Saturday, January 14, 2017



In a vision of the night, the Lord showed me the queen of the coast.
I found myself in a certain place where there was great commotion. I saw many people running towards something in numbers. I was wondering what was happening until I heard some people shouting, "the gods have come! The gods have come down to us! "
When I walked to that place to see what these people were talking about, I saw a great giant. Her skin was grey and almost transparent and she was shaking people's hands. Her big hand stretched down and I saw people whose hands looked like that of babies compared to hers stretch up their hands to touch a part of her hand. She was so huge and they could not touch her whole hand.
She seemed pleased that these people worshipped her and she had a big smile on her face as she was greeting them. I saw that she was pretending to be kind, like people would expect of the so called gods (who are demons) and she had a tender expression on her face in pretense as if she cared about her worshippers.
I could tell that the love she was showing them was faked.
Her face looked young, like in her early twenties and she wore very simple clothes and had on her head artificial hair which did not look fancy but just ordinary. She looked 100% innocent and ordinary.
I saw crowds running to her with great noise like that of a football match , both men and women. I was to surprised to see that even men were running to her! There was a great commotion and people were all fighting to be near her, so that their hands or the tips of their fingers could at least just touch a part of her or her clothes! They greatly worshipped her.
The men I saw running to her had hairstyles where they shaved the hair in the sides and left the hair on the middle and then had dyed, plaited it or left it just like that, like we see many men doing today. I was shocked to see that the queen of the coast was the one behind these hairstyles for men as well! Some of the men also had painted nails and earrings.
The women I saw had artificial hair on their heads and had fake eye lashes, mascara, painted nails, trousers etc and all worldly dressing.
For some of them, their clothes and jewelry were not looking fancy but just ordinary and inexpensive but I saw that the queen of the coast was the one ruling them. Even if a dress is long but transparent, it is still indecent .
The Lord was showing me that its not just the fancy and expensive make up, jewelry, artificial hair etc but even the one that looks ordinary. The queen of the coast rules everyone who does these things and they will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
That is why the Lord also showed me the queen of the coast looking ordinary. In this vision, I did not see her wearing fancy things clothes or hair. She was also wearing a string top and ordinary artificial hair. Her clothes were ordinary but indecent.
I had also seen her showing fake affection and care for the people, which means that she pretends to care about how you will look and to convince you that you will look nice when you do these things when all she wants is your soul.
Everyone, including men and children who adorn themselves (e. g wearing earrings ) and worldly hairstyles also belong to her.
James 4:4 says that friendship with the world is enmity with God.
1 John 2: 15-17 also says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but of this world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever."
1 Timothy 2:9 also says "that the women dress in modest apparel, with proprietary and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing. "
At that place, I then saw some men who were cutting down a big tree and it fell on many of them as a sacrifice to this god.
I saw that some of them counted dying for her as a privilege and were very happy to die as a sacrifice to her. That was the extent of their worship.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


