Matthew 26:40"Then he came to the
disciples and found them sleeping,and said to Peter, 'What? Could you
not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray lest you fall into
temptation. The Spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak."
Spirit is willing for most people but the flesh is very
vulnerable,subject to being swayed by pleasures of this world. There is
need to pray in action and not just saying that we will pray or else
there will be a backsliding.
The Lord told me to warn his children
against the evil works of demons in human form. Do not live your lives
carelessly being swayed from the truth by strange doctrines. The bible
says that darkness and light can not move together. Always pray for the
Lord to reveal who you associate with. Let the Lord expose the demons in
human form who pose as your friends aiming to take you to Hell by
deceiving you in various ways.
They are demons hiding in human
skin and they do not even have souls.It is a demon from hell posing as a
human being and they can not repent. Their doom is already sealed and
it is the lake of fire,so they want to take people with them. For them
to even come and live among humans in order to take them to hell,that
means they know the seriousness of the torment in the lake of fire which
is the end.They always lead people to deception and to sin.
Lord told me that EVERY person on earth has been assigned a demon in
human form to bring them down. It may even be more than one depending on
how much God is using you or how strong your Christian life is. They
will usually come in form of a friend,pretend as if they like you and do
nice things for you. They can even come pretending to be in love with
you. They have terrible missions.
Recently,my sister Rachael Mushala
Chisulo and I asked the Lord to leave no demon in human form unseen.
We have to know them so that they do not mislead us and deceive us. We
were shocked beyond belief when he started to reveal them because some
of them were even Facebook preachers.
They taught some lies to
people. They were not demons because they taught false doctrines but
they were demons because that is what they are and they are deliberately
preaching those false doctrines to mislead people. Only the Lord can
reveal that someone is a demon in human form,you can not tell from their
behaviour as even real people behave the way they do. Test what every
preacher says with the word of God.
There are some people who are genuinely deceived but some are demons with missions.
Do not be deceived. They can teach 99 true things and mix just one lie
to mislead people. One of them used to preach a certain false doctrine
to people and we thought he was just misled himself. So Rachael wrote
him a message to show him that what he was teaching people about a
particular subject was not correct. She even sent the scriptures to show
him that he was misled. This subject is so clear and simple yet he
teaches the opposite. So we thought he would come to realisation and
correct his error but to our surprise,he laughed and laughed in the
inbox. It was not until last week when the Lord revealed that he is a
demon. That is when we understood that he knows exactly what he is doing
and that he is on a mission.
Watch and pray and the Lord will
protect you from their evil schemes. The bible instructs us not to fall
asleep. It says if we fall asleep,we will be overcome. We need to be
awake in the Spirit.
Last time,I wrote a post saying the Lord will
reveal the demons if you ask in prayer for him to show you the truth.
Seek the Lord in prayer until your prayer is answered and never stop.
Your desire to see them can not be fulfilled until you ask from the
Father. Already,there are various testimonies from people whom the Lord
has opened eyes in the Spirit to see them. I was surprised when someone
came to ask me if a certain person is a demon in human form. She said
she always felt strange around that certain person. The Lord reveals
them in different ways. Like for Rachael and I,he takes down their flesh
and we see them for who they really are. This lady has been praying
for the Lord to reveal them to her. I knew that particular person was a
demon in human form but I had never told her because they were close.
This just proved to me that the Lord does not want them hidden. He
wants them to be exposed so that their plans should not work. In my
humanity,I thought it was best for her not to know but the Lord thought
otherwise and revealed to her. He can reveal to you too! Just pray until
you receive that gift.
