just different positions.
Some of the human demons are even on Facebook sent by satan to discourage any Godly messages and plant the spirit of lukewarmness and unbelief in people through their comments.
Some are 'pastors' and other positions that people look up to spiritualy,their mission is to ensure the people who look up to them are candidates of hell.
They make sure the people are kept from believing the truth at any cost.
Satan sends them to churches to behave and dress in sinful ways but be committed at church and pray alot so the people under them will think it's okay to live their lives in the same way not knowing they are following demons.
Some times people will be like,"I can do this coz my pastor's wife does the same,or coz my pastor does the sane,or coz this sister or brother in Christ does the same.
After the rapture you will be shocked to discover that some of the 'people' you were following were actually demons.
They even know how to pretend to be holy if their mission requires that.
Stop following people,follow Jesus Christ and you won't be disappointed.
What I have shared here is very real and these demons are everywhere and are countless in number.
The Lord has given me and Zipporah the grace to identify them,He takes down their cover and I can tell you they are so many and you can't suspect them physically.
We are living in the end times.
This is the time to look to Jesus Christ and His word,not man.
The Lord showed my sister a vision of the rapture.
After the rapture,the demons in human desguise came out in the open,mocking people for following them.It was terrible.
Seek God in truth and Spirit.
The devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour.He has so many tactics and the Lord wants me to expose this tactic of satan.It's not that everyone who does what i ve written above are demons,but some are.
Genesis 6:1-2 "And it came to pass,when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them.
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose"
One of the abilities of angels is to chang in many forms including human form.
That's why the bible says be caref to entertain strangers for in this way some have entertained angels without knowing" Hebrews 13:2
For them not to know,it means these angels came in human form.
In Genesis,the angels came in human form as well to marry the women.
If the women knew that these were not human they wouldn't have given themselves to them.
Angels came to Abraham in human form and he even prepared food for them and they ate.GENESIS 18:1-8
These angels proceeded to sodom and people thought they were 100% human and they even started lusting after them.GENESIS 19:1-5
In Judges 13:3-21,Manoah and his wife were visited by an angel,whom they were calling "a man of God" because he came in form of a human being.
It was only in verse 21 that they realised he was an angel
"But the angel of the Lord did no more appear to Manoah and to His wife.Then Manoah knew he was an angel of the Lord."
So we have seen have seen from the scriptures that angels have this ability to come in human form.
When the fallen angels were cast out of heaven,their abilities were not taken from them.
That's how come satan can still sing upto now because in heaven he was in charge of music.
So even the ability to come in human flesh was not taken from them and they have manipulated it for evil just like they have manipulated everything else.
These demons are born and grow and live among humans but if the mission simply requires them just appearing and disappearing after,they do so.
Many of them are at top positions of things like acting,music,world leaders etc.
They are in positions of influence.
But they are also in very low positions in society such as very poor,or just middle class etc.
They have been put at all levels of society.
Zipporah had an encounter with one who looked like a very poor person and he began saying in the spirit,"I don't care where I am,even if I have to live in a rural area as long as I can fulfil my mission."
I have had encounters where the Lord revealed some to me who in the physical were children but in reality they are just demons.
They marry humans to fulfill their missions sometimes.
They marry Christians,Pastors,and even non believers.
In short they are just like normal humans.
When the Lord started revealing this to Zipporah and I,He wanted to prove it to us by having an encounter with them.
We were coming from evangelism and we're going home when we saw a man coming behind us.
The Lord revealed to me that it was actually a demon pretending to be human.
He told my sister the same thing and He told us that it would even come and try to harass us.
We were singing "in Christ Alone" and we're walking home.
The demon incarnate came up to us and was very upset that we were singing for the Lord and tried to harass us just like the Lord said.
But the Lord didn't allow it to touch us,He just wanted us to see how real this is.
We ignored it and kept talking about Jesus.
Then as we went on we saw 2 teenage boys.
They looked every bit human but we saw beyond their desguise and saw that they were demons!
As we approached,they began running away,standing at a distance to see if we were catching up with them and then continue running till they diverted to another road.
They knew the same had exposed them.
As we went on we saw so many along the way and we walked behind one in particular.
He looked around 22, and looked like a normal human being.
But when we looked at him the Lord showed us it was actually a demon!
My sister and I began talking about how the rapture is going to happen very soon and how demons will soon be cast into the lake of fire.
We began talking about how terrible the lake of fire is and about how terrible it is to facet Gods wrath and how demons will soon face that.
He literally covered his ears with his hands and ran away.
Then the Lord told us not to take it physical,cz it's a spiritual battle.That we shouldn't engage in physical confrontations with demons.
We have encountered so many even after this.
So what the Lord told us is very real.
Do not follow people,you will be disappointed.Follow only God.
Pray before getting married and make the bible your standard.
These demons are demons 100%.They are the same demons torturing people in hell,only that they come to earth in a human body to fulfill a mission of taking more people to hell.
Again I say you can't tell using the physical eye,only by revelation.
body Bible,
Racheal and Zipporah Mushala,
Jesus Christ says He is a Holy God and wants complete holiness from all His children.
He wants Holiness both inside and outside too.
The Lord told me,"tell them I don't want women to wear trousers (Wether tight or loose),makeup,jewellery,wigs and weaves,paint nails,perm their hair,short or tight clothes."
The Lord said those things don't please Him and are sinful.He doesn't want them on His children.
He said He doesn’t want His sons sagging their trousers but rather to wear them normally.
The Lord doesn't want both men and women to dye their hair but He wants them to leave it in the color He created it.
He does not want fancy worldly haircuts with crazy shades in the head.
The Lord doesn't want His children listening to ungodly music.It doesn't matter if it has no dirty words.He doesn’t want any music or movies that don't glorify God.
The Lord is a jealous God and He will not share you with satan.He wants all or nothing.
Non Christian movies and music will take you to hell.It doesn't matter how much you pray or if you speak in tongues or see visions.
It will take you to hell. If it doesn't glorify God it glorifies satan.
Some people will tell you that all these things I ve talked about don't matter,that and that all that matters is your heart.
But let me tell you the truth and this is the same truth you will face on the judgement day;God cares about your heart but he also cares about your dressing and your conduct.He cares about your whole life.The bible says whoever gives up their life will find it and whoever holds on to their life will lose it.You can either hold on to your life by living to please the flesh or you can give up your life by letting Jesus have a say in every part of your life including your inner and outward too.Not just the outward leaving your inner or vise versa.
I did not make these things up,Jesus Christ told them to me so I can tell you . Jesus Christ wants complete holiness.He told me to tell you,HE IS NOT A WORLDLY GOD . JESUS IS A HOLY GOD.
If you know you can't speak in tongues and you begin to fake tongues repent because that will lead you to hell too.
Jesus wants holiness.Without holiness neither me nor you will see him.
Search your heart,let no ungodly thoughts or dirty jokes come from you . Don't tell dirty jokes or laugh at them.Jesus cannot allow you into heaven if your robe is stained with coarse jokes,bitterness,resentment or unforgivess.
Let go of everything and hold on to Jesus only.
Don't give your life in part only,He will not accept you.
Don't ignore the Holyspirit,don't grieve Him by continuing to do what He tells you not to,He will leave you in the end and satan will deceive you into thinking you are still with the Holyspirit.
The Holyspirit is very gentle.He doesn't force but tells you and leaves the choice to you.When you ignore Him he voice grows fainter and fainter till you can't hear it and satan convinces you that it a was just your mind and there's nothing wrong with what you are doing.
But when you obey the voice of the Holyspirit,His voice will keep getting clearer even about other things in your life.
Pray without ceasing.Fast and pray,keep watch,read the bible,make Jesus your best friend, and live an obedient life.
It doesn’t matter what a human being told you but what Jesus Christ told me to tell you is that all I ve talked about here is important to him.He is a holy God and you will not see him unless you are holy . Unless your robes are pure white.
James 4:4,Genesis 35:1-5,Exodus 33:5th Peter 3:3 , Timothy 2:9.
Some people say these messages from Jesus bring division because it's not what's taught in many churches but let me tell you the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword cutting between soul and spirit,between joint and marrow.HEBREWS 4:12
Jesus Himself said I haven't brought peace but a sword.
