Sunday, October 11, 2020


"I send my messengers to say there is hell but you say, there is no hell.When you die and meet the fire,you say, Lord! Lord! Have mercy on me! I want to go earth to repent.                                                                                                                                                           ~Jesus Christ.
Welcome to this Blog! This is a collection of Testimonies, visions and teachings on Holiness, Blamelessness, Purity and Righteousness. We believe in Jesus Christ, the son of the Living and TRUE GOD.We believe that we are saved by grace through faith and not by works of the Law.

We believe that without holiness no one will see the Lord. The Lord is Holy and those who worship Him must be Holy as well!...We do not attain this holiness by good works, but by following the lead of the HOLY SPIRIT...

14th October 2015 By Zipporah Mushala

As I prayed this morning,the Lord took me in the spirit.I saw demons standing around a table.There was a map of the world spread on the table and the demons had drawn lines on the map dividing it into four parts.Then one demon which looked like it was in authority started assigning different demons to these areas.It said to the demons,"These red dots represent those true Christians,some even Pastors.Go and bring them down!" Then I fell at the feet of Jesus crying and said,"Lord stop them! Look,they are plotting against humanity!" But Jesus said,"Tell them what you have seen, warn them! Let them listen to you!"Luke 16:29. Then the Lord said, "But they are so deaf! many times I send my word but they do not listen.Why are they so deaf?!" Then the Lord said to humanity,"Tell me why you are so deaf! Why are you so deaf?! Tell me,I want to know! Why are your hearts made of solid rock? Why are they made of impenetrable rock? I am curious, I want to know,tell me aaaaaaaaaaaaah!"....Continue reading here

The Lord has indeed poured out His Spirit and very many people are seeing supernatural visions, dreams, divine revelations of heaven and hell and encounters with the Lord Jesus Himself. Through these revelations, Jesus is warning Humanity of the dire consequences of living a sinful life and the unimaginable joy and rewards of living a Holy life.

Will you hearken? will you obey the voice of Christ? Here are the revelations,dreams, visions, warnings, and encouragements to believers and to the whole world by God's chosen servants. Kindly read them, and earnestly seek God's face for Him to confirm the credibility of these testimonies. Do not go around asking your pastor, reverend, Bishop, Apostle or spiritual father if they are true or not, only seek God for true answers.
Angelica Zambrano Revelation of Heaven and Hell Rachael Mushala Revelation of Heaven and Hell
The revelation of Heaven and Hell of the seven Colombian youths
Warning from God to all the  women in the whole world

Sins that will prevent most Christians from entering Heaven

Zipporah Mushala Revelation of  Hell.
Gospel music with Reggae, Dancehall, Raggah, Rock(soft and hard) Rnb, Rhumba, Rap, Hip Hop and Crunk Beats will lead one to Hell
Warning: football and game betting is from Hell and will lead you there as well

Watching secular T.V and other forms of worldliness will lead you to hell

Emmanuel Sampson Jude Revelation of Heaven and Hell:

Michael Thomas Sambo Revelation of Heaven and hell: God’s Judgement and Holiness


Sunday, July 15, 2018


This is a vision Jesus Christ gave me this morning.
I saw an open space that looked like a play ground.
I saw a lot of huge rocks in the play ground.
Then I noticed that on each rock,there was a cartoon printed there;a picture of the cartoon main character,with the name of the cartoon.
In the vision,i saw that here on these rocks,were not just some,but ALL cartoons that are aired on children's channels like Disney,Disney jnr, Nikelodian,cartoon network,Jim Jam etc.