I went to visit a Sister from Church and she
did not even know about our testimony of demons in human form because
she has been recovering from a surgery for months at home. My Mother and
I went to visit her and she said she had a very shocking dream.
actually thought we would not believe her. She said she saw demons in a
dream dressed like Soldiers. She said they looked like normal humans
and they had wives who were pregnant!So she was shocked that ,'these
demons have married and their wives are even pregnant?' That is when we
told her that the Lord had revealed that demons exist among us. They
even marry but when they marry a human,they have demon babies. Another
demon from the Spirit realm enters into the womb of the woman to pose
as a tiny baby. She was very shocked. Even a woman can be a demon but
the man a human or both can be demons. Even real humans get married to
each other but demons like to marry demons. The Lord wants to expose
them.The bible says,For this reason,the Son of man was manifested,that
he should destroy the works of the devil. She said she also saw someone
she knows who came to attack her in a dream.
The 'person' came with a
lot of evil spells that were making her whole body itch hotter than red
chilli pepper. She said the person looked very arrogant in the dream
and told her,"You claim you are Christians but you have not known us all
these years. You have even been eating with us and fellowshipping,have
you known today that we are demons? We are demons and our parents are
demons!We will deal with you. She called on the name of Jesus and they
ran away and she woke up in shock."There is power in the name of Jesus.
They even like to mock because they are succeeding in their schemes.
These demons in human form want you to be trapped in their schemes.
That is why even on social media,they do their best to dispute messages
from the Lord or if they have another mission,they take the messages to
the extremes to make people religious and give up. They all achieve one
common goal at the end,to take you to Hell. They particularly resist
that some demons exist in human form because they want to succeed over
you. Even preachers but some of them are demons. Pray!!!
I also
noticed that the more I meet resistance over this topic of demons in
human form,the more the Lord reveals to me about them and the more I see
them when I meet them. They are scared so they try to protect their
fellow demons that they may succeed in taking you to Hell.
If the
Lord shows that someone is a demon,they are demons. I must repeat in
this post to say the Lord showed me certain 'people' but he told me that
they are demons sent to deceive the world.
He told me that
Obama,his wife Michelle and their Children,Pope Francis,Nigerian
actresses Genevive Nnaji,Tonto Dikeh,Ini Edo,Patience Ozokwor and many
others whom I have not mentioned are demons in human form. They are from
the richest to the poorest. All they want are souls and they have no
interest at all in where they live. As long as they can get souls. They
can pretend to be converted in order to achieve a particular mission and
some even come as Pastors,Prophets etc.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
During prayer this morning,the Lord opened my eyes and I saw in the Spirit,a vision. I saw a man standing and an evil Spirit which emerged from a rubbish dump came and possessed him. It was like a transparent black fog but it had the figure of a creature and I was wondering why it had emerged from the rubbish dump. I heard the voice of the Lord saying it is a spirit of madness .I saw this man desiring to wear ripped jeans and to lock his hair in dreads after possession from this Spirit. He was being influenced by this Spirit of madness.
I heard the voice of the Lord saying to me,"Do you see this?Why should someone in their right senses wear ripped clothes?Only mad people wear such clothes. Tell my children not to engage in such acts. Look at his hair,it is not different than that of a mad man. Humans were not created with entangled hair but liberated,why are they putting it in bondage like mad people?Tell them to liberate it and be freed from the Spirit of madness!Tell my children to be free."
The Lord said,"When you look at the people in the world,do not just be thankful that you are no longer one of them. Pray for them because many demons are making them behave the way they do. I want you to know that there is a demon behind everything. The demon of beer,the demon of sexual immorality,the demon of nakedness which makes people walk almost with nothing on,the demon of clubbing,the demon of insults. These demons have ropes and they are dragging these people to Hell. Pray for their salvation my children! This is not normal behaviour. This is not how I intended for my children to be. I want you to know and pray for them to be free. Intercede for the salvation of their souls. They do not know it but after they have been bound,they have been blinded and are going to hell with blind folds. Smiling as they approach the tunnels of damnation,never to return. This is because they do not know what awaits them for eternity."