MATTHEW 10:34.
The word of God is like a fire,and like and hammer that breaks and rock to peace. JEREMY 23:29
When ever the word of God comes it hurts if it touches something you are in because it's like a sword.but what matters is how you react;Wether u reject it or repent.Which one do you want;the truth that will save you or a false unity that will only lead you straight to hell.Unity is good when it's built on God's word.But division is great if it's division of truth and Satan's lies.Repent,Jesus is coming!
He wants Holiness both inside and outside too.
The Lord told me,"tell them I don't want women to wear trousers (Wether tight or loose),makeup,jewellery,wigs and weaves,paint nails,perm their hair,short or tight clothes."
The Lord said those things don't please Him and are sinful.He doesn't want them on His children.
He said He doesn’t want His sons sagging their trousers but rather to wear them normally.
The Lord doesn't want both men and women to dye their hair but He wants them to leave it in the color He created it.
He does not want fancy worldly haircuts with crazy shades in the head.
The Lord doesn't want His children listening to ungodly music.It doesn't matter if it has no dirty words.He doesn’t want any music or movies that don't glorify God.
The Lord is a jealous God and He will not share you with satan.He wants all or nothing.
Non Christian movies and music will take you to hell.It doesn't matter how much you pray or if you speak in tongues or see visions.
It will take you to hell. If it doesn't glorify God it glorifies satan.
Some people will tell you that all these things I ve talked about don't matter,that and that all that matters is your heart.
But let me tell you the truth and this is the same truth you will face on the judgement day;God cares about your heart but he also cares about your dressing and your conduct.He cares about your whole life.The bible says whoever gives up their life will find it and whoever holds on to their life will lose it.You can either hold on to your life by living to please the flesh or you can give up your life by letting Jesus have a say in every part of your life including your inner and outward too.Not just the outward leaving your inner or vise versa.
I did not make these things up,Jesus Christ told them to me so I can tell you . Jesus Christ wants complete holiness.He told me to tell you,HE IS NOT A WORLDLY GOD . JESUS IS A HOLY GOD.
If you know you can't speak in tongues and you begin to fake tongues repent because that will lead you to hell too.
Jesus wants holiness.Without holiness neither me nor you will see him.
Search your heart,let no ungodly thoughts or dirty jokes come from you . Don't tell dirty jokes or laugh at them.Jesus cannot allow you into heaven if your robe is stained with coarse jokes,bitterness,resentment or unforgivess.
Let go of everything and hold on to Jesus only.
Don't give your life in part only,He will not accept you.
Don't ignore the Holyspirit,don't grieve Him by continuing to do what He tells you not to,He will leave you in the end and satan will deceive you into thinking you are still with the Holyspirit.
The Holyspirit is very gentle.He doesn't force but tells you and leaves the choice to you.When you ignore Him he voice grows fainter and fainter till you can't hear it and satan convinces you that it a was just your mind and there's nothing wrong with what you are doing.
But when you obey the voice of the Holyspirit,His voice will keep getting clearer even about other things in your life.
Pray without ceasing.Fast and pray,keep watch,read the bible,make Jesus your best friend, and live an obedient life.
It doesn’t matter what a human being told you but what Jesus Christ told me to tell you is that all I ve talked about here is important to him.He is a holy God and you will not see him unless you are holy . Unless your robes are pure white.
James 4:4,Genesis 35:1-5,Exodus 33:5th Peter 3:3 , Timothy 2:9.
Some people say these messages from Jesus bring division because it's not what's taught in many churches but let me tell you the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword cutting between soul and spirit,between joint and marrow.HEBREWS 4:12
Jesus Himself said I haven't brought peace but a sword.
MATTHEW 10:34.
The word of God is like a fire,and like and hammer that breaks and rock to peace. JEREMY 23:29
When ever the word of God comes it hurts if it touches something you are in because it's like a sword.but what matters is how you react;Wether u reject it or repent.Which one do you want;the truth that will save you or a false unity that will only lead you straight to hell.Unity is good when it's built on God's word.But division is great if it's division of truth and Satan's lies.Repent,Jesus is coming!
Racheal and Zipporah Mushala,
his is a combination of revelations of hell which should be taken seriously.
Those in hell were once on earth like us but it's the choice they made that took them there.
The Lord showed me a group of demons had been assigned to
bring this woman of God to hell. They were so many and they
rushed to her and surrounded her. She couldn’t see them. This
lady had been in sexual sin before but the Lord had set her free.
I saw that it was the same demons of sexual sin that were
assigned to her again, so they surrounded her and began
whispering to her that she should just do it one more time then
repent and never do it again.
So they were surrounding her and were all whispering to her at
the same time. she thought it was just her thoughts. They kept
saying, “Just this last time. Just this one time and you’ll
repent”. She gave heed to the demons and she committed the
sin hoping that she’ll repent as soon as she’s done. But she died
while still doing that. And she went to hell
I saw her in the flames of hell. She was in so much torment, and
I could see the regret on her face. The demons were mocking
her in hell, telling her, “we fooled you..hahahaha”. She knew it
was true they had fooled her, all she did was hold her face with
her two hands as she kept thinking of how she should have
overcome. She kept thinking, “how could I have listened to
Satan?”. I could hear her thoughts and she was sayin, “How
could I think I could fool God? How could I think I could just
meddle in sin and keep going back to God”
They kept eating her flesh, even her face was being eaten by the
worms and was rotting away. God isn’t fooled, some people
think they are going to live in sin and plan to repent on the
deathbed. The truth is that God isn’t mocked. what you sow is
what you reap. I felt so sad for this woman, she was saying,
“Oh how I wish I had
known that I was about to
die .how I wish I had
known it was Satan
trapping me. It wasn’t
worth it. I really regret it”
Jesus said to the woman, “I died for you but you made my
blood useless. You took my grace for granted. Worms shall be
your bed and worms shall cover you. The Lord was weeping.
Then I saw a huge green spiked snake. It entered her private
parts and travelled up to her throat, coming out from her mouth.
It was so huge and had spikes, with rough skin like a crocodile.
As the snake did that, her body got torn apart, and blood and
pieces of flesh gushed out. She was screaming!
In a separate revelation,Jesus came and talked with me,then
I found myself in
hell, alone (I didn’t see Jesus with me in hell). It was a very dark
place though full of flames and extremely hot. I could feel the
searing heat from the flames and the sound you hear when near a
big fire. I then saw a man; he was completely naked and seemed to
be in so much agony.
Suddenly I could hear his agonizing screams,” Help! Help! I was a
Muslim on earth and now I regret it so much. Help!”
It hurt so much to see this man and hear his screams that I just
wanted to get out of that place.
After a while I was able to wake up, and I found myself back on my
bed. For a moment I could still feel the heat on my skin, and then it
was gone.
Later I had another vision separately, not during the same period of
time we received these revelations that I have just testified about,
but which I wish to add to them. I was in my room one night when
The Lord showed me a section in hell for those who masturbate.
This section was dreary and desolate. I saw a woman on a chair.
She was chained with large chains to the chair on which she was
sitting, and she couldn't move at all! This woman was burnt beyond
recognition. All that had remained of her body looked like ash. She
was completely gray, charred, and seemed to be in great agony. I
then was made to understand she was there for masturbating
during her life on earth. I believe the Lord showed me that, because
He wants to use it to reach those who are caught in this sin.
"I had stopped evangelizing, because I had gotten too busy with
work, and doing my own things that I didn’t even evangelize any
more. As I was up I got caught in a vision where there was a huge
demon with muscles that held me, and no matter how much I
struggled, I couldn’t free myself from its grasp. It was so strong."
"I was aware that my body was lying on the bed and it was my
spirit going through this. I saw that the demon that held me was
grey and a little transparent; it was so strong and looked like an
animal. I can’t describe, it also had a very cruel looking face."