This is a testimony of how God saved me and exposed demons in human from here on Facebook who came to me at School pretending to be all for holiness and wanting to know more about the testimonies but were actually sent to destroy me.
Paul in 2nd Corinthians tells us that he was among FALSE BRETHREN. Someone can come to you but just because they say they are a christian doesn' t mean that its obviously the truth. But thanx be to God who will not allow His children to be devoured by the enemy.
Before I begin, I would like to make it clear why we say they are demons in human form. It us not because of the behaviour they exhibited but because the Lord revealed them as such. I want to make this clear in case some people think we concluded that they are demons because of their behaviour. I have said this time and again that you can only know that they are demons when the Lord says so and not because of behaviour.
On Sunday this week, I received a call from a strange number and so I answered. It was a man on the line and he said, "Is this Zipporah Mushala? I came on campus but I didn't find you." And I told him, "That's because I don't live on campus, I stay at a boarding house." Then he said, "Ok, my name is(name withheld) and I know you from Facebook. My wife and I wanted to know more about your testimonies, so I came to your School but I didn't find you. What time will you be in School tomorrow? Maybe when you're done with everything, we can talk for a while, I'll come with my wife." Then me, innocently thinking that it would be pride, refusing to meet him agreed and thought, after all, the testimonies are for sharing and if some people are interested, I should share with them, and I told him what time I would be free the following day.
He came with his wife as he had said and they asked endless questions about the testimonies and I answered them.
They also asked how I manage to balance my prayer life and School and I told them the Lord gives me grace and I still manage to pray, fast etc. They also asked me what kind of temptations Satan tries to bring my way and I told them that just like everyone else, I depend on God and try to overcome through His power. Little did I know they were doing a research on me, so that they can know my prayer life and other things about me so that they can know where to shoot arrows.
Then they said, "We brought you a blessing as a servant of God but maybe it may be too heavy for you to carry to your boarding house? We can drive you to make it easier to carry " So I said, Okay, thanx for the blessing. I didn't want to decline because I thought "Well, these are people who are interested in the testimonies and if I decline, they may be stumbled and take it the wrong way." But it was yet another trick just for them to know where I stay. And all this time, I was ignorant of their doing until the Lord decided to expose them.
Then they said, there is even this missionary family from USA that we know but we are worried about their salvation, they believe that once you are saved, you can live any kind of life you want and you won't lose your salvation. So we are asking if you can come along with us on the day we decide to go and see them so that you can help them along with us to see the scriptures that show that you need to live in a holy way because in their state, they can go to hell because they believe once you're saved, you'll always be saved no matter what you do.
At this point, you can see what I thought, " Well, that's another chance to evangelise to more people." But then I also told them, "I just hope that it will be a discussion though, I don't like discussions about doctrine because mostly, people are grounded in their beliefs but I just prefer sharing my testimonies." And he said "No, it will just be a proper discussion with scripture and you don't have to worry about anything like strife. We will show them the scriptures."
So after a few days, we went to that family. What I expected to be a discussion suddenly changed.
This was the GRAND trap they had prepared for me. They wanted to use this as a chance to discourage me from ever sharing any testimony for God.
That man and his wife had said " We are going to discuss with them" but now, things had changed. They kept quiet and left all the talking to me and even sat on one end of the living room with that family and used that as a chance to bring my testimonies down. I only shared the part that God saved me on 2nd December 2011 and the attack started.
If anything, you can say I did not even share the testimony. As soon as I started, the attacks started. The one who was speaking was the man whose family we went to visit. He blasphemed God and blasphemed the Holy Spirit right before my eyes and called the Lord's Spirit a demon and his work (revelations) demonic, called me a demon possessed heretic, and said many other blasphemous words.
I was so shocked! What was unfolding before me was like a dream. This was not in the spirit but in the physical. That couple I had gone with sat back to watch, enjoying.
I had been trapped.
They had brought me here to try and bring me down.
They are so angry with how God is leading people to holiness and saving them from hell that if possible, they could have us physically killed so that we can stop sharing the testimonies of holiness.
I received a call from Rachael and she just said, "Are you ok? " So I thought she had sensed in the spirit that there was something wrong and I told her , " I don't know if am ok. Pray for me." I didn't want them to hear my conversation.
The wife of the man I had gone with to evangelise also kept laughing and joking with the family as if nothing wrong was happening and even kept moving freely around the house like it was her home. It was like a nightmare come true.
You could clearly see it was one camp and they had trapped me.
The story is long but I'll cut it short because the main points have been made. They wanted to degrade and scare me out of sharing God's revelations. But the devil is a loser and God will continue making sure he loses. They are failing in the spirit and so now, they want to come in the physical realm.
Brethren, as so many love the Lord in truth and in spirit, hold on to him tightly because Satan really comes like a roaring Lion seeking whom to devour.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


I was in shock when the Lord showed me the extent of the demonic pollution that exists. About two days ago, the Lord showed me that out of the THOUSANDS of friends that I have on Facebook, only 779 (seven hundred and seventy nine ) are genuinely there to read the testimonies. The rest are demons in Human Form and Satanic agents sent to bring the work of God down. This shows the EXTREME demonic pollution that exists in the world if such a thing can happen on my Facebook alone.
I am sharing this so that you, the 779 whom the Lord showed me are genuine can know that this is not a time to play with holiness as the devil has unleashed his warriors for your precious soul.
What is in Hell that he is so desperate for our souls? Yet I know that those demons in human form and satanic agents will pretend to be so holy so that no one will know them but the Lord is mightier and will continue exposing the works of darkness to His saints and they will never overcome for greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world.
This brings to mind the words which the Lord spoke to Rachael and I when He began using us. He said, " Because of the things I will be showing you, they will say that you are mad and its not true. But those who are mine will believe. Some will hear your messages for their own salvation and others, for their own condemnation."
I will gladly be called mad for Jesus in whatever He shows me
Brethren, this is not time to be deceived by the devil and have one foot in the world and one foot with God. Because I know that even among these few genuine people that God showed me, not everyone is ready for heaven but some are still living a double life.