I saw another vision in the Spirit. Last time,the Lord had shown me some secret rooms in hell but I only saw inside 3 of them.This time,I saw a door open in a vision and I saw inside this other secret room in Hell. I saw different music instruments from drums and violins to flutes. It looked like some people were practicing inside but I immediately knew they were demons in human form.I knew this because these rooms are were demons prepare things in order to deceive humanity into Hell.I saw two music bands,one a Christian Rock band and the other,a boy band for Love songs.The Lord was informing me that these two groups are actually demons in human form and play their music in order to take people to Hell.Only the Lord can deliver us from all this demonic pollution and he will do so any minute through the Rapture.
The Lord has time and again warned about secular music and Christian songs that have worldly beats like Rock,Rap etc.If we do not obey,we will swept away by the devil who has deceived the world.Isaiah 14:11 says,"Your pride is brought down to Hell,and the sound of your stringed instruments.Worms shall cover you and worms shall be your bed." Not everyone who plays this music is a demon in Human form but others are being ruled by the devil too.We will soon reap what we sow.
The Lord also wanted to show me how fake the demons in human form are and that even their bodies are so fake! There are two types of demons in human form,others are born and live among humans while others acquire a body for a particular mission and then go back in the Spiritual realm.I saw a metallic looking machine.As I looked with my eyes,a female body of about 25 years old had been made.It already had make up and weaved hair but it looked lifeless.I saw a demon enter into this body and when it came on earth,it looked like any ordinary human being,even moving about but it was a demon! I saw this 'lady' even wearing a bum short and standing in a corner.I understood that it had come on a particular mission to destroy the souls of men through sexual immorality.She was posing as a Prostitite and I even saw her flagging down cars.This demon would go back in the Spiritual realm after its mission.
The Lord also opened my eyes to something very shocking in the Spirit realm.He showed me demons in human form that live among us changing their body parts!It was as if there was expiry date.I saw a Minister whom I will not mention because the Lord has not told me to.I saw that this Minister is a demon in Human form and She had a very important meeting.They went to the Spirit realm and other demons were removing its intestines and other inside parts to change them!They removed the ribs and put new ones.I heard them saying,"If we do not change them,they will start to smell and will be discovered." Praise be to Jesus who keeps revealing new mysteries everyday,what a shocker!To think that they even change their body parts.Walk with Spiritual eyes wide open to overcome these evil beings.
Finally,the Lord told me to tell his children not to engage in gossip,slander and self righteousness. He said many of his children are self righteous and gossip about those in the world,saying how lost they are!He said,"Will you save them by talking about them or by talking to them about the word of God?" He said we should not forget to love them even as he did us. The Lord said he ate with tax collectors and sinners and did not condemn them. He said we should never judge anyone thinking they will reject the word but to tell them and leave him to be their judge. The Lord Loves us and let us love as he has loved us.
Knowing all these things does us not benefit if we just sit and do nothing about them. We need to act in prayer and share with the world! Spiritual things are only understood by the Spiritual minded. Even as 1 Corinthians 2:14 says,"The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit and sees them as foolishness and he can not understand them because they are only discerned by the Spirit of God ."
If we pray and seek the Lord,he will open our eyes to these things and show how serious this is.Only with literal prayer can there be a difference.We need to pray and walk in the Spirit in order to overcome because it is a Spiritual battle,known only to the Spiritual man and we are fighting for a Spiritual eternal rest for our Souls.
During prayer this morning,the Lord opened my eyes and I saw in the Spirit,a vision. I saw a man standing and an evil Spirit which emerged from a rubbish dump came and possessed him. It was like a transparent black fog but it had the figure of a creature and I was wondering why it had emerged from the rubbish dump. I heard the voice of the Lord saying it is a spirit of madness .I saw this man desiring to wear ripped jeans and to lock his hair in dreads after possession from this Spirit. He was being influenced by this Spirit of madness.