All of the cartoons were here,plastered on these rocks.
Then I saw satan standing in the midst of the rocks.
As I watched,I saw little children coming to the rocks,the same placs were satan stood!
some were running,while some walked.
The children were so small,some looked as young as 2 years,others 3 years.
They all came to satan at the rocks,and satan welcomed them.
They were all attracted to him by the cartoons they loved.
There were so many children's cartoons,and I saw so many titles but I knew they included ALL children's cartoons aired on children's channels.
The one that shocked me was that I also saw a Dracula cartoon for children,and I was surprised they can make such an evil character in a children's cartoon.
The children all ran to individual rocks where there was their favourite cartoon.
They were so distracted by the cartoons,such that I could tell they were unaware of anything else going on.
And satan was with them,patting their backs and encouraging them.
When satan saw me standing nearby and watching what was happening, he was extremely angry.
He turned all his attention on me and began lifting the rocks and throwing them at me.
I knew if just one hit me,it could crush me because they were so huge.
Each time he threw a rock,I'd call Jesus' name.
I'd just say,"Jesus " and to my shock, the rock would immediately divert,and fall on my side.
Non hit me!
This kept happening till he was left with just one rock,he didn't manage to hit me at all!That's the power of Jesus name!
And I began to pick the rocks he had thrown at me and I began throwing them at hit two at a time!
And all of them hit him!
The vision ended.
What I want to say is,whenever you are letting your children watch worldly cartoons,you are giving them to satan.
Jesus said," let the little children come to Me"
Jesus wants them to go to Him,don't take them to satan just because of worldly entertainment.
Jesus had told me before that they make these cartoons to trap little children.
It's satan's bait to lead them away from God.
And once they are old enough to know right from wrong,they will go to hell.
Jesus doesn't want their souls lost,Jesus died for them.
Those cartoons are meant to take the children to hell.
If you love your children, you ll care about their salvation.
Jesus had earlier told me,some cartoons are drawn exactly like demons,and they also put demons to posses and control children when they watch.
Jesus had clearly told me to tell you that secular movies,music,cartoons ll take you to hell.
All those non Christian cartoons and movies aren't meant to entertain you but to destroy your souls.
You may or may not agree but I ve done my duty by sharing exactly what the Lord showed me in order for me to relay it to you.
Those things are really demonic and simply bait for your souls and your children's souls.
Love not the world or the things of the world.

Saturday, July 14, 2018


I was in my office at my workplace reading the bible,after I was done,suddenly I felt the Presence of God fill the office in a very powerful way.
Then I heard the Lord say,"write"
I didn't know what the Lord wanted me to write,but I knew it was a poem.
Again,He repeated and said,"write"
so I opened my computer and as soon as I was ready to type what He said, The Lord Jesus began dictating the poem to me.
I was writing it word for word,I didn't have to go over any sentence,or rephrase it in any way,I just wrote everything once,just the way He was dictating,all the way to the conclusion and the verse.
I just thought it was necessary to include this background.
The word of God will endure forever.
Without time and without limit.
After all is said and done,the word of God will still stand.
After all has passed away,it will still be standing firm and unshaken.
After every book has passed away and is forgotten,
The word of God will still be fresher than any page ever written,
Fresher than any page ever read.
It’s Truths still timeless no matter the generation,
Its Truths still unchanging, its Truths still resounding
Louder than any anthem ever sang.
In the memories of the damned,it is a Truth they wish they could still hear and heed to.
To the redeemed,it is a Truth they are glad they heeded to.
To those on earth,it is The Truth calling them to salvation.
Yet,ignored by many,
Unnoticed by many.
Regardless of how many choose to ignore
Regardless of how many refuse to give heed,
And let all who proclaim the name of our God Jesus Christ depart from ALL iniquity.
He is a HOLY God.
H-O-L-Y is His name, and it is impossible for Him to excuse your sin and let you into Heaven.
Repent while you still have the chance.
Turn to God now with weeping ,wailing, and mourning.
Heed the word of God while you still have this privilege.
Only God’s word will remain forever.
The world may not view what you are wearing as too short,but that doesn’t mean God sees it the same way.
The world may think you are righteous and going to heaven,but that doesn’t mean that’s how God sees you.
Turn to God with weeping and mourning,for He will have compassion.
Whoever calls on the name of The Lord will be saved.
Joel 2:1-32 is what The Lord Jesus Christ is saying right now

