Sunday, July 15, 2018


This is a vision Jesus Christ gave me this morning.
I saw an open space that looked like a play ground.
I saw a lot of huge rocks in the play ground.
Then I noticed that on each rock,there was a cartoon printed there;a picture of the cartoon main character,with the name of the cartoon.
In the vision,i saw that here on these rocks,were not just some,but ALL cartoons that are aired on children's channels like Disney,Disney jnr, Nikelodian,cartoon network,Jim Jam etc.

All of the cartoons were here,plastered on these rocks.
Then I saw satan standing in the midst of the rocks.
As I watched,I saw little children coming to the rocks,the same placs were satan stood!
some were running,while some walked.
The children were so small,some looked as young as 2 years,others 3 years.
They all came to satan at the rocks,and satan welcomed them.
They were all attracted to him by the cartoons they loved.
There were so many children's cartoons,and I saw so many titles but I knew they included ALL children's cartoons aired on children's channels.
The one that shocked me was that I also saw a Dracula cartoon for children,and I was surprised they can make such an evil character in a children's cartoon.
The children all ran to individual rocks where there was their favourite cartoon.
They were so distracted by the cartoons,such that I could tell they were unaware of anything else going on.
And satan was with them,patting their backs and encouraging them.
When satan saw me standing nearby and watching what was happening, he was extremely angry.
He turned all his attention on me and began lifting the rocks and throwing them at me.
I knew if just one hit me,it could crush me because they were so huge.
Each time he threw a rock,I'd call Jesus' name.
I'd just say,"Jesus " and to my shock, the rock would immediately divert,and fall on my side.
Non hit me!
This kept happening till he was left with just one rock,he didn't manage to hit me at all!That's the power of Jesus name!
And I began to pick the rocks he had thrown at me and I began throwing them at hit two at a time!
And all of them hit him!
The vision ended.
What I want to say is,whenever you are letting your children watch worldly cartoons,you are giving them to satan.
Jesus said," let the little children come to Me"
Jesus wants them to go to Him,don't take them to satan just because of worldly entertainment.
Jesus had told me before that they make these cartoons to trap little children.
It's satan's bait to lead them away from God.
And once they are old enough to know right from wrong,they will go to hell.
Jesus doesn't want their souls lost,Jesus died for them.
Those cartoons are meant to take the children to hell.
If you love your children, you ll care about their salvation.
Jesus had earlier told me,some cartoons are drawn exactly like demons,and they also put demons to posses and control children when they watch.
Jesus had clearly told me to tell you that secular movies,music,cartoons ll take you to hell.
All those non Christian cartoons and movies aren't meant to entertain you but to destroy your souls.
You may or may not agree but I ve done my duty by sharing exactly what the Lord showed me in order for me to relay it to you.
Those things are really demonic and simply bait for your souls and your children's souls.
Love not the world or the things of the world.

Saturday, July 14, 2018


I was in my office at my workplace reading the bible,after I was done,suddenly I felt the Presence of God fill the office in a very powerful way.
Then I heard the Lord say,"write"
I didn't know what the Lord wanted me to write,but I knew it was a poem.
Again,He repeated and said,"write"
so I opened my computer and as soon as I was ready to type what He said, The Lord Jesus began dictating the poem to me.
I was writing it word for word,I didn't have to go over any sentence,or rephrase it in any way,I just wrote everything once,just the way He was dictating,all the way to the conclusion and the verse.
I just thought it was necessary to include this background.
The word of God will endure forever.
Without time and without limit.
After all is said and done,the word of God will still stand.
After all has passed away,it will still be standing firm and unshaken.
After every book has passed away and is forgotten,
The word of God will still be fresher than any page ever written,
Fresher than any page ever read.
It’s Truths still timeless no matter the generation,
Its Truths still unchanging, its Truths still resounding
Louder than any anthem ever sang.
In the memories of the damned,it is a Truth they wish they could still hear and heed to.
To the redeemed,it is a Truth they are glad they heeded to.
To those on earth,it is The Truth calling them to salvation.
Yet,ignored by many,
Unnoticed by many.
Regardless of how many choose to ignore
Regardless of how many refuse to give heed,
And let all who proclaim the name of our God Jesus Christ depart from ALL iniquity.
He is a HOLY God.
H-O-L-Y is His name, and it is impossible for Him to excuse your sin and let you into Heaven.
Repent while you still have the chance.
Turn to God now with weeping ,wailing, and mourning.
Heed the word of God while you still have this privilege.
Only God’s word will remain forever.
The world may not view what you are wearing as too short,but that doesn’t mean God sees it the same way.
The world may think you are righteous and going to heaven,but that doesn’t mean that’s how God sees you.
Turn to God with weeping and mourning,for He will have compassion.
Whoever calls on the name of The Lord will be saved.
Joel 2:1-32 is what The Lord Jesus Christ is saying right now