I heard the voice of the Lord saying to me,"Do you see this?Why should someone in their right senses wear ripped clothes?Only mad people wear such clothes. Tell my children not to engage in such acts. Look at his hair,it is not different than that of a mad man. Humans were not created with entangled hair but liberated,why are they putting it in bondage like mad people?Tell them to liberate it and be freed from the Spirit of madness!Tell my children to be free."
The Lord said,"When you look at the people in the world,do not just be thankful that you are no longer one of them. Pray for them because many demons are making them behave the way they do. I want you to know that there is a demon behind everything. The demon of beer,the demon of sexual immorality,the demon of nakedness which makes people walk almost with nothing on,the demon of clubbing,the demon of insults. These demons have ropes and they are dragging these people to Hell. Pray for their salvation my children! This is not normal behaviour. This is not how I intended for my children to be. I want you to know and pray for them to be free. Intercede for the salvation of their souls. They do not know it but after they have been bound,they have been blinded and are going to hell with blind folds. Smiling as they approach the tunnels of damnation,never to return. This is because they do not know what awaits them for eternity."
I saw another vision in the Spirit. Last time,the Lord had shown me some secret rooms in hell but I only saw inside 3 of them.This time,I saw a door open in a vision and I saw inside this other secret room in Hell. I saw different music instruments from drums and violins to flutes. It looked like some people were practicing inside but I immediately knew they were demons in human form.I knew this because these rooms are were demons prepare things in order to deceive humanity into Hell.I saw two music bands,one a Christian Rock band and the other,a boy band for Love songs.The Lord was informing me that these two groups are actually demons in human form and play their music in order to take people to Hell.Only the Lord can deliver us from all this demonic pollution and he will do so any minute through the Rapture.
The Lord has time and again warned about secular music and Christian songs that have worldly beats like Rock,Rap etc.If we do not obey,we will swept away by the devil who has deceived the world.Isaiah 14:11 says,"Your pride is brought down to Hell,and the sound of your stringed instruments.Worms shall cover you and worms shall be your bed." Not everyone who plays this music is a demon in Human form but others are being ruled by the devil too.We will soon reap what we sow.
The Lord also wanted to show me how fake the demons in human form are and that even their bodies are so fake! There are two types of demons in human form,others are born and live among humans while others acquire a body for a particular mission and then go back in the Spiritual realm.I saw a metallic looking machine.As I looked with my eyes,a female body of about 25 years old had been made.It already had make up and weaved hair but it looked lifeless.I saw a demon enter into this body and when it came on earth,it looked like any ordinary human being,even moving about but it was a demon! I saw this 'lady' even wearing a bum short and standing in a corner.I understood that it had come on a particular mission to destroy the souls of men through sexual immorality.She was posing as a Prostitite and I even saw her flagging down cars.This demon would go back in the Spiritual realm after its mission.
The Lord also opened my eyes to something very shocking in the Spirit realm.He showed me demons in human form that live among us changing their body parts!It was as if there was expiry date.I saw a Minister whom I will not mention because the Lord has not told me to.I saw that this Minister is a demon in Human form and She had a very important meeting.They went to the Spirit realm and other demons were removing its intestines and other inside parts to change them!They removed the ribs and put new ones.I heard them saying,"If we do not change them,they will start to smell and will be discovered." Praise be to Jesus who keeps revealing new mysteries everyday,what a shocker!To think that they even change their body parts.Walk with Spiritual eyes wide open to overcome these evil beings.
Finally,the Lord told me to tell his children not to engage in gossip,slander and self righteousness. He said many of his children are self righteous and gossip about those in the world,saying how lost they are!He said,"Will you save them by talking about them or by talking to them about the word of God?" He said we should not forget to love them even as he did us. The Lord said he ate with tax collectors and sinners and did not condemn them. He said we should never judge anyone thinking they will reject the word but to tell them and leave him to be their judge. The Lord Loves us and let us love as he has loved us.