Saturday, July 22, 2017


Last evening as my sister
Zipporah and I
prayed,suddenly I saw the
Lord Jesus Christ standing on a
narrow path,He had His hands
stretched forth towards us,urging us to come to where
He was.
The vision ended.
As we continued praying,the
room suddenly filled with the
presence of the Lord,then the Lord Jesus came and He started
talking to us.
He said,"My children,My little
children,the time is now.I
cannot wait any longer.I long
to come and take you.There's no more time,I am coming for
you.Iam coming for you."
Sometimes when we
prayed,demons would attack
us.We would see them with
spiritual eyes and as we prayed they would be
The Lord Jesus Christ said,"I am
the Lord your God and I reign
over all.Do you know why
sometimes I allow demons to attack you when you are
praying?Because I want you to
see that even right in the
enemy's camp,I can still keep
you safe.
When your enemies come,they will find you hiding in Me.They
will look for you,but all in
Zipporah saw demons that
wanted to attack her,then the
Lord said,"she's hidden in Me." The demons had no access to
As we prayed,one demon tried
to enter our house through the
wall,but it couldn't because the
Lord closed the wall with fire. I saw a vision of demons that
were trying to monitor our
prayers,then the Lord Jesus
Christ said,"they will look but
all in vain."
Suddenly I saw them blinded.They were hitting into
each other because they could
not see.
The Lord told us,"No one will
ever love you like I do.My love
is unending.Rely on Me My children.I am willing to give
you all you need.Just trust Me.I
will never fail you."
The Lord Jesus told us,"have
only one eye for Me.I long for
you to walk hand in hand with Me in the heavenly gardens."
The Lord showed me the
beautiful heavenly
gardens.They were so very
beautiful in a way I can't
describe.With flowers so beautiful and bright and
perfect.And the scent was
The Lord said,"the spiritual
realm is real.wether people
like it or not and everyone will have to face it one day.Thats
why people must prepare for
that day because regardless of
what they believe,the truth
remains and they will have to
face it." The Lord showed Zipporah saw
a vision where Me and her
were walking on a red
carpet,but the carpet was
made of the blood of Jesus.As
we walked,she saw satan and two demons wanting to come
after us . immediately wings
appeared and we flew far
from their reach.
The Lord Jesus Christ said,"I
reign over all.All power belongs to Me."
He said,"No one can come to
Me except I call them.Only I can
Let's make Jesus first in our
lives and seek Him.He told us He's willing and will answer all
our prayers.We just have to
seek Him.
In 2011,the Lord had given us a
promise about something.we
held on to the promise so much and as time passed we began
to let it go and forgot about
it.But it didn't please the Lord
that we were forgetting about
His promise. He told us"why
have you forgotten about My promise?why don't you
remember My promise
Whatever promise the Lord has
given you is precious.Hold on
to it.He will still fulfil it. Jesus will come and all the
warnings we keep receiving of
His coming will stop.
Be ready for His coming.Dont
be caught unawares after all
the warning.Jesus loves us all so much and He told us we
must trust Him with
The Lord doesn't want us to
worry about anything.He
wants us to rely on Him and trust Him,to pray about
And the Lord told us time is
very short and Satan has sent a
lot of agents to earth.The Lord
showed me and my sister satanic agents,they were so
many and from all walks of
life.Rich and poor and they all
looked very innocent.Their
work is to capture Christians
and make them fall.But if you stay close to Jesus they have
no power over you.
The Lord also said we must
evangelise to the lost.
Jesus Christ is coming back
September 17, 2015 at 4:18pm

