Wednesday, April 20, 2016


By Zipporah Mushala.

If David played his harp and an evil spirit left King Saul, what will happen to you when you play worldly music? You'll invite the evil spirits. Isaiah 14:11 says, "Your pride has been brought down to Hell, And the sound of your STRINGED INSTRUMENTS. Worms will be your bed and worms will cover you."
Recently, the Lord showed me the musician called Rihanna. She was sitting down and about to sing a song but did not have any. Then I saw three demons, that looked identical to each other like triplets, jump into her. And she started to sing a song out of the blue.
The Lord again showed Rihanna with a snake standing on its tail facing her. When it moved, she also moved her waist practicing her dancing skills. Many Western musicians get their songs from the devil. But the Lord showed me that even most local ones do also. These days, it has become a way of surviving in the music industry. You serve the devil, you remain; if you refuse, you are prevented from operating. The devil wants to trap people through music. He is the god of this world, 2 Corinthians 4:4. That is why he is in control of everything in this world including the movie industry. He knows what kind of music pleases God and how to twist Gospel music in a way that doesn't please God.
The Lord also showed me a music concert with a crowd of people. They looked happy and were singing along. Then I saw a huge hand that covered all of them. When the hand lifted up, I saw that it had left jelly like stuff on their heads in the Spirit realm. The Lord said, that stuff makes worldly songs irresistible to them and they just can't get enough. He said satan uses that music as spiritual sleeping pills so they will Not seek the Truth. The devil hopes to catch them in their slumber and throw them to hell.
The Lord said, "Why do people rap, claiming to be singing for me? Am I a Dog that people should sing in such an unpleasant way to Me???" "Do my Angels Rap or sing Rock to Me? People are bringing the world into My church. It has now turned into a night club!" The Lord was very angry and was referring to the so called gospel Rap, Gospel Reggae, Gospel Rock, etc. The Lord also doesn't like songs which are not specified. The types of songs that can be sang for the world and for him e.g the song 'You raise me up'. That music doesn't please God. Anyone playing it is worshiping the devil. The Lord wants to be worshipped in Truth and in Spirit. John 4:24.
Music is Worship, its either you are worshipping satan or the Lord Jesus thru your music. That is why the Lord keeps telling his people to stay away from the world because it is a trap from Satan. The musicians keep giving signals that they are worshipping the devil, but people are too blind to see.
2 Corinthians 4:4, "The god of this age has BLINDED the minds of those who do not believe. So that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God may not shine on
We asked the Lord why on the gates of hell, it is written WELCOME TO HELL. Why should someone be welcomed to a place like that? The Lord said it is because in His Word it is written, Seek and you shall find. So the people in hell are being welcomed to the place they were seeking while on earth, through their actions. They have AT LAST found it.
The Lord said we should especially pray for the Youths because they are the ones mostly trapped by this music. We should intercede for the world like they were all dying today. That is what the Lord wants.
The Lord told me this will be the last warning some people will hear. They will die and still end up in hell because of this music. It breaks my heart. Soon, it will be too late for them.

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