Knowing all these things does us not benefit if we just sit and do nothing about them. We need to act in prayer and share with the world! Spiritual things are only understood by the Spiritual minded. Even as 1 Corinthians 2:14 says,"The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit and sees them as foolishness and he can not understand them because they are only discerned by the Spirit of God ."
If we pray and seek the Lord,he will open our eyes to these things and show how serious this is.Only with literal prayer can there be a difference.We need to pray and walk in the Spirit in order to overcome because it is a Spiritual battle,known only to the Spiritual man and we are fighting for a Spiritual eternal rest for our Souls.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Zipporah Mushala Third Testimony of Hell
Zipporah Mushala Third Testimony of Hell
This morning [July 27, 2014], I woke up at exactly 4:50 AM from a horrifying revelation. I don't think I can say it's a dream, because during the revelation, I was aware that I was sleeping and that I was receiving a revelation. I saw an ordinary house with a garden, which had a lot of graves. I noticed two graves in particular where two wizards were buried. They had been buried with their bodies facing down and heads turned each in the opposite direction of the other. One of them had a charm tied around his thumb that pointed toward the house, so that in case the person responsible for his death was in the house, they would die.
I saw these two men lying in the same position in hell in grave-like triangles filled with soil. The charm around the man was irremovable, and it was tight around his thumb. They were rotting and producing a foul smell yet they were alive. I saw a demon pour acid on their bodies, and it peeled their skin like a cloth being taken off. Then it and other demons started cutting the middle of their backs in fine square pieces like beef. They then would then pull the body apart and worms would race to eat them up, and their bodies would reappear looking burnt and oily.
The emphasis of this place was not the torture, but the horrid feeling in the atmosphere. There was a total 'no-love' atmosphere. You could feel the hatred of the devil and his demons tense in the air. I felt like my heart would literally collapse from this inhumane feeling. I literally saw the hatred and hopelessness floating like a dark mist. I literally felt it with my hand like a vapor, and I could not believe that this actually existed.
Unlike previous experiences when the Lord has enabled me to encounter hell, this time around, I found that I couldn't visibly see the Lord, but could just feel His presence surrounding me. Since it was dark in hell, when I first arrived there, I saw his hand wave over the place that was before me, and after He did so, I began to see everything that I have just described. When it became so unbearable that I felt my heart would literally collapse, He suddenly appeared beside me, and I leaned on him.
"Jesus said, 'Please tell those who are saying that hell does not exist to keep quiet about what they do not know, or what you're seeing will just be a sample of their punishment.'"
When I woke up, I felt like throwing up, and I was shivering. I have never had such an experience of hell...I tried to pray, but couldn't. I was in shock. Then I heard demons telling me that I should shut up, or else I'd be next. But I told them that I would only be next if I did shut up, and I promised them in the name of Jesus that I would not shut up.
I saw short, dark, tough-skinned, ugly, horned demons with huge axes. They were axing people in hell who were running in all directions. The demons ran with all their might axing the ground as they chased these people. The Lord told me they were those who watched secular television. Then I asked him if it was right for some people to be there for that reason because some did not get the revelation that it was wrong. Then he told me, “I have given human beings the ability to choose between what is good and bad. When most people see that what they are watching is sinful and does not bring Me glory, they continue as though doing something that is pleasing me. Secular TV does not have one good thing. It just portrays violence, promiscuity, drug abuse and a care free life without me."
Rachael Mushala
My sister hadn't told me about this (testimony of hell), but had just mentioned to me when I called her that she had something to tell me of what she saw about secular TV. She and I are currently in different cities. What's amazing is that the Lord also showed me a dream about secular TV on Wednesday last week! (a few days before Zipporah was given this warning) He showed me how this opens doors of demons to enter our lives."