Friday, July 21, 2017


My judgement will fall on all
those comforting my people on
their way to hell,"says the
Lord,"non of them will escape ".
meetings are held through out
the year all over the world but
why is it that hell still keeps
being populated by the same people attending these
conferences and meetings?
Why is it that the people filling
the churches Are the people
filling hell?
Why are so few entering heaven and many still falling
into the eternal fire of hell
right from the church pew?
Jesus keeps weeping for their
souls yet all you do is keep
telling them how God will bless them.You can't tell them to
repent,to fear and love the
Lord and live in righteousness.
How is it that a preacher can
spend the whole year
preaching only about the earthly blessings without ever
telling the people the way of
salvation When those very
people are On their way
running to hell ?
Why don't you take time and listen to the heart of Jesus?
He is weeping for His people
being soothed by sweet words
on their way to hell.
Why do You comfort God's
people on their way to destruction?
Do you know hell is eternal?
The Lord is a devouring fire.It's
a terrible thing to fall into the
hands of the living God.
Do not scatter with the enemy,gather with Jesus.
September 23, 2015 at

Thursday, July 20, 2017


This is a repost of this message from re-sharing it because it is very important.
On 25th of December, 2015 during prayer the Lord Jesus Christ took over my body and began speaking through Me and He gave us messages which I have written word for word below.
My children, speak the truth. Speak the truth, do not children are perishing day and night. There are no workers in my vine my work, for I am watching over my work in season and out of weather you feel like or you don’t .do my work and you will not regret it I promise you.
I will watch over you, fear the lord your God who rules over all the kingdoms of the earth. I have never failed I never will. I do not not fear the forces of hell, they are nothing to me. Where are they now? I am the lord.
Am never far away, am always my work and do not fail me. I am the lord and time is my work like there’s no more my work now! Not my work like there’s no time now.
For there is no more at all. Can’t you see it? The things I have told you all, have come to pass now. There is no time now, do my work everything you can for my service. You will see your reward. You will see your reward and you will see how gracious I am, you will see that you will not regret it.
Never, never has anyone ever worked for me and regretted careful, watch and pray. The devil is looking at you right now. He has set traps in your not fall. Let my word be a light to guide you, so that you will not fall into the traps.
He will look for every opportunity, therefore, listen to me. Stay with one can save you, only me, only me. Speak everything I have told you! I am the lord your God and I tell you again, speak it! Do not be silent. I am the Lord your God! I am shouting, I the lord your God have shouted it to not be silent, speak it out.
I do not want worldliness in my church!! I will make no exceptions. Nothing worldly will enter my kingdom! I do not change! I am the same as I was yesterday. Speak it with your last breath. I will not accept worldliness, I will not accept those styles from hell! I will not accept hell into my heaven!
Do you expect me to welcome Satan into my kingdom? Do you want me to bring up hell into my heaven? I am a holy God, I am a holy God. I will never accept not fear, do not be intimidated.
For I am with you. Speak that I have told you. Secular T.V, let it stay away from you! From this day, let me never see any of you watch those worldly things again! I never want to see you watch those things again. I am the lord your creator, who greatly, greatly, greatly loves you and I know why I said not conform to the world. Let the world conform to me.
For the world cannot enter heaven. Only me can. The world will never enter heaven, only me. Therefore, let the world conform to me. Time is up. Time is up. Time is no more. Stop running to the world and back to me. Because you will see that you will be closed out.
There is no time at all, how can I make make you understand this? The things that are awaiting you are much more better. Why do you hold on to this filth? Why? Why are you holding on to the filth? When I have so much for you. Why are you holding on to the filth?To the rotting things full of worms.why? Are they so much more attractive than all the treasures I have stored up for you? I know what am talking about because I loved you enough to die for you isn’t that enough to make you trust me?
The world will pass away, but I will forever you want to pass away with the world? Be a shining light unto the world. Make your father proud. Bring joy to your father. The one who loves you so much. The one who is always there. The one who never changes. I have said it, those cartoons are from hell! Stop watching them! Stop entertaining yourselves from hell a place of entertainment? Is that what you want? Is that what you think is the best for you? Are you rejecting heaven and accepting hell? For I give you a choice I do not force. Hell will entertain you today, it will entertain you but it will punish you severely tomorrow and you will cry and weep and gnash but it will be hopeless.