"I then began calling on the Lord Jesus Christ to help me, and I
knew the Lord had allowed this to happen because I had stopped
evangelizing. The Lord Jesus immediately appeared. He wore a
white robe and was surrounded by light. The light that surrounded
Him was actually part of Him. He was light itself. He was made of
light. The light illuminating was part of Him! He also had two
angels on His sides. As soon as the Lord appeared, this evil spirit
disappeared! It happened so fast that I didn’t even notice when it let
me go."
"The Lord was looking at me with so much love and compassion, I
found myself on my knees saying, 'Lord please forgive me, I will
repent, I repent right now, I am going to warn your people.'”
"And the Lord said to me, 'There is a place in hell for those who do
not evangelize.'”
"The vision ended and I was back on my bed again."
"I was still very shaken by this when I was caught up in the spirit
again and I found myself in hell. It was hot and dark. There were
demons everywhere working busily. And in this section that the
Lord showed me, the demons were tormenting people by roasting
them on frying pans!"
"There were so many people, and the demons here were so happy
roasting people. They would even toss them up in the pan like they
were pancakes! It was so depressing!"
"The Lord also showed me a section with something that looked like
huge grills with red hot coal underneath. The demons were cutting
people in pieces and putting them on the grill! It was horrific! I saw
one demon carrying the leg of one of the souls in that place and
putting it on the grill!"
"It then approached me and wanted to do the same to me. All this
time, I was aware of the Lord’s presence with me in hell, although I
couldn’t see Him. And when this evil spirit approached me, I said,
'The Lord Jesus brought me here because He is showing me what
this place is like.' Then I was back on my bed, and the vision
"The Lord told me many are going to that place, and that’s why its
important to warn them. Evangelism is for every child of God.
Please don’t take it lightly."
Give ur life to Jesus.He is your way of escape from hell.Love God and live for Him.He wants to save,not to punish
Those in hell were once on earth like us but it's the choice they made that took them there.
The Lord showed me a group of demons had been assigned to
bring this woman of God to hell. They were so many and they
rushed to her and surrounded her. She couldn’t see them. This
lady had been in sexual sin before but the Lord had set her free.
I saw that it was the same demons of sexual sin that were
assigned to her again, so they surrounded her and began
whispering to her that she should just do it one more time then
repent and never do it again.
So they were surrounding her and were all whispering to her at
the same time. she thought it was just her thoughts. They kept
saying, “Just this last time. Just this one time and you’ll
repent”. She gave heed to the demons and she committed the
sin hoping that she’ll repent as soon as she’s done. But she died
while still doing that. And she went to hell
I saw her in the flames of hell. She was in so much torment, and
I could see the regret on her face. The demons were mocking
her in hell, telling her, “we fooled you..hahahaha”. She knew it
was true they had fooled her, all she did was hold her face with
her two hands as she kept thinking of how she should have
overcome. She kept thinking, “how could I have listened to
Satan?”. I could hear her thoughts and she was sayin, “How
could I think I could fool God? How could I think I could just
meddle in sin and keep going back to God”
They kept eating her flesh, even her face was being eaten by the
worms and was rotting away. God isn’t fooled, some people
think they are going to live in sin and plan to repent on the
deathbed. The truth is that God isn’t mocked. what you sow is
what you reap. I felt so sad for this woman, she was saying,
“Oh how I wish I had
known that I was about to
die .how I wish I had
known it was Satan
trapping me. It wasn’t
worth it. I really regret it”
Jesus said to the woman, “I died for you but you made my
blood useless. You took my grace for granted. Worms shall be
your bed and worms shall cover you. The Lord was weeping.
Then I saw a huge green spiked snake. It entered her private
parts and travelled up to her throat, coming out from her mouth.
It was so huge and had spikes, with rough skin like a crocodile.
As the snake did that, her body got torn apart, and blood and
pieces of flesh gushed out. She was screaming!
In a separate revelation,Jesus came and talked with me,then
I found myself in
hell, alone (I didn’t see Jesus with me in hell). It was a very dark
place though full of flames and extremely hot. I could feel the
searing heat from the flames and the sound you hear when near a
big fire. I then saw a man; he was completely naked and seemed to
be in so much agony.
Suddenly I could hear his agonizing screams,” Help! Help! I was a
Muslim on earth and now I regret it so much. Help!”
It hurt so much to see this man and hear his screams that I just
wanted to get out of that place.
After a while I was able to wake up, and I found myself back on my
bed. For a moment I could still feel the heat on my skin, and then it
was gone.
Later I had another vision separately, not during the same period of
time we received these revelations that I have just testified about,
but which I wish to add to them. I was in my room one night when
The Lord showed me a section in hell for those who masturbate.
This section was dreary and desolate. I saw a woman on a chair.
She was chained with large chains to the chair on which she was
sitting, and she couldn't move at all! This woman was burnt beyond
recognition. All that had remained of her body looked like ash. She
was completely gray, charred, and seemed to be in great agony. I
then was made to understand she was there for masturbating
during her life on earth. I believe the Lord showed me that, because
He wants to use it to reach those who are caught in this sin.
"I had stopped evangelizing, because I had gotten too busy with
work, and doing my own things that I didn’t even evangelize any
more. As I was up I got caught in a vision where there was a huge
demon with muscles that held me, and no matter how much I
struggled, I couldn’t free myself from its grasp. It was so strong."
"I was aware that my body was lying on the bed and it was my
spirit going through this. I saw that the demon that held me was
grey and a little transparent; it was so strong and looked like an
animal. I can’t describe, it also had a very cruel looking face."
"I then began calling on the Lord Jesus Christ to help me, and I
knew the Lord had allowed this to happen because I had stopped
evangelizing. The Lord Jesus immediately appeared. He wore a
white robe and was surrounded by light. The light that surrounded
Him was actually part of Him. He was light itself. He was made of
light. The light illuminating was part of Him! He also had two
angels on His sides. As soon as the Lord appeared, this evil spirit
disappeared! It happened so fast that I didn’t even notice when it let
me go."
"The Lord was looking at me with so much love and compassion, I
found myself on my knees saying, 'Lord please forgive me, I will
repent, I repent right now, I am going to warn your people.'”
"And the Lord said to me, 'There is a place in hell for those who do
not evangelize.'”
"The vision ended and I was back on my bed again."
"I was still very shaken by this when I was caught up in the spirit
again and I found myself in hell. It was hot and dark. There were
demons everywhere working busily. And in this section that the
Lord showed me, the demons were tormenting people by roasting
them on frying pans!"
"There were so many people, and the demons here were so happy
roasting people. They would even toss them up in the pan like they
were pancakes! It was so depressing!"
"The Lord also showed me a section with something that looked like
huge grills with red hot coal underneath. The demons were cutting
people in pieces and putting them on the grill! It was horrific! I saw
one demon carrying the leg of one of the souls in that place and
putting it on the grill!"
"It then approached me and wanted to do the same to me. All this
time, I was aware of the Lord’s presence with me in hell, although I
couldn’t see Him. And when this evil spirit approached me, I said,
'The Lord Jesus brought me here because He is showing me what
this place is like.' Then I was back on my bed, and the vision
"The Lord told me many are going to that place, and that’s why its
important to warn them. Evangelism is for every child of God.
Please don’t take it lightly."
Give ur life to Jesus.He is your way of escape from hell.Love God and live for Him.He wants to save,not to punish
Racheal and Zipporah Mushala,
Zipporah Mushala
I was in prayer around 6 Pm this evening when I suddenly heard a lot of noise! As if there were a lot of horses running and as if a great crowd of people were running very fast and shouting.I was shocked and I thought something like a war had started,I almost got up to run too for my life but I suddenly realised I was not in the physical anymore but that my soul had gone in the Spiritual.I was wearing a white robe and when I looked I saw an Angel.The Angel was pointing in a direction and shouting to me, "Look!" "Look,the noise is coming from over there!"
I looked and I saw an uncountable number of demons in all forms,shapes,colours,sizes,ranks and specialisations.
Some had long shapeless noses,some were jumping like frogs, some were just in form of wings,some were colourless and yet some looking like human beings and even dressed up!They were running to earth and shouting.They had been given a new mission by Satan and they were coming to earth to fulfill it.