This is time to totally let go of whatever you are holding on to no matter how little it seems. To God, its a big deal that will hinder entering Heaven. Lets just look around us and see how the devil is working and know that time to play is not there. Pray without ceasing. Watch and pray.

Monday, January 9, 2017



Message from Jesus Christ.

The Lord told me that we should always live Holy lives so that at any moment, we are ready for His Kingdom.
He said that many of us think we are different from those whom we see dying or whose death we hear about and that we think that for us, it will be different and that we will know when we're about to die. The Lord said that it will not be so and that we are not different from those who have died nor that are we special but that we will also die like them.
He said, " The day you die will just be a normal day. The sun won't stand still to show that you're now about to die so that you can now repent nor will there be an eclipse of the moon to show that you're about to die no! There are no warning bells for death. It will just be a normal day and some of you may not even be sick but you may just go to bed and your soul leaves your body in your sleep. That's why you should always be ready for my Kingdom. Tell people to live Holy lives. "
"Tell my children that they should not be with me today and in the world tomorrow, jumping back and forth. Some of those who are in Hell are there because of living such lives. They would be with me today and with Satan tomorrow and back again. Then they died while they were still with the devil. Tell my people to be Holy because without Holiness, they will not see my face. "
"Tell my people that salvation is not a group thing but it is a one man's journey. Don't refuse to repent just because you see someone else committing that sin because you don't know when your life will end. Its a personal journey."
"They may get a chance to repent later but now may be your last chance. Be foolish before the world for only a few earthly years so that you may be the wise one for eternity. "

"Many have been there before you and many will be there after you here on this earth . You will not be here forever. The things of this world are passing away but those who put their trust in me will never pass away. Please choose me today while you still have a chance to repent before you cross over to the land of no repentance. "

Friday, January 6, 2017



In a vision of the night,the Lord transported my Spirit out of sleep to one of the famous market places in my country. He was showing me what goes on as we lay asleep. 
I saw a lot of demons with clothes already packaged in different types of plastic bags ready for sale. They had made the clothes and were having them released to the shops and market places for sale. There were a lot of demonic spells in the clothes sent to work on people. In the vision,I saw a girl buying a skirt. When she reached home,she suddenly felt an urge to wear it a bit higher than usual to make it short. The spells were working on her. 
I saw her looking proudly at her short skirt thinking that she was looking nice. When she walked on the road,men kept looking lustfully at her and the spells in the clothes kept giving her sexual urges. Then I saw her fornicating with different men and she did not feel sexually satisfied. The spells kept driving her into more and more sin. When I passed by that place in real life,I was shocked to see that the clothes being sold there were the ones I had seen in the revelation. These same clothes made by the demons were being sold in practically almost every shop and market stand. Whichever shop or market stand I looked at,I at least saw something I had seen in the vision being sold there. These clothes made by demons are not just at that place but all over the world. The Lord was just showing that place as an example. That is how far the pollution of the devil has gone.
Not everything is made in the underworld but even for those not made from there,the devil makes sure to pollute them. The Lord showed me demons. I saw them going into shopping malls,shopping places and markets. They were moving in the spirit and so no one could see them. I saw them touching the goods to make sure they are polluted. They were touching even. the grains of beans on the market!
Let us EARNESTLY pray for the things we buy so that they may be purified. The devil has polluted the majority of the things such that no matter what,some of the things you use are from the satanic Kingdom. The Solution is prayer. Not lazy prayer but fervent prayer. Pray always and keep an everyday relationship with the Lord. However,I must say that unholy things forbidden by the Lord such as artificial hair,make up,secular movies,indecent clothes etc can NEVER be purified .Not even with a 40 day Fasting. You have to give them up. The Lord does not bless or purify what he has cursed. Those are accursed items!
These were words given to me by the Lord during my second encounter of Hell. The Lord said, “It is a disgusting sight when I see women, even young adolescents making cleavages. They just love to expose their bodies. They are possessed with the spirit of nakedness. They just can’t dress up but they have to expose their legs in short skirts and bodies in trousers and tight clothes. Tell them to repent, because if they don’t they will go to the centre of hell where there is the horror of horrors, as they have heard this warning. Tell them to respect My temple because they did not create themselves but I the Lord of Lords did!” He screamed this in anger with a clenched fist and tears trickling down his holy white garments.
He said,“The devil has not only possessed women but the men too. They wear a pair of trousers and drag it down and they think it is cool (Sagging). The men plait their hair and also make all sorts of lines in their heads with shaving machines when they shave it (shades in the hair). Their portion is the section with pits in hell if they do not repent. However if they hear this warning and do not repent, they’ll regret the day they were born in the centre of hell. As if that is not enough; they bounce about like balls with pride .The women also develop pride because of their clothes and treat others like dirt. These days, most people no longer even go to church to worship but to interact, show off their clothes and find what they like to call ‘love’ from those of the opposite sex. Tell them am waiting for them to repent with real undying love and I’ll never turn them away.”
In Ephesians 6:10-18, We have been given the weapons to defeat the devil so pick up your armour. Soldiers never rest in the middle of an intense battle. Now that you know the truth,pray without ceasing for your salvation and for that of those who are still lost. 
The devil tries to destroy your prayer life because he know your prayers will destroy him. 
John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." 