Do you think those people in hell are foolish? They were like you! They were like you! They were like you they knew me! They were running to the world and to me! They were not all completely in the world, they prayed like you! They talked about me like you! Why are they there? Because they were doing what you are doing.
Me one day, the world the next day. Never, it will never work. Death will catch you unexpectedly. I have no favors, I favor no one. My justice forever reigns. Whoever dies in sin, hell awaits you. I don’t care how close you were to me. I don’t care if you used to see me! I don’t care if I used to use you mightily! If you die in sin, sin cannot enter.
Which one do you choose my children? After I have paid the price for the way to be cleared for you, the choice is yours. Don’t be deceived. Everything I have told you is true. Believe me, the lord your God. I love you. I do not lie, everything I have told you is true. I have told you, everything is true. Why are you so forgetful? Why are you so forgetful of what I told you? I told you those cartoons are from you think I lied? Or do you want to wait until those same demons torture you? I told you those secular programs are from hell. Do you think I lied? What would I gain? I am the creator, I have all. I don’t need to lie to gain anything.
But I told you to save your souls and you do not mercy endures forever, but my judgment awaits the stubborn. Which one are you going to be? Are you going to choose the way of righteousness and peace or the road to hell? It’s up to you now. It’s all up to you.
I have thrones for you, for you to reign with me forever more. But why are you rejecting all that? Just for that filthy thing you call entertainment? Blaspheming my name all day? And you call it entertainment? Praising the devil and you call it entertainment? Is that what you are going to choose?
I have spoken to you now, but I tell you the truth, as I speak right now, Satan listened to everything I said. He will send his demons to trick you and you will listen again. You will! Because you are not standing upon my word. Therefore I tell you now. Stand upon my word and you will overcome .didn’t I tell you in my word that without me you are nothing? Therefore why don’t you read my word as if it was the water? Why don’t you read my word as if it was the water you drink every day? Why isn’t it the food that never leaves your mouth? I tell you now, because my word isn’t the food that that leaves your mouth every time, that is the reason why you always listen to the enemy.
I have offered my help. I have given myself for you. I have died for you and I have offered to help you. I have offered to help you. Keep your eyes on me. Let my word never leave your mouth! Read my word morning, evening, night read my word! Live my word and you will prosper now and forever more. Don’t be carried away. Don’t think am delaying in coming. Do not relax and think am not coming. Because then, you will be taken by surprise.
Do you want to know what will happen when that happens? I tell you, you don’t want to be part of it. I do not want anyone to be part of it. Have you ever seen human beings suffering more than animals? I tell you, you don’t want to be part of it .prepare, prepare now! Pray without ceasing. Fast! Fast I say. Pray and fast. Preach my word. Watch and pray. Check your robes every day. It will be worth it. It will be more than worth it I tell you. The reward will be more than worth it I tell you.
Do not look down on yourselves. I am your not condemn yourselves. I know everything am the lord your God. The one who helps you. Obey me now. Take everything into the sea of no remembrance. Let your obedience begin now. For it’s not too late. For the hour is indeed now when I come, I cannot say its tomorrow, no, I say the hour is now. I come, I come, I come ,tell the world that I come!
Tell the world that I Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty who died for them on the cross of Calvary ,tell them I come again, tell them am coming, tell them am expecting righteousness from them. Tell them am expecting righteousness and holiness.
Tell them, fear no one, no, fear no one. I am the Lord God, who is that man whom you will fear if you do not fear your God? Tell them this, tell them Jesus Christ of Nazareth said, stop wearing like prostitutes if you really are my daughters. It breaks my heart to pieces, tiny pieces. For how long is it going to be? Who has bewitched you? Who is it? Tell me now!