I saw the devil instructing them "There is a hot holiness rival happening on earth that I don't like.Many have now turned from our ways because our ways have been exposed.(artificial attachments,secular tv etc)Many people are running to the Holy One and he is receiving them.We are losing people.We need more souls in hell!" At this point,I saw the devil scream like a hungered beast.He had sharp canines and long claws on his hands.I saw blood flowing out of his mouth as he screamed in anger.
"Go on earth! Use ways that seem innocent to entice people to us.They may think they are in the right way but if they fall for our tricks,that will not matter because they will end up in hell anyway! Twist things up! Twist them like way our fate is twisted.Make them doomed just like we are doomed for eternal torment!bring as many as possible in my Kingdom whether young or old,blind,deaf,mad or lame.As long as its a human being in my hands,I will be very pleased.Sweep them all up into hell! Do not leave anyone behind. ""Sweep them up,the more they knew Jesus,the better because their punishment will be worse! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" When these fools turn to Jesus,I feel desperate.
"Since they no longer listen to Secular music or Christian songs with worldly beats(rap,Rhumba,reggae etc)make songs which sound like they are Christian songs but do not have the holy spirit in them.Let those songs just be empty words but do not get one in the Spirit because the Holy One wants to be worshipped in truth and in Spirit. John 4:24.These songs will have no effect in their godly life but will just leave them feeling satisfied in their flesh.
I (Zipporah Mushala) can give an example of such songs as I understood them.These songs the devil was talking about are songs like those that can qualify to be both gospel and non gospel depending on who you are addressing the song to eg the song You raise me up or songs that are just sweet words without a spiritual feeling although the song has been addressed to Jesus.
"Also since they can't watch secular tv,make them run to secular reading material! Hahahahahaha these fools! Turn the secular things into writing so that they have an excuse to read them.They will say that it is not secular Tv but these writings will have the same effect as Tv! Their love for the world will bring them straight to me! They will be deceiving themselves thinking they are in the right yet they are still trapped in the same sins only in a different way!"
"Since they are not watching secular Tv,as they watch only Christian movies,make them addicted such that they no longer have time for God.They will think what they are doing is ok because it is about God.By the time they realise,Jesus will be far away from them and they'll have no relationship with him"
I saw demons with very very long whips.I saw them whipping Christians whose prayer lives were not strong.When the demon whipped,the person would lose interest in prayer.When it whipped again the person would start feeling lazy to read the bible and before they knew it,they would be dry Spiritually.That is why the bible says to pray without ceasing.
Then I saw a certain rank of demons which had been sent to attack a certain house.They were approaching in fast speed but as they reached near,it was as if an invisible wall was blocking them because the people in that house had a very strong prayer life.
Satan continued "Make sure that majority of the people in positions of influence belong to us so that they can initiate people for us ! Even nursery School teachers! Make sure they pollute the minds of children and teach them our ways in their childhood." Proverbs 22:6 "in School,make sure the drawings in books are indecently dressed and depict the wrong things as if they are correct! Draw women putting on trousers in the books so that the young girls can think its normal to wear trousers!" "Have our agents give School assignments that involve learning that particular thing from circular Tv hahahahahahahahahaha! "
"Initiate the earth into my Kingdom,let them serve me and not God.As for you who are going to pose as human beings,influence the people into doing wrong things since they like following what others are doing.Make the things that Jesus forbids sound attractive.Talk about the new movies on Tv and make them feel like they are missing out.They will never find this out! "
"Use anger to destroy them.For those Christians who are strong,let someone do something to make them angry either at work,at School,home or even on the market. Make someone crack dirty jokes so that they can sin by laughing at them,if they don't laugh,tell them they are too serious so that they feel bad and laugh next time! Do all you can to make them sin,we must not waste any chance"
James 3:10-12 can one tongue both bless and curse? Or can you have bitter water and sweet water from the same spring?
I then saw the devil standing on a very tall tower wearing a red and blue robe.He was observing all the work and how effective it was.I saw people in all types of sin fornication,listening to secular music because they had fallen etc and the devil was assigning different demons to areas.
The Lord has revealed this to us that we may not be caught unaware.
Zipporah Mushala
I was in prayer around 6 Pm this evening when I suddenly heard a lot of noise! As if there were a lot of horses running and as if a great crowd of people were running very fast and shouting.I was shocked and I thought something like a war had started,I almost got up to run too for my life but I suddenly realised I was not in the physical anymore but that my soul had gone in the Spiritual.I was wearing a white robe and when I looked I saw an Angel.The Angel was pointing in a direction and shouting to me, "Look!" "Look,the noise is coming from over there!"
I looked and I saw an uncountable number of demons in all forms,shapes,colours,sizes,ranks and specialisations.
Some had long shapeless noses,some were jumping like frogs, some were just in form of wings,some were colourless and yet some looking like human beings and even dressed up!They were running to earth and shouting.They had been given a new mission by Satan and they were coming to earth to fulfill it.
I saw the devil instructing them "There is a hot holiness rival happening on earth that I don't like.Many have now turned from our ways because our ways have been exposed.(artificial attachments,secular tv etc)Many people are running to the Holy One and he is receiving them.We are losing people.We need more souls in hell!" At this point,I saw the devil scream like a hungered beast.He had sharp canines and long claws on his hands.I saw blood flowing out of his mouth as he screamed in anger.
"Go on earth! Use ways that seem innocent to entice people to us.They may think they are in the right way but if they fall for our tricks,that will not matter because they will end up in hell anyway! Twist things up! Twist them like way our fate is twisted.Make them doomed just like we are doomed for eternal torment!bring as many as possible in my Kingdom whether young or old,blind,deaf,mad or lame.As long as its a human being in my hands,I will be very pleased.Sweep them all up into hell! Do not leave anyone behind. ""Sweep them up,the more they knew Jesus,the better because their punishment will be worse! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" When these fools turn to Jesus,I feel desperate.
"Since they no longer listen to Secular music or Christian songs with worldly beats(rap,Rhumba,reggae etc)make songs which sound like they are Christian songs but do not have the holy spirit in them.Let those songs just be empty words but do not get one in the Spirit because the Holy One wants to be worshipped in truth and in Spirit. John 4:24.These songs will have no effect in their godly life but will just leave them feeling satisfied in their flesh.
I (Zipporah Mushala) can give an example of such songs as I understood them.These songs the devil was talking about are songs like those that can qualify to be both gospel and non gospel depending on who you are addressing the song to eg the song You raise me up or songs that are just sweet words without a spiritual feeling although the song has been addressed to Jesus.
"Also since they can't watch secular tv,make them run to secular reading material! Hahahahahaha these fools! Turn the secular things into writing so that they have an excuse to read them.They will say that it is not secular Tv but these writings will have the same effect as Tv! Their love for the world will bring them straight to me! They will be deceiving themselves thinking they are in the right yet they are still trapped in the same sins only in a different way!"
"Since they are not watching secular Tv,as they watch only Christian movies,make them addicted such that they no longer have time for God.They will think what they are doing is ok because it is about God.By the time they realise,Jesus will be far away from them and they'll have no relationship with him"
I saw demons with very very long whips.I saw them whipping Christians whose prayer lives were not strong.When the demon whipped,the person would lose interest in prayer.When it whipped again the person would start feeling lazy to read the bible and before they knew it,they would be dry Spiritually.That is why the bible says to pray without ceasing.
Then I saw a certain rank of demons which had been sent to attack a certain house.They were approaching in fast speed but as they reached near,it was as if an invisible wall was blocking them because the people in that house had a very strong prayer life.
Satan continued "Make sure that majority of the people in positions of influence belong to us so that they can initiate people for us ! Even nursery School teachers! Make sure they pollute the minds of children and teach them our ways in their childhood." Proverbs 22:6 "in School,make sure the drawings in books are indecently dressed and depict the wrong things as if they are correct! Draw women putting on trousers in the books so that the young girls can think its normal to wear trousers!" "Have our agents give School assignments that involve learning that particular thing from circular Tv hahahahahahahahahaha! "
"Initiate the earth into my Kingdom,let them serve me and not God.As for you who are going to pose as human beings,influence the people into doing wrong things since they like following what others are doing.Make the things that Jesus forbids sound attractive.Talk about the new movies on Tv and make them feel like they are missing out.They will never find this out! "
"Use anger to destroy them.For those Christians who are strong,let someone do something to make them angry either at work,at School,home or even on the market. Make someone crack dirty jokes so that they can sin by laughing at them,if they don't laugh,tell them they are too serious so that they feel bad and laugh next time! Do all you can to make them sin,we must not waste any chance"
James 3:10-12 can one tongue both bless and curse? Or can you have bitter water and sweet water from the same spring?