Thursday, January 5, 2017


There are many times when the names of Angels are mentioned in the bible and we have not been noticing them. We have read for years and yet it did not even cross our minds. But the Scripture does say that the when the Holy Spirit comes will reveal all truth to us.
The Lord revealed to me that if you read Psalms 23, you will see the names of two Angels;Goodness and mercy. Psalms 23:5-6 says,"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;My cup runs over. Surely GOODNESS and MERCY shall follow me all the days of my life;And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.
The Holy Spirit revealed that these are actually names of Angels that exist! Each Angel acts according to his name. Goodness brings good things from the Lord in your life and mercy also brings mercy upon the life of someone who may need it.
There are also other Angels, GRACE and GLORY. Psalm 84:11 "For the Lord God is a sun and shield;The Lord will give GRACE and GLORY;
No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."
Grace carries Grace from the Lord to someone's life and Glory carries glory to a place for example when praying. Angels have a mission of aiding humans on their journey to Heaven.
Hebrews 1 says "Who then are Angels? Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?"
As a Christian, you are automatically given Angels to Minister to you when you get born again whether you are aware of it or not. We have to trust the Lord in all things and know that he has not left us to overcome alone. He has given us his Holy Spirit and his Holy Angels to fight for us against all demonic principalities. All we need to do is to cooperate by obeying and we will overcome.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