I dreamed I was in my house and the TV was on. But what I saw was that the TV was on a secular channel, called Telemundo. I then heard someone at the door struggling to open it, and when I looked, I saw there was a space between the door and the upper door frame; and the person who was at the door was peeping thru that space. I saw it was a demon in form of a woman with a horrific appearance and red blood thirsty eyes. She was carrying a long sharp knife.
I saw the knife, because she kept putting it in the little space where she was peeping from as a way of threatening me to open the door. She said, 'What are you watching? Telemundo? let me in! Open the door for me!' And she got very aggressive.
In the dream, I began praying in my heart, but couldn't pray much, and I felt the secular TV was the hindrance. But as I prayed, she failed to open the door. I woke up shaking and could hardly pray, but kept calling on Jesus.
What amazes me is that the Lord would tell my sister about secular TV just [two] days after telling me! And I haven't even had an opportunity to tell my sister about it! What an amazing God! Praise His name forever!
Cling to the Lord Jesus only.
This morning [July 27, 2014], I woke up at exactly 4:50 AM from a horrifying revelation. I don't think I can say it's a dream, because during the revelation, I was aware that I was sleeping and that I was receiving a revelation. I saw an ordinary house with a garden, which had a lot of graves. I noticed two graves in particular where two wizards were buried. They had been buried with their bodies facing down and heads turned each in the opposite direction of the other. One of them had a charm tied around his thumb that pointed toward the house, so that in case the person responsible for his death was in the house, they would die.
I saw these two men lying in the same position in hell in grave-like triangles filled with soil. The charm around the man was irremovable, and it was tight around his thumb. They were rotting and producing a foul smell yet they were alive. I saw a demon pour acid on their bodies, and it peeled their skin like a cloth being taken off. Then it and other demons started cutting the middle of their backs in fine square pieces like beef. They then would then pull the body apart and worms would race to eat them up, and their bodies would reappear looking burnt and oily.
The emphasis of this place was not the torture, but the horrid feeling in the atmosphere. There was a total 'no-love' atmosphere. You could feel the hatred of the devil and his demons tense in the air. I felt like my heart would literally collapse from this inhumane feeling. I literally saw the hatred and hopelessness floating like a dark mist. I literally felt it with my hand like a vapor, and I could not believe that this actually existed.
Unlike previous experiences when the Lord has enabled me to encounter hell, this time around, I found that I couldn't visibly see the Lord, but could just feel His presence surrounding me. Since it was dark in hell, when I first arrived there, I saw his hand wave over the place that was before me, and after He did so, I began to see everything that I have just described. When it became so unbearable that I felt my heart would literally collapse, He suddenly appeared beside me, and I leaned on him.
"Jesus said, 'Please tell those who are saying that hell does not exist to keep quiet about what they do not know, or what you're seeing will just be a sample of their punishment.'"
When I woke up, I felt like throwing up, and I was shivering. I have never had such an experience of hell...I tried to pray, but couldn't. I was in shock. Then I heard demons telling me that I should shut up, or else I'd be next. But I told them that I would only be next if I did shut up, and I promised them in the name of Jesus that I would not shut up.
I saw short, dark, tough-skinned, ugly, horned demons with huge axes. They were axing people in hell who were running in all directions. The demons ran with all their might axing the ground as they chased these people. The Lord told me they were those who watched secular television. Then I asked him if it was right for some people to be there for that reason because some did not get the revelation that it was wrong. Then he told me, “I have given human beings the ability to choose between what is good and bad. When most people see that what they are watching is sinful and does not bring Me glory, they continue as though doing something that is pleasing me. Secular TV does not have one good thing. It just portrays violence, promiscuity, drug abuse and a care free life without me."
Rachael Mushala
My sister hadn't told me about this (testimony of hell), but had just mentioned to me when I called her that she had something to tell me of what she saw about secular TV. She and I are currently in different cities. What's amazing is that the Lord also showed me a dream about secular TV on Wednesday last week! (a few days before Zipporah was given this warning) He showed me how this opens doors of demons to enter our lives."