Tell them I come, but tell them, I require holiness and righteousness .Tell them, where has the love gone in my church? I will not take a church without love. Have you never read? Have you not read in your bibles? The lord God himself is love.why then do you slander each other in your churches? If it was outside I would tolerate it,but not in my church! Why? Why is there so much bitterness? Why are you fighting for positions? Are you really fighting to serve me? Or are you fighting for fame of men? Let me tell you, you have received your reward and in full! Running over and poured over you! Nothing more shall you receive. And you will not enter my kingdom. You will enter the kingdom of your father the devil. Because I the lord your God I am love.
Why have you turned my church into a club where you just meet and make programs? When am I going to make programs for you? Am I still the owner? Why am I being pushed outside? If I am the owner. No, I do not own you anymore. You have rebelled against me. You have rebelled against me. Therefore, if you do not turn back to me before its too late, I tell you this, only destruction awaits you. So many of you, so few doing My work in genuinety. What is happening? Have you lost sight of your creator?
Well then, He is here calling you again to look back and turn back to Him. His love is unending, have you never heard? Don’t you know He loves you? His love is unending. Unending. Forever.
But why has your love ended? Are you really like your Father? That is why I say, you are no longer My children. You are no longer Mine, unless you return to Me. You keep rejecting My word, you keep rejecting My messages. Why don’t you seek Me and I will tell you. Why? Why don’t you seek Me? What are you afraid of? well tell Me now; what are you afraid of? Are you afraid you are going to find out it’s the truth? Are you afraid you are going to find out it’s the truth? And are you afraid you are going to have to preach the truth and be hated by people? Have you not read a servant is not greater than the master?
Therefore why are you seeking praises everywhere? Praises that lead straight to hell? I tell you, that makes no sense. Nothing at all.Nothing. It makes no sense, no sense to Me your God. Does it make sense to you?To be praised and die?
There’s so much self -righteousness. So much self-exaltation. Where will Jesus be exalted if you are the ones exalted? Humble yourselves before Me and I will exalt you.
I am coming very quickly and My reward is with Me to give to each man according to his work. How will you be rewarded? See now and expect it. See now and expect your reward. Now you can change everything. But when I come it will be too late.
I will accept no reason for anyone who fails to complete their work. No reason I say, No reason.Was the servant who buried his treasure in the ground….were his reasons heard? I tell you,for everything I have given you,I have made the conditions suitable for that. Therefore, I will accept no laziness from My children. Do My work in season and out of season. Put yourselves in My shoes, am watching people fall into hell everyday. Do you know how that feels? No, you don’t know. You do not understand.
It breaks your heart. You want to bring those people back up to heaven, but sin cannot enter My Kingdom, I am a Holy God. Therefore, they must remain where they are.But preach to them. Preach. Day and night, morning, noon, preach the word, talk about My judgement, talk about My holiness, talk about My word, talk about Me. Tell them, tell them, tell them. Speak it out loud. Shout it on the mountain top. Speak speak speak everywhere. Speak, speak don’t be silent. Don’t wait for anything, there’s nothing to wait for.
Time is gone.Speak.You are not alone.Time is gone.Speak,Preach.Do not rest.The time of your rest will come.It’s not now, it’s not yet,no.The harvest is not done.Do not rest.Do not rest.The time of your rest will come.
And I tell you,it will be restful.I tell you it will be worth it.i tell you,I tell you, you will be glad you worked so hard.You will be glad,don’t be tired My children.Dont be tired, No.Do not be tired.Use every opportunity,tell everybody,tell everyone your King is coming.
Tell them all,let them all know am coming.Let them all know am Holy.Let them know am Holy.Let them know without holiness no one will see Me.
Tell them Jesus Christ is a Holy God.Jesus Christ is not a worldly God.Which Jesus do you have?I tell you,I tell you, I am Holy, I say this, this is the truth,am Holy,Holy,Holy,Holy is My name!
I want holiness My children,from your hearts,to your mind,to your speech,to your character,your behavior,your dressing,your conduct,everyth
ing,Holiness.Let holiness clothe you like a robe.I tell you,don’t be deceived,don’t be deceived,I am the Lord your God and I say this;without holiness not one person,not one Pastor,not one Bishop,not one Archbishop,not anybody will see Me.I tell you,wether they prophesy,wether they heal the sick,wether they pray, they fast, without holiness no man will see Me.
Therefore I tell you, preach holiness,tell them holiness is required,before they can prepare in any other way,tell them they just have to be holy, they just have to be like their creator.From the little children,little little little children.Am saying,little, did you hear Me?Do not neglect them.Am telling you,little little children,little little children,am telling you, Am talking about 4 year olds,tell them,holiness,3 year olds,holiness,let them grow knowing holiness is important,is what will get them into My Kingdom.