 This time,the Lord allowed the devil to try in all sorts of me to tempt me in order to make me disobey. 
The battle was harder this time.
For you to understand this,you must have read the first one on obedience below. Sometimes, He would test me and just as I was about to pray before going to bed, He would teII me,"Don't pray."
And I would obey and when I did, I would sleep soundly.
Sometimes,I would be about to eat and He would tell me, "Just eat and don't pray. "
He wanted to see if I would obey Him or if I would do what I thought was the right thing to do (Human wisdom) .
He would also detain either Rachael or I,or both of us together.
One time, I went to visit my elder sister (not Rachael) and she went somewhere for a few days.
The Lord decided to take that opportunity to test me on obedience.
I was sitting on the Sofa and as I was there,I heard the voice of the Lord telling me,"Don't stand up from there for anything until I tell you to. "
I obeyed but then, to my surprise, hours passed and He did not tell me to stand up.
It was getting dark and I asked Him if I could stand up to switch on the light but He said, "No."
I stayed there in the dark and mosquitoes even started biting.
Satan was also trying to distract me in many ways.
I had left my slippers at the door and as I looked, the landlady's dog came and carried one of my slippers away! (My elder sister was living in the same yard with her landlady but different house ).
My first impulse of course was to go and get it back but I remembered that I had been told not to stand up. The Lord was allowing this to happen to see if I would still obey and not stand up." So,I decided to continue sitting in order to obey the Lord and could do nothing about the 'stolen' shoe.
Before I knew it,the landlord started calling me,wanting me to get out of the house and get my shoe back from the dog.
I was shocked that the Lord was allowing her to call me to get out of the house.
But the Lord wanted to test me thoroughly.
It is always easy to obey when things are easy but the Lord wants to teach us to obey even when things are hard.
I did not answer her but was just quiet.
I was in a fix about what to do but God wanted to see if I would still obey Him.
As if that was not enough, she soon came knocking on the door.
The lights were off so she could not see me sitting in the living room and she kept knocking and knocking and knocking.
She also kept calling my name.
Finally, she entered the living room and switched on the light.
She saw me and said," I have been calling you. I even almost called people thinking that you have been kidnapped. So you were sleeping?"
I did not tell her that I was sleeping but the Lord because I had obeyed Him allowed her to think I was sleeping.
She said,"Here is your slipper,I got it back from the dog for you."
I got my slipper back and she did not get mad at me for not answering her because she thought I had been sleeping.
All things work together for good when you obey the Lord.
God is faithful.
I thought it was all over but before leaving she said," The windows and doors are still open. Why don't you lock up. Its late." "Aren't you afraid that someone might attack you like this with open doors and windows this time?" She stood there as if waiting for me to act on it.(She was feeling responsible for me since my elder sister was not around).
I assured her that I would do that but she still stood,insisting on me to lock up.
God wanted to see if I would please a Human being instead of Him.
I tried to laugh it off so that she should leave and assured her,"Don't worry, I'II do that."
She looked at me as If I was being strange but then left. Just minutes after that, the Lord released me! I had passed my test of obedience.
That was a hard battle to fight.
Both fighting against demons which were whispering to me to give up and against Humans the Lord had used to test me. The Lord wanted me to share this so that should you ever come into a situation where you need to obey God,you should know that obedience is better than sacrifice.
And just Iike I said Iast time, I just hope that I will not be quoted out of context as some people usually do.
For example, the Lord definitely can't tell you to go and kill someone or to steaI something just for him to see whether you will obey him or not.
If that happens,know definitely that it is the devil. The Lord can never ask you to do something that is sin. #END


The Lord Jesus Christ has been telling me about how grieved He feels over the current state of His children's Christianity.
He said the way they are now is not the way they were when they first came to Him but they have started compromising and are becoming cold.
He said, "They don't fast anymore, they don't evangelise anymore, they don't pray for the lost anymore, they don't do overnights, they don't pray as much anymore and the things I told them to stay away from they have began to entertain. They have even again began to change television channels, watching secular Tv. The kind of people I told them to stay away from, they have began to pull near to themselves again. They have slowly started becoming like the people of the world in their dressing, behaviour, talk. Doing artificial hair and abandoning holiness. The warnings I gave them have began to seem like just stories and have began to fade away from their memories."
"What is the difference between now and then? If anything, they should even hold on more now and grow more spiritual because the time is nearer now than when they first believed. Tell them that every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and cast into the fire."
"There are some places my children used to evangelise in when they first came to me but now, they are ashamed of evangelising in those places. They say, 'what will they think of me' yet they used to evangelise in them when they first believed. There are some people my children would evangelise to when they first believed but now, they choose who to evangelise to. They say 'Let me evangelise to this one. The other one is too popular to evangelise to. He knows all about this world and girls are all over him. What will he think of me when I start telling him the word of God? I will feel embarrassed.' But remember that no one is too cool and popular to die or go to hell and remember that if you are ashamed of me and deny me, I will also deny you before my Father"
" When you got converted, the Kingdom of darkness shook. An atomic bomb. They were scared of what would become of their kingdom . You were a dangerous weapon that shook the foundations of hell, scattered the arrows of the enemy with prayer and hindered their missions . You made Satan uneasy all the day long because praise was always on your lips, your bible was with you everywhere you went and you would even skip a meal because you were too busy evangelising. Now, if someone asks you something about God, you hesitate to answer because you are ashamed of saying anything that has to do with God. Go back to the old paths."
"You would sing my songs as you walked along the road but now you're even scared of anyone hearing you singing a christian song. Are you scared of persecution? Persecution is bound to come as long as you truly follow me. Even from those who call themselves Christians. They will mock you when you go out to evangelise, they will try to bring you down and make you feel foolish for being holy. But that is the only way to Heaven. All other roads, no matter how they look lead to Hell. Remember, I have overcome the world. Ask for the Holy Spirit fire to be rekindled in you my dear children. I do not want you to have served me in vain in the previous years. Go back and serve me in truth and in spirit. "
These are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. May each one of us look deeply inside of us truthfully and serve Him as He deserves to be served. Let us not become like the children of Israel who failed to enter the promised land due to their disobedience.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