I dreamed I was in my house and the TV was on. But what I saw was that the TV was on a secular channel, called Telemundo. I then heard someone at the door struggling to open it, and when I looked, I saw there was a space between the door and the upper door frame; and the person who was at the door was peeping thru that space. I saw it was a demon in form of a woman with a horrific appearance and red blood thirsty eyes. She was carrying a long sharp knife.
I saw the knife, because she kept putting it in the little space where she was peeping from as a way of threatening me to open the door. She said, 'What are you watching? Telemundo? let me in! Open the door for me!' And she got very aggressive.
In the dream, I began praying in my heart, but couldn't pray much, and I felt the secular TV was the hindrance. But as I prayed, she failed to open the door. I woke up shaking and could hardly pray, but kept calling on Jesus.
What amazes me is that the Lord would tell my sister about secular TV just [two] days after telling me! And I haven't even had an opportunity to tell my sister about it! What an amazing God! Praise His name forever!
Cling to the Lord Jesus only.
Racheal and Zipporah Mushala,
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

We went farther and I saw an earthly woman. The woman’s hair was so much that it was being cut by certain demons; Immediately they cut the hair, within seconds it would grow again. They were packing it. They cut it, they pack it and it grows; that was the way those demons behind that woman was doing. Cutting the hair and packing it. Then others too were cutting the nails of this woman; they cut it, immediately, it is replaced.
The third thing that I saw was that there was a tube connected to the private part of this woman through which she releases her menstrual blood, onto this earth.
*The Lord told me that those three things coming from the woman are all brought to this earth. Firstly, He said that the blood coming from the private part of this woman, they use it to make certain things, like make up, that women use, the lipsticks, finger paint and all that. He said that immediately you put the lipstick on, it gives you the lust of the flesh. You become a prostitute. You will always be lusting. You will go after certain men or you will always lust after them. When you put it on, you’ll have the lust of the flesh, you either go after men all the time or the men come after you all the time.
*Then the hair that they were cutting, He said when you put it on it means that you forever belong to the enemy, because you have Covered the Glory of the Lord given to you, as well as artificial fingernails. When you put it on and the Lord does not intervene and have grace upon you, you will definitely be the property of the enemy forever.
*I was taken to a point by the Lord where a woman who used attachment, wigs, and the make up on earth before dying and going to Hell. This woman was trying to remove the attachment, she was wearing all the time and the wig—. They have used a special instrument, a sharpen blade to remove the front part of the head and then the back as well. They were removing it all around and while they were trying to do was that they had a special fork it looks like a crane machine that they place on the head to pull what the woman was having off with the skin attached to it so that she will feel the raw pain. The woman was really, really crying. The nails too, they were removing the nails painfully, pulling it [from] her own nails. In fact, the Lord showed that any woman—that put these things on, when you get to hell, the demons will take it by force from you. So if it is the face paint you have used, they will be pulling your checks to remove the paint. If it is the lipsticks, they will work on your mouth. So it was so disastrous, so painful that in fact, I couldn’t look at it. I saw that people were really suffering, gnashing of teeth, crying for help.
*Brethren, the Lord has said in the scripture Psalms 139 and verse 14 that He has fearfully and wonderfully made us, meaning that we are really made beautiful. God has fearfully and wonderfully made us; we need nothing to add to our bodies before we’ll be wonderful or beautiful in the sight of men. Even when you go to 2 Cor 7:1, the Bible tells us that for us to have perfect holiness in the sight of God; it says our bodies, our spirit and our souls, are all to be blameless. We are to remove every evil thing from our bodies, our souls, our spirits.
READ MORE HERE: revelation of the marine kingdom
Nonkoliso Ngeleka: Excerpt of the testimony of a devil worshipper.