Tell them, tell the old people,tell everybody,tell the teenagers,tell everybody;holiness,tell them prosperity(prosperity gospel) will get them into hell only.Nowhere else,tell them it will only get them into hell,that’s all.
Tell them it breaks their Father’s heart to see how they keep going every Sunday,all through the week to church,thinking they are going to get into heaven,and I see that they are taught nothing of Me,Nothing,I say Nothing,I tell you,Nothing, I see it, I am the Lord, I see it,I tell you I see it.I see it in many churches,I see it,I tell you,I see only tradition, traditions of men, that’s what I see I tell you.And the people go out, and they think they worshipped God.It breaks My heart,tradition
,religion, recipes for hell only,only,that’s all.
This is the time that Am looking for worshippers who ll worship in truth and in Spirit,who are led by My Spirit. Because,behold,the heavens are ready,the heavens are ready to pour out the Holyspirit,the heavens are ready for that great outpour for anyone who asks.
But I don’t see people asking,I just see people running to man for help.I see people running to man,and I ask;will they ever run to their creator?And I see no,no,no,no,no,no,no,the creator is not even on their minds.i see you run from one man to another,to another,to another,to another, prophet,to another prophet,to another prophet,to another,when will they run to their creator?When will they run to their God?Is God a shop?Am I a shop where you just come and get what you want?and you go back to your life?you just run to a prophet to ask for a blessing?No,I tell you I watch and I do not answer.I do not answer.i will not be used.
Repent for the time is now.Repent,I tell you right now look around you.You think everything is perfect,you think everything is perfect,but I tell you in a split second it will all change, Repent,Repent,I tell you, let this word never leave your lips; repent,wether they are angry,repent,shout it louder,repent for the Kingdom of God is NOW.
Tell them the Master says you will not see Him unless you are holy.The Master says you will not see Him until you remove your idols.Tell them the master say He cares about the outward too,or else I wouldn’t have written it in My word.i do care.How are you going to shine as the light of the world?Is the world going to look in your heart?What do you think I meant when I said you are the light of the world?Is the world going to see your heart and know you are My child?No.The world is going to see your conduct, and the world is going to see your dressing.
Many will regret,I tell you many,but it will be too late,many will regret,I hate to think of the numbers,you don’t know,you don’t know the numbers.There are Millions upon millions upon millions upon millions upon millions who are going to reject this,but who are also going to endup in hell.My heart breaks for them.Why is it?Why is that?My children don’t you know My voice,can’t you tell it is Me,your Father?why do you argue so much?Can’t you tell it is from your Lord?Why do you argue?why is it that you just argue?You argue and you argue and argue and you argue,stop arguing,stop!stop arguing and go on your knees,repent for the time is now.
Iam a holy God.Holy,Holy,do you know Holy?It is not partial,it is not part of your life,it is not your dressing leaving out your character,it is not you praying,leaving your behavior,it is everything.For on that day nothing will be hidden, I will see everything,and I already see everything.The time is now.
Tell the world I love them,I Jesus Christ of Nazareth who died on the cross of calvary for their sins,tell them I ve prepared a place for them,to reign with Me as Kings,sons of the Living God.
Tell them I’ve prepared a way of escape from hell.Tell them I invite them in My love.
Tell them it is I Jesus Christ who sent you.Tell them,tell them if they reject you they reject Me.Tell them you do not come on your own.Tell them it is Jesus Christ who walked on this earth
Tell them I am the One,the Great I am.Tell them it is not another Jesus,it is not another Jesus I tell you the truth.Tell them it is not another Jesus,tell them it is I.It is I the Lord your God who spoke to Moses in a burning bush and now I speak to you.Tell them it is I who parted the red sea who has sent you.Tell them it is I,I who spoke the world into being.Tell them it is Jehovah their God.Tell them it is the Great I am.It is not you,No.Tell them the Great I am has sent you.My sheep will hear My voice.
Peace be unto you My children. I am the Lord your God.I am your creator.I am Jesus Christ,the One who was crucified for you.I am the Son of God, and theres no one else but Me.
I go now,Peace, Peace be unto you.Do My work faithfully.Do My work faithfully.Speak My every word faithfully.And I am with you always