 The Holy Spirit is our great teacher and He teaches us all things as the word says that He guide us into all truth.
It is also written in the word of God that God's ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts higher than our thoughts.
When He teaches us things,it may not be the way we expect and sometimes,we may resist thinking it is not God .
There is a difference between knowing about what God did in the Bible and really knowing God.
Really knowing God means knowing His nature.
You have to know that this is the God who made the prophet Ezekiel to sleep on his left side for more than one whole year each and every night and to eat the same food for more than a year(of course for a purpose).
This is the same God who made a prophet marry a harIot.
This is the same God who caused the wife of Ezekiel to die so that he could be a sign to the children of Israel etc.
If you just know what God did in the bible, you will just stick to what you read and if He does anything else, you will resist and say that it is not God.
On the other hand,if you really know God,you know His nature and you know that He is capable of doing things like that.
If He does what you have not read about,you will still know its Him because you know His nature.
So today, the Holy Spirit has told me to write about the time He was teaching me obedience. Obedience is what will help us go to Heaven for indeed,obedience is better than sacrifice.
The Lord wants to develop that character in each of us. Total obedience.
The Lord teaches all of us in different ways. He may not teach you in the same way that He taught me. Some months after I had just come to the Lord on a certain day, I had declared a one day prayer and fasting. After I had prayed the opening prayer, the Lord told me, "Now don't do anything and just sit. I want you to do only what I tell you and not what you think you should do. Do not read the bible, do not pray. Just sit."
The Lord was trying to teach me obedience. I know it may not sound like the Lord but the bible says that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts.
In such a time,it is hard to obey because you feel that naturally since you are fasting,you should pray and read the bible rather than just sit. It was a very hard thing to do and He knew it. That is why He was using that to see whether I would obey or if I would do what I thought was right to do.
Just like King Saul in the bible. He thought that since the Lord had given him victory in battle,it was only right to spare some animals to sacrifice to Him but those were not the Lord's instructions. The Lord's instructions were to destroy all.
It is always better to obey God than to do what we think should be done. Another example is Abraham,after God had given him many promises which would be fulfilled through Isaac told him to give Isaac as a burnt offering.
Abraham could have thought it was the Devil speaking to him but he knew God's voice very well.
He knew that it was His God speaking to him,testing him. He could have decided to reason that since God had made promises through Isaac, it was only right that Isaac,the son of promise should not die and would have wanted to replace him with Ishmael who was not the promised son.
But Abraham knew to obey the voice of the Lord and not to reason.
So for the fasting, I obeyed that day and I later saw the Lord in a vision with a beaming smile. He was very pleased.
The Lord wanted me to share this so that should you ever come into a situation where you need to obey God,you should know that obedience is better than sacrifice.
I just hope that I will not be quoted out of context as some people usually do.
For example, the Lord definitely can't tell you to go and kill someone or to steaI something just for him to see whether you will obey him or not.
If that happens,know definitely that it is the devil. The Lord can never ask you to do something that is sin. #END


By Zipporah Mushal.