I then saw the devil standing on a very tall tower wearing a red and blue robe.He was observing all the work and how effective it was.I saw people in all types of sin fornication,listening to secular music because they had fallen etc and the devil was assigning different demons to areas.
The Lord has revealed this to us that we may not be caught unaware.
In our generation if satan wants to lead millions of people to hell,all
he has to do is send a demon in human form or an agent of darkness to
claim that God showed them heaven and hell,and even make descriptions
that sound so believable(demons were in heaven and know the description
of things that go on in heaven).
Then all that demon or agent of darkness has to do next is dress in ways that they know will lead people to hell,or act in ungodly ways.
Without even saying a word,they will be preaching to many with their lifestyles,leading them to hell.
And why is that?
Because people don't want to make the bible the standard for their life.
They want to make other people the standard for their life.
But God won't judge you basing on the lifestyle of someone who had a heaven or hell testimony,or if your life was aligning to the life of that famous prophet or prophetess,or if it was aligning to the life of your pastor's wife.
He will judge you based on if your life was aligning to the word of God,Regardless of who else was living in disobedience.They too will give an account of their own lives.
That's why we must keep our eyes on Jesus,not people.
If the word of God says something is sinful,then it's sinful regardless of who else is doing it.Even if they are people you look up to or people so mightily used by God.
God respects only His word.
I get so heartbroken when you show people the word of God and they admit to what the bible says but their excuse for wanting to continue in disobedience is,"but that famous prophet's wife does the same,or but that anointed evangelist said it's okay (despite God's word saying it's not okay),or but that person with a heaven and hell testimony does the same."
That's so heartbreaking because it just shows how we have put our trust in man,instead of the word of God.
My question for you is;will God excuse your sin when you tell Him,"God,I knew your word said this is a sin but I just did it because someone with a heaven and hell testimony was doing it too?"
Will God tell you,"Oh, that's okay then.Come into My holy kingdom?"
We all know that won't happen.
God respects only His word.
His question to you will be,"was your life in alignment to My Word? "
Jesus Christ is our only Saviour.
Let's keep our eyes on Him,be led by His Spirit,read and live His word.
Remember that narrow is the way that leads to life and very few walk in it,and broad is the way that leads to hell and many walk in it. "mathew 7v13-27
The majority of the people are walking in the broad way.from creation, the majority have always been lost (e.g noah's time genesis chapter 6 and soddom and gomorah) don't follow the spirit of majority!
If you keep your eyes on people instead of God,you will find that you are walking in that broad road leading to hell without even realising it.Jesus is the only way to heaven John 14:6 .imitate him alone not anyone else "1 CORINTHIANS 4v16
The people walking in this broad way are not just outsiders,they are people who are called Christians.
They are Christians and yet there's no difference between them and the people of the world.
The bible says very few walk in the narrow way.
Why is that?
Because it's too narrow and uncomfortable to the flesh.The flesh wants to walk in the broad way where it can be free to do its sinful desires.
That's why the flesh must die if you are to walk here.
It's too narrow that it won't allow any single thing to come with you.
That man in the parable Jesus told had to sell ALL that he had just to get the pearl."mathew 13:45-46.
He sold EVERYTHING because he knew how precious that pearl was.
That is talking about the Kingdom of God.
You have to give up everything,all your flesh wants,all your ungodly dressing,ungodly talk,ungodly movies and music,EVERYTHING that's not of God,just so that you can get that pearl.
Jesus said whoever holds in to their life will lose it,and whoever gives up their life for Him will find it. (John 12:25).
To be a christian you have to totally surrender to God.
Be willing to let go of anything if God just tells you He doesn’t want it in your life.Thats surrender.
When we surrender in some areas only,while holding on to some parts of our lives,it's unacceptable to God.We will be rejected,even the people of the world will be better than us.
The hottest place in hell is reserved for Christians. (even though all of hell is terrible beyond description).
But Christians will be punished so much more.Why?Because you knew God and yet didn't obey.And because with your lifestyle you caused God's name to be blasphemed,and with your lifestyle you closed out so many other people who would have accepted Jesus if you had shined as the light of the world."mathew 5:13-16.
So there's no middle ground,if you want to be a christian,you have to surrender your whole life.God wants your whole life or nothing.This goes for me as well.
Jesus didn't hide the cost of being His disciple,He made the cost clear for anyone who wants to be His follower.
" If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish."Luke 14:26-30
So we are not supposed to go into Christianity blindly,we are to weigh the cost and decide if it's worth it.
You lose your whole life and live for someone else (Jesus ).You have no say over how you act or think or dress,you are ruled by someone else and obey Him fully.You follow only where He leads you? you don't go where you want.His will,not yours.But it will get you eternal life.Is it worth it to you?That's a question each must answer and act on accordingly.
" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "John 3:16
Jesus gave up His life for you so you may live.But it's for you and i to accept that love and life,God will never force it on anyone.1st john 2:15-17 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever".
You can not be a friend of the world and a friend of God at the same time.if you stand Your ground as a friend of the world, you make your stance as an enemy of God. " James 4:4
We have to make a choice.
deutronomy 30v19 " I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
God has given us a choice, life (Jesus) or death (world), blessing or curse
Which one will you choose?If it's Him,you will have to lose your whole life,but eternal life awaits you.If it's the world,you will do as you please and live away from God,obeying only the flesh,but even after this life,you will have to continue living away from God, in a place void of His presence (hell).He won't forcefully bring you to heaven to be with Him.He will respect the choice you make today. examine yourself, are you on the narrow path? God bless you beloved.
Then all that demon or agent of darkness has to do next is dress in ways that they know will lead people to hell,or act in ungodly ways.
Without even saying a word,they will be preaching to many with their lifestyles,leading them to hell.
And why is that?
Because people don't want to make the bible the standard for their life.
They want to make other people the standard for their life.
But God won't judge you basing on the lifestyle of someone who had a heaven or hell testimony,or if your life was aligning to the life of that famous prophet or prophetess,or if it was aligning to the life of your pastor's wife.
He will judge you based on if your life was aligning to the word of God,Regardless of who else was living in disobedience.They too will give an account of their own lives.
That's why we must keep our eyes on Jesus,not people.
If the word of God says something is sinful,then it's sinful regardless of who else is doing it.Even if they are people you look up to or people so mightily used by God.
God respects only His word.
I get so heartbroken when you show people the word of God and they admit to what the bible says but their excuse for wanting to continue in disobedience is,"but that famous prophet's wife does the same,or but that anointed evangelist said it's okay (despite God's word saying it's not okay),or but that person with a heaven and hell testimony does the same."
That's so heartbreaking because it just shows how we have put our trust in man,instead of the word of God.
My question for you is;will God excuse your sin when you tell Him,"God,I knew your word said this is a sin but I just did it because someone with a heaven and hell testimony was doing it too?"
Will God tell you,"Oh, that's okay then.Come into My holy kingdom?"
We all know that won't happen.
God respects only His word.
His question to you will be,"was your life in alignment to My Word? "
Jesus Christ is our only Saviour.
Let's keep our eyes on Him,be led by His Spirit,read and live His word.
Remember that narrow is the way that leads to life and very few walk in it,and broad is the way that leads to hell and many walk in it. "mathew 7v13-27
The majority of the people are walking in the broad way.from creation, the majority have always been lost (e.g noah's time genesis chapter 6 and soddom and gomorah) don't follow the spirit of majority!
If you keep your eyes on people instead of God,you will find that you are walking in that broad road leading to hell without even realising it.Jesus is the only way to heaven John 14:6 .imitate him alone not anyone else "1 CORINTHIANS 4v16
The people walking in this broad way are not just outsiders,they are people who are called Christians.