Wednesday, July 19, 2017



I had just come to the Lord and had been in prayer and fasting for
some days seeking the Holyspirit baptism and more of God when I
had my first encounter with Jesus Christ.
It was at this time that the Lord made known to me His plans for my
The responsibility that the Lord has given me is similar to the one
He gave my sister Zipporah,and He gave these words to both of us.
This was on 6th January 2012.
Below are His words of commission to me.
He gave me Ezekiel 33 talking about the watchman.
He said,"Iam going to show you hell and heaven so that you will
warn people to repent and escape from hell.
When I show you,I will require so much more from you because you
have seen with your own eyes.
But do not be afraid because I will help you.
I have set you as a watchman to deliver messages of warning to My
I have so much to show you and so much to tell you,and you must
speak of everything.
Do not fear anyone.Speak of all that i show you.
Many people will hate you,even many of your family members will
hate you.But don't be afraid of losing anyone's love because My
love will makeup for all the love they would have given you.My love
is purer than gold!
Many will rise and oppose you,but don't be afraid.Don't be
Speak what I show you.
Many will oppose you thinking they are doing God a service,they will
even twist bible verses to condemn you, but you must be faithful to
Me,don't ever be silent.
They will call you names,they will call you false prophets,many will
even call you crazy because of the things I will show you.
But you must never be ashamed.Speak everything.Dont ever give
up.I will never leave nor forsake you.If you do not tell the people the
truth,I will require their blood at your hands.
I am going to show you alot of things about the Kingdom of
I will use you to expose satan's kingdom.
And I will show you much more than you even expect.
There will be many persecutions but don't ever give up because
great is your reward.
You must never become proud or I will crush you.
I am with you always,don't ever give up no matter the opposition.
Today is the end of your personal life,from now own you will live for
My glory.
31st August,2015.
"You are a seer and God shows you alot of visions.
God says He will reveal mysteries to you,things not easy to
The revelations God will be giving you will not be easy to
understand and require a key to unlock.
(The Holyspirit is the key . He's the one who makes us understand
hidden things)
The Lord showed me a sealed scroll like the book of revelations that
requires a key to unlock.
Many will not understand you.
God has called you for a new move,one that has never been
seen,It's something different.
God also showed me that you will have a lot of interactions with
angels and they will deliver messages to you.
You will see angels in a way that's so real and people will find it
hard to believe and wonder like,"did she really see an angel?"
You will be an alarm for the church,God will be showing you on the
courses,seasons,and plans of the kingdom of darkness so the
church will know how to pray.
There will be no plan of the Kingdom of darkness that God will not
reveal to you.