Before the Lord Jesus Christ showed Rachael and I hell,he said "Human minds are too small to imagine what hell is like." He said human minds have no capacity to imagine how horrible hell is.
Whatever descriptions you hear of hell,you still don't really know what hell is like.
You hear of worms which don't die, flames of fire,demons tormenting and mocking people,people being poured acid on etc but what you have is just an idea,because there is no possible way to describe it to a human being unless you see it for yourself.
When I saw hell,it was then that I understood what the Lord meant.When you are in hell,life on earth seems just like a story which happened a very long time ago,something in the past,you are now facing the real life.It is as if even the place itself hates you.Apart from being in physical pain,you are also in mental torment.That is a place where no one will have to insult you but you will insult yourself day and night for going there.
How can one describe the indescribable?
When one is about to die and they know they are going to hell,the feeling of being about to die and knowing you are going to hell is similar to this.Imagine being starved for 10 days,then whipped with sharp metal,then being thrown into a drum of boiling oil and then that drum explodes together with you.
Imagine the Hopelessness you would feel.You would feel totally lost.There are even no words to describe the feeling.I am talking about the feeling of hopelessness here and not the pain.You only start feeling the torments when you land in hell.
This feeling is just the moment your soul is about to leave your body and you know you are doomed.What I have described is only similar to how you'd feel.It can't even be compared to how you feel on the entrance to hell,not to talk about inside hell itself.
Normally,when human beings are in pain,they will want other human being to be in pain also.But the people in hell don't even want another single soul to experience they are feeling.They all cry out as if in a single voice "Noooooooo!" when another person lands there.The pain is without imagination.You can't even wish for an animal or someone who hates you the most to go there.
Isaiah 5:14 says,"Hell has expanded herself and has opened her mouth wide beyond measure, their glory and their multitudes with all their pomp together with the one who is Jubilant will go down into it "
Hell is never full,it keeps expanding itself.
I am not exaggerating at all.If I lie to you then I do not love you.This is not even close to it at all.I am trying my best to describe the undescribable.That is why the says bible says What shall it profit a man if he gains the WHOLE WORLD but loses his own Soul?" Your soul is very important.
Even in Luke 8:31,the demons which had possessed the man repeatedly begged Jesus not to cast them into hell but into the pigs.The punishment for the demons has not come yet but they also like taking breaks from hell yet they are not even being tortured but they are the torturers.Then what kind of place is that? Hell was not made for humans but they want you to go there. That is the place demons want you a human being to be.
Demons don't want people to know this secret,that is why they keep making people busy with wordly things.In this way they can't seek God so that he can reveal mysteries to them.


Hebrews 9:27 says, "For it is appointed unto everyman to die once,but after this,judgment."
Jesus revealed to us that demons have come to live among us.This is in a post entitled "The mystery of demons in human flesh"on my Timeline.It has bible verses to showed that this is true.
Have you ever thought about why the devil would have to send some of his demons to come in human flesh and pretend to be humans? Because hell is no joke.They want to deceive as many people with them into hell.Otherwise,they would just remain in the Spirit form and not come and live among us.It seems like a task to spend time even going to School just like us,going for work and living a normal life but they know what they will achieve at the end of the day,they'll take you to hell through their influences and spells.
The Lord Jesus Christ revealed that demons are living among us in form of 'normal' human beings.They are there in the whole world and in each religion to block people from knowing the Truth.They are in every neighbourhood,every School in short,just like normal human beings.
They even pretend to be your friend but they have a hidden motive.They know each other but sometimes can even pretend to be enemies just in order to look like human beings.
There is no difference to the human eye between a demon incarnate and a human being because they all behave the same,they even pretend to die but all they do is come out their bodies and join the other demons in the Spirit realm. They also pretend to be going through troubles and being persecuted for the Lord.
So you totally can't know them using your flesh. They are in different kinds and some behave in a worldly way and some in a 'holy' way depending on who their target is.But they always do something that will influence real human beings to sin.
You can't judge anyone as a demon incarnate until the Lord says so.Just because someone behaves in a bad way doesn't mean they are automatically demon incarnates.Sometimes,they can even pretend to be more on fire for God than Real people.They will also pretend as if they are recieving prophesies so that normal people will not know they are demons.They always plan things with the other demon incarnates.They behave 100% lie normal human beings.The Holy Spirit has to reveal to you a demon incarnate.They also pretend to have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and pretend to speak in tongues if they are 'holy' demons sent against those who pray.
Demon incarnates also love to marry real human beings and the children they will have will be demons from the spirit realm in human form of course.
That is why someone can even say,this person even has relatives so he can't be a demon.They have it all planned out.In Emmanuel SamaonJude's testimony,he saw the devil instructing demons to come and marry human beings.He told them, "Some of you should pose as if you are the Mother and Father to that 'person' for the marriage ceremony.Go and marry them."
That is why we need to be very prayerful before marrying anyone.And they are in every age group from the young to the old.
Jesus revealed that demons and the devil also write movie scripts and have their agents act them.The things that will be in those movies will be contrary to what pleases the Lord.They also have real humans who are agents for them.The number of agents is countless as the Lord revealed.Many people have been initiated in either witchcraft or Satanism and working rampantly for the devil.
That is why the Lord also forbade secular Tv,the devil has polluted each and every single thing on secular Tv including cartoons no matter how innocent it may look.Once you disobey the Lord and watch,their spells start working on you.You can't pray for those movies because they are secular movies.God can't bless what he has cursed.
Now just imagine,for them to spend time acting movies,singing songs and releasing them into the real world then how horrible is hell?That is where they want you and your family to go.
That is why you should never follow a human being at all!They may not be human.
People say, "You are saying that I shouldn't wear a short skirt but Evangelist Mary said its ok,God also speaks to her" Is a human being your standard? Then you are doomed and they will achieve their mission against you.That same person may even be a demon.
Demons know the word of God from Genesis to Revelations.They know the true word of God and what he requires.But they twist it to get you to hell.They even know that he wants inner and outward holiness and no artificial beauty.
Yet they deceive people by twisting verses and normal people also get deceived and start preaching the same.That is why if the bible is not your standard,you are doomed.
They also pretend to have heaven and hell encounters.People will say, "look,the doctor even signed that she was dead" What you do not know is that it was a demon.All it did was to come out of its body and pretend to have had a revelation.If you check that Revelation,it will oppose God's word.
It will come like an Angel of light with some of its revelations seeming correct but it will have some lies mixed and will use twist scriptures claiming to expain those 'revelations'.Then the other demons in human flesh will pretend to be 'normal' people who have changed because of that testimony and will even cry in public. Those demons who are pretending to to be Evangelists or Pastors will even encourage people to read it and that will lead normal people to be deceived.
The revelation of this demon is meant to make people sway from the Truth.The verses it will quote will oppose other bible verses.A real Revelation from God can't oppose other bible verses and cause you to sin.God's word is always orderly.That is why we need the Holy Spirit to discern between revelations and not just to rush to them.
These demons with 'revelations' will want to associate themselves with true Men of God so that people can also think they are also True.Once they deceive you,they'll keep bringing other 'revelations' which are not inline with the bible.Do not live in deception.
Don't be so surprised bretheren.The bible says we War with Princincipalities and rulers of darkness.Ephesians 6:12.
Don't think the spirit realm is calm,there is a war for your soul.And whether heaven wins or hell wins depends on the choice you make.Never follow a person. Let the bible be your only standard and ask God for his holy Spirit to live within you and show you the right way.If you are discerning through the Holy Spirit,you'll never go wrong.