They are Christians and yet there's no difference between them and the people of the world.
The bible says very few walk in the narrow way.
Why is that?
Because it's too narrow and uncomfortable to the flesh.The flesh wants to walk in the broad way where it can be free to do its sinful desires.
That's why the flesh must die if you are to walk here.
It's too narrow that it won't allow any single thing to come with you.
That man in the parable Jesus told had to sell ALL that he had just to get the pearl."mathew 13:45-46.
He sold EVERYTHING because he knew how precious that pearl was.
That is talking about the Kingdom of God.
You have to give up everything,all your flesh wants,all your ungodly dressing,ungodly talk,ungodly movies and music,EVERYTHING that's not of God,just so that you can get that pearl.
Jesus said whoever holds in to their life will lose it,and whoever gives up their life for Him will find it. (John 12:25).
To be a christian you have to totally surrender to God.
Be willing to let go of anything if God just tells you He doesn’t want it in your life.Thats surrender.
When we surrender in some areas only,while holding on to some parts of our lives,it's unacceptable to God.We will be rejected,even the people of the world will be better than us.
The hottest place in hell is reserved for Christians. (even though all of hell is terrible beyond description).
But Christians will be punished so much more.Why?Because you knew God and yet didn't obey.And because with your lifestyle you caused God's name to be blasphemed,and with your lifestyle you closed out so many other people who would have accepted Jesus if you had shined as the light of the world."mathew 5:13-16.
So there's no middle ground,if you want to be a christian,you have to surrender your whole life.God wants your whole life or nothing.This goes for me as well.
Jesus didn't hide the cost of being His disciple,He made the cost clear for anyone who wants to be His follower.
" If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish."Luke 14:26-30
So we are not supposed to go into Christianity blindly,we are to weigh the cost and decide if it's worth it.
You lose your whole life and live for someone else (Jesus ).You have no say over how you act or think or dress,you are ruled by someone else and obey Him fully.You follow only where He leads you? you don't go where you want.His will,not yours.But it will get you eternal life.Is it worth it to you?That's a question each must answer and act on accordingly.
" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "John 3:16
Jesus gave up His life for you so you may live.But it's for you and i to accept that love and life,God will never force it on anyone.1st john 2:15-17 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever".
You can not be a friend of the world and a friend of God at the same time.if you stand Your ground as a friend of the world, you make your stance as an enemy of God. " James 4:4
We have to make a choice.
deutronomy 30v19 " I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
God has given us a choice, life (Jesus) or death (world), blessing or curse
Which one will you choose?If it's Him,you will have to lose your whole life,but eternal life awaits you.If it's the world,you will do as you please and live away from God,obeying only the flesh,but even after this life,you will have to continue living away from God, in a place void of His presence (hell).He won't forcefully bring you to heaven to be with Him.He will respect the choice you make today. examine yourself, are you on the narrow path? God bless you beloved.
Prophet Eubert Angel,the Lord mentioned your name,beware....
At 2 Pm today,I was in the presence of the Lord when I heard the Lords voice say, "My child,write down what am about to tell you."
The following are purely direct quotes from Jesus Christ.
"To all false preachers who lead humanity in the wrong direction,your wages will be too heavy for you to pay in hell."
"You will realise that the devil was just using you to further his Kingdom and will reward with an even bigger punishment than the people you deceived. "
"Quit preaching prosperity,preach Salvation.For Salvation comes first and then all these things will be added." Matthew 6:33.
"For what use will it be if your congregation prospers here on earth but their souls perish?
Do you want them to be in prosperity for a few countable years and in torment for all eternity? No,that is unfair." Mark 8:36,For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
"If you do not change your ways and preach the truth,I tell you,your wages will be far greater.There is a special section for you in hell for all eternity. "
"Many of you have made covenants with the devil.Money and fame in exchange for my people's souls. What?! Is my creation something you can gamble with?" The Lord told me to mention the following Prosperity Preacher.
The Lord said,"Eubert Angel,I tell you you are one of the biggest prosperity preachers leading my people to hell.You say you have seen heaven and hell but you do not tell my people how to escape it.You just say, Hell is a terrible place and no one should go there.Yet you are leading them there yourself.You are not telling to escape it."
" Eubert Angel,you know so well that I demand holiness because I have revealed it to you.But you are ignoring my voice for the sake of men's praises. You even dare say that if you do not preach prosperity then who will preach it?Double the portion of the people you are leading to hell will be yours if you do not change and obey my voice."
"And you false teachers,you tell people not to sin but you don't tell them what that sin is.All because you want to seem like you are preaching the truth,yet you are not! You encourage sexual immorality in your midst by allowing people to date yet they are not even ready for marraige."
"You have built big Church in order to offload those numbers into hell.How abominable. "
The Lord was very angry and grieved at heart with a clenched fist as he said this.
"You telling people to stay away from sin and hell is just the same as telling a poor man to keep warm and eat well yet not giving him the food that he may do so."James 2:15-17.
"Your Churches are full of people with false Security.They think they are walking in the narrow way yet they are even running in the broad way."
"And as for you blind followers of prosperity preachers.Has my word just become a book to you? You prefer human guidance to being led by the Holy Spirit.You want to follow what a human being is telling you instead of what am telling you in my word. "
"Is a human being going to judge you? He too will have to account for his actions.I am your Judge! Amend your ways,quit being worldly for I am Holy and unless you are Holy,the only face you'll see is that of the devil in hell.Repent!" Hebrews 12:14
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
"Why do you blindly sit in a Prosperity Church or a Church that is totally cold as if you have been bewitched?" Galatians 3:3 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth?
The Lord said, "Preach to others the word,including little children.For I desire all to come to me."
Will you follow a human being or will you follow Christ who gave up his life for you?
Prophet Eubert Angel,the Lord mentioned your name,beware....
At 2 Pm today,I was in the presence of the Lord when I heard the Lords voice say, "My child,write down what am about to tell you."
The following are purely direct quotes from Jesus Christ.
"To all false preachers who lead humanity in the wrong direction,your wages will be too heavy for you to pay in hell."
"You will realise that the devil was just using you to further his Kingdom and will reward with an even bigger punishment than the people you deceived. "
"Quit preaching prosperity,preach Salvation.For Salvation comes first and then all these things will be added." Matthew 6:33.
"For what use will it be if your congregation prospers here on earth but their souls perish?
Do you want them to be in prosperity for a few countable years and in torment for all eternity? No,that is unfair." Mark 8:36,For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
"If you do not change your ways and preach the truth,I tell you,your wages will be far greater.There is a special section for you in hell for all eternity. "
"Many of you have made covenants with the devil.Money and fame in exchange for my people's souls. What?! Is my creation something you can gamble with?" The Lord told me to mention the following Prosperity Preacher.
The Lord said,"Eubert Angel,I tell you you are one of the biggest prosperity preachers leading my people to hell.You say you have seen heaven and hell but you do not tell my people how to escape it.You just say, Hell is a terrible place and no one should go there.Yet you are leading them there yourself.You are not telling to escape it."
" Eubert Angel,you know so well that I demand holiness because I have revealed it to you.But you are ignoring my voice for the sake of men's praises. You even dare say that if you do not preach prosperity then who will preach it?Double the portion of the people you are leading to hell will be yours if you do not change and obey my voice."
"And you false teachers,you tell people not to sin but you don't tell them what that sin is.All because you want to seem like you are preaching the truth,yet you are not! You encourage sexual immorality in your midst by allowing people to date yet they are not even ready for marraige."
"You have built big Church in order to offload those numbers into hell.How abominable. "
The Lord was very angry and grieved at heart with a clenched fist as he said this.
"You telling people to stay away from sin and hell is just the same as telling a poor man to keep warm and eat well yet not giving him the food that he may do so."James 2:15-17.
"Your Churches are full of people with false Security.They think they are walking in the narrow way yet they are even running in the broad way."