If a person is holy, that person does not use our products. It was my duty to utter incantations and curses on those objects, earrings, necklaces, nail varnish, hair extensions in fiber, no matter what kind, whether bonding or braiding. All objects in gold are satanic products. So if you use these things, although you may be saved, if we want to attack you, we use our code and if you are wearing an earring or if you put it in your drawer, we would come and see the house protected by a wall of fire from God and we would scan with our code as it is done at the checkout in stores. This is because the earring or hair extension fiber has a code. And I would come in and do everything I wanted to do.
Sometimes, someone might be holy
even if she’s using our products, but the danger is that you cannot be protected.
When we come into your house and
find you protected, we can go up to
God, because satan can accuse the
brethren before God, and we ask to get our product, whether an earring, hair extensions in fiber, nail polish or any other of our products in the house.
We take advantage of the fact that God is bound by His faithfulness and cannot steal. We would ask Him how He would close our product in the house and protect it with the wall of fire. This is where lies the danger of using satanic products.
When we arrive, we also take away bit by bit your holiness. I went and uttered curses and incantations on products, we used to say that anyone who uses these products would be lascivious, and if you use these products, the curse befalls you.
For example if it was a jewel, we would say that the users become prostitutes or fornicators and that they become disobedient, (Prostitution in the spirit is not limited to selling your body for money. It can also denote the behavior and the way a person dresses).
READ MORE HERE: Rachael mushala revelation of hell
Rachael mushala
On saturday,4/4/15, I delivered the message the Lord Jesus Christ gave me concerning makeup,jewelry,artificial hair etc and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself proved it to the people that what He had told me to tell them was true.
I was supposed to go and deliver this message to them on a Thursday during a prayer service but when I attended the Saturday prayer service,the Lord Jesus Christ told me,”you have to tell them what I told you even today because there’s someone here who’s about to die and they ll die with these things and go to hell.”
So I told the minister that Jesus wanted me to deliver the message that very day.
He allowed me to speak to the people and I told them,”the Lord Jesus Christ said I should tell you He doesn’t want women to wear trousers,indecent clothes,makeup,jewelry,perm hair,use artificial hair,paint in any way,or the men to sag their trousers,do funny shades in their hair,perm their hair,wear jewelry etc.He said those things don’t please them and He doesn’t want any of them on His children.He told me to tell you to remove those things.”
So I delivered this message and gave them the verses.
After service, we all were outside greeting each other when the minister told me that there was a lady whom he wanted me to pray for because she was sick. So I went back in and found the lady.
I got her hand and began praying for her,but as soon as I started praying, she jumped up, fell to the floor and began to manifest,she was demon possessed. I started casting out the demons.
They were screaming and saying,”we want her dead,we must kill her.”
So she was the lady who was supposed to die in sin and go to hell like the Lord had said.
Jesus Christ told me it was because of her hair and that as soon as we remove the artificial hair,the demons would leave.
So I told the ministers who were there what the Lord had told me. They tried to anoint the hair with anointing oil but the demons refused to go. I told them the Lord said the artificial hair must be cut off. The demons started saying,” we want to go.But first we must carry what belongs to us.We must carry this hair.” Then while still manifesting,the lady began pulling the artificial hair off. The ministers found a razor and began cutting the artificial hair off.
The moment the last piece was removed,the demons left! And the Lord said if she ever puts those things on again the demons ll come back and ll even be more and their mission is to kill her so she goes to hell.
The Lord said He wanted this to be a confirmation to these people that the message He gave me for them was true.
Praise the Lord who always confirms His word. This topic is really close to the Lord’s heart and that’s why He wanted the people to have a confirmation. If you still use all these things,the Lord is reaching out to you in this message.
Repent and turn to Jesus Christ,hell is real and Jesus told me all these things ll lead you to hell.
Rachael: If You Wear Artificial Attachments and Makeup You will End Up in Hell!
Michael Thomas sambo: woman in hell for wearing trousers and make up
Michael Thomas sambo: woman in hell for wearing trousers and make up
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