Monday, January 2, 2017


During prayer,the Lord told me that everyone here in earth has an open door of salvation. He said that everyone, no matter who they are or even what they are doing right now be it murdering a person.
The Lord Jesus Christ showed me doors countless doors and I saw some of their owners. I looked at a door and I saw an Indian woman bowing down to an Idol. She was not even aware that there was an open door for her.
I looked again and I saw three doors. I saw 3 Arab men at a boarder. They had worn white as Muslims do and they seemed so busy. They seemed to be doing business transaction and it was like something had gone wrong with the transaction they were handling because one of them seemed so angry and was shouting at one of the others on top of his voice and pointing fingers. They were so busy with the things of this world and were not even aware that there is an open door for them.
They are fully convinced that Islam is the way and yet a door of true salvation stays open and unused.
I then saw a certain lady who was a Christian but lived a double life. I saw her dying and the moment her soul left her body and went to Hell, Jesus walked sadly to go and close her door. He was walking towards her door with His head facing downwards. He was closing her door and shaking His head in pity and sorrow. Her door of salvation was closed. She walked in the opposite direction of that door through the life she lived.
In these doors, I saw that only the person it was meant for could enter because it was like they were designed for their body and height only (personal journey).
I also noticed that the doors were fully wide open and a golden light was shining through the doors. The door was wide open so that it was inviting ( I am the door John 10:9) and there was a light so that they could easily see the door of salvation and not miss it (I am the light of the world John 8:12).
Beyond the golden light, I could see beautiful fountains, fluffy purple clouds with beautiful birds, lakes and gardens. It was the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus is inviting you and me to walk through that door and not ignore it through living an unrepentant life. Let us enter that door before it closes and life on earth is history. No more repentance. Only tormenting memories of missed opportunities. Many people do not know that there is an open door for them and some are even in false religions altogether. It is our duty to perform the great commission (evangelism) and make sure they see that door before death. Today is the day of salvation.