"And as for you blind followers of prosperity preachers.Has my word just become a book to you? You prefer human guidance to being led by the Holy Spirit.You want to follow what a human being is telling you instead of what am telling you in my word. "
"Is a human being going to judge you? He too will have to account for his actions.I am your Judge! Amend your ways,quit being worldly for I am Holy and unless you are Holy,the only face you'll see is that of the devil in hell.Repent!" Hebrews 12:14
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
"Why do you blindly sit in a Prosperity Church or a Church that is totally cold as if you have been bewitched?" Galatians 3:3 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth?
The Lord said, "Preach to others the word,including little children.For I desire all to come to me."
Will you follow a human being or will you follow Christ who gave up his life for you?
Jesus Christ is totally against his children dressing like people of the world.
He is totally against both men and women wearing earings,bracelets,neckchains and other jewellery,perming hair,using artificial hair,painting nails or using fake nails etc.
The Lord is also against sagging of trousers,women wearing trousers,short or revealing clothes.
(Deutronomy 22:5 , Peter 3:3-5,exodus 33:1-6)
He wants his children to dress decently and be a light to the world.
He wants His children to forsake the things of the world.
There are many sins but today I want to focus on these that I have mentioned because many other sins like fornication and drunkeness are preached against in churches but the people are still looking just like the world because the things I ve mentioned above are not preached against.
So the Lord requires obedience in these areas as well.Many people are in hell because of these things.
The Lord wants you to be holy inside and have a pure heart but He also wants you to be a light on the outside too.
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15
Note that He doesn't just want you to be looking like a child of God on the outside while the inside is polluted,He wants both.
He wants Holiness both inside and outside.Thats what's complete.
One of the ancient Jewish texts not part of the bible is the book of Enoch.
This book was written by Enoch mentioned in Genesis 5:24." And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him."
It contains visions of mysteries God revealed to him before God took him.
In this book,Enoch explains in detail how the fallen angels came to earth and married women and taught humans to sin against God.
Sin was already on earth but these fallen angels(demons) taught people new ways of rebellion against God including idol worship,witchcraft,wearing of jewellery and painting of eyelids.
You can download the pdf book online and read to get better understanding of where these things came from.(read book of enoch chapter 6 and 7).
These fallen angels had been in God's presence and knew exactly what God liked and hated.
They knew if they taught people to do these things it would displease God.And so they did it.
The Lord Jesus Christ directly told me He doesn’t
want Christian's to wear jewellery,makeup,perm hair or use artificial hair,artificial nails or eyelashes,high heeled shoes,women wearing trousers,sagging of trousers,wearing short or tight clothes etc.
He told me all these things are unpleasing to Him and His children shouldn't do them.
Every kingdom has rules and that includes the heavenly Kingdom.
The bible says we are strangers here on earth and are ambassadors of Christ.2 Corinthians 2:20.
The grace of God doesn't mean we now live without guidance from God on how to live,it means we are now empowered by the Holyspirit to obey God.
The new testament is filled with lists of things forbidden by God.
Even under grace God still has a say over our lives.For we are His.
I have to tell you that these things the Lord told me are not an option.Its not as if it doesnt matter wether you obey or not.It does matter.
If it didn't matter, God wouldn't have had them included in the scripture and kept revealing about them over and over.
Jesus knows where these things are taking you.Hes warning you out of love.He loved you enough to die for you.
They are all worldly things not fit for children of God.
After the Lord had revealed all this to me together with some revelations of hell,I was invited at a place to share about hell but I didn't mention these things.
Two weeks later,the Lord sent me a rebuke through a person I don't even know and have never met.
The Lord showed her that I wasn't saying everything that He told me to say.
I was so broken and had to repent.
Since then I have been determined to say it all no matter how people will react.Wether they accept it or reject it.The truth of God's word remains.And on judgement day I won't be held responsible for their souls.Each time I speak of what the Lord showed me,I redeem my soul from being held accountable for people's blood.
What I have told you here is nothing but the truth.
I have added nothing,removed nothing,but I have said it as it was given to me by Jesus Christ that I may deliver it to you.Iam only a messanger,the message is His . Shalom
" Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be
a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou
shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing." Deuteronomy 7:26
Yet how many times do we watch worldly programs that show nothing but fornication,adultery,swearing, blaspheming God's name,dishonesty, and all the things that God totally hates and despises?They are an abomination to the Lord and we are not even supposed to bring those things in our homes even through the TV.
Worldly entertainment isn't meant for Christians,it's just bait to take people to hell.
The Lord showed me how satan and his demons had a meeting to decide on a fast way to bring more people to hell.
And it was decided on that they would use TV.
They would use all those non christian TV programs,movies,soap operas,cartoons,reality shows etc to bring people to hell.
They are detestable to the Lord.Forsake them and remove them from your home.
They only grieve the Holyspirit and are leading you to hell.
They don't make them just to entertain you,that's a lie.
They make them because they want your soul.
No matter how innocent they may seem this is the truth.
" There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."Proverbs 14:12
I used to love all those things but when I met Jesus I had to let them go.
You can't serve two masters.
You can't keep your garment pure while watching all those non christian movies,soaps and cartoons.
Each person will reap what they sow.
My sister Zipporah was shown the following by the Lord.
"I saw short, dark, tough-skinned, ugly, horned
demons with huge axes. They were axing people in hell who were
running in all directions. The demons ran with all their might axing
the ground as they chased these people. The Lord told me they
were those who watched secular television . Then I asked him if it
was right for some people to be there for that reason because some
did not get the revelation that it was wrong. Then he told me, 'I
have given human beings the ability to choose between what is
good and bad. When most people see that what they are watching
is sinful and does not bring Me glory, they continue as though doing
something that is pleasing me. Secular TV does not have one good
thing. It just portrays violence, promiscuity, drug abuse and a care
free life without me."
Repent,Jesus is coming back but He's only coming for the holy.
Wash your robes in Jesus' blood.
He's not telling us to be separate from all these things because He doesn't want us to be entertained.
He's doing it because He loves us.
We cannot entertain ourselves with abominable things.They only defile us and takes us away from God.
And nothing unholy will enter the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father.
Jesus loves you with unending love.
Yet how many times do we watch worldly programs that show nothing but fornication,adultery,swearing, blaspheming God's name,dishonesty, and all the things that God totally hates and despises?They are an abomination to the Lord and we are not even supposed to bring those things in our homes even through the TV.
Worldly entertainment isn't meant for Christians,it's just bait to take people to hell.
The Lord showed me how satan and his demons had a meeting to decide on a fast way to bring more people to hell.
And it was decided on that they would use TV.
They would use all those non christian TV programs,movies,soap operas,cartoons,reality shows etc to bring people to hell.
They are detestable to the Lord.Forsake them and remove them from your home.
They only grieve the Holyspirit and are leading you to hell.
They don't make them just to entertain you,that's a lie.
They make them because they want your soul.
No matter how innocent they may seem this is the truth.
" There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."Proverbs 14:12
I used to love all those things but when I met Jesus I had to let them go.
You can't serve two masters.
You can't keep your garment pure while watching all those non christian movies,soaps and cartoons.
Each person will reap what they sow.
My sister Zipporah was shown the following by the Lord.
"I saw short, dark, tough-skinned, ugly, horned
demons with huge axes. They were axing people in hell who were
running in all directions. The demons ran with all their might axing
the ground as they chased these people. The Lord told me they
were those who watched secular television . Then I asked him if it
was right for some people to be there for that reason because some
did not get the revelation that it was wrong. Then he told me, 'I
have given human beings the ability to choose between what is
good and bad. When most people see that what they are watching
is sinful and does not bring Me glory, they continue as though doing
something that is pleasing me. Secular TV does not have one good
thing. It just portrays violence, promiscuity, drug abuse and a care
free life without me."
Repent,Jesus is coming back but He's only coming for the holy.
Wash your robes in Jesus' blood.
He's not telling us to be separate from all these things because He doesn't want us to be entertained.
He's doing it because He loves us.
We cannot entertain ourselves with abominable things.They only defile us and takes us away from God.
And nothing unholy will enter the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father.
Jesus loves you with unending love.
The regrets of my friend in hell........
