Sunday, October 11, 2020


"I send my messengers to say there is hell but you say, there is no hell.When you die and meet the fire,you say, Lord! Lord! Have mercy on me! I want to go earth to repent.                                                                                                                                                           ~Jesus Christ.
Welcome to this Blog! This is a collection of Testimonies, visions and teachings on Holiness, Blamelessness, Purity and Righteousness. We believe in Jesus Christ, the son of the Living and TRUE GOD.We believe that we are saved by grace through faith and not by works of the Law.

We believe that without holiness no one will see the Lord. The Lord is Holy and those who worship Him must be Holy as well!...We do not attain this holiness by good works, but by following the lead of the HOLY SPIRIT...

14th October 2015 By Zipporah Mushala

As I prayed this morning,the Lord took me in the spirit.I saw demons standing around a table.There was a map of the world spread on the table and the demons had drawn lines on the map dividing it into four parts.Then one demon which looked like it was in authority started assigning different demons to these areas.It said to the demons,"These red dots represent those true Christians,some even Pastors.Go and bring them down!" Then I fell at the feet of Jesus crying and said,"Lord stop them! Look,they are plotting against humanity!" But Jesus said,"Tell them what you have seen, warn them! Let them listen to you!"Luke 16:29. Then the Lord said, "But they are so deaf! many times I send my word but they do not listen.Why are they so deaf?!" Then the Lord said to humanity,"Tell me why you are so deaf! Why are you so deaf?! Tell me,I want to know! Why are your hearts made of solid rock? Why are they made of impenetrable rock? I am curious, I want to know,tell me aaaaaaaaaaaaah!"....Continue reading here

The Lord has indeed poured out His Spirit and very many people are seeing supernatural visions, dreams, divine revelations of heaven and hell and encounters with the Lord Jesus Himself. Through these revelations, Jesus is warning Humanity of the dire consequences of living a sinful life and the unimaginable joy and rewards of living a Holy life.

Will you hearken? will you obey the voice of Christ? Here are the revelations,dreams, visions, warnings, and encouragements to believers and to the whole world by God's chosen servants. Kindly read them, and earnestly seek God's face for Him to confirm the credibility of these testimonies. Do not go around asking your pastor, reverend, Bishop, Apostle or spiritual father if they are true or not, only seek God for true answers.
Angelica Zambrano Revelation of Heaven and Hell Rachael Mushala Revelation of Heaven and Hell
The revelation of Heaven and Hell of the seven Colombian youths
Warning from God to all the  women in the whole world

Sins that will prevent most Christians from entering Heaven

Zipporah Mushala Revelation of  Hell.
Gospel music with Reggae, Dancehall, Raggah, Rock(soft and hard) Rnb, Rhumba, Rap, Hip Hop and Crunk Beats will lead one to Hell
Warning: football and game betting is from Hell and will lead you there as well

Watching secular T.V and other forms of worldliness will lead you to hell

Emmanuel Sampson Jude Revelation of Heaven and Hell:

Michael Thomas Sambo Revelation of Heaven and hell: God’s Judgement and Holiness


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