" For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia." 2 Timothy 4:10
As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him
and knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what
shall I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him,
“Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God
alone. You know the commandments, ‘DO NOT MURDER,
FATHER AND MOTHER.’” And he said to Him, “Teacher, I
have kept all these things from my youth up.” Looking at
him, Jesus felt a love for him and said to him, “One thing you
lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and
you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”
But at these words he was saddened, and he went
away grieving, for he was one who owned much property.
And Jesus, looking around, *said to His disciples, “How
hard it will be for those who are wealthy to enter the
kingdom of God!”
so my question now is where are the things of the world that demas in the first text loved so much that he even deserted God's work for?
Is he still enjoying them or have they passed away?
What about the wealth of the young ruler?
Is it still there?
Without a doubt,the answers to both questions would be " No."
All those things have passed away and now these people are facing eternity.
The time we have on earth is a gift to prepare us for the next life.
Every moment is precious because everything on earth will VERY SOON pass away.
you wake up,go about your business,retire to bed,wake up again.
And it seems as though it will be that way forever.
But soon the curtains will close,your life here on earth being like just a play being played out for a few minutes and then it's over.
What next?
I recount one of the times Jesus Christ has shown me hell.
I saw my childhood friend in that dreadful place.
I still recall the sense of loneliness that I was aware of in that place.
she was all bony and gray.
Her regrets were obvious,and her wishes loud.
She was just wishing to be in my place,alive with a chance to be right with God.
I could hear all the things she was thinking she would be doing if she was in my place,"I wouldn't even spend time going to eating places and enjoying myself.Every minute,I would spend it evangelising and praying.I would spend all my time on God.Everything else is useless.oh how I wasted my life.If I could just have another chance."
Those were her wishes.The wishes of someone who has crossed over into eternity and can clearly see how everything we do here on earth is useless when brought in comparison to serving God.
Don't waste your time of repentance by running away from God.
Someone in hell is wishing for that but they ll never have it.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
By Zipporah Mushala
"For we do not war against flesh and blood but against
Principalities,against powers,against rulers of darkness of this
age,against spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places,"Ephesians
Satan said,"For you who are my pastors,make your Church very worldly but for some of you,make it seem like you are not wordly.However when you preach,cast spells on the Church so that people will not be changing.They will not know that you are the one behind it."
"In your Churches teach some strange doctrines and also bring in my teachings in the Church.We will trap those fools who never read the Holy Book.They will not think anything is wrong and continue coming.They will believe everything.We will trap those Christians who are not alert in the Spirit."
"Some of you in your Churches,make it seem like no matter how they live,they will still go to Heaven.You know that the Holy One will never compromise and you will bring them all to Hell! Hahahahahahahaha! Yes,our ways are working even better than we thought.They are all being Harvested to my Kingdom and they'll never escape! Deceive real Pastors to also think like this and to teach the same.We must expand our Kingdom,influence them to teach things that come from us."
"In your preaching,make it seem as if to go to heaven all they have to do is attend Church.For the rest of the week they will be doing whatever they want and will be serving me their Master.Plant Satanic signs in your Churches where they will not be noticed.This will make them not leave your Church no matter how much they hear the truth from somewhere else."
"Those fools are lazy to worship their God in the right way and so I will bring them all to Hell! Every last one of them,I will bring them all to Hell.I Swear that I will not rest until Hell receives them.I will use any tactic,foolish and wise to bring them all! I hate humans but especially those Christians.I hate even more those who are not sure of what they want.They say they belong to the Holy One but they still love our things.When they pray,they call fire on us but their houses are full of our belongings! They will not even go to Heaven,the Holy One can never receive them.Those are mine.I will claim them the minute they die.Even the things they have,the things that belong to us declare them guilty!Even their own minds declare them guilty!
They think life is a Joke,they will trade 30 years,17 years, 80 years of the life on earth for an Eternity of Torture,hahahahahahahahaha! Make our things even sweeter so that we can trap even those who say they are really standing for the Holy One.Once they relax,strike them! Use this and that and bring them down."
"We should always be interceding for one another.The Lord instructed that we should be praying for each other like that person was dying today.The devil and his demons and human agents are always working tirelessly but many Christians are relaxed.The Kingdom of darkness works very hard and have a Passionate hate for humans but Christians like to sit and relax.That time has not come yet.We are in a Battle Front.The strongest team wins and the battle is for your soul.The bible says to put on the Armour of God.The devil has his Armour on all the time."
The devil was instructing his Satanic agents."Be their friends and make them start to compromise little by little.Make them gossip even at Church instead of being Holy and doing Spiritual things as the Holy Book instructs. James 1:26 says,"If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless."
"Also make them to start watching secular movies.Tell them, "Its just a movie,why are you not watching?" Make them feel foolish and start to compromise when they visit you.Soon they will start doing this at their own Homes.They will not even know that you are doing this on purpose. Spread our things.Make them compromise here and there. Soon their Faith will start to shake because our spells from those things will start working in them."
"Start quarrels with them anyhow.Start going out with their wives so that you can divert their attention.Instead of praying about it to the Holy One,they will start to fight with you physically and will lose their Holiness."
"Make your friends feel as if they are feel as if they are missing out 'the life' tell them that they only have one life and so they should live it to the fullest.Make them start smoking,drinking,fornicating,listening to secular music and other things behind their Parent's backs."
"Make them feel as if they will never die and keep them busy with the things of the world.They should not even have time to think of the Holy One or else you are in trouble.Keep them company and be their friends. However,also act like you go to Church so that they will not suspect you.Some of you should go to the Church.Pretend to be very prayerful and to be seeing visions but always make sure to mislead them.Plant immorality in the Choirs and Praise Teams! This is where I'll catch all those who don't pray."
"For you in my industry of production,write pornographic novels.Make them sold on the streets at a very cheap price.Let them read and start sinning.That is why my Kingdom keeps expanding Isaiah 5:14.It could contain the whole world and even more, hahahahahahahaha! They are the Jewels on my Crown,those I have managed to deceive into Hell!"
After the meetings,I saw the devil moving to another room and so did the Lord and I.This room was cold and it had a lot of machines and switches.It was like a Factory.I saw a different types of dogs and they were of different Colours.However right before my eyes,these dogs started growing long hair.It was not dog fur but it was long and smooth and I realised it was artificial hair.
These dogs were actually demons and this hair kept growing on them and went meters and meters on the floor.Some of it was even what they like saying Brazilian Human hair but it came from the demons.It was in many colours and textures.Other demons kept cutting it off for Package. I also saw the devil sitted and he also started growing the same artificial hair on his Private Parts and Arm pits! I was in shock.It comes from many places.Oh my Goodness!!! This is what people put on their heads.
This hair from the Kingdom of darkness.And the devil started laughing and said,"Let us make man in our own image!Let us,put our glory on them and they will be just like us."
The devil knows exactly what God doesn't like and that is what he is giving people.This is in order to take them to Hell.This hair can never be purified in prayer because it is a sin.Sin can never be purified.You can't say,let me pray for this Cigarette so that I can smoke it,never.God hates it and you have to stay away from it.
As these demons cut off the hair from these dogs,they were taking it to a machine which was cutting it in different lengths.I saw a lot of women sitting around this machine and putting the hair in packets for sale.They were not looking like demons and I also noticed that they were not looking up either.They looked sad.
So I asked the Lord and he told me,"Those you see being made to work are people from earth who have been kidnapped in the Spirit.Some people go missing but they are kidnapped by the demons and now,they are being made to work for the devil.Such,you should commit in prayer for their liberation. "
These are not the only humans I saw working.They were being made to do different things according to their skills.They were working fast because they were afraid of the demons.
I also saw demons making wigs for wearing and they were trying them on the big plastic dolls(Mannequins)They were make sure they were levelled using scissors.All this was being done to trap Humans.Do not fall into their traps.
The bible says,"Be Sober,be Vigilant,Your enemy the devil walks about like a roaring Lion seeking whom to DEVOUR,"1 Peter 5:8.
When the Lord warns us,it is not to plant fear but to alert us that we may not sleep in such an intense Battle.The bible says we should pray without Ceasing.That is the weapon to overcome the tactics of the devil.We should always move in the Spirit and pray for those still in darkness.
body Bible,
Racheal and Zipporah